Unexpected Love (Jo's Story) (57 page)

BOOK: Unexpected Love (Jo's Story)
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“Yeah, I told Chief that too.  It’s like just because we cracked the biggest drug cartel in the city they think we are just bored or something and giving us these shitty cases.”

I laugh, “Maybe it’s because they are jealous.”

“Maybe,” he smiles.  I am sitting there looking through my email when my phone pings for a text. I look and it is from Annie.


Hey, thanks for the invite tonigh
Michael and I will be there.  Glad to see you and Jake worked things out!

Yeah, sorry I got so mad at you.  I just was extremely upset at the entire situation.

Don’t worry about it, I understand.  I think I would feel the same way.  See you tonight, let me know if you need us to bring anything at all.

Jake was going shopping after practice, he will have everything covere


I set my phone back down on my desk.  “So have you talked to Ricky at all about how Derek is doing?”

“No, he made a comment to me yesterday about how he is taking the lead on stuff though, so it sounds like he is doing really well.”

“Good, I was a little concerned with him.  He is so new at this I just don’t want him getting overwhelmed.”

“I think he will be fine,” he smiles at me.  “Jo, how are you holding up?  I know the memorial is Friday.  Are you ready for that?”

“I don’t know, I feel like it is a little easier this year.  I don’t know if it is because I have finally pulled myself out of the slump I was in and moved forward or what, but I feel like I will actually be able to do this.”

“I would be willing to bet it has something to do with that guy named Jake that you are seeing,” he smiles.  “It’s so good to see you like this Jo.  I haven’t seen this in two years.  I’m glad you found him.”

“Thanks Ryan,” I smile.  The next two hours fly by and I look at the clock and it is about 4:20.  “Ok, that’s it, I can’t take it anymore.  I’m leaving,” I laugh.

“Getting anxious?”  Ryan smiles.

“I just had a really long day yesterday, and I want to spend some time with the girls. Because I know once they see Danny they are going to forget about me.”

“Well, I will see you about 5:00 then,” he smiles.

“Sounds perfect,” I turn off my computer and grab my things and head out the door.

“Leaving already?”  Ricky says to me when I go to the board room where he, Bob, Derek, and Danny are looking at some blueprints to a building for a case they are working on.

“Yes, I can’t take it anymore,” I smile.  “Danny, you know how to get to my place?”

“Yes, I know the area,” he smiles.  “See you about 5:00?”

“Sounds good,” I smile then turn and out the door I go.  I drive home and pull into the driveway and see Jake’s truck in the garage again.  I can’t help but to love seeing it parked there when I get home.  I walk into the door and hear one of the girls laughing out the back door.  I peek around the corner and see Abby playing on the swing set.  Then I see Jake and Lizzy sitting on the step right by the door talking.  I can’t hear what they are talking about but it looks important.  I sneak up and hide next to the fridge and listen.

“So you seem to be feeling better today,” Jake says to her.

“Yeah, I think it was something I ate yesterday.”

“Well, I hope it wasn’t my cooking,” he laughs.

“No I don’t think so.”

“Lizzy, you can talk to me about anything you know that right?”

“I know,” she sighs.  I am just about to walk out there when I hear her start talking again.  “I just miss my daddy.  I know that Friday they have the big party thing for him, and it makes me miss him more.  I know that we have you now, but sometimes I still wish he was here.”

“He is always here Lizzy, he is always watching over you.  I’m not here to replace your daddy at all you know that right?”

“I know.  And I know mommy loves you just like she did daddy, but maybe just because everything will be about him, it makes me want him here.”

“Well, I think that your daddy knows you miss him very much and he is watching you right now.  You know that your daddy is a hero right?  I mean he saved lots of people doing his job.”

“I know, and I know that everyone loves him because of that.  And I know that is why they have this big party for him.  I sort of miss going down and seeing the trucks and hanging out with his friends.  But it scares me to go there because I’m afraid of what might happen.”

