Undercover (6 page)

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Authors: Bill James

BOOK: Undercover
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‘Their organization destroyed, yes. If I'm lucky.'

‘And will you be?' There had been a staccato harshness about her string of questions up till now: an interrogation. This one was not like that, but loving and anxious. ‘They'll know the police are likely to try something of the sort, won't they? A new face in the crew – it's bound to make them wary, suspicious, isn't it?'

‘The training showed us how to counter that.'

‘Yes? How?' she said.

‘Preparedness. Thoroughness.'

‘Thoroughness at what?'

She'd returned to her attacking mode. He could feel possible trouble in this new area of cross-examination, but he had to respond. ‘Thoroughness at sticking to the new identity. We prepare a full, convincing – and, of course, phoney – background for ourselves.'

‘Which “we” is that?'

‘Undercover candidates.'

‘Are there plenty?'

‘Plenty of what?' he said.

‘Plenty wanting to do undercover.'

‘They're never without volunteers.'


‘It's stimulating. A lot of police work is deeply boring. This is a way out.'

‘Stimulating because it's dangerous?' she asked.

‘Because it requires non-stop skill and alertness. And the undercover officer will be solo, of course. So, it's one against a horde.'

‘“Facing fearful odds”, as old fashioned yarns used to say? More glory – if you win.'

‘People will take on a challenge, yes.'

‘If there are so many available, why can't they get someone from closer – geographically closer, I mean?'

‘The distance is important,' he said.

‘Important how?'

‘There's a . . . there's what could be called a confidential element.'

‘Is that true of all secondments?'

‘Not all.'

‘You need to come from some way off so you won't be recognized by anyone – revealed, by an awkward fluke, as a cop?' Iris asked.

‘And other factors.'


‘Background – that kind of thing,' he said.

‘The children and me?'

‘It wouldn't be watertight if my home and family could be traced.'

‘What wouldn't be watertight?' she replied.

‘The confidential side of it all.'

‘There's only one side of it all, isn't there, Tom – the confidential side? You have to construct a brand-new bloke, somebody with a make-believe past and no findable family or chums or career or education. Wasn't there a stink recently about undercover people with protest groups who actually gave their false name in court when prosecuted for their supposed protest activities?'

‘Now and then police work is like that, whether it's here or there.'

‘But this will be
, won't it? The distance factor – that

‘I'll be entitled to some travel allowances, if the work drags on. Home breaks are guaranteed.'

‘Steve's birthday?' As well as her fondness for system, Iris knew how to play very dirty. She'd been at an expensive boarding school.

‘Quite possibly I could get home for something like that,' Tom said. ‘It would depend on how the project was going at the time. Clearly.'


‘It's nearly two months away. Difficult to forecast.'

‘An important anniversary. He goes into teens.'

‘Anyway, I'd make sure there was a card and a pressie. I won't forget.'

‘Long-distance daddy.'

‘Work takes many dads – and mums – away for spells, doesn't it, Iris?'

‘Which name would you put on the card?'


‘The new bloke's?'

‘Please, Iris. “Dad” – as ever.'

‘I heard that some people who go on undercover duties get sort of taken over by the new identity. It's as if they become somebody else. There's an all-purpose actor in a novel I picked up from the bookshop's bargain box who's described as “absolved for ever from being himself”. And wasn't there a kind of doppelgänger for Field Marshall Montgomery in the war, who kept reverting to the role long after, although he wanted to escape it? Are we going to lose you that way, Tom?'

He disliked how she phrased this. It sounded as if he was sure to be lost: it could be a toss-up between (a) death by discovery, and (b) irreversible morph – transformation of himself into a stranger, a villain stranger: that ‘
Who the fuck am I?
' confusion. ‘I'll still be me,' he said. ‘Tests by shrinks on the course showed I have a strong, well-disciplined self-image, one I would always want to retain and return to after sojourns as someone else. I should be able to do impersonation all right, but that's all it would ever be – me pretending to be someone else, and all the time aware I'm trying to be someone else, maybe a bit like an actor, as you say, but nothing permanent.'

‘This is an undercover operation, yes?' she replied.

‘I spoke of a confidential side.'

‘I don't remember the word “undercover”, though.'

‘So much police work is confidential. I thought it didn't need labelling.'

‘I asked if it was undercover, not if it was confidential,' Iris said. ‘What else
it be, for God's sake – the wipe-out of home and family, the absence of details, the woolly, go-nowhere replies, the daft optimism? How do I get in touch when you're at the other end of that important distance?'

ask for Thomas Derek Parry
. But Thomas Rodney Mallen didn't say this, of course. Iris couldn't be given his alias name, nor any means to contact him, from the minute he moved into his new character. It would have to be one-way transmission, from him to her, when he could manage it, unobserved. He'd try to manage it often.

‘That damn country place,' she said.

‘Which damn country place?'

‘Where they trained and tested you.'

‘They were very choosy. Only a few got picked for the course.'

‘So, why couldn't you have fucking flunked it?'

‘It's good for the career, Iris, good for the CV.'

Curriculum vitae
,' she replied. ‘Translation, I believe: “Course of life.” I hope so. Life. But your life's well on, Tom, isn't it? I'd have thought for this kind of work they'd go for younger volunteers and without a dependent family.'

‘The opposite. They prefer someone mature, steady and in a good, solid relationship. It's like selection for space travel crews. Personal stability is crucial.' He wanted to get off this topic. ‘The tests also showed I had most of the other basic qualities needed, some not sounding too pleasant. I'm manipulative, opportunistic, plausible, temperate, resourceful,' he said.

They were having a late breakfast. Iris had taken the children to school. She shifted to a chair nearer him and put her arm around his shoulders. ‘As to that damn country place, when they trained and tested you, I hope they did it well, especially the training. The testing? Well, I know you'd be good at anything you put your mind to. You couldn't, in fact, flunk.'

