Undisclosed Desires (4 page)

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Authors: Patricia Mason

BOOK: Undisclosed Desires
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“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Checking up on my cheating boyfriend. The
one who’s always spending time with a girl he claims is just his friend.” Susie
eyed Grace and Antonio, still embracing each other. “Some friend. Your tongue
was halfway down her throat just now.”

In embarrassed confusion, Grace jerked out
of his hold and stepped away.

“I’m not your boyfriend,” Antonio said.
“We broke up yesterday. Remember?”

“We didn’t break up,” Susie responded. “I
don’t remember it that way. We just had a fight. A fight about her.” She
inclined her head at Grace.

“You have a convenient memory,” Antonio
said. “But I recall you saying ‘Get your shit out of my house and don’t come
back.’ Seems like a definitive breakup to me.”

“You’re such an jerk,” Susie said. “You
know I didn’t mean it.”

“Well, I meant it when I said we were
through,” Antonio countered.

Grace tried to inch away from the middle
of the fight, but her movement caught Susie’s peripheral vision. She turned a
nasty glare and a vicious tongue back to Grace.

“You aren’t going anywhere, bitch.” Susie
grabbed her arm. “You were the cause of all our problems.”

“I didn’t do anything,” Grace said.

“You were always coming between me and my
man,” Susie screeched. “You know it’s true. Antonio would work ten hours and
then at night he’d have to meet you for a drink.” Susie flipped her blonde hair
over her shoulder and turned to Antonio. “Just last Saturday morning you had to
go off and kill some giant spider in her apartment rather than spend the
morning in bed with me.”

“Grace was scared.”

“Grace was scared,” she mocked in a whine.
“Scared my ass. She wants you for herself.”

The entire bar, including Brad and his
fiancée, had gone silent, listening to the soap opera.

“If you’re dumping me, at least be honest
about the reason,” she said. “You want to screw her.”

“Stop it,” Grace cried.

“And you…” Susie rounded on Grace. “Surely
you’re not going to claim that you aren’t in love with Antonio.”

“Of course she isn’t,” Antonio denied.

“Really?” Susie asked. “Why don’t you let
her answer?”


“But then she doesn’t need to answer. Her
heart’s in her eyes and always has been.”

“Grace?” Antonio turned to her, searching
her face, her eyes.

“I don’t—” She began to say she
didn’t love him, but then Grace knew she couldn’t lie. She knew her face must
reflect what she felt. Stricken with shame and face flaming, her eyes filled to
almost overflowing with tears.

“You want to make my humiliation
complete?” she asked, her eyes locked with his. “All right, I admit it. I love
you so much I ache with it. So much it feels like someone is pulling a rib out
of my body an inch at a time.”

Antonio said nothing. Absolutely nothing.
He just stood there gawking at her with his mouth hanging open.

“And now I’m just…gonna go.” Grace pushed
past Susie, heading toward the exit. She just couldn’t face Antonio. Life would
never be the same. She’d have to quit her job. Hell, she’d have to move away.
Joking with Antonio. Seeing him. Just being with him had been the only thing
that kept her breathing…Now all that was gone. The despair choked the breath
from her lungs, but she forced her legs to keep moving. She pushed past first a
man then a female customer. The woman’s foot crunched under her shoe.

“Ow. Watch it.”

Grace barely registered the words or the
woman’s elbow as she passed. Her vision was focused on the door. The door.
Getting to the door was all that mattered. She had to get out of the bar. Out
of town. Maybe out of the state. The look on his face had said it all. Shock.
Distress. Pity. She couldn’t stand the pity. Finally, the exit was in reach.

Grasping the handle, she heard a voice
behind her. “Grace.”

She pushed and then burst outside. The
fresh air did nothing to clear the lump in her throat. She darted in the
direction of her vintage VW Bug parked at the end of the block. When she
reached the car, she leaned her head against the top, fumbling the keys out of
her pocket. After she extracted them, she couldn’t seem to get the key into the
lock of the driver’s side door, her hands were trembling too violently, and she
dropped them. Grace swiped at the blinding tears leaking from her eyes.

