Under By Treaty (SciFi Romance) (14 page)

BOOK: Under By Treaty (SciFi Romance)
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Parsons considered the suggestion. “Yes, we could. We’d need to be careful not to raise suspicion. General Jaden needs to react normally. Better to suggest culmination will protect Earth, you know, something that aligns with his sense of duty and natural instincts.”

“His natural instincts will get him killed,”
Zubarev pointed out. “This whole idea is crazy. Sirs, I may be speaking out of turn, but are we seriously discussing subjecting General Jaden to long-term torture and sexual slavery at the hands of the K’lahn?”

’m volunteering,” Jaden pointed out. “Look, this is our best chance of infiltrating the heart of the Qui Empire. We can’t be the only planet to have resisted the K’lahn. The Intel I can access at the Qui court could help us find allies, maybe prevent future attacks by the K’lahn on our world.” Johnson looked unconvinced. Jaden grimaced; he was going to have to address the thorny issue keeping him awake at night. “I’ll be honest, Sirs. The Ambassador’s hot. There’s something there, between us. And she’s determined. The training could work.”

Oh my God!” Zubarev groaned. “You’re not going to culminate with the Ambassador! You’re culminating with the Lizard Queen! This is such a bad idea.”

Rooster nodded at Zubarev. “
The colonel’s right.” Johnson’s presidential opponent shifted his calculating gaze to Jaden. “For this to work, Ambassador Sonil has to break you. It’s the only possible way. I doubt there’ll be much left of the General Jaden we know by the time she’s finished with you. The brave man volunteering for this insanity will not be the same man on the other side of culmination, even if you survive that long.”

Doc raised a hand. “
We can improve the general’s chances, though. It’s still experimental, but I can mix a cocktail of nano-proteins coded for a longer life span. The general should experience increased strength and endurance. At least, long enough to get him through training.”

“I can’t believe you’re encouraging him!” Zubarev exploded
, shaking his head first at Parsons and then Jaden.

Johnson said quietly.

Jaw set with anger,
Zubarev subsided and there was a brief moment of silence. Even Parsons held his tongue.

the president turned to Jaden, looked him in the eye. “Okay, let’s say you make it, you get to the other side of culmination, you remember you signed up to this, and why, and you uncover vital Intel. What then? You’re light years away, dependent on the Qui for your every need. No back up. No means of communicating with us –”

Mr. President,” Jaden said, “Comms R&D has a solution for that.”

raised an eyebrow. “Professor Keltar reported several problems still to resolve before we had a reliable hyperspace comms system.”

“That’s still true
, Mr. President. Turns out brain implants work through hyperspace better than regular radio communication. Keltar’s tech guys have developed a hyper bio-implant undetectable to K’lahn sensors. Doc can switch it with my regular one.”

Johnson frowned
and Jaden’s heart began to hammer inside his chest. Johnson was going to say no. Her lizard Highness had put Earth on a precipice, but with the help of Doc’s enhancements and the implant, Jaden could spin Sonil’s devious scheme right back on the Qui. Yes, it was a risky play, he’d felt sick with apprehension since the moment the Ambassador had declared her intentions for him, but the payoff –

“It’s too dangerous,” Johnson declared.

Jaden shook his head, refusing to accept defeat. “With respect, Mr. President, I believe Sonil’s been sent here because the Qui is ready to turn and stamp on us if we refuse. If she wasn’t bluffing, and they actually held off when our resistance proved too aggressive, then it’s a damn good possibility that Earth won’t survive a full, unrestrained assault. The Qui is offering our world a let out. You should take it. Sir, Mr. President, the K’lahn killed my parents; they all but destroyed Earth. I’ve got the chance to fuck the whole goddamn Qui Galactic Empire to its knees. With Doc’s help, I’ll survive whatever that bitch lizard can throw at me. You gotta let me do this.”




Jaden stared up at the wood-carved ceiling from the Qui’s bed. What a mad, fucking plan. The crazy thing was it had worked. So far. Now it was up to him to put an end to the Qui’s dominance across the galaxy. It had seemed so simple all those weeks ago.

At least Johnson hadn
’t turned on him. It had been the right move ensuring Rooster won the election. Sonil would have seen through a change of heart from Johnson. Rooster was made of different stuff. Maybe the hypnosis had been the reason for his headaches – his subconscious mind battling to recover the lost knowledge.