“What do you think might happen?”

“That more people will get hurt.”

“Can I tell you something?”  I don’t hear her say anything I assume she nods because he keeps talking.  “Everyone thinks that my job is the best job in the world, but I think that people like your daddy and your mommy have the best jobs in the world.  I don’t have anyone to save like they do.  Your mommy saved someone very special to me not too long ago, and she got hurt doing it.  I was very scared that I might lose her because of it, but I didn’t and I am thankful every day.  I think that your daddy had something to do with that.  I think your daddy protected your mommy to keep her here with you and Abby, and maybe even me,” he laughs.  “There is always a reason for the things that happen to us Lizzy, and I think that your daddy gave his life for a bigger reason.  I think he is up there protecting those that he loves just like he did when he was here with you.  That is the reason that everyone is going to get together on Friday and celebrate.  They are going to celebrate all the great and wonderful things that he did when he was here.  You need to remember that no matter what, he is always going to be your daddy, and I promise you, that I will not try to take that spot ever in your heart.  That spot belongs to him and him only.  Ok?”

“Ok,” I can hear her smile.  I wipe the tears out of my eyes and hear the door open.  Before I can move Jake comes around the corner and sees me standing there.

“Hi,” he looks at me.

“Hi,” I wipe away another tear.  “You sure know how to make people cry.”

“You heard that?”

“Yes, and I don’t think anyone could have said it better,” I smile.

“Jo, I know this is really hard for you and the girls, and I just want you to know if me being here during all of this is too much I can go back home at any time.”

“Oh no,” I smile.  “I don’t want you to go anywhere.” I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck.  “Jake, you have made the girls and me happy again.  I love you, and they love you.  What you just said to Lizzy was exactly what she needed to hear.  I think she understood what you said.  Hopefully that will make her want to be there Friday to see how everyone celebrates for her daddy.”

“I just need you and the girls all to know that I am not trying to replace him.”

“Jake, I know that.  I have known that since the moment I told you about him.  I love you for you, not because of who you are, or because you aren’t trying to be him.  I know you would never want the girls or me to forget about Jarrod.  And it will never happen.  But we will never forget about you either.  No matter what,” I kiss him.

“Well, I’m not going anywhere, so you will never have to forget me,” he smiles when he stops kissing me.

“Good, because I don’t want you to go anywhere, ever,” I smile at him.  “Now, we have company coming over, so what needs to be done?”  I pull away from him.

“Well, I just want to stand here holding you.  I feel like I haven’t gotten to spend enough time with you the last few days.”

“Well, I promise, after this weekend, you can spend as much time with me as you want.  But right now, I have to go get changed, take my gun and badge off and get ready to relax with some friends.”

“Wait, did you just say you are going to take your gun off?”  He looks at me shocked.

“Yes, because I am home, relaxing with my friends.  I don’t need it to protect me, besides I have you, and you are all the protection I need right now,” I smile up at him.

“I have been waiting a long time to hear you say that,” he smiles.  “I will get started on dinner while you go change.”

“Ok,” I smile and head upstairs to change.  I am sitting on the bed when I hear Annie and Michael talking downstairs.  I get up and head down.

“There she is,” Michael says when he sees me.  “How are you?”  He gives me a hug.

“Doing well,” I smile.  “I haven’t seen you since the birthday bash, how was that for you?”

“It was fun, but I paid for it Friday,” he laughs.

“I’m pretty sure we all did,” I smile.  “I got to sleep mine off for most of the day though.”

“Yeah, Annie and I did too.  How was your ball thing?”

“It was good, I had a lot of fun.”

“Annie showed me some of the pictures from the press.”

“Oh really?  I didn’t even know they were out.”

“They came out Saturday,” Jake walks up behind me.  “I didn’t get to show them to you yet.”

