Unexpected Love (Jo's Story) (47 page)

BOOK: Unexpected Love (Jo's Story)
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“It was fun.  I fell in gym class today and hurt my knee.” She pouts.

“Is it bad?”

“No, just sore.  The nurse said I was fine and that I will be better in a couple days,” she starts walking out of the pool.  She gets out and comes and sits next to me.  “Mommy, are we moving?”

“What made you ask me that?”

“Bridgette said that Jake is building a new house and we are moving in with him.”

“Would you be ok with that?” I glance at Jake to see if he heard her and he did and starts walking toward us.

“Yes I think I would.  Are you going to get married?”

“It’s a little soon for that,” Jake sits across from us.  “Does it worry you that we might get married some day?”

“No, not really.  I'm just scared that if mommy marries you she will forget about my daddy.”

“Lizzy, I will never ever forget about your daddy.  I will always love him forever,” I pull her close to me.

“What if I forget him?”

“Lizzy, I won’t let you forget your daddy,” Jake kneels in front of her.  “I am not trying to replace him at all.  I know how much you and your mommy love him and I don’t want you to ever stop.”  She looks from me to him and smiles. 

“I am ok with you getting married.  I think you would be a good second dad.  Besides, if we move in with you then we will be closer to Bridgette right?”

Jake laughs, “Yes you will.”

“Yay!” She jumps up and runs back to the pool.

“How do you handle hearing that?”  Jake sits next to me and pulls me close to him.

“It tears my heart apart every time she says something like that.” I blink back tears.  He rubs my arm and just sits there holding me.  I never thought that one talk with my six year old daughter could be that in depth.  She is too smart for her own good sometimes.

“So would it be ok if I stay and your place with you this week?”

“All week?”

“Well the next few nights.  I thought maybe you and the girls could stay here this weekend.  Except for Thursday and Friday night.  Who is watching the girls Friday night?”

“My mom is going to take them after school until I pick them up on Saturday.”

“Well you want to stay for the weekend?  I was hoping we could go over some things for the house?”

“Like what?”

“Well, the girls’ rooms, our room, and the extra bedroom you had me add,” he kisses my neck.  I smile.  I forgot about that talk that we had.

“Oh yeah, that’s right,” I look up at him.

“You forgot?”

“Not forgot, just haven’t thought about it since we had that talk,” I smile.

“I have, a lot,” he wraps his arms around me and kisses my ear.  “It’s hard to concentrate when you say stuff like that to me Jo.”

“I was just being honest with you.”

“I know, and you made my night when you told me that.  And probably my weekend.”

“I'm glad you’re happy.” I smile and turn toward him.  “Are you going to make supper?”

“No, my chef is,” he laughs.  “I can’t cook remember.”

“Oh yeah, that’s right,” I laugh.  He leans down and kisses me.

“I have missed your laugh.  I think I am going to have a harder time with us being apart then you are,” he pouts.

“I'm pretty sure that we will all survive,” I laugh.  “I think the girls missed you more.  They whined for the last five days because they didn’t get to see or talk to you.”


“Yes, I was ready to ship them to Denver to see you,” I smile.  He shakes his head.  My phone starts ringing and I look at it.  “Hey mom,” I answer it.

“Hey sweetie, I am just calling to see if you talked to Jake about getting together this week?”

“Yes, but it is going to be a big party at Leo’s on Thursday night.  Annie and Michael are throwing their birthday there this year, and I decided I am going to throw my birthday and award celebration in there.”

“Awesome!  I was hoping you would aim for Thursday or Saturday.  I know you have the Fundraiser Ball with Jake Friday night.  So do you need me to bring anything for Thursday night then?”

“I'm not sure.  I didn’t really talk to Annie about it yet.  She just text me this afternoon.  I was going to call her tonight and talk about it with her.  Can I call you back and let you know?”

“Yeah sure.  So are you with Jake?”  I hear her smile.

“Yes, we are sitting watching the girls swim with Molly for a little while before dinner.”

“Those girls are going to have life made aren’t they,” she laughs.

