Unexpected Admirer (3 page)

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Authors: Bernadette Marie

Tags: #Bernadette Marie, #Contemporary Romance, #5 Prince Publishing, #Aspen Creek Series, #contemporary, #bestselling author, #Unexpected Admirer

BOOK: Unexpected Admirer
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“Between you and me, he’s never pulled anyone on stage before.”

An uneasy feeling had her stomach tightening. “He said that, but I didn’t think he meant it.”

“He thinks it’s tacky.”

That still didn’t change the fact that tomorrow Jonah would already be missing that moment that Jesse had created for him, and she’d be the one that would have to compensate for another loss in his life.


Melissa would have liked to have left the arena and headed home, but the meet and greet lasted an hour. Jesse had kept Jonah next to him the entire time. Between each overly excited, screaming girl, Jesse would take a moment to talk to Jonah. Melissa laughed aloud when one of the girls even kissed Jonah because he was cute.

When the last of the fans were escorted out of the room Jesse walked back toward her, his arm around Jonah’s shoulders.

Jonah’s arms were loaded down with posters and T-shirts. And he even wore a new Jesse Charles hat which had been signed.

“Mom, look at all this neat stuff he gave me.”

She shook her head. “You really didn’t have to do that.”

“My pleasure. You have a great kid.”

There went her heartbeat, racing at an abnormal pace. “I do have a great kid.”

“Mom, can we take a picture on your phone?”

She pulled the smartphone from her pocket and carefully pulled up the camera. The darn thing still made her nervous. It had cost her nearly an entire car payment, but she’d needed it.

She lifted it to take the picture when Bryce rested his hand on her shoulder.

“You go get in there too,” he said as he took the phone from her.

She wasn’t one to jump into pictures, though she’d always wished she had been. She simply was too critical of herself. Her hair was always a mess, her smile a bit crooked, or God forbid, her hips ended up in the picture. Even at the thought she was thinking she’d start a diet in the morning.

Bryce was still standing there with his hand held open, reaching for the phone.

Melissa handed him the phone and walked toward Jonah and Jesse.

She stood to the side of them, but Jesse slid his arm around her waist and pulled her in closer until they were all three in a tight huddle. There was, however, no way to deny the physical excitement that was pumping through her veins having Jesse Charles pressed close to her; his hand holding firm to her hip and his head pressed against hers.

Bryce looked at the screen on the phone. “That’s one cute family pic right there.”

That was when all of the excitement and nerves reached her throat and threatened to choke her with tears. Melissa fought them back as she slipped on her coat and handed Jonah his.

Jesse had taken her phone and was looking at the picture. “Do you mind if I send this to myself?”

Melissa had to process the man’s words. How could he have gotten her so worked up? She had been worried about Jonah’s let down tomorrow when Jesse Charles was just again some news headliner and not someone special—now she wondered how she was going to handle it.

She forced a smile to her face. “Sure.”

Jesse hit a few buttons on the phone and then handed it back to her. His own phone buzzed in Bryce’s pocket, and he handed it to Jesse.

Jesse pulled up the text on his phone and then showed Jonah the picture. “There. Now I’ll never forget tonight.”

That had nearly forced the tears to the surface when Melissa saw Jonah’s smile. This man was playing with her son’s emotions—and hers. She didn’t know if she should slap him or kiss him again.

There wasn’t much time to process that before Jesse was standing right in front of her, gazing at her with his hypnotic grey eyes.

“Thank you for coming and letting me pull you up on stage.”

Her throat had gone dry. “Sure.”

He leaned in closer to her. “Thank you for the kiss.”

Melissa felt his breath on her cheek and his hand took hold of hers, and he gave it a squeeze before he took a step back and looked down at Jonah.

“See you around, kid. Be good.”


Jesse looked back up at Melissa. “Ed is going to walk you out to your car. I don’t want anything to happen to you two.” He waved, and then he and Bryce slipped into another room as an enormous, burly security guard approached them and walked them out to the parking lot.


Jesse could feel the smile on his face. His cheeks had begun to hurt, and it felt nice to be happy.

Bryce shut the door to the dressing room after having kicked everyone else out of the room.