Early morning light crept across the room and
Sonil stirred beside him. Her nails scraped his chest stirring his cock to life. Hell. Doc sure got the Persian prince analogy wrong.

He helped her climb
on top of him. His cock pressed against her. “You been dreaming about me?” he said as she slid down on him.

He stiffened inside her.

“Stop talking and put your tongue to better use,” she ordered, flicking her long hair over her shoulders and presenting a pert nipple for his attention. He eased her up and leaned in to swirl his tongue on the bluish-pink nub. He nipped and pulled, easing her off him and up his body to devour her properly. She coped for a few moments and then she was pushing back down on his cock. Her mouth captured his with a deep kiss. He found her nipples with his fingers and twisted until she squealed.

He felt
the deep pressure of his orgasm building, driving him to push harder into her, as far as he could bury himself. He pushed her hand down between them so she could feel his swollen balls. She began to knead them gently. A fierce need for her possessed him and he arched his back, rolled Sonil over and ground into her with all his weight prompting a gasp from her.

She seemed s
tartled by his aggression, resisting him at first, but he pinned her hands above her head. Sonil’s eyes flashed gold with surprise as he held her easily.  Before she could muster her defenses, he began pounding into her hard.

She didn’t fight back.

Her whole body rocked with him. He released her arms. The huge, solid bed creaked under the strain of his assault. She tickled below his scrotum each time he withdrew. The sensation always drove him wild and now was no exception. He eased out again and this time stayed out.

Teasing her.

arched up and wailed her frustration. Nails clawed his back, drawing blood. Fuck. He slammed into her before she slashed him to ribbons. Her eyes shut. She was lost in her own world of pleasure.

rotated his cock inside her and knew he wouldn’t hold out. Balancing on one arm, he forced his other arm between them, probed for the soft ridges that would take her over the edge, and added the pressure she needed. Her whole body convulsed. Her contracting muscles forced the orgasm from him. It was amazing. As his semen ejected into her, he buried his forehead into her neck and groaned. Her arms enfolded him, soothed him as he tumbled back to a reality he didn’t want to face.

Images and sensations filled his mind.
Her shocked expression when she’d felt his strength; the languorous softening of her body beneath him. He’d surprised her, but Sonil knew he’d been working out, preparing for his new life at the Qui’s side. She didn’t know Doc’s little critters holding his body together had been preparing a super spy inside the heart of her empire. His world hadn’t betrayed him.

agreed to Sonil’s training from the start.

Now h
e had a bigger problem than he thought.

fulfilled him. No woman could live up to the Qui, the ruler of an empire who shared her bed with the enemy. He had found the most amazing creature in the galaxy, she owned him, body, heart, and soul, and now he faced the horrifying prospect of betraying her.


Chapter Twelve



“Why is he
still called President Johnson?” Sonil wanted to know one morning as they ate breakfast.

swallowed a mouthful of food that most closely resembled eggs on toast. “Just a tradition. Once a president, always a president. But Rooster has all the authority. Johnson is acting on his behalf as Earth’s envoy. When’s he due to arrive?”

Several days from now. I have the delegation from Trexan tomorrow. The Qui will be attending.”

’s ears pricked up. “Qui as in?”

“My family. My mother

“That will be interesting.”
He bit into the toast.

Sonil chewed her lip.
He couldn’t remember seeing her do that before.

“Remember Markl?”

Jaden choked on his breakfast. “You want me to… With your

“No. But my male relatives will
be out to test you. And I’ve been lax with you since culmination.”

Jaden agreed.
She had lulled him into a false sense of security.
. Could he do this? He wasn’t the same person since the general in him had resurfaced. He even thought of his role here as an undercover one. He was a spy for Earth. Maybe that would make it easier; give him a valid excuse for submitting to anal rape.

“I can handle it,” he said. “Do me a favor, though. You got any more of those butt plugs?”

She nodded. “You’ll need a larger size. I’ll give you gel to put in, too. Try not to worry. They just want to test you.”




She wasn’t kidding. The next morning, a Qui male in full reptilian form – and way larger than Sonil – walked into her private wing, spotted Jaden, grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and bent him over the nearest table. The Qui swept the vase of flowers at its center to the floor.