“Most likely yes, he likes to spoil them,” I smile and look at him.  He shakes his head at me.

“That’s ok; let him spoil all of you if that is what he wants to do.  You all deserve it Jo.”

“Thanks mom,” I smile.

“Well once you talk to Annie let me know.”

“I will.”

“Ok, talk to you later.”

“Bye mom,” I hang up.

“What did your mom have to say?”  He is curious.

“Not much, just wanted to know if I had talked to you about getting together to celebrate my award.”

“Which we are now doing Thursday right?”

“Yes that we are.  I'm pretty excited about it.”

“Good, I'm glad.  What else did she say?”

“What do you mean?”

“I know she said something about me spoiling the girls.”

“Yes she did, and she told me to let you spoil all of us as much as you want to,” I smile.

“I like your mom, she is a wise woman and you should listen to her,” he smiles.

“I knew you would say that.”

“Hey guys,” I see Ryan walking down the steps to the pool.

“Hey Ryan,” Molly smiles and walks toward the steps and gets out of the pool.  I wave to him and smile.  She walks over to him and kisses him.  “How was work?”

“I would say I had a pretty good day,” he smiles.

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah, I got my real job back after a couple weeks of probation.”

“Oh is that what we are calling it?” I laugh.

“Sure, sounds good to me,” he laughs.  I shake my head.

“You guys want to stick around for dinner?”  Jake asks them.

“No, we are going out with Lidia tonight,” Molly says.

“Oh boy, introducing him to your bestie?  Pretty big,” Jake teases her.

“Yes it is, she has been bugging me for the last week to let her meet him.” Molly turns to Jake.

“Good luck,” Jake laughs and says to Ryan.

“Thanks,” Ryan smiles and he and Molly walk up the steps to the house.

“Well, dinner should be ready soon you girls want to go get dressed and have some food?”  Jake stands up.

“Yes,” Abby says and starts toward the steps.  We all follow him into the house and I take the girls to get them changed. 

They are upstairs getting dressed and I start back down the steps.  “No mom, I have not asked her to marry me.” I hear him talking on the phone so I stop.  “Because we have not been together that long and I don’t want to scare her off.” He laughs.  “Eventually yes, but things have already gone super-fast between us.  She is moving in with me in December there isn’t much more I could ask for at this point,” I hear him sit down on the couch.  “Oh yeah, what did that bitch have to say?”  I hear him get angry.  “I figured she would try and start something after she found out I was happy.  She hates that I am happy and she is miserable.”  He stands back up.  I can tell whatever his mom is talking about has I'm irritated.  “Well I haven’t heard anything from Joan yet so she must not have tried to spread that rumor.  Just what I need right now is her trying to say shit like that.”  I finish down the rest of the steps.  He sees me and smiles.  “I don’t want to talk about it mom, I will take care of it if I hear anything from Joan about it.”  He walks to the window.  “I love you too,” he hangs up the phone.

“Everything ok?”

“Yes, why?”

“You look upset,” I walk over to him and put my arms around his waist.

“Nothing I can’t handle,” he bends down and kisses my forehead.  “I love having you here.” He holds me tight.

“Jake what’s wrong?” I run my hand up his back and feel him tense up.  He takes a deep breath.

“I have a feeling things are going to get nasty,” he rubs my back.

“What do you mean?”

“My mom said that Trisha has been snooping around down there.”

“What does that mean?”

“My mom thinks she is going to come up with some story to feed the press about me to make me look bad.  She is pissed because I am with you.  I can handle things being said about me, but not you.  I don’t want you to get a bad name because of me.”

“So if she tries to start something that is when you have Joan smash her accusations with the truth Jake.”

“I don’t think it will be quite that easy.  I think she is going to try and start something that may blow up.”

“Like what?”

“I have no idea, but she is devious and comes up with stupid crap and knows how to make it sound true.”

“Jake what do you think she is going to try and do?”

“Break us up, because that is how she is.”

I grab his hand, “is there something you are hiding from me?”

“No, absolutely not,” he looks down at me.  “I have no reason to hide anything from you.  I just know how she is and she can be very convincing especially to the press who is trying to make me center of attention since the news came out about us.”

