Undercover Professor (8 page)

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Authors: December Gephart

BOOK: Undercover Professor
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Lucy gritted her teeth and didn’t respond. It was a bit awkward—Becca had no idea they were talking about the same guy.

“How often do you really see Andy?” Curiosity killed the cat, but she could at least find out if Andy was playing both sides of this fence.

Becca looked down, a little embarrassed. “Just that one date with you and Dillweed. And I talk on the phone to him all the time, and he came and visited me at work the other day.”

The phone calls. Lucy had been present for one, and Becca herself said he hadn’t called her back.

“Hmm. So is that really boyfriend material? I mean, if he wanted to be with you, wouldn’t he find a way to be with you, no matter how busy he was? I mean, he’s between jobs, allegedly. What do you think he does all day?”

“That’s not fair, he takes care of his mom. And you know I work swing shifts, I’ve been really busy myself.”


Becca teased the lace of her camisole in the laundry basket for a second. “Okay, you might have a point. I’m not used to guys being so distant.” She glanced up at Lucy with a mischievous smile on her face. “It just makes it more exciting, you know?”

“I know. But that proves my point too. I should really let Dillweed know it’s over, so he can be free to find someone who he does have the time for.”

“Well, good luck. It’s never fun cutting a guy loose.”

“I know. Hey, are we meeting to go over to Aunt Ruby’s tomorrow for dinner?”

“Yeah. I work ten to seven, so it’ll be a late dinner. Give me a buzz, babe. And try not to be so hard on yourself. Have some fun.” Becca sailed out of her apartment.

Chapter Eight

A moment later, a soft knock on her door startled her out of staring into space. Becca had a point. The list had failed her with Dell. Maybe she should just fly without a net and enjoy herself. Besides, wasn’t Becca’s pressure about babies sort of the same pressure she put on herself to find a guy to marry? Why couldn’t she just enjoy life as it came at her? Andy was right there, ready to be enjoyed.

Peeking out the hole, she spied him in fisheye glory, glancing furtively down the hall.

“Who is it?” she singsonged.

. Let me in,” he grumbled so low she could barely hear him through the door.


“The delivery man, you ding-dong. Don’t be cute, let me in before your cousin sees me.”

She grinned and opened the door.

He slipped in, slamming it shut behind him and bracing himself against the door nervously. “I just don’t want to encourage her. She’s got a lot of crazy around the eyes.” He blanched a little. “I mean, I’m sure she’s nice, but...”

Lucy ignored the crack about her beloved cousin. She knew Becca was a nut. “Delivery man, hmm? What did you bring, a nice big package?” She felt bold and dangerous. Teasing him was fun, not something she’d done with a guy in a long, long time. But this was light, fun, just a good time. She could goof around.

He took a minute to catch on, but then his lips tilted up in a daring way. His eyes narrowed, and he stalked her step by step down the hallway. She felt like a housecat teasing a jaguar. Her heartbeat thundered at her boldness. It made her head light. She wanted more.

She danced lightly on her tiptoes ahead of him.

“Yes. A nice big package, ready and waiting for you.”

He dropped the shopping bag of soaps in her hallway before capturing her with one arm and hauling her close to claim her mouth with a kiss. Her senses leaped back to life in a second and she whimpered, prying his jacket off and yanking it from his arms inside out in her hurry.

“Nice place you have here.” He mumbled as he bent to awkwardly pull his shoes and socks off. Lucy greedily tugged his shirt over his head and paused for a moment as he straightened.

“Niiiice...” She sighed, running her hands over his warm skin, moving closer to press a kiss to the muscle where his neck met his shoulder and secretly inhale a deep breath. Fresh air and the scent of Andy, laced with soap and a hint of cologne. It was like crack. She wanted to smother herself in it.

Nicely toned muscles rippled down to his taut waist. She discovered a light sprinkling of blond hair as her hands roamed freely over his warm, muscular chest. It was like her birthday, and she hadn’t even gotten to the icing on the cake yet.

She walked backward toward her bedroom, unwilling to let her gaze move off him. Kicking off her boots, she watched as Andy hooked her shirt with his thumbs, looping it off her in one smooth move. Suddenly inordinately glad she wore a pretty bra and panty set that day. She gasped as his hands ran over her overheated skin. His gaze burned hot over her and he pulled her close, flesh to flesh. They fought to get closer, inhaling each other, tongues in a wild duel of erotic swordplay. A mass of feeling, she embraced the textures, the tastes, the scents of each new sensation as it was revealed.

Her bra dropped off somewhere farther down the hallway and his hands cupped her breasts, weighed them out.