He kissed her on the cheek.

‘You smell of Marmite,' she said.

‘They seemed very competent. All the tutors had been undercover themselves. It wasn't just seminar-room old rope. Some were going back to the same kind of work after their stint at Hilston. They'd got hooked on it.'

‘That I don't like,' Iris said.

‘No.' But Tom could understand the pull. It must be quite a treat to shed your usual self for a while – get ‘absolved' from it, to pick up Iris's word – and become somebody else, all one's customary worries, vanities, doubts temporarily ditched; subordinated because so much energy and skill would be required to fool your new mates, and to keep fooling them. Despite what he'd said to Iris, this wasn't really like being an actor, a game where you tried to mock-up your cast character until the final curtain, then went home on the tube, not, say, as the warrior loudmouth, Coriolanus, but as your real you, with a break on Sundays. Undercover, you took on the alternative identity for every minute, every day, including Sundays.

Tom remembered from school that, in fact, Coriolanus in the Shakespeare play compared himself at one remorseful point to a ‘dull actor' who had forgotten his part. The actor playing this dull actor had better not forget
part, though. For the show's three hours or so he mustn't forget to forget. But the undercover officer was concerned with much more than regular spells of a few hours. He or she must not forget their part for days, weeks, maybe even months or years.

It must be a great tonic to know you'd successfully penetrated a firm and made monkeys of a clutch of clever, vigilant, distrustful crooks. And, yes, you might get a taste for those kinds of sneaky victories. At Hilston, one of the undercover people giving a talk said only volunteers who survived the intrusive, gruelling psychometric examinations at the Manor could be considered for what he called ‘Out-located' work: cut adrift from family and colleagues and canteen. He argued that the toughness of these selection methods couldn't actually guarantee success, but almost. Tom had thought that perhaps it shouldn't be ‘almost' but ‘maybe'. He considered ‘maybe' an acceptable gamble just about, though he knew Iris certainly wouldn't. She probably did not understand how monotonous and soul-clamping so much policing could be, nor sympathize with the search for excitement, even if that excitement came almost entirely from risk and its abiding partner, fear.

And, of course, there was the great unspoken between Iris and him: sex – the reason he'd baulked at ‘embedded'. To preserve their credibility as true crooks, undercover people had to create a complete alternative life for themselves, and a complete alternative life might include relationships. Besides that ‘stink' Iris had mentioned about the officer giving a false identity even in court, there'd been a lot in the Press lately to do with undercover officers who infiltrated those civil disobedience movements and scored with one or more of the protesters. It could be to maintain cover, or get extra information via pillow talk – or, possibly, just because they fancied it. When all this was revealed, women had marched on Scotland Yard to condemn the false cockery, stating they'd never knowingly have shagged the fuzz.

They claimed promiscuity became part of the police job, blind-eyed, or even openly tolerated, by senior officers. One of the march banners Tom saw on television news read: ‘Why detectives are called dicks.' Former undercover officers quoted by a tabloid said if you didn't have it away here and there you'd be a freak – and therefore noticed and suspected. The reporter commented that this sounded like ‘noble-cause concupiscence' and gave ‘penetration' a second meaning. A headline boomed: ‘Undercover leg-over.'

Iris had probably read some of these articles, but he knew she wouldn't bring up that category of worry. She'd see it as an insult to suggest he might have to multi-fuck his way to full fellowship and acceptance by the tribe. Perhaps she'd like
unprompted to mention these newspaper stories and dismiss such behaviour as gross and sleazy. He didn't though. Silence might be wiser, he decided. In any case, he wasn't concerned with a
pro bono publico
protest group, where there'd most likely be an equal number of youngish men and women made hot and horny by enthusiasm for the cause, and therefore very much up for it: a kind of solidarity. Tom had to find a place in a professional, crooked firm. There wouldn't be many women, perhaps none. Sex shouldn't figure, surely.



aud stopped the film for a while and turned in her front-row seat to talk to Iles and Harpur behind. Maybe she'd decided, after all, to show some politeness and avoid pissing Iles off. She didn't put the Projection Room overhead light on, and they remained in three-quarters darkness. Harpur found this soothing. He recalled happy popcorn sessions in the stalls while watching movies as a youngster, though these shouldn't have happened because his Plymouth Brethren Sunday School condemned cinema as worldly. He'd strayed now and then. Popcorn would probably have been all right, but not in a cinema. The trouble was,
went to the cinema and St Paul had told the Corinthians to come out from among people and be ‘separate'.

Maud said: ‘It's simpler if we continue using Mallen's cover name, Parry, in our discourse here. I think it would be apropos for me to give you some notion of his character and personality. Very limited parts of this you'll find in the trial transcript, but, regrettably, the trial was not about Parry or his murder. There's been no trial about Parry's murder yet, has there? Which is why I want this investigation, re-investigation, by you two eminently thorough, impartial and committed detectives.'

Iles gave a bit of a groan. He did not usually mind flattery, and, in fact, would generally fail to find flattery flattery at all, simply a justifiably awed stocktaking of his assets. But he'd suspect praise now because they were in Home Office precincts, listening to someone doing well here, and who must, consequently, be a conspiring, egomaniac two-timer: conspiring very specifically against
. In any case, the Assistant Chief would hate having his abilities referred to as equal to Harpur's, or even comparable to. The ACC could just about swallow blandishments, but not if he knew Harpur was getting them, too. Suckholing to Iles had to be carried out with discrimination, a discrimination which should naturally exclude Harpur, or it would be suckholing with no special distinction for the hole being sucked.

‘I meant it – about your famed doggedness, your dedication to a task,' Maud stated with a very genuine-seeming smile.

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