“I'm not worried about it Jake.  There is nothing that she can say that can make me walk away from you right now.”  He smiles at me and bends down and kisses me.  I hear the girls running down the steps and back away from him.  He just looks at me.

“You are an amazing person Jo, you know that right,” he runs his finger down my cheek. I blush and smile.  He laughs and shakes his head.  “You and your blush, I love it,” he gives me a quick kiss then heads toward the kitchen.  “Let’s eat girls.”  The girls follow him into the kitchen.  I stand there looking out the window.  He is such a good guy why does his ex want to start rumors.  “You coming?” I hear him ask me.

“Yeah,” I turn and head to the kitchen.

Chapter Twenty Three


“Where is Jake?” Annie asks me when I walk into Leo’s Thursday after dropping the girls off by Mark and Lisa’s.

“He had to run home and get ready.  He had a late practice tonight I guess.”  I sit at the bar and order a drink.  I look around the bar and there are banners and signs wishing all three of us a happy birthday and one gigantic sign congratulating me on my Detective of the Year award.  I'm guessing my mom had that one made.

“How are things with you two?”

“Amazing,” I smile.  “He has stayed at the house the last three nights and I love having him there, and the girls are absolutely in love with him.”

“I knew that,” she smiles at me.  “I knew you would end up falling hard for him.”

“Yeah yeah, I know,” I laugh as the bartender sets my drink on the counter, I go to pay for it and Annie tells me no.

“A bunch of people threw in some money, you, Michael, and I will not be paying for a drink at all tonight.”

“Who did that?”

“A bunch of people I guess.  Leo told me that he has had people stopping in all week to give him money to hold for us.”

“Wow, that is amazing,” I laugh.

“We have a bunch of good friends,” she laughs.  “Cheers to us,” she holds her glass up.

“Cheers to us,” I smile and toast with her.  I walk around and talk to a few people.  Most of the people are friends of Michael and Annie right now.  I watch the door waiting for Jake to show up.  I have been here for almost an hour already and haven’t heard anything from him yet.  I see my mom walk in with John and Lucas. 

“Hey,” I walk over and hug them.

“Hey sweetie,” my mom hugs me.  John and Lucas say hi and keep walking because they have arms full of food. 

“Did you spend the last two days cooking?”  I laugh.

“Maybe,” she smiles.  “They were going to order a bunch of food and I told Annie that I would cook, it would be a lot cheaper.  Lucas and I spent a few hours doing some cooking.  He has the restaurant so makes it easier to make this much food.” She laughs and hands me a bag.  “This is for you from the three of us.”

“Mom you didn’t have to get me anything,” I take it from her.

“It’s your birthday, of course I did,” she smiles and watches me.  I reach in the bag and pull out a small box.  I can tell it is jewelry right away.  I open it and inside is a small charm bracelet.  It has two birthstones and the girls’ initials, a charm that says police officer on it, a heart with a pink stone in it, and the last one is a football.  I can’t help but smile because I know exactly what that one represents.

“A football?” I look at her.

“Of course.  Seemed fitting,” she laughs.

“Thanks mom,” I give her a hug.  When I back away she helps me put it on.  I put it on my right wrist because I am wearing Jake’s bracelet on my other hand.  I am talking to Lucas when I see Ryan and Molly walk in.  He smiles at me and walks over.

“Hey,” he smiles.

“Hey,” I hug them both.  Molly looks really happy tonight.  I haven’t seen her since Monday night before they went out to dinner with her friend.  “How are you guys?”

“Good,” she smiles at me.  “Jake wanted me to tell you that he would be here soon.  He got a call from Joan as we were leaving.  We were going to ride together but he said he needed to take care of that first.”  I nod; I can only assume it is about Trisha.  Joan had called him last night and told him that she was starting to say things about him to the press down there.  Of course it was not credible and she was not worried about it at the time, but now something else must have happened.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”  Lucas asks me when they walk to the bar to get a drink.

“Nothing,” I smile at him.

“I know better,” he grabs my arm.  “What was that about?”