“What was all of that? You’re going to break that little kid’s heart.”

Jesse dropped down onto the couch in the room and pulled out his phone. “He’s fine.”

“Why? Because you met him and gave him a few things? Damn, man, you kissed his mother!”

Jesse felt his smile widen. “Yes I did.” And it had been a kiss of a lifetime.

“You’ve been that kid. C’mon, his dad died. Mom obviously works hard to support them and now some spoiled rock star has messed with their heads.”

The smile was gone, and Jesse pursed his lips. “That’s not my plan.”

“You have a plan?”

Jesse pulled up the phone number he’d sent the text to himself from and sent it on in another text and then made a phone call.

“Hey, I need a favor. I know it’s the middle of the night. I just texted you a phone number. I need an address by noon.”

Jesse turned off his phone and rested his head against the back of the couch.

He had no intentions of letting Jonah down. And whatever it was that turned him inside out when he saw Melissa—he wanted to explore that a little more.

The world was going to think he was crazy. He was twenty-five and tired of being a pop star. There had to be something in his life that meant more.

He thought about the kiss he’d planted on Melissa. He hadn’t meant to, but the need to had just taken over. What would it be like to leave it all behind and live a life with her and her son? It was undeniable. There was a spark between them, and just thinking about her made his head spin.

She wasn’t a supermodel. Hell, she hardly made it past five foot three, he presumed. She was curvy. Her hair was a mass of uncontrolled curls, and he’d noticed her boots. That part bothered him. Not that he noticed they were old cowboy boots which had seen better days—but that he’d noticed shoes at all. Obviously, he spent way too much time with Bryce.

There had never been a hitch in his heart for a woman as there was with this one.

He’d spent most of his life being admired by people. Certainly he’d be the unexpected admirer when it came to Melissa. But he wasn’t going to let it go.

Only a few minutes later, his phone buzzed in his hand. He looked down to see the text message. His connection was fast. There on the screen was Melissa’s address.

Jesse took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He had two more shows over the weekend, but maybe Monday he’d take his day off and make a trip back to the beautiful mountains of Colorado.



Chapter Three


It was nearly two o’clock before Melissa’s head touched her pillow. All she could hope was that Jonah had quickly fallen asleep when he went to bed. The boy jabbered the entire way home.

It hadn’t helped that her mother was up and sitting at the kitchen table when they walked through the door.

“Grandma!” Jonah had yelled. “Jesse Charles kissed mom!”

Her mother’s face was priceless, but she didn’t say much more. Jonah hadn’t given her a chance. He’d told her every detail of the entire night and showed off his

He was happy, and that was all that mattered to Melissa.

And now, as she thought of the less than four hours of sleep she desperately needed, that stupid song—which she truly didn’t like—played over and over in her head. The melody was only made worse by the memory of Jesse gazing at her when he sang it to her.

She rolled onto her side and pounded at her pillow.

Why had he done that? And why did she care?

She cared because it had been a very long time since a man touched her hand the way he had or had gazed at her to where she’d forgotten where she was.

It was all part of his charm, and she knew that. She’d be a fool to think there had been more, but she couldn’t help it.

Finally, she smiled in the dark to herself. It was nice to have a young and attractive man give her some attention. That’s all it was, and it was a brief moment in her life. Tomorrow, or later that day, she’d just be Mrs. Mathews again. and that was what she enjoyed most.

She closed her eyes.

But for a moment she was Jesse Charles’s girl.


Melissa parked in the parking lot of the school, reached into the car for her bag, her purse, and her lunch box. Then she tried to keep a steady hand on her coffee as she bumped the car door closed with her hip.

She had on her glasses, her eyes much too tired to put in her contacts. The hair dryer had only managed to frizz her hair, and she’d forgotten to write up the test for the end of the unit they would finish in class. The students would be happy about that part.

As she made it to the office, she again readjusted the bags hanging on her arm. There was an angel somewhere as she had yet to spill coffee down the front of her.

She looked at the clock. It was only seven-thirty. Four o’clock was a long ways away.

“You look horrible.”

