Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic) (3 page)

BOOK: Under Pressure [IAD Agency] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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That did it.

“If you hadn’t acted like such a pompous ass, perhaps I would have,” she fired back.

She was surprised as his eyes flashed with fire.

“And I did apologize,” Bella reminded him over the rim of her glass as she took a sip of the cool champagne to ease her dry throat.

His eyes had turned molten silver for a moment, so quick she thought she might have imagined it. His serious expression made her think that it was probably a play of the lights and not any actual emotions.

“Well then, I accept your apology.” He was staring at her, and his unblinking gaze seemed to be trying to peer into her very soul.

Careful, she thought.

This man gave away nothing and that made him dangerous. He was big, too big. Bella found herself stepping to the side, moving closer to the light. He was an imposing figure, but even so, she couldn’t help the attraction she felt.

Staring back at him, Bella realized that a smile would alter his face from handsome to heart-stopping gorgeous.

Whoa, where did that come from?
She surprised herself with that fanciful observation.

Even without showing emotions, his intense stare was getting to her.
Lust pooled tightly inside her as she felt herself getting wet. She had not felt this strong a sexual pull from a man in, well, hell, ever.

Too bad he was so arrogant. Old Bella would have had no problem jumping this guy, but this new Bella, did she dare?

She saw his eyes narrow, and she couldn’t help but take a step in retreat.

“You look familiar, but I know we haven’t met before. I would have remembered you.”

She rolled her eyes. “I bet you say that to all the ladies.”

“I do not lie. And I don’t need to use pedestrian lines to attract women.”

“Really,” Bella drawled out. She didn’t know what had come over her. Every time she opened her mouth, she couldn’t help but bait him. It was like taunting a wild animal. He was dangerous and certainly not someone she wanted to push, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself.

He opened his mouth, but Bella was saved by whatever scathing remark he was going to make when someone called her name.

“Bella, there you are!” Liz hurried up to them waving her hand. “Of course when I couldn’t find you I thought to look out here. Oh! I apologize for intruding. Bella, who’s your friend?” Liz asked curiously, offering a bright smile.

He continued to look at Bella with that aggravatingly serious look on his face. “I believe your friend thinks my name is ass, don’t you, love?”

She let a chuckle escape. “It was arrogant ass, if I remember correctly.” Bella’s obvious amusement sparkled in her eyes. “Liz, I would like you to meet…”

He shifted so the light played across his face as he turned to face Liz.

Liz let out a horrified gasp but quickly recovered and held out a graceful hand with a beaming smile plastered on her face, her green eyes glittering with shock and amusement. Nerves had Liz babbling. “Oh my, you are Jason MacBain, aren’t you? Mr. MacBain! It’s a pleasure to have you with us tonight. My name is Elizabeth Trenton. I’m one of the chairs for the Children’s Foundation, and I am so glad you could personally attend this evening. The sculpture you have donated seems to be the most coveted piece of the entire collection up for auction tonight. I cannot thank you enough for your generous contribution!”

Standing next to Jason, who towered over both women Liz was still shorter at around five nine with heels. Her straight blonde hair was held up in an elegant twist, and her peach chiffon dress showed off her body to perfection. Jason didn’t seem to notice, not taking his eyes off Bella any longer than to murmur a polite hello.

Jason took her hand and replied with a regal nod. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Trenton. Indeed, that is good to know. I was worried that I would have to buy it back tonight if no one wanted to bid on it,” he easily quipped before immediately shifting his attention back to Bella.

Liz also turned to Bella with wide eyes, silently asking for the entire story leading up to the strange introduction later. Bella knew that Liz would rip into her later for insulting what she had come to think of as the prize patron of tonight’s event, but right now she didn’t care.

Bella wanted to groan.

She completely didn’t see this one coming
He hadn’t come after her because he was attracted. He came out after her to babysit her.

Jason MacBain. Her brother’s friend.

Not to mention that Bella’s friend Tara had just taken a job working for him. He wasn’t a stranger. Of course this gorgeous man who had more money than God wasn’t chasing after her.

He was

Liz looked at Bella in question when she saw the anger simmering in Bella’s eyes. Liz wanted to know if Bella needed help to make an escape or if she wanted to be left alone with Jason, the indecision evident on her face. Since Bella had moved back to Chicago, Liz had been very protective of Bella. In the old days, that had been the opposite, with Bella taking the lead and looking out for Liz.

But Bella didn’t look like she needed rescuing.

She looked pissed.

“Bella, umm…Tony was looking for you inside,” Liz said, strategically giving her an out. Jason’s jaw clenched at the mention of the man’s name. Bella couldn’t help but notice, and was surprised by his reaction.

“Oh? I’m surprised my brother would bother,” Bella said, forcing a smile. “Why would he need to, when the two of you are babysitting me?”

Liz was silent.

“What?” Bella asked innocently as she finished her cigarette and gulped down what was left of champagne in her glass. Someone called for Liz at the doorway as Bella set the empty glass on a nearby table.

Liz hesitated and looked from the door back to Bella. “I have to get back inside. I think the bidding is coming to a close. I just came out to see how you were doing. To say hi.”

Bella relented when she saw the sincerity in Liz’s eyes and heard the hurt in her voice. She reached out and squeezed Liz’s hand in a silent apology. “Go back in. Do your thing. I plead temporary insanity. You know how parties like this make me crazy.” She forced a smile. “I’ll see you later.”

Liz smiled back at her then turned back to Jason. “Thank you so much for your help tonight. It was nice to finally meet you.” She held out her hand once more and thanked him again, heading back inside with a glance over her shoulder. Bella caught her silent message.