“Jake’s ex-fiancé is trying to start crap ever since she heard about us I guess.  He told me Monday night but didn’t think it would go anywhere.  He was on the phone with his PR when they left to come here, which means it has turned into something.”

“What could she possibly say?”

“I don’t know, but obviously he is worried about it if he is talking to Joan.  She doesn’t usually get involved if it isn’t something big.”

“I am sure they will get it figured out,” he hugs me.

“I'm sure they will, I just wish it wasn’t this weekend.  We have so much going on that I don’t want him to think about it right now.”

“Oh yeah, the ball is tomorrow night isn’t it?”

“Yeah, and he is looking so forward to it.  I don’t want that bitch to ruin it for him.” I watch the door and see Lisa and Mark walk in.  I wave at them and Lisa smiles and waves back.  Right behind them is Bobby and Marie.  “I have to go talk to Bobby and see Marie’s new ring,” I smile and walk over to them.  I hug them both and ask to see her ring.  “It’s beautiful; did you pick it out yourself?”  I ask Bobby.

“Of course I did,” he laughs.

“Wow, you have good taste in jewelry,” I smile.

“That he does,” she smiles at him.

“I'm so happy for you guys.  Did you pick a date yet?”

“We are thinking next summer.  We haven’t really looked at a calendar yet, but we don’t want to wait that long.  I have already dealt with him for three years and that is long enough that we don’t need to wait to get married.” She laughs and kisses his cheek.

“Thanks babe,” he laughs.

“Well I'm happy for you, if you need anything you let me know,” I hug them again.

“So where is your man?” Bobby asks me as Marie walks away toward Annie.

“He should be here soon.  I guess he had some business to take care of.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah, that is what Molly his sister told me when her and Ryan got here.”

“So when are you moving in with him?”

“December, that is what we agreed on,” I smile when he gives me his I don’t believe you look.

“No possibility of sooner?”

“Well, the house just got started last weekend so I'm sure it won’t be ready for a while.”

“Oh yes, that’s right.  Building a new house for his new lady,” Bobby smiles.

“Don’t say it like that.  I already don’t like it,” I roll my eyes.

“Why, he obviously loves you.  He wants you and the girls to be his family.”

“I know, but I'm not used to this yet.  He buys things with no thought about it at all.”

“That is because he can afford it Jo.”

“I know.  I just don’t want him spending money like that on me.”

“I don’t think you will be able to stop him.  I spend more money than I should on Marie, and she doesn’t like it either, but it’s not going to stop me.  And I'm just a regular guy that works in the stock business, Jake is a freaking millionaire.  If I had his money I would spend it like he does too,” he smiles and rubs my arm.  “Hey, you’re going to have to accept it at some point if you want things to work with him.”

“I know,” I look at him.  “It’s not as easy for me as it would be for other people.”

“That is because you aren’t a greedy person,” he smiles.  “That’s what makes you you Jo.  Look what you do for Towne Street; you give them the money that is supposed to be yours.”

“I don’t need that money, they do.”

“I know that, but most people would not do something like that.  Most people would live off of money like that.”

“I would never be able to do that.  I don’t need to have money like that.  I make my own.  That is why that money goes directly to the girls and Towne Street.”

“That is what makes you the person you are and why everyone loves you,” he smiles.  “That is what Jarrod loved about you and why he wasn’t worried about you if anything happened to him.”

“Oh Bobby, I don’t want to talk about this tonight,” I look at him.  “I have enough to worry about I don’t need to think about him too.”

“I know, I'm sorry. Come here and give me a hug,” he smiles and pulls me close.

“Boy, you sure do get around don’t you,” I hear someone say.  “First a millionaire football star, now you’re dead husband’s best friend?”  I turn and see Amber standing there.

“This is a private party,” Bobby steps in front of me.

“Oh really?  Because the open sign is still on, which means anyone can come in,” she snarls at Bobby.

“You really want to take on all these people?”  Annie walks up next to us.

“I have no beef with anyone but this bitch,” she points at me.

