Undead Honeymoon

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Authors: Austin Quinn

BOOK: Undead Honeymoon
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Copyright © 2015 by Austin Quinn

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Counting Down



July 2


Fizz and Gig got into it again today. They knocked over a picture frame and a stack of magazines during a scrap in the living room. I’m still wondering why they haven’t gotten used to each other yet. It’s been nearly two months since we adopted Gig from the SPCA. Finn said they’re both just spoiled, and they each want to be the only cat in the house. I think they just need a little more time to adjust.


On a lighter note, I finally bought another journal. My last one has been full for weeks, and I’ve been running out of time to get a new one before we go on the cruise. I finished my research paper and got a lot of cleaning done before Finn got home. I wanted to have dinner waiting, but he insisted on cooking his
meatloaf. I don’t know what in the world he did to it, but it tasted like a shoe. I guess I don’t really mind, though. I’ve been trying to tone up for the cruise, and I always end up eating too much when he manages to make a decent meal.  




July 3rd


Fireworks shopping today. Fun right?


Finn waited until the last minute. It’s always so crowded at the big year round places, and yet we still managed to buy way too many. I can almost guarantee we won’t fire them all off, but I got my sparklers, so I’m happy. Finn gets to play with fire, so he’ll be happy too. I swear he’ll set
on fire one day just to watch the flames. Fingers crossed that he won’t destroy our neighbor’s mailbox this year.  


“Why don’t they ever sell the m-180’s anymore?” Finn asked, his arms full of bottle rockets as he stood in the middle of the aisle.


He was clearly annoyed that the store didn’t carry anything with a little more power. 


“Because they’re dangerous and we don’t need them for celebrating our country’s independence,” I replied, putting a quick end to the conversation. He huffed and continued his search for the biggest and most expensive fireworks he could find.


I’m so glad Florida outlawed most of the crazy dangerous kinds of fireworks, otherwise my husband might destroy the whole neighborhood!


I made eggplant parmesan for dinner. It was delicious, and I ended up eating too much.    




July 6


So… very… tired. I’m still exhausted from the fourth. Finn and I went to the park with some friends to watch the fireworks show over the river. We brought enough food to feed a small army, which included my famous banana pudding and Finn’s (almost as famous) macaroni salad. Needless to say everyone was happy, even with most of the food being warm since Finn insisted we get there
six hours early


“Remember last year?” he explained. “We got stuck behind a tree and could only see the tops of the fireworks.”


I decided not to argue with him. He was right, and I didn’t mind getting some fresh air at the park. They have the best fountains, the ones you can run around in as they shoot up from the walkways. Finn and I go there just to see the water sometimes, at least when there aren’t a hundred children running half naked through it.


The county orchestra was there again, but they didn’t do the Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack this year. Kind of disappointing, but they did play along to the fireworks, which was really cool. The ground literally shook when some of the bigger ones went off. They lit the night’s sky with every color imaginable. After the finale we fought our way through the masses and managed to get back to the house around ten. Finn was super excited to shoot our own fireworks off.


We didn’t even get through half of them, big surprise! In fact we barely lit any at all. The wind picked up considerably after we left the park, and the bottle rockets kept landing on top of our next door neighbor‘s house. A cul de sac definitely isn’t the ideal place when trying to light fireworks. No matter where they land it’ll probably always be on someone’s rooftop. Now we have two giant boxes of fireworks sitting in our storage room.


Oh well.




July 14


I was so productive today!


I really was, and that’s saying something, because it’s been a busy week. My professors have been keeping me bogged down this semester. I found out the hard way that summer courses are evil, and I’m starting to think getting my degree a semester early isn’t worth the headache of condensed classes. The workload is just insane. Finn has classes, too, but he always manages to get the easy teachers. He uses a website that rates them on how hard they are and whether or not students like them. I told myself I didn’t need it, but after this semester…


Aside from schoolwork, I cleaned Sokka’s kennel and took him for a long walk. I did all the dishes and scrubbed the sliding glass doors. It took forever because Sokka’s favorite pastime is to sit and stare at squirrels while he drools all over the glass. Finn already cleaned the garage, bathroom, and did all the laundry, so I think we’re in pretty good shape.    




