Unexpected Encounter (Singleton) (5 page)

Read Unexpected Encounter (Singleton) Online

Authors: Taige Crenshaw

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Unexpected Encounter (Singleton)
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“Your wish is my command.”

They exited the building and went toward the stables.

“I keep forgetting to ask. That day of the accident, why were you wearing war paint and feathers?”

“I had forgotten I was until the nurse mentioned it.” Driscoll laughed. “I was helping Rissa—Julianne’s daughter—with a class project. She asked a few of us to recreate the working of a tribe. She videotaped it and documented it for class.”


“Rissa is a very smart child and when you think she can’t come up with something else to shock you she does. She wants to be an anthropologist when she grows up. She likes

I’m wondering if you have something to do with her love of it. I’m surprised you didn’t try to influence her to be like that pathologist you have a crush on. I’d like to see how the tape turned out.”

“I’ll admit when I was in town in-between shows and I could babysit, I did get her interested in
but she has a mind of her own and knows good shows. Rissa isn’t easily influenced. She’s like her mom in that way. They make their own decisions based on their needs. Knowing Rissa, she will have a screening of the video to get opinions on what we think before she turns it in. When they have a showing of the tape, you can come along with me.” Driscoll tugged her close. “The pathologist on
is cute, but I find I’m more intrigued by a certain sassy, blunt medical examiner whose bellow made my heart race…in fear. Lila, you can be loud. I swear you were trying to deafen me.”

“Ass.” She elbowed him. “I made your heart race in fear, huh?”

“Yes. But now it’s desire that makes it race. So we’re heading in a good direction.” He opened the door to the stables. “Let me introduce you to my stable manager then the horses.”

He made the introductions to the man who oversaw his horses then the horses themselves. He stood back as Lila bonded with one of his new purchases.

“Such a beautiful man,” she cooed, stroking along the Arabian’s forehead.

Driscoll watched her gentle touch and imagined how it would feel on his skin. He shivered then rolled his eyes at himself.

“We can go riding sometime.”

“Sure.” Lila turned to him. “You have us very busy already and we haven’t even gone on our first date.”

Driscoll recalled all he had suggested they do already and he smiled. “The day isn’t over yet, I might come up with a few more. Is that a problem?”

“Not at all.” Lila came to stand before him. “I like that you are planning ahead for us. I have some plans of my own too. First up, our first date.”

“Official date.” Driscoll said. “We’ve had many meals together so this is just a formality.”

“Yes.” She held out her hand. “Come, let me seduce you.”

“You don’t have to try too hard,” he whispered.

He stared into her hazel eyes then brushed back the loose curls that had come out of her bun from her face. Driscoll then smoothed his hands along the side of her hair.

“I’m curious about how long your hair is?”

“Maybe someday soon you’ll get to see.” Lila turned her head and kissed his palm. “I keep it up and out of the way for work. It’s automatic for me to keep it this way or in a ponytail. I let it out on special occasions.”

“I’ll have to come up with a special occasion then.”

“You make me want to forget myself and just take you to bed.” Lila blew out a breath.

“I have no objections to that,” Driscoll said.

“Me either. But I don’t do one-night stands. I’m deliberate when I get into bed with someone. I have to want something beyond sex to be engaged. My seduction comes from here”—she tapped the side of her head with a finger—“not here.” She gestured down.

“Then let me get started on seducing you here.” Driscoll again stroked his hand along the side of her head then touched his finger against her temple. “We can work up to anything else.”

“Yes,” she said breathily.

Driscoll lowered his hand then held it out. “I’m ready to be seduced.”

Lila laughed and the melodious sound made warmth curl in his belly. She accepted his hand and led him outside. They went around to the front of the house then to her SUV.

“I was hoping to get to see Lancelot.” Driscoll held open her door then looped around to the passenger side before getting in.

“He’s home.” Lila sighed. “I think I might have to accept what others told me and put him out of his misery. Not get rid of him but don’t drive him anymore. I tried yesterday and he almost shook apart.”

“I’m sorry.” Driscoll put his hand on her thigh, squeezing gently. “Let me take him to my mechanic.”