“Stop.” Antonio’s hand fell heavily on her
shoulder. “Stop running away from me.” He pulled her around to face him, and
his intense eyes penetrated her. “No more hiding. Talk to me.”

“I can’t,” she sobbed, and hung her head.

“Then we’ll do it your way,” he said. “No
talking.” Forcing her face up with one hand, Antonio lowered his head. Closer
through interminable moments he came until their lips met. His, sure and
strong. Hers, tentative and trembling. Slowly at first, and tenderly, Antonio
kissed her. He drank deeply from her mouth, his tongue darting in through her
lips to duel with hers. The bands of his arms surrounded her, imprisoning her
against his body as his hand fisted in her hair to hold her still for more
thorough exploration of his mouth.

Antonio backed her against the VW, one
hand pressed against the window, his thigh inserting itself between hers. With
his pelvis grinding his erection into her belly, and his broad chest
tantalizing her, a buzz of pleasure exploded along Grace’s nerve endings.

Her right hand crept up to caress his nape
as the left moved under his suit jacket to stroke his back, down his spine and
then his ass. Grace clutched at one lusciously muscled cheek through the silk
blend of his pants, and Antonio groaned. Then she released his butt cheek and
brought her hand caressingly around his waist to the buckle of his belt.

Antonio released her mouth. “We’re out in
the open,” he reminded, gasping for breath and glancing around them. He might
have expressed concern about being outside, but popping open her blouse’s
buttons and unsnapping her lacy red bra belied his weak verbal protestations.

“I don’t see anybody. There’s no
streetlamp here,” Grace mumbled, glorying in his mouth exploring the creamy
tops of her breasts as if they were succulent fruit. Finally, Grace got the
buckle open and then her fingers flicked at the tab of his zipper before
caressing down the front of the pants to the crotch. “Besides, I don’t care.”
And she didn’t. Let everyone see them. Let them get arrested for public
indecency. Nothing beyond this moment mattered.

“Good,” he said. “You’re so sexy I don’t
think I can wait.” He groaned at her touch. Then he pulled one cup of the bra
down to free the nipple. He applied a long lick and a suckle before he said,
“And if you don’t care, I certainly don’t.” His hands moved to the hem of her
skirt and tugging it up so it bunched around her hips, revealing the red thong
match to her bra.

She knew the flimsy fabric was soaked from
the wetness of her excitement. Grace writhed against the car door. The coolness
of the metal against the bare skin of her butt tormented her with its contrast
to the heat building in her core. As she lowered his zipper, he pulled at the
thong. Once it was around her thighs, he stepped into the middle of it and she
kicked the little garment away. She freed his erection from his pants and
squirmed against the velvety, strong length. Already a bead of liquid had
escaped the head, coating it. She struggled for breath that seemed impossible
due to the pounding of her heart.

He hesitated. ”I don’t have a condom,” he
gasped out.

“I’m on the Pill,” she assured him. “Don’t

Lifting her thighs, he urged her to wrap
them around him. He thrust into her channel, burrowing in until she’d been
fully and wonderfully impaled. Carnally taken. Beautifully speared. She loved
the wickedly naughty feeling of it all. Grace clutched at Antonio’s behind to
bring him even closer.

With his lips against her forehead and his
breath hot on her skin, Antonio drew slowly out and then thrust in. The
backward drag of him against her inner tissues as tormenting as the forward
plunge, he drove her and himself toward climax. His body invaded hers and
thoroughly claimed it…just as thoroughly as he’d long ago claimed her heart.

Then the orgasm blossomed in her. Inner
convulsions and tremors rippled inside her even as he rode out his continued
thrusting and moving. The ripples died away and she built quickly to a second
climax just as his own came upon him.

“Grace,” he choked out, and then she felt him
spurt inside her.

