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Authors: Unknown

Unknown (9 page)

BOOK: Unknown
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'For pity's sake, leave me alone!' she cried, turning away so that he should not see her distress.
go home!' She bit her lip savagely, and tasted the saltiness of her own blood. Tears pricked her eyes, she wanted to fling herself on to her bed and bawl her heart out. Oh, why didn't he go!

'Home is in Jersey, Anna,' he said, from just behind her, and she started visibly. 'Home can be wherever you want it to be, though,' he went on, his voice a murmuring caress, and Anna felt his warm breath on the back of her neck.

Irritably, she turned up the big collar of her thick-knit sweater. She didn't want him breathing on her. She wanted no part of him. In fact, she hated him at that very moment. He had no right to invade her home, tormenting her, driving her out of her mind.

Strong, lean hands turned down her collar, and his thumb caressed the nape of her neck. She almost groaned aloud but years of self-discipline paid off, and she stood, seemingly unmoved by the gesture.

With a chuckle, Rick ran his fingers through her luxuriant curly hair, and she could not suppress the tremor that shot through her body, starting at her head and spreading down to her toes. When his lips gently nuzzled her ear and neck, she tensed, wanting to break free but knowing she could not.

She bit her lip again, praying for strength. She would
respond to his love-making. He was simply toying with her like a cat with a juicy mouse. He wasn't serious. He couldn't want her. He had so many others, Anna felt sure. Anyway, tomorrow was
day. Hers and Mike Forster's. If only she could hang on to that thought, it would help her now to fight off this other man's attraction. She was slowly coming under Rick Alexandre's spell. But she mustn't!

His hands moved and settled around her neat waist, his arms holding her fast, while his mouth wandered ceaselessly—over her face, her eyes, her ears.

Her heart was doing crazy things now, a wild jungle dance, she thought. Her legs were no longer her own. She didn't know if she
limbs left, her bones were turning to water and her pulses quickened even more. There was a strange liquid feeling somewhere in the region of her abdomen. She had never felt like this before. Poor Mike was a beginner compared with this man.

She ought to protest, break away, scream for Nurse Dixon even. She ought to but she could not. Her senses flamed anew as he turned her towards him and cradled her face in his strong hands.

'Look at me, Anna,' he commanded, and she obeyed, seeing him only through a mist of tears. 'Anna,' he groaned, drawing her close. His dark head bent to hers and, without conscious effort on her part, Anna's mouth came up to meet the insistent demand of his.

He was kissing the corner of her mouth when a shocked Mary Dixon found them. Anna, bemused and feeling in seventh heaven, glanced over at the nurse without surprise. It was inevitable that they should be found out. Such pleasures were for other girls. She knew hers would be snatched back by their rightful owner before she could enjoy them.

Mother would be told and would cause a scene. Dr Alexandre would flounce off in a rage and within a few hours the story would be all over the
hospital. The mother of that big student nurse Curtis didn't allow men to kiss her daughter!

Sadly, she pushed Rick away, feeling bereft once she was out of the shelter of his arms. 'Yes? Does Mother want me, Mary?'

Mary Dixon's face was a study, her prominent eyes almost standing out on stalks, the better to get a good view of Rick Alexandre. 'I. . ,' she began, then recovered swiftly. 'Your mother sent me to ask who your visitor was, Anna. Mrs Jenkins told her it was a young man and Mrs Curtis was surprised.'

Surprised wouldn't be the word, Anna mused wryly. Stunned and infuriated might be nearer the truth. 'I'll see my guest out, then pop in to see Mother,' she said firmly, unwilling to introduce the registrar.

Affronted, Mary Dixon walked starchily away, and Anna turned apologetic eyes on Rick, knowing that he was laughing to himself. 'I'm sorry, but I have to see to my mother, Dr Alexandre,' she said, with a bright smile. Her cheeks were still flushed from his kisses and she just wanted to die. He must be enjoying himself immensely, she thought, bitterly, as, still smiling, she showed him out.

It was a big house, the hall itself as large as a room. They stood side by side, the tall attractive registrar with the compelling eyes, and the slightly shorter curvy redhead, her green eyes bright with the tears she dared not shed in his presence.

