Under the Covers

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Authors: Roz Lee

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Under the Covers © 2012 by Roz Lee

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Under the Covers


By Roz Lee


It’s hard to believe the
is setting sail for the fifth time. My thanks go out to my loyal readers who have encouraged me to keep telling my little stories. Without you, the
would be in dry dock by now!

I can’t say enough about my editor, Tash, who feeds my ego with lavish praise, right before she scolds me over comma placement and homophones. I’m a better writer because of her, and I bow to her genius.

Many thanks to some old friends who have offered encouragement, expertise, and in some cases, lent their name to some of my more unsavory characters. I owe you, Karen, Kevin, MVC, and MP.

Thanks to my wonderful daughters who put the writing idea in my head, and didn’t laugh when I gave it a try. Most of all, I have to thank my husband who after all these years still says I’m the only one, and is always willing to help with my research.

I hope you enjoy your cruise.

Bon Voyage!


It’s all out war aboard the
. Grab a deck chair, and watch the fireworks as FBI Special Agent Bree Stanton, and former DIA agent Drew Whitcomb try to negotiate a truce – one where Bree walks away with her heart, and Drew walks away without any new scars. Their battles are epic, and explosive, and will leave you smoldering in the Caribbean sun!

Bon Voyage!

Chapter One

Call it women's intuition or a sixth sense. Bree knew without turning that Drew had entered the security office. The way her body reacted every time he came within twenty feet was scary, to say the least. Every nerve ending tingled, and her heart rate sped like an adrenaline junkie on a caffeine binge. If he was here to complain about her watching him judge the breast competition, she might have to kill him. She couldn't go on like this.

She took a moment to steel herself for the impact of seeing him. It was never easy.

Wasn't once a day enough of a jolt to the senses? Not half an hour earlier, she'd spied him on deck in all his bare-chested, sun-god glory, judging the competition, and she hadn't been able to take her eyes off him. It just wasn't fair that he looked like that. At the very least, he should be required to wear a shirt. But on the
, where everyone wore what the ship issued, Drew was shirtless.

Bree sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly, all the while silently chanting her new mantra.
I won't. I won't. I won't.
It was useless protection against throwing herself at him, but it was all she had. The man oozed sex appeal from the top of his close-cropped head to his toes. He walked like a testosterone time bomb, and his slow smile could seduce the panties off a prude. And she was far from a prude. Despite her resolve to stay away from him, and particularly, away from his bed, she was a realist at heart. That meant she was fully aware it wouldn't take much to make her fall off the wagon. Heaven help her, she needed a twelve-step program. DAA

Drew Addicts Anonymous.

No doubt there were plenty of women aboard the
who needed the group, but she'd be the only one who
one. No one else seemed to have a problem with a former Navy SEAL throwing his life away. All the others saw was the sexy bod. They couldn't care less about the brain that was being wasted.

She clenched her thighs tight, plastered a fake smile on her lips and spun around. "Aren't you supposed to be guarding the owners’ suites?"

"I checked with Richard and Ryan. They aren't planning to leave their cabins today, so I'm free to move about the ship. I've got one of our security guys sitting by the elevators, just in case."

She brought up the live feed from the hallway cameras on deck twelve, forward. Sure enough, one of the ship's security team paced in front of the private elevator. The ship's owners and their wives had been onboard ever since the kidnapping and rescue, and few people had seen the four of them outside their suites. As far as she was concerned, they had the right to some privacy, and time to get over what had happened. Candace and Fallon could have been killed, but thanks to Drew's rescue plan, they were alive and well. She should have known he wouldn't take any chances with their safety. He might be many things, but careless wasn't one of them.

"So… what brings you here? Run out of breasts to ogle?" Oh God. Why had she said that? Why couldn't she keep her mouth shut when Drew was around? Pathetic to bait him.

He closed the door and leaned against it. "You should have entered. You would have won."

Of all the contests onboard the
, the breast competition was one she found the most disgusting simply because it required no skill or prowess of any kind. The only requirement for entry was a pair of breasts

the bigger the better. "Which category?" she sneered. Her inner realist told her she didn't have a chance against the kind of competition she'd seen today.

"All of them. Well, with the exception of the Most Natural Implants. You don't qualify for that one. But you'd win the others

Firmest, Biggest, Most Beautiful, and my personal favorite, Nipples I Most Want to Taste." His tongue swept his upper lip and his eyebrows danced.

"Good grief." Bree sighed at his ridiculous behavior. "Isn't judging contests a little out of your job description?"

Drew shrugged. "I lost a bet with the Cruise Director. Loser has to judge the next three Breast contests."

Bree rolled her eyes. "Such a hardship. How will you survive?" He pushed away from the door, and the corners of his lips lifted in a smile every sheep knew. It was the one they saw on the wolf's face right before he attacked. Bree took a step back.

"We need to talk. Dinner tonight?"

Her thighs bumped against the desk and she curled her fingers beneath the edge. Dinner. Was that all he wanted? And why now? The way they'd been fighting lately, dinner would probably end up with the two of them wearing their food, and not in a good way. An image popped into her head. Her naked body covered in chocolate, and Drew removing it, one tongue swipe at a time. She shook her head as if that might wipe the image away.

"Or we could skip dinner and go straight to what we both really want," he offered.

A coil of heat began at the lump in her throat and spiraled down past her jutting nipples all the way to her core. Her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth as every bit of moisture in her body pooled between her legs. Drew took another step closer and her knees gave way. She reached for her chair, but Drew was faster. One strong arm wrapped around her waist, and the other pulled the chair beneath her.

"Whoa there. Are you okay?" He went down on one knee in front of her and held her hand in his.

That wasn't helping a damned thing. She couldn't breathe when he touched her, and she damn well couldn't think. She pulled her hand free. "Yeah, fine."
Mortified. Horny. Desperate. Stupid
. His concern was genuine, and it made her feel like an ass for all the terrible thoughts she'd had about him. He really was a nice guy beneath all that genetic perfection. "I'm okay, Drew."

"You're doing too much. When was the last time you took time off for yourself?"

"I don't…."

"I know you don't. That's why you're taking the rest of the day off, and then you're having dinner with me."

"Drew, I can't…."

"Yes, you can. I'm in charge, so don't argue with me."

Technically, he wasn't in charge of anything on the ship except the personal security of the owners. The ship's security was her job. She laughed. "Don't argue? That's all we do."

"Not today. Go on." He stood and moved to one side. "I'll take over for you until Davis comes on duty."

It was so tempting to argue with him, but he was right. She hadn't taken time off since the kidnapping. "Maybe I'll just go sit on deck for a while, get some fresh air and sun."

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