’s heart pounded, but he swallowed his anger and made himself relax.

“Remove your garment
,” the Qui ordered in K’lahn.

Jaden reached down to un
button his pants. Folded double over the table he had just enough room to push them to his hips. He placed his hands on the table, and waited. The Qui fumbled behind him. Jaden flinched as something cold and scaly invaded his back passage.

You are new to this?”

Jaden nodded
, physically incapable of speech.

The Qui grunted. He entered slowly.

Jaden gouged the table with his nails and smothered the urge to fight back. It was too late now anyway, he wouldn’t stand a chance. He felt his rectum fill. A tremendous pressure built inside him. It became painful. Really painful. The Qui was tearing him.

He stifled a sob.

The Qui pulled out. “You are too dry. I will not damage my sister’s property. Go clean up. Ensure you are properly lubricated the next time I attend you.”

Jaden pushed up from the table, pulled his pants up over his ass and stumbled to their bedroom.

Sonil turned around then jumped up. “What happened?”

Jaden limped to the
bathroom and requested warm water. Sonil followed him in. He stripped quickly and stepped under the shower. Blood dripped to the tiles. He began to shiver from shock. “One of your brothers. Just walked in. Didn’t get a chance to see his face. He was too… big. I was too dry.”

got out gel, smeared it on two fingers and walked up to him. “Let me see.”

cringed away from her. “What are you doing?”

“I want to check the damage.
And this ointment will help. Shower off.”


She didn
’t give him much choice. She bent him over at the waist, put an iron arm over his lower back and stuck two fingers into his aching anus. He tried to rise but she had him pinned over. She was also supporting him or he would have collapsed to the floor. He’d forgotten how strong Sonil could be. His increased strength meant nothing against that of a Qui.

“You were supposed to prepare for this.”
Her fingers probed him gently.

He hissed
as she touched a particularly tender spot.

“You were lucky
,” she added. “It could have been worse.”

“What if the others want to
…?” He couldn’t finish the question.

She stood him up
and stepped away. “Shower on. You will submit, Jaden. Do you understand?” She turned away, obviously expecting a ‘yes’. When she didn’t get one, she turned back. Her eyes darkened. She was turning Qui on him. “I require an answer, Jaden.”

“Yes.” But the word stuck in his throat

o… he’d been deceiving himself about his place in Sonil’s life. He might sleep in the Qui’s bed, but really, he was little more than property to be shared. The thought was unexpectedly painful.




Sonil fought to concentrate on the heated discussion in front of her, distracted by the waves of resentment emanating from Jaden. Unfortunately, her mother had an equally acute sense for emotion and pheromones. K’rista had already given him several sharp looks. Sonil wanted cause to discipline him, but Jaden stood rigid on his spot, eyes front, not once giving any physical sign of his discomfort.

The leader of the Trexan delegation bravely challenging the full might of the Qui Family paused mid-sentence.
“Honored Qui?”

Sonil forced her attention
back to him. She flexed her wings, wishing she could soar to the sky and take Jaden with her. “Please continue, Ambassador.”

“We are prepared to fund our military forces
within ten years.” He cast a sly look at her brother, Oltu. “We would not leech off the Empire.”

“Trexan space provides direct access to the Qui Empire
,” Sonil said. “I will not relinquish military control of this region.”

“Military control that is resourced from the Trexan worlds, Honored Qui. We want independence. Not war with the Empire. The Qui Galactic Empire and the Trexan system can be allies. We are willing to allow a Qui military base on a moon.”

“Funded by?” she asked him.

“The Qui

Oltu stirred and the ambassador started. Oltu
’s huge presence was intimidating. Sonil suspected it was Oltu who had cornered Jaden earlier.

“Trexan contributes one trillion danubles
a H’ostan year to the Empire,” her brother pointed out. “The Qui invests double that defending Trexan and neighboring systems in the quadrant. The neighboring planets cannot afford to make the contribution you do. Establishing a moon base will cost half a trillion. We would have to budget at least the same each year to resource and maintain it.”

Sonil allowed Oltu to shred the Trexan
’s financial projections. She wondered what the real reason was behind the Trexan’s bid for independence. She needed to find out.

She raised her hand when Oltu
paused for breath. “Ambassador, I would like to break. The guard will escort your delegation to the gardens where sustenance has been provided.”