“Mmm. So real, so perfectly real,” he murmured, and she didn’t even bother to figure out what it meant as he kissed down the column of her neck. She turned her head to gasp a deep lungful of air, waiting to see what he’d do next. The wall chilled her back as he pressed her into it, kissing his way with open mouth to her waiting nipple. She arched into him as he drew her deep into the hot dampness, his tongue flickering within the suction. She cried out, wiggling her hips to get closer to his heat.

Switching to the other breast quickly, as though he couldn’t get enough, he repeated the movement. The swift zing of electricity shot down from her breasts and her knees went weak. Bracing herself hard into the wall, she whimpered, gripping his hair hard to prolong the feeling.

The buttons on her jeans popped free under his nimble fingers, and the zipper swooshed down mere seconds before he cupped her through her lacy underwear. She could feel the dampness. Somehow her jeans slipped down to midthigh.

She pulled his head back up to kiss his lips and gasped as he used two fingers to push the lace of her panties aside, gliding into her slick wetness. It was moving so fast. She pushed her hips against his hand. It wasn’t happening fast enough. The ferocious need inside her made her want to jump him and ride him hard. She inhaled sharply at the fury of the wild sensation, and he dropped to his knees in front of her. A dangerous fire lit his eyes as he yanked the jeans off inside out and spread her legs with his palms.

“Mmm. My Lucy. I’ve been looking forward to this since I met you.” He looped one thigh over his shoulder. For one brief second she thought not to allow the liberty, but then his mouth closed over her and she tried her best to stay standing upright as he worked his magic.

His tongue laved up and down as a finger slid deep inside. She moaned, beyond words making any sense. His tongue teased and lashed at her clit and her hips bumped against him as he set a brutal, demanding pace, trapping her body against the wall with pleasure like she had only imagined.

He sucked her into his mouth, gently adding a second digit to his thrusting fingers, and she cried out with pleasure. “Oh, God, Andy, you can’t...”

His mouth matched the rhythm of her hip thrusts and within seconds she felt the tingles of an orgasm building around her, like a cloak wrapping her from head to toe. Instinctively she gripped his head with one hand, not wanting to allow the pleasure to get away. “Right there, oh don’t stop. Just keep doing that, right there.”

The other hand stretched down the wall, in an erotic yoga tree pose, as she tried to keep her balance. His hand held her thigh in place, warm and strong, but her knee would give out at any minute and she didn’t want to interrupt what he was doing with his tongue and mouth. “Don’t stop, please. Oh yes,” she whispered in a deep sigh as her body quivered, just on the cusp of release. Her toes tingled, her knees went to jelly, her shoulders and arms clenched and quivered before she rolled her neck back in relaxation.

He cupped her bottom to hold her steady as quivers and tremors shook her in a powerful, intense orgasm. Even her vibrator couldn’t get her off that quickly, she reflected once her eyes uncrossed.

“Mmm, so glad you find me more satisfying then a piece of plastic, sugar.”

She didn’t realize she had said it out loud, but she didn’t have time to be embarrassed as he lapped at her, sending final tremors through her body with his slow deliberate motions.

She disengaged her leg from the clenched position she had on his shoulder, probably squishing his ear down, and pushed him backward onto the carpet, dropping inelegantly on top of him. He caught her, and she kissed him deeply, tasting herself warm and damp on his lips.

Tracing her hand down his chest, she made her way to tease at his waistband for a second. His muscles clenched in a deep inhale as she cupped him, rubbing gently through his jeans before she popped the button and unzipped, easing her way down his body, watching his face as he realized what she was about. As fast as he devoured her, she was determined to go twice as slow.

He helped lift himself as she yanked his jeans off quickly, and she pulled down his snug bikini briefs. Gently she freed him from the underwear and flung those off too. His erection was hard and smooth and at full attention, and she noticed a faint tan line, as though he had been somewhere exotic and warm a few months ago. Golden skin with darker blond landscaping trimmed close. Watching his reaction with a sharp eye, she ran her hand up and down the smooth length, familiarizing herself with the terrain.

“Ahh, Lucy,” he gasped, and she smiled, refocusing on her task at hand. Cupping the hot length in her hand, she parted her lips and tasted him, pressing her tongue down as she slowly felt out a rhythm that would make him as mindless as she had been.

A gentle squeeze from her hand, he moaned.

A little more sucking, he gasped, arching up.

A deeper dip of her head, and he growled, muscles tense.

“Lucy,” he moaned, trying to tug her arm. She repositioned herself. “Lucy, no, I don’t want to...”

She could tell he was close to the breaking point, and he lifted her bodily away, pushing her back onto the carpet again. His body hot over hers, he pressed himself hard over her, running his hands up and down as he kissed her deeply. His hips thrust against the vee of her thighs, and she bent her legs. The long, hot muscle damp from her mouth rubbed slickly against her, teasing.