Jason’s intense eyes were fixated on Bella as he moved in closer to her. “You were upset. What upset you?”

Her look said “get real” without a single word.

“Tell me what upset you.”


He frowned. Bella could tell that this man wasn’t used to hearing that word.

“You’ll tell me eventually.”

She gave a delicate shrug. “Whatever. Believe what you want.”

She was glad that he relented for the moment. There was a battle of wills between them as he studied her in the silence and she found herself holding her breath. Finally he seemed to sigh without making a sound, letting the moment pass.

“Bella, the name suits you.”

“Thanks.” She shivered at the intensity of his gaze.

“We should go inside. You’re cold.”

“I’m fine.”

Jason reached out to move a lock of her hair off her face and she tried to stop herself from flinching but couldn’t quite hold back the telling motion. His eyes narrowed slightly as if her flinching from his touch had upset him.

“Are you afraid of me?” he asked softly.


Bella wanted him, but she
frightened. She looked up at Jason and met his gaze, caught off guard at the tenderness she saw there.

“No…I mean, well, umm, of course not. It’s just, I don’t know you. And I don’t like being touched.”

He had seen the desire there in her eyes, but sensed her hesitation…her wariness. No matter how hard she tried to hide it from him, he knew. But that wouldn’t stop him from going after what he wanted. And he wanted her.

“Well, lass, you better get used to it. I’m going to be touching you a lot,” Jason’s deep voice purred.

Oh my God

Bella could feel her body heat at his words. His voice was like liquid sex flowing over her. She couldn’t think clearly, his presence taking over her senses.

“You…you don’t mean that.”

The frown was back on Jason’s face. His eyes were hard, piercing stones drilling into Bella.

Insulted, he growled, “I do not lie.”

Bella made a move to back away again, but he crowded her up to the railing.

Jason saw something flash in her eyes that had him forcing his anger back. No, he wouldn’t hurt her, but someone had. He could tell by the way she moved to shield herself. He felt an uncharacteristic primitive rage settle inside of him at the thought of anyone hurting this woman standing in front of him. Overcome with a need to put her at ease, he softened his voice as he gently brushed the back of his fingers over the smooth perfection of her cheek.

“Tell me, sweet lass. Tell me what you’re afraid of.”

Bella tried turning her nervousness to anger, but it didn’t work. To her chagrin, her voice shook. “Stop crowding me.”

He silently studied her with his watchful gaze. He wanted to ease the panic that he saw her trying to hide from him. He knew he should step back, leave her alone, but he couldn’t force his body to move. Like taming a small, trapped animal, Jason tried to put Bella at ease by willing his body to relax. He kept his breathing deep and even, and was deeply pleased when her own breathing seemed to slow to match his.

“I won’t hurt you.”

Bella tilted her head to the side. She was silent for a moment, and he could tell she was trying to work something out in her head. He had never before wished to know someone else’s thoughts so much. Usually good at reading people, to his utter frustration this petite beauty remained a mystery to him.

Finally she spoke. “Are you honestly going to tell me you’re attracted to me?”

He was absolutely shocked by the scorn in her voice. Lust rose up in molten waves as he stared into her golden eyes. Eyes that matched the molten bronze encasing that gorgeous petite body that his hands all but ached to touch.

His nostrils flared and he leaned down, his arms enclosing around her to brace on the railing at her sides. “Oh, I’m attracted all right…and so are you.” Before she could deny it, his lips covered hers.

It was a gentle kiss, yet it froze her in place as if he were holding a gun to her head.


* * * *


Bella felt drunk with lust.

Heat speared into her core, and her hands came up to grip tightly onto his jacket. As quickly as it started, he pulled away, leaving her unbalanced, so she gripped tighter. His arm wrapped around her waist to hold her to him. To her surprise, his embrace didn’t frighten her but rather made her feel protected. The warmth coming from his body easily chased away the chill she had been feeling after standing out in the cool night air, and to her surprise she had to stop herself from snuggling closer.

“I’ll see you home.” Jason’s tone left no room for argument.

All she could do was blink up at him. The man had burned her alive with one kiss and he looked as if nothing had happened. He seemed unaffected, his voice was calm and controlled. She would have been completely fooled if she didn’t see his jaw clench and feel the rigid muscles of his body tense with the same desire she was feeling.

He continued to hold her close to him as he led her from the balcony. She could feel his tense muscles flex as her body brushed up against his side.

As they made their way back inside he took her arm to lead her through the masses of people, strong enough to hold her firmly but not enough to hurt. She finally found her tongue as he moved them quickly through the room and made for the exit.

“Are you always this intense?” she couldn’t help but ask.

He didn’t even look at her. “Yes.”

Jason couldn’t help but notice the admiring glances that Bella received as they crossed the room. He immediately changed his grip on her and pulled her closer to his side.

Bella felt his hand branding her waist with the searing heat of his touch as he swept her toward the front entrance. She was caught in a whirlwind as the sea of people parted for them as if they didn’t dare stand in the way of man by her side.

They stopped to retrieve her wrap from the coat check and made their way outside.

Jason’s car was waiting at the entrance as he walked up and opened the door for Bella to slide in. As he got into the driver’s seat, she looked over at him with a raised eyebrow in question.

“I had them keep my car out front since I did not plan on staying long,” he answered her silent question. He started the car and pulled into traffic.

Bella found herself staring at his profile in the passing lights, fascinated by the harsh beauty of his face, not really believing she was there with him. As if he could feel her gaze, he turned heated eyes to meet hers. “Come home with me, Bella,” he whispered. His intense gaze was frightening in the shadowed light, but she was overcome with a wave of desire.

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