Her mother e
rupted the moment the door had closed behind them. “Why do you listen to this drivel, Sonestra? Your father would not have entertained the notion. Without Trexan, the whole Empire is at risk from the Surashan Alliance.”

“Father is no longer on the throne, Mother. I am.”
Sonil turned to the younger of her two siblings. “Fitor, I have not received your report. I want to know developments on Trexan. The Ambassador is hiding something.”

I don’t trust your servant,” K’rista announced.

Sonil wasn
’t surprised. “He is in pain, Mother.”

“I hardly touched him,” Oltu said calmly. “He was insufficiently prepared.”

Sonil inclined her head, accepting the accusation implicit in his words.

Her mother flexed her wings and stood up. She pointed to a spot before her. “Well, let me see him.”

Jaden walked steadily towards the indicated spot, dropped to one knee and bowed his head.

Her mother walked around him. “Stand up.”

He did.

’rista extended a single talon, hooked his chin and turned his face to meet her gaze. “Do you love my daughter, Jaden?”

Honored Qui.”

“Would you die for her?”

“I –”

Or for Earth?”




In that moment, Jaden knew he could not lie. K’rista would see right through him.

He expressed his feelings carefully,
glad he’d switched Earth out the instant K’rista focused on him – he couldn’t afford the distraction, not to mention he didn’t want the interpreter translating every unsavory detail of his new life to Rooster. “I sacrificed everything for Earth, Honored Qui. I can’t choose between them.”

Sonil materialized at his side. “Earth

“My world didn
’t betray me, Sonil. Two presidents did. They believed they were doing the right thing for Earth.”

’rista expressed a sigh of disapproval. “He is conflicted, Sonestra. You must remember that. So it must be Oltu who has irritated his human pores.” She gripped Jaden’s chin, twisting his head sideways to examine his neck more closely.

“He has not known a male before,” Oltu volunteered.

K’rista let Jaden go to turn a startled look on her daughter. “

“I d
idn’t want to share him,” Sonil burst out.

Jaden stared at her in surprise. So did the rest of her family. Then h
er mother laughed; a throaty, clucking sound.

Then don’t,” Fitor contributed lazily from across the room.

’t be foolish, Fitor,” K’rista dismissed the idea.

should she? Because tradition demands it? Sonil sits on the throne. He is her property. She alone may decide such things.”

Jaden decided he liked Fitor.

K’rista looked thoughtful. “Oltu?”

not concern me either way. He did not resist me, despite his obvious resentment.”

“His resentment is the problem,
Sonestra. You didn’t break him, child. He is dangerous.”

“No, I read his heart.”

Jaden dropped to his knee, unsure of the protocol.

Sonil placed a
scaly, blue hand on his head that kept him bowed. “No Jaden. You do not have a say.”

She was angry with him. Whether because her family found him wanting, or because of his loyalty to Earth he could not say. The only thing saving his cover was that he genuinely loved her and – according to her mother – not just because Sonil hadn’t broken him.

’rista wasn’t satisfied. “Remind him of his place, Sonestra, before you get him killed. Before he becomes a liability to us all.”





Jaden hung from wrists tethered to the corner posts at the end of Sonil
’s bed, his ankles separated by a spreader bar. It was a measure of Sonil’s ire that she did not shape-shift into her humanoid form. He studied her sleeping lizardesque outline in the soft light filtering through the half-open drapes. As punishments went, it was a gentle one, if tiring.

The general in him
would resent it, except he had cause to feel guilty. The thought reminded him to check in with Earth.

Your thoughts are reading
a little off, General. Something wrong?

’s fine, Zubarev. Did you locate the Trexan system?

Affirmative. A
n investigative mission is being set up as we speak.

’ve been thinking, Zubarev. I’m not sure this is wise. Earth is safe. Sonil has a strict code of honor. She won’t renege on the deal.

This is your plan, General.

Well, I’m changing it.

This is President Rooster, General

Jaden closed his eyes, relieved they couldn
’t actually see him


You’re under alien influence, General, and you sound strained. Is your cover intact?

Sonil stirred and Jaden mentally held his breath. Then s
he sat up and stared at him. Blue alien eyes quietly assessed him. Jaden switched Earth out.

BOOK: Under By Treaty (SciFi Romance)
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