“Condom?” She gasped and he paused to lurch for his pants, ripping a foil packet from his wallet. It was on in a matter of seconds, and his body covered hers again.

“Mmm. Andy, I need you so bad, hurry,” she whimpered, wiggling her hips against him, trying to encourage him. He lined himself up and pushed forward, hovering over her, his forearms braced on either side of her head, watching her reaction.

His arms quivered. “Lucy, I don’t think I can—”

“Don’t hold back,” she urged, lifting her hips and propping her feet on the floor, giving him more room to press in.

His skin glistened with the sheen of sweat produced as he surged into her, muscles straining.

“Faster...much faster.” She pressed her hips up to encourage him.

“Your wish is my command.” He dropped a hand to her hip and moved to a primal pace, wringing a little whimper from her at every thrust. She ran her hands down his back. The muscles flexed under her fingers as he thrust fast and hard.

He slipped a sensitive nipple between his lips and she cried out at the electricity zinging from between her breasts to where they were joined. She strained hard into his body and the friction made her twist. Her orgasm crashed into her suddenly in a rushing noise in her head. Trying to wring every last tremor from the wave, she ran her nails over his chest lightly.

“Ahh, you’re so beautiful when you come, my juicy Lucy,” he said as his face tensed. He pressed hard, rearing back at his own release a moment later.

Lucy relaxed into his body, his weight comforting her as her harsh breathing slowed gradually. He turned his head, nuzzling her ear and moving to lie at her side.

She didn’t want to talk, just feel the muscles relaxing after a hard-fought orgasm. Keep her mind from turning back on. His hand, warm at her hip, rubbed a soft, comforting cadence.

“Wow,” he whispered, and she grinned.

“I didn’t realize my hallway was such a prime hookup location.” The words sounded slurred to her own ears, thick.

“We should have done that a week ago.” He pulled her closer as she would have inched away, not sure how much of the postcoital snuggling she wanted to do in her hallway carpet.

“Yeah?” Her witty comeback. With a brain like mush, she struggled to form vowels.

“I’ve been thinking about you nonstop since I met you. And that was better than I imagined.”

“Yeah,” she sighed, not able to process it much further. How he was able to think clearly, she couldn’t muddle through.

He hoisted himself up and pulled her boneless body into his arms. She blinked, and she was settled back into her bed. His warm body joined hers in bed. She sighed, dozing off with his arms snug around her, his warmth toasty and comforting at her back.

* * *

She woke with the dim dusk light coating the room in a soft amber glow. Soft breath puffed on her neck, a warm hand cupped her breast and legs curled up under hers. Normally she hated snuggling, but this was comfortable, nice. She bit her lip at the memory of their bold actions in the hallway. She couldn’t force herself to regret it for a second. She should. She broke all of her own rules for a good time. All the heartbreak she’d had before, the experiences she had paid for with bits of her heart and soul, and here she was again, jumping in again. Like a fool.

And who was to say this had to go anywhere further then a nice romp in the afternoon? Nobody. Maybe she could just not involve her heart.

She wiggled her butt experimentally, wondering if he was truly asleep or just relaxed. His hand flexed lightly on her breast, but his breathing didn’t change.

Well, if it was just a light romp in the afternoon, then she could at least get her money’s worth.

With a grin, she arched her back, feeling him wake up. At least, one part of his anatomy. The main one she was interested in right now, anyway. There were ways to work around the other issues, but the spark between them was so intense, even with him half asleep she wanted him again.

His hand on her breast flexed again, his thumb rubbed in soft circles over her sensitive nipple. He growled, a waking-up noise as he trailed his hand from her breast down to between her legs.

Oh, yes, he was fully awake now. Her heart sped up in anticipation. No question he wanted to go again. Perfect. She lifted her top leg and parted her thighs to give his hand access and his fingers played her like an instrument, winging breathy whimpers from her.

“Mmm, you’re so wet for me, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” she whispered, arching her back to allow his probing fingers deeper, thrilling a little at his rough voice, his demanding words and his gentle, relentless touches.

“Tell me,” he prompted, thrusting his hips forward, using his fingers to strum her firmly, launching her from mildly aroused to ready to rock and roll. She whimpered with want.

Reaching forward to her bedside table, she yanked out a string of condoms, ripped one off and tossed it at him.

“Saddle up, cowboy. We’re going for a ride.”

She settled back onto her side and within seconds he was sheathed. His hand returned to its teasing and she lifted her leg high up over his thigh to give him access. With one smooth stroke, he was deep within her.

“Oh, that’s good,” she gasped. This new angle let him reach new spots untouched from their frantic pace before. His fingers stroked her and they strained against each other, pressing deep and pulling apart with an urgency she was surprised at.

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