Uneven Ground (58 page)

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Authors: Ronald D. Eller

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cheap power policy of

establishment of

land condemnation and

as southern mountain authority model

WWII industrial mobilization and

Texas, Appalachian out-migration to

textile industry

Appalachian out-migrants employed in

brown lung disease in

decline of

offshoring of

This Land Is Home to Me
(Catholic Bishops of Appalachia)

Tiller, John

timber culture

timber development



toxic landfills

Toynbee, Arnold

traffic congestion


commuting and

“growth center” strategy and

health care and

local/state roads and

post-WWII improvements in

Program 60 and


WPA improvements in
See also
Appalachian Development Highway System; highways

trash dumps, illegal

truck mines

Trumka, Richard

Tucker, George

Turner, Ervine

Turner, Marie

Tyner (Ky.)


Underwood, Cecil


ARA and

balanced growth and

coal industry decline and

corporate exploitation as cause of

decreases in

limited manufacturing growth and

persistence of

Program 60 and

Reagan budget cuts and

strip mining and

unemployment benefits

Union College

union reform

United Glove

United Mine Workers of America (UMWA)

corruption of

decline of

democratization of

grassroots activism against

Health and Retirement Funds

Miners Memorial hospitals of

political influence of

strikes initiated by

wage agreement signed by (1950)

United States Bureau of Public Roads

United States Bureau of the Budget

United States Commerce Department

United States Congress

anti–strip mining legislation and

ARC and

depressed areas bills passed by

EOA passed by (1964)

Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act passed by (1969)

OEO investigated by

Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act passed by (1972)

welfare reform legislation of

United States Court of Appeals

United States Forest Service

United States Geological Survey

United States House of Representatives

Appropriations Committee

ARDA passed by (1965)

Education and Labor Committee

United States Justice Department

United States Labor Department

United States Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO)

AV funded by

college antipoverty programs funded by

Community Action division

community action focus of

community organizations funded by

comprehensive health program of

congressional investigations of (1967)

controversy surrounding

culture of poverty influence on

demise of (1973)

demonstration grants

goal of

Green amendment and

local activism against

Policy and Planning division

political corruption and

War on Poverty launching and

United States Office of Price Administration

United States Office of Surface Mining

United States Office of War Mobilization

United States Senate

Environment and Public Works Committee

Subcommittee on Employment, Manpower, and Poverty

United States Transportation Department


university antipoverty programs

University of Chicago

University of Kentucky

Appalachian Center

College of Agriculture

University of North Carolina

Upward Bound

urban crime

urban decay


of education

of employment opportunities

of health care

mixed blessings of

as regional development goal

rural displacement caused by

urban renewal

urban sprawl

U.S. News and World Report

Vance, Rupert

Vanderbilt University

Vatican Council, Second

Vida, La

Vietnam War


ARA benefits in

AV program in

corruption scandals in

CSM petition for interstate commission

floods in

grassroots activism in

housing quality in

labor unrest in

manufacturing growth in

mine closings in

missionary antipoverty programs in

out-migration from

strip mining in

UMWA hospitals in

unemployment in

Volunteers in Service to America

visual pollution

Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA)

in Appalachian War on Poverty

in AV program

church-based antipoverty programs and

establishment of

independent volunteers supported by

local leadership roles of

local political backlash against

radicalization of

training for

union reform and

voting fraud

Wallace, George

Wall Street Journal

WAMY (N.C. antipoverty program)

War on Poverty


collapse of (1972)

community action focus of

controversy surrounding

ideological/political conception of

Johnson's announcement of

launching of

1960s American confidence and

preparations for

press coverage of

roots of

strategy design for
See also
community action agencies (CAAs); Economic Opportunity Act (1964); Volunteers in Service to America;
specific program

War on Poverty, in Appalachia activism resulting from (
activism, grassroots Appalachian)

collective movement culture of

college antipoverty initiatives

community action focus of

conflicting ideologies in

controversy surrounding

criticism of

decline of

demonstration projects

as experiment

failure of

local institutions and

missionary programs

multiple approaches to

political corruption and

press coverage of

significance of

social divisions as result of

student service-learning projects

as threat to political status quo

women and
See also
Appalachian Regional Commission; Appalachian Volunteers;
specific program

Washington, James

Washington Post

waste disposal

waste incinerators

Waterfield, Harry Lee

Watergate scandal

water pollution

water projects

ARC and

PARC proposals for

Wayne County (Ky.)

wealth, draining of.
economic leakage

Weatherford, Willis

welfare dependence

absentee land ownership and

as drain on state resources

impact of welfare reform on

persistence of

political corruption and

welfare reform

welfare rights

Weller, Jack

West, Don

Western North Carolina Tomorrow

West Virginia

ARA benefits in

AV program in

CAAs in

chemical industry in

corruption scandals in

CSM petition for interstate commission

distressed counties in

farm population decline in

floods in

grassroots activism in

health disparities in

income inequality in

Johnson visit to

Kennedy campaign in

manufacturing growth in

mine closings in

mining disasters in

out-migration from

population decline in

poverty in

Reagan budget cuts and

strip mining in

transportation corridors in

UMWA hospitals in

unemployment in

union reform in

university outreach programs in

West Virginia Black Lung Association

West Virginia Highlands Conservancy

West Virginia Legislature

West Virginia Mountain Project

West Virginia Society

West Virginia Task Force

West Virginia Turnpike

West Virginia University

Center for Appalachian Studies and Development

Wetherby, Lawrence

Whisman, John D.

as ARC states cochair

at ARDA signing

Conference of Appalachian Governors and

as Eastern Kentucky Regional Planning Commission executive director

on growth center strategy

as Jaycee president

as Kennedy task force member

meetings with Johnson

as PARC executive secretary


resignation of, as ARC states cochair

White, Jesse

White, Lee

Whitehead, Donald W.

White House Conference on Balanced National Growth and Economic Development

Whitesburg (Ky.)

Whitesburg (KY) Mountain Eagle

Whitten, Jamie

Widner, Ralph

wildlife sanctuaries

Williamson (W.Va.)

Wirts, William

Wise, Bob

Wise County (Va.)

Wise County (Va.) Welfare Rights Organization

W. K. Kellogg Foundation

Wolfe County (Ky.)


as coal miners

community organization membership and

income inequality and

as out-migrants

in service economy

women's movement

work disability

Works Progress Administration

World War II

impact on Appalachian economy

New Deal program disappearance during

Worthington, Bill

Wright, Warren

Wyoming County (W.Va.)

Yablonski, Joseph (“Jock”)

Yarmolinsky, Adam

Yellow Creek Concerned Citizens

Yesterday's People

Ylvisaker, Paul

Zegeer, David


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