“Oh,” I force a smile.  I know that is part my fault that I didn’t get to see them.  But I don’t want to go back to Saturday right now.

“I will show you later,” he whispers and kisses my neck.

“Ok,” I say and walk out the back door.  I don’t need him getting to me like that right now.  I see Annie talking to the girls on the picnic table.  I walk over and sit next to her.

“How are you?”  She asks me.

“Pretty good.  A little stressed out right now, but that’s normal.”

“Ready for Friday?”

“Not sure yet.”

“Why not?”

“Because there is a lot going on right now.  I don’t know if Lizzy is going to want to come so I don’t know if I need to find someone to take her, and if she doesn’t go then I obviously won’t make Abby go.  And now with Danny being back I feel like things are going to be a little awkward with him and Jake.”

“It will be fine, I’m sure Danny will love him just like everyone else.  Look Jo, I know you are stressed out right now with everything, but do me a favor and remember that you have a lot of people that love you.  We will get you through this,” she hugs me.

“I know and I couldn’t have a better group of people around me,” I smile.

“JO JO,” I hear coming from the door way.  I look over and see Danny standing there smiling at me.  I should have known it was him, Jarrod and Danny are the only ones that ever called me Jo Jo.  I get up and walk over to him.  He pulls me into him and gives me a hug, “this is a nice little place you have here.”

“I like it, but I won’t be in it very long,” I smile.  “Come on, I want to introduce you to Jake,” I grab his arm.  I walk over to where Jake is talking to Mark.  “Hey Mark,” I smile and give him a hug.  “Where’s the wife?”

“She and the girls will be here soon.  We had a bit of a meltdown when we were trying to leave,” he laughs.

“Oh boy,” I laugh.  “So I want to introduce both of you to my brother-in-law Danny.  This is Jarrod’s baby brother,” I smile.  “Danny this is our friend Mark, and this is Jake.”  They shake hands.

“Nice to finally meet you,” he says to Jake.  “I have heard a lot about you from my parents.  My mom adores you,” he laughs.

“It’s nice to meet you as well,” Jake smiles.

“So you have stolen these girls’ hearts from what I hear,” Danny smiles. 

“I have tried,” Jake puts his arm around my waist and kisses my temple.  “She didn’t make it easy on me though.”

“I bet not,” Danny smiles.  “Never have known her to make things easy,” he winks at me.

“Ok, I’m going to leave you two to get to know each other,” I smile and walk away from them.  I go back out by Annie and grab us both a beer out of the fridge on my way out.  “Here,” I hand it to her.

“So is it hard seeing him?”  She asks me about Danny.  “I mean he is a spitting image of Jarrod.”

“Yes that he is, but honestly it isn’t too bad.  I know he isn’t Jarrod and I know that I have Jake.”

“You are one strong ass woman,” she smiles.

“Not really, trust me this isn’t as easy as it looks,” I laugh.  “I have gone through hell and back, and now I am finally starting to figure out where I need to be.”

“You have no idea how happy I am that you found Jake, he has made you be yourself again.  I have missed this girl,” she smiles at me.

“Mommy,” Lizzy walks up to me.

“Yes baby,” I hold my arms out for her to jump in my lap.

“I want to go on Friday for daddy’s party,” she puts her head on my shoulder.

“You do?” I smile and try to hold back my tears.

“Yes, I want to celebrate with everyone.”

“Good, I’m glad that you want to go and celebrate.”  I kiss her cheek then she jumps down and goes back to playing.  Annie puts her arm around me and pulls me into a hug and I can feel the tears running down my cheeks.  “I will be back,” I get up and head to the house on the search for Jake.  I find him talking to Bobby and Danny on the front porch.  “Jake, can I talk to you?”

“Sure,” he gives me a concerned look because I am sure he can tell I was just crying.  I grab his hand and lead him up to my bedroom since it is really the only place we can be alone right now.  “What’s wrong?”  He asks when he shuts the door behind him.

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