“Nah, it’s better to just let it go.” She started the engine of the Pilot. “This new car starts so well, but I miss Lancelot. We’ve been through a lot together. He was a gift from my parents when I graduated from high school.”

“Then it has history.”

“Yes.” Lila rolled her shoulder then got them moving. She drove out onto the main road before she spoke again. “Let’s focus on something else.”

“Sounds good. How about telling me where we are going?”

“You’ll see soon enough.” Lila looked at him briefly, frowning. “I didn’t even think to ask if you needed to wear a disguise so people won’t recognize you.”

“Not needed. People know I live in town, but when people see me, they tend to overlook the obvious and rather believe it isn’t possible for me to do normal activities. After all, what famous person would possibly do their own grocery shopping? Or if they think I look like ‘Driscoll’”—he made quotes of his fingers—“they either assume I’m some fan trying to look like a star or a lookalike. The few brave enough to approach are usually polite.”

“Oh. You shop for your own groceries.” Lila winked. “Do you feel up melons in the fruit section?”

“Definitely. Got to make sure they are ripe.” Driscoll returned her wink.

“Hmmm, remind me to take you grocery shopping with me sometime. I’d be curious to see how you test the melons.”


“What other food do you test the readiness of?”

“You have to treat peaches very tenderly…”

They bantered back and forth as they drove. When Lila turned into a parking space, Driscoll was surprised. He glanced at the area then at her. She turned off the car then shifted in her seat to face him.

“Couric Park.” Driscoll was curious what they would be doing here.

The Summer Festival was in full swing, so there were loads of activities—more than usual—going on at Couric Park. Driscoll wondered which one she wanted them to take part in.

“The movie today is
Tango and Cash
,” Lila said.

Driscoll smiled. During the summer, at the western end of the park, they had free movies and people came, setting up blankets to watch the screen. Many stayed for the live free open-air concert that happened half an hour after the movie wrapped up.

“Are we staying for the concert too?”

“If you want to,” Lila said. “I brought a picnic basket with some lite foods. I want us to save space for dinner. I’m cooking for you. I don’t live too far from here—I can show you my place.”

“Sounds good. I’d like to stay for the music too.” Driscoll enjoyed the concerts. The park management usually booked some great amateur bands as well as professional ones that came from all over to take part. He didn’t keep track of who was performing, just came to the concert or movie when the mood struck him. He’d been so busy prepping for the show, he hadn’t had a chance to come see any of the movies or concerts.

“Good.” She glanced at her watch. “The movie will be starting in about fifteen minutes. Let’s hope we get a good spot to see it.”

They got out of the vehicle and Driscoll helped Lila retrieve the picnic basket then slung the strap of a big duffel with a few large cushions in it across his body. He held the items as she took out the blanket. He gently gripped her hand as they strolled toward the area where they had the movie set up. As they entered the open field, Driscoll wasn’t surprised at the crowd. This was a popular park and the activity was one many in Singleton came too, as well as those from neighboring towns. Driscoll and Lila went to find a spot of their own.

Seeing some of his friends, Driscoll waved but didn’t stop to talk. Lila also greeted people as they went. Locating a place just to the left of the stage under the shade of a tree, Driscoll stopped. He put down the basket and took off the duffel, setting it beside it.

“It’s good we got this place. It’s hot today. I totally forgot about getting an umbrella for shade,” Lila commented as she flicked the blanket out then gestured to the many colorful umbrellas people were shading under, some held by hand and others that were propped up in the ground.

He helped her set up the blanket then pulled out the cushions to rest them on the fabric. Lila held onto his arm and kicked off her sandals then stepped onto the blanket before sinking to her knees. Driscoll knelt beside her and took off his sneakers and socks before moving closer to her. He rested his back against the tree. Although he would love for Lila to be leaning on him, he waited to see what she wanted. Lila reached over him and pulled the basket closer.

“Water?” she asked.

He nodded at her offering.

She opened the basket then retrieved the bottles before handing him one and keeping one for herself. Accepting it, Driscoll put the drink beside him. Lila sat then tapped his leg.

“Open up.”