Gently, Rick trailed one finger down the side of her face. 'I'll pick you up tomorrow morning, Anna,' he said, quietly. And when she opened her mouth in surprise, he kissed her briefly then let
himself out, the massive oak door crashing behind him.

Anna stared at the closed door for nearly a minute, her brain refusing to function, her heart and mind unable to believe what he'd said. He was still going to take her out tomorrow! He wanted
company! It was incredible, unbelievable.

Yes, it was unbelievable. There was only one thing he wanted from Anna and it wasn't her sweet smile! Redheads had a reputation for being sexy which, in Anna's case, was undeserved. He probably reckoned he was on to a good thing. Maybe he thought she would be so overwhelmed that a doctor was taking an interest in her that she would let him do anything he wanted with her.

Well, Dr Jerseyman, you've met your match! She vowed silently. There couldn't possibly be any other reason for his taking her out, she accepted ruefully, settling herself in one of the easy-chairs which helped make the hall a cosy place to sit. Idly, she stared down at the patterned carpet. It was an intricate pattern—squares of deep blue and green criss-crossed by a golden wheat design. A rich, thick carpet, now a little threadbare in places. She noticed one slightly worn patch, and made a mental note to tell Mrs Jenkins. It wouldn't do if Mother saw it first.

Mother! Heavens, she'd forgotten her. All she could think about was the devastating Dr Rick Alexandre. He filled her heart and mind, her thoughts.

She hurried to her mother's room on the ground floor, still puzzling over her feelings for Rick Alexandre.

Jennifer Curtis was tight-lipped, her fine porcelain-like skin even paler than usual. 'What took you so long, darling? Was your visitor so important?' She patted the footstool beside her chair and Anna obediently sat down, her thoughts far away from the cloying atmosphere of the sick-room.

She turned sad green eyes upon her mother, knowing her dreams would soon be crushed. 'It was one of the doctors from St Aidan's, Mother. I wasn't expecting him. It's ridiculous really,' she went on sadly, 'he wants to take me out tomorrow as we are both off duty.' Dejectedly, Anna waited for the explosion, or the sobs from her mother, but strangely there were none.

'Is he nice?' her mother asked casually, and Anna shot her a puzzled glance.

'He's pleasant, if that's what you mean. At least, he is sometimes,' Anna amended, smiling a little. Sometimes he was very, very nice and sometimes he was absolutely horrid. 'He comes from Jersey,' she added.

'Does he? I spent a holiday there once. Overcrowded. Full of tourists,' Jennifer put in. 'But the scenery was breathtaking, and the food was out of this world! Will he be going back there to work?' she asked sharply, and Anna shrugged.

'How should I know? He's only just come to these parts so I expect he'll be here a couple of years. After that he might go up to London to gain more experience.' Yes, even before she finished her training he would be gone, leaving only bittersweet memories behind. Anna wanted to cry, and stared at her own feet rather than meet her mother's penetrating gaze.

'If he seems trustworthy
he is a doctor, I don't see why you shouldn't go out with him,' her mother said unexpectedly, and Anna's head shot up in amazement. 'Anna! You're crying!'

'No, no. My eyes are tired—I've been reading too much,' Anna assured her. 'Do you really mean that? You don't mind being left alone all day?'

'Of course I mind, but I'll have Mary,' Jennifer said brightly. 'Oh, no, I forgot. It's her day off. But don't worry, I'll manage. Mrs Jenkins will be here all morning.' Jennifer clasped her hands together, then twisted her wedding ring around and around her finger in an agitated gesture that Anna knew so well.

'It's all right, Mother. I'll stay. You can't be left alone all day.' Anna rose, then kissed her mother's thin cheek, trying not to show her resentment. She could not leave her alone all day to go joy-riding with Rick. It would be different if she had to go on duty but this was a pleasure trip. It was out of the question but it had been kind of Mother to suggest that she had a day out.

Tomorrow would have been a wonderful day but there was no future for her with Rick. He was at a loose end and for some reason had decided that Student Nurse Curtis would do to keep him company. Anna didn't dwell on the subject any more. She could hardly bear to think of what might have been.


After a night full of strange dreams, Anna felt washed out the next morning. Monsters and laughing, disembodied voices had filled her dreams
though now she remembered only snatches of her brain's nocturnal activity.