As their panting breathing calmed, Antonio
laughed. “I can see it all now,” he said, his half-length still buried inside
her and her legs hanging limp around his hips. “Tomorrow’s headline—

Grace chuckled as she caressed his nape,
and blinked away tears—tears of pleasure this time.
“Maybe we should move.” Placing her legs
on the ground, she pushed the skirt of her suit down and then began to hunt for
her shoes. At the same time, Antonio pulled up his pants and zipped them.
Reaching down, he retrieved her thong from the dirty asphalt of the street.

“These are a total loss,” he said in a wry
tone as he held them up.

“Totally worth it,” she said, picking up
the pumps. She rose on tiptoe to press a kiss to his lips and a loving caress
over his now-covered crotch.

“Ooh, you are evil,” he said, and she felt
him hardening under her palm. “Into the car with you, madam. Let’s go back to
my place and finish this.”

“Let’s go,” she said, gasping. Already
desire throbbed through her body again. Then a thought occurred. “My key. Where
is it?” Her eyes scoured the ground and she saw it lying near the front tire.
She bent to retrieve it.

“Wow,” he said from behind her. “The view
from this angle is spectacular.”

His words delighted her, but still she
automatically tugged at the hem of her skirt, realizing she’d just flashed him.
Then she stopped herself. Too late for modesty now. Snatching the key up
victoriously, she turned and unlocked the door. Antonio skimmed around the
front bumper, opened the passenger door and hopped inside as Grace climbed into
the driver’s seat. Helpless to stop touching him, she reached for his thigh and
stretched up to kiss him. Anticipating her, his head turned and their mouths
met in a hungry mating.

When he pulled back, his breath panting,
he twined his fingers with hers and lifted her hand from his thigh. “Better
stop now or I won’t be able to wait ’til we get to my house.”

She was slick with his essence, but still
it was as if they hadn’t done a thing, as if she hadn’t climaxed. She wanted
more, again and again. After sticking the key in the ignition, she didn’t twist
it to fire the engine. “I don’t think I can wait,” Grace said, and then pressed
the seat lever and threw her seat back as far as it would go. He smiled with
comprehension and did the same. “Always wondered if sex in a Bug was possible,”
she said, scrambling onto his lap. He scooted as far over on the seat as he
could before hitting the gearshift. Still her left leg wouldn’t fit between his
hip and the door. Pulling the angle lever, Grace managed to get Antonio’s seat
to flatten, which allowed her to spread herself over him.

They fit their mouths together as she
ground against him. Then his hand delved between her legs. His questing fingers
found her folds and he inserted two fingers, forcing a gasp of breath to escape
her and disappear into the velvet depths of his mouth.

Returning the favor, she unzipped his
pants and thrust her hand inside to circle the head of his penis with her hand.
Then she ran her palm down his stiffness to grasp him before caressing upward

“Oh lord,” he choked out. “You’re killing

Gently grasping his length, she worked her
hand up and down. Antonio arched under her ministrations and his face contorted
with gratification, his eyes squeezed shut as the pleasure of release overtook
him. He opened his eyes, smiled, and then reached up to caress her cheek.

“I—” he began.

A knock that sounded as if it came from
the hood, interrupted and startled both of them.

Although muffled, they heard Javier say,
“Hey, man.” Fortunately, the steamy windows hid them from his view.

Antonio cracked open the window. “What is

“I don’t want to interrupt…anything but…”
Javier’s normally arrogant tone had been replaced with an embarrassed one.
“Your coworker Carson is heading out of the bar. Thought you’d want to know.”

“Thanks,” Antonio said. Eyes locked,
laughter burst from Grace and Antonio.

“I guess we’d better go.” Grace brushed
his damp bangs off his forehead and then ran a caressing thumb over his lower

“But you didn’t come,” Antonio said, and
they adjusted his seat upright.

“I guess you’ll just have to take care of
that back at your place.”

His lips quirked. “Absolutely,” he agreed.
“In fact, I think it’s only right you get two for one. Interest, you know.”

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