“I am so sick of you blaming me for your stupidity,” I start at her but Bobby puts his hand out in front of me to stop me.  “When are you going to realize that it is done and over with Amber?”

“This will never be over.  I will make your life hell as long as I can.  I'm here to remind you how much of a bitch you really are.  That Jarrod would have been so much better off with me and not you.”

“You think what you want, but there is a reason he married and loved me for ten years.  You can tell yourself whatever you need to but in the end, he picked me because he loved me.  He knew that you were nothing but a bitch that was going to use him and break his heart,” I yell.  Everyone has gathered around us and I don’t think she realizes what she has walked into.  “Why don’t you leave before someone calls the cops on you for disturbing the peace?”

“Oh there is that cop card again,” she laughs.

“Well there are about six of them here right now, and I am pretty sure that none of them are going to turn their backs to you trying to fight me.”

“I'm not here to fight you; I'm just here to have a drink.”

“You’re not welcome here Amber,” Leo the bar owner walks out from behind the bar.

“Oh, so you’re on their side now?  Figures,” she glares at me.  “This isn’t over.”

“I'm pretty sure it is,” Chief walks up behind her.  “Next time you approach Jo at all, I will have you arrested for harassing a police officer.  Might not put you in jail, but it is one hefty fine,” he tells her.

“Man, I wish I had people like this to hide behind,” she turns to me.

“I'm not hiding from you; I'm far from scared of you like you think I am.  I just don’t need to prove anything to you.”

“You’re scared; otherwise you wouldn’t be hiding behind your badge.”

“I'm not hiding; I just don’t have anything to prove.  I think deep down you know he never wanted you and that pisses you off.  I think you are jealous and that will never change.  You will always want what I have; too bad you’re too much of a bitch to get anyone to want to be with you.”

“I'm gonna kick your ass,” she starts at me and swings.  I grab her hand and push her down hard to the ground.  Chief walks up behind me and grabs her arm.

“That’s assault on an officer sweetheart,” he pulls her off the floor and leads her to the door.  I hear him radio in for a squad to come and pick her up.

“You ok?” Ryan walks up to me.

“Yeah, I'm fine,” I shrug.  “Nothing I haven’t handled before.”

“What is that chick’s problem?” Molly walks up to us.

“She had a thing for Jarrod ever since freshman year in high school.  She was constantly trying to tear him and me apart by trying to convince him I was cheating and to convince me that he was cheating.  It has been a fight with her for ten years.  She is just a jealous bitch that will never get over the fact that she will never get what she wants.”  I look out the window and see a squad car pull up.  I did not want to deal with her tonight.  I feel like I never get a break from her.  I just want to move on and wish that she would do the same thing.  Maybe it is time to consider a restraining order against her.  Annie walks up to me with a drink in her hand.

“Here,” she hands it to me.

“Thanks,” I take a long drink.

“You ok?”

“Yeah, just didn’t want to deal with her again tonight.  I'm so over her bullshit right now,” I take another drink.

“Yeah, she is being stupid that is for sure.  Nothing that can be done it’s not like she is going to get Jarrod.”

“Right! I don’t know what her game is or what she wants.”

“Maybe she is after Jake.”

I laugh, “Yeah I wish her luck on that one. She was probably more likely to get Jarrod than she is Jake.”  Annie laughs and hugs me.

“Where is he? I thought he was just going home to change.”

“I don’t know.  Hopefully he shows up soon though.” I pull my phone out of my pocket.  It is already after 6:00 and I have been here almost two hours.  I walk over to the window and look out.  I see Chief talking to the police officer and see Amber sitting in the back of the cop car.  I assume Chief is giving a formal statement and telling the officer what happened.  I see Barb and Luke walk up to the door to the bar.  I meet them at the top of the steps.

“There she is,” Barb smiles and gives me a hug.  “How are you?”

“I'm good,” I smile and give Luke a hug.  “Thanks for coming it means a lot to me that you guys are here,” I say as we walk to the bar.

“I wouldn’t miss it,” Barb smiles.  “Looks like it has been interesting.  I saw Amber sitting in the back of a cop car.”

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