Although she didn't feel like it, she knew she must study. So, after helping her mother to wash and dress, and settling her in the bright sitting-room, Anna gathered her textbooks and made herself comfortable in what had been her father's study. It was warm and cosy and she soon felt her eyes closing. Indeed, she was fast asleep when the door bell rang and the first she knew of her visitor was when lips brushed across her cheek.

She grimaced, thinking it was an insect, then a husky chuckle brought her wide awake. Rick Alexandre stood over her, attractive in casual clothes, his dark hair windblown, his eyes meeting her own, holding them so that she could not glance away.

'If we're having just the morning out, we ought to get cracking,' he said softly, with that lazy smile that deepened the lines of humour on his tanned face.

'I . . .' Anna began, believing him to be part of a dream. Senior registrars didn't take first-year student nurses out. It
a dream. It had to be.

'Come on, lazy-bones!' Effortlessly he plucked her from the chair, swinging her high in his arms, then held her closely against his chest, where Anna got a close-up of his craggy face, those compelling eyes . . .

'I... I can't go!' she wailed. 'Mother mustn't be left alone all day. I'm . . . I'm sorry.' Her voice trailed off forlornly, and his glance sharpened.

'Poor little Cinders. I've told your mother we shall be back directly after lunch so she won't be alone for more than an hour or so.'

'You've seen her? And she didn't mind?' Anna asked wonderingly, hope glowing in her eyes.

Swiftly, Rick's lips touched hers. 'She doesn't mind. She has decided I'm respectable!' he chuckled. 'Get your coat and we'll be off.'

Still not quite believing him, Anna rushed to get her anorak, then glanced with dismay at the jeans she was wearing. If he was taking her to lunch she must wear a dress. Having no social life, Anna possessed very few dresses. Frantically, she rummaged in her wardrobe. The choice was between a deep green woollen dress and a beige suit. Neither of them looked right but in the end she settled for the dress, since the registrar was casually dressed. The suit was perhaps rather too dressy.

Making a note to buy herself some new clothes, Anna flew downstairs.

Her mother's door was ajar and Anna hesitated before pushing it open.



was sitting in the wing-backed chair by the fire and she smiled as Anna moved nervously forward, 'What a delightful young man, Anna! He was so charming.'

Anna felt the tension ebb out of her. 'Do you like him?' she asked, deliberately keeping her voice non-committal. This about-face of her mother's was too sudden to last.

'Mm. Those eyes! Rather like your father's,' Jennifer went on, staring into the flames.

'Are they? I thought Father's eyes were green,' Anna mused. 'Dr Alexandre's are blue-grey,' she went on, forgetting to guard her tongue.

'You noticed, then?' her mother said sharply, and Anna blushed. 'Don't get involved with him, pet. He won't stay at St Aidan's for ever and I couldn't bear to lose my little girl!'

'We won't be long, Mother. He's sure to bring me back early. He will want to do something more exciting with his afternoon and evening,' Anna assured her before slipping out.

Perhaps the blonde she'd seen him with yesterday was booked for the evening. Where would they go, she wondered, as she walked sedately out to the big bronze-coloured car.

'Thought you'd had second thoughts,' Dr Alexandre said mildly, settling a rug about her and tucking it around her knees.

She tensed as his hand settled on her knee, then he chuckled and removed his hand, and Anna felt embarrassed. He thought her strait-laced and old-fashioned, she could see it in his eyes.

Mike never treated her that way. He accepted . . . Mike! She groaned aloud. Mike was moving house today and she'd promised to be with him! She'd completely forgotten him!

The registrar took no notice of her groan and might not have heard it. Apparently he expected no small-talk from her, and for once she was glad he thought her a provincial miss. No way could she conduct a conversation at that moment.

Mike. Where would he be? They had arranged to meet beside the clock-tower at eleven. He knew she might be late so would probably hang about for her. Quickly she glanced at her watch. Five past ten. He wouldn't be there yet.

With a sigh of relief she settled back. She didn't know how she was to escape from Dr Alexandre but she must, somehow. Time enough to worry about that later. He must not suspect anything was amiss.

'In a hurry, Anna?' a mocking voice asked, and she jumped.

BOOK: Unknown
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