Melissa looked toward William Scott, who stood in the doorway to his office.

“I’m not sure you’ve ever been that blunt.”

“Sorry. Can you come in here?”

Could her morning drag on any more?

Melissa shuffled her way into his office and set her bags in the chair in front of his desk.

William Scott wasn’t a threat. He was a dear friend. And as she finally took a sip from her coffee, she reminded herself that she was tired. His snippy comment didn’t need to set her mood for the day. Many people did a full day’s work on two hours of sleep. She could too.

“How was the concert?”

Melissa let out a long breath. “Loud. Crowded. And, Will, you should have seen Jonah’s face.” She felt her own cheeks tighten as she smiled.

“He was pretty excited.”

“I don’t know how he’s going to make it through today, but I tell you what…that kid is pumped up.”

William nodded his head and sat down in the chair behind his desk. “He deserved a nice night.”

“Yes, he did.”

“And he met Jesse Charles?”

“Yes. Mr. Charles took very good care of him. He loaded him down with posters, shirts, and a hat.” She sipped absent-mindedly at her coffee again and swallowed hard at the bitter taste. “I didn’t want to go, but it was an amazing night.”

“I’ll bet.” His words were short, and his gaze narrowed.

“Is something wrong?”

William opened his top desk drawer and pulled out a newspaper. He threw it on the desk for her to see.

Right there, big as life, was a picture of her and Jesse Charles lip locked on stage.

“Oh, my!” The words caught in her throat with a laugh.

William stood and rested his hands on the top of his desk. “This is funny?”

“It’s hysterical.”

“Are you kidding me?” He stood straight and walked around the desk. “I thought you were going to that concert for Jonah. I thought you won the tickets.”

“I did.”

“Then how does my best teacher end up in the newspaper kissing some kid?”

She didn’t like how that sounded at all. Melissa tossed the paper back on the desk and turned toward William.

“Listen, I didn’t want to go. I went for Jonah, and you know it. The man sent for me so he could sing to me. He saw me in the crowd.”


“Well, don’t act so surprised. Martin thought I was good enough.”

William ran his hand over his hair. “I didn’t mean it that way.”

She knew that, but it didn’t make it any easier to deal with. “I went on stage. He sang to me and then he kissed me. End of story. Backstage he showed Jonah around and kept him by his side. It was just what Jonah needed.”

William reached for her arm and lingered his hand there. “I’m sorry. You’re right. Jonah deserved such a great night. I’m out of line.”

“You’re looking out for us. You always have.”

“I promised Martin I would.”

Melissa nodded reached down to pick up her bags. William moved in quicker. “I’ll get these.”

“Thank you.”

He picked up the bags, and together they headed toward the science lab.

Melissa unlocked the door and stepped inside the room. William followed her as she turned on the light.

“How are we going to deal with this?” he asked as he set her bags on her desk.

“Deal with what?”

“The kiss? The paper?”

Melissa laughed. “Nothing is going to come of it. And if it does, it’ll be over by the end of the day and old news by Monday. Let it go.”

“Dinner Sunday?”

The man was all over the place today.

“Why don’t you come by. Mom is making spaghetti.”

His cheeks rose when she mentioned it. “I’ll be there. I haven’t had Patty’s sauce in a long time.”

“Not since last month.”

He chuckled and started for the door when the first student nearly pushed him over as she ran into the classroom.

“Mrs. Mathews, O-M-G you kissed Jesse Charles!”

Melissa sucked in air, but it stuck in her lungs as she saw William’s eyes narrow as he walked out of the room.

She let the breath out slowly. It was going to be a very long day.


When the last student walked out of Melissa’s room for the day, she dropped her head on the desk. If she could just make it to her car without one more person mentioning the fact that they had either seen her pulled on stage and kissed, or read it in the paper—or worse, heard about it on the news—then life might feel normal. She was exhausted, and the day had certainly not held any educational merit.

Melissa lifted her head, ready to leave and go home, only to find the art teacher standing in her door, grinning widely.

“I thought maybe you’d fallen asleep.”

Melissa forced a grin, but looking at the petite and very young teacher who stood in front of her, she’d rather just growl.

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