Driscoll moved his legs apart. Lila went between his spread thighs then leaned back on his chest.

“Is this okay?”

“Most people would ask before they get all comfortable.” Driscoll settled her against him, snuggling her from behind.

“I asked after so I could at least get a feel in case you said no.” Lila turned her head to him. “Unlike when you had the accident, this time you’re not too weak to reciprocate.”

Driscoll remembered his accident when he had said similar words. “Lila, Lila. You’re trying to tempt me.” Driscoll lowered his head. “What happened to seducing you in your mind first before going on to other things?”

“Not a thing. I didn’t say we couldn’t touch each other to increase the desire.” Lila smiled wickedly. “That’s the best part of seduction. The anticipation of it.”

“Wicked woman.” He lowered his head.

Lila licked her lips and rose to meet him. He kissed her and like before, his knees were weak. Although he was sitting, Driscoll felt like he was about to fall over. He made the kiss gentle and deep, swallowing the moan she made. Lila pulled back slowly, blinking open glazed hazel eyes.

“If kissing you makes me feel as I do, God help us when we have sex.”

Driscoll laughed. “Your bluntness is wonderful.”

“Can’t be any other way.” Lila stroked along his face over his scars. “When the accident happened, I worried that you would die. As a fan, I mourned that one of my favorite singers might die. But knowing you now, I’m glad I didn’t know you personally then.”

“Why?” Driscoll wasn’t sure what she was getting at.

“Because the thought of you hurt or possibly going to die would have wrecked me.” She cleared her throat. “What you went through, from what the media said… I know it was so much more. My profession makes me know that. You’re a strong man, Driscoll, and I look forward to hopefully getting to know all about you. All the parts that make you who you are.”

Driscoll held back a gulp. He wasn’t so sure if he wanted Lila knowing all his parts. From her serious gaze, he knew she wouldn’t accept the surface and would want to know what was hidden.

“No need to look so afraid.” Lila briefly kissed him. “For all we know, we could not be compatible and this will be our first and only date.”

“That’s a big whopper.” Driscoll snorted. “You intrigue me and I fascinate you.”

“Your humbleness makes you so attractive.”

“Sarcasm makes you so sexy.” He nuzzled the side of her face then pressed a kiss gently on her temple. “Knowing all of me takes time.”

“For anything worthwhile, you have to put in the work.” She turned her head and kissed him once more before she faced forward again. “Stop trying to distract me from the hotness that is Sylvester Stallone and Kurt Russell,” she said then growled deep in her throat.

“You are not going to be salivating over them while lying against me.” Driscoll squeezed her.

“When we watch
—because if we are dating I know we will get to it eventually—do you plan to not salivate about that pathologist?”

Driscoll thought about it then shook his head. “Can’t promise that.”

“Exactly. You can look and even long for others but no touch. I don’t share.”

“Me either.”

“Good then we understand each other.”

They settled down and watched the movie. Driscoll kept looking at her and many times would find her watching him too. The chemistry between them made Driscoll know it would be an interesting journey wherever it led.


* * * *


Driscoll stared off into space, thinking about the last few days. Lila and he had spent a lot of time together enjoying many of the various activities at the Summer Festival or other places around Singleton. She’d come by after work and they would go to have some fun. Each time had been great and he was getting to know her on another level.

“Get your game head on,” Stuart, his best friend, said before a smack stung Driscoll on the back of his head.

“Fucker.” He rubbed it, wincing, before he pushed Stuart.

Stuart laughed and skated away from him. “That goofy look on your face is becoming annoying. When am I going to meet this woman who made you a bumbling idiot?”

“I’m not a bumbling idiot.” Driscoll frowned. “Lila couldn’t come watch us because she had plans.”

“Then we have to have dinner or something together soon. I need to check out this lady who seems to have you off kilter.”

“She doesn’t—” He realized he couldn’t deny it.

“Shit.” Stuart groaned. “The Devious Trio is with them today.”

“With who?” Driscoll glanced toward where the other team was starting to gather.

“The team we are playing.”

“Why are you worried?” Driscoll crossed his hands over his chest. “We beat them at the last hockey game.”

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