July 16


I’ve been sick all day. 


I threw up after lunch when I tried to eat some leftover twice bakes that Finn heated up. I knew we should’ve thrown them out. Finn wanted to call out of work to take care of me, but I told him we couldn’t afford it. Our honeymoon is only a few short weeks away, and we really need to save.


“But I hate leaving you alone when you’re sick,” he argued. Somehow he knew I was wavering about whether he should stay. I do always like to have him close.


hate leaving me alone, even when I’m not sick. I’ll be fine, and Jenna can come over so I won’t be alone,” I said, trying to comfort him. 


“Your sister probably won’t be up for hours, and there‘s no guarantee that you‘ll actually get a hold of her. What if you need something?” 


“I’ll be
,” I said a little more firmly. “You’ll probably be cut in like two hours anyways.”


Finn rubbed the back of his neck as he stood from the edge of the bed.


“Fine, text me if you need anything. I can be here in less than ten minutes if you feel any worse, okay?” he said, sounding defeated. He bent and gave me a hug as I tried and failed to avoid his inbound kiss. He never thinks about getting sick himself. 


Finn could probably lose an arm and just walk it off, but if he gets sick he’s like a child. He just sits in bed all day, acting as if the cold or flu he has is going to be the death of him.  




July 17


I’m so glad today is over!  


Finn pulled a double, so I decided to get ahead on homework. Halfway through Sokka decided to start barking and he would NOT stop until I let him out of his kennel. Don’t get me wrong, I love him to death, but he’s just so
. I guess I can’t really complain since I was the one who got him as a birthday present for Finn. I do regret saying he could have a mastiff, though. A Chihuahua would be so much easier to handle! He jumped on me the second I let him out, and I was covered in drool by the time I got him outside. I’ve told Finn at least a dozen times that he needs to start training him.


All he ever says is, “He can’t talk like you and me, beautiful. He’s just showing how much he loves you.”


Next time he wants a pet I’ll get him a hamster. At least then my cats wouldn’t get chased on a daily basis. Hamsters don’t drool, either. 


More later.





July 24


Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. That’s what I had for breakfast this morning. I never eat ice cream for breakfast, in fact, I rarely eat ice cream at all. Maybe it’s my subconscious telling me to get ready for the never ending stream of food I‘ll have on our honeymoon.   


I got a good run in to even out my unhealthy breakfast. It was sweltering out, but there was a nice breeze that smelled like rain was coming. Almost everyone in the neighborhood was out in their yards. The kids down the street were having a sprinkler party, and Mr. Strickland next door was mowing his yard for the third time since last week.  


After a quick shower and a salad for lunch, I set to work on a deep clean of the house. I didn’t want to come back from an amazing vacation only to be depressed by a messy house. It took two hours just to clean out the expired food in the pantry and fridge.  


I finished scrubbing the kitchen and figured I‘d earned a break. It was still early, and I was all caught up on homework, so I decided on a scary movie marathon. First it was “Scream,” then “It.” I was just starting “Nightmare on Elm Street” when I heard the front door open. Finn walked in looking especially tired and smelling of bar food and cigarettes. 


I paused the DVD and jumped off the couch. “Rough day?” I asked as I gave him a kiss.


He tossed his notepad and apron on the coffee table and plopped onto the couch.


“We had three huge parties. Two of them were great, but one was all teenagers, and they nearly ran me to death. I’ve never been so thankful for auto gratuity. Good tips overall, though.”


He sighed as he tilted his head back and closed his eyes.



I had my special meatball tortellini dish ready for him when he got out of the shower. Needless to say his mood improved instantly. I love how easily food brightens his mood.




July 29


My yearly checkup was today, and other than being reprimanded for being too tan, Dr. Saddler said I’m fit as a fiddle.   


She was scribbling something on her clipboard as she spoke. “I know it’s the sunshine state, but do try to cut down on the UV exposure, okay? You’re fair skinned Lily, and I don’t recommend so much time outside without sun block. I’m not just talking about the beach, either. Anytime you’re outside for more than an hour. That includes when it’s cloudy; you can still get burnt!”


I nodded as I gathered my belongings from the chair that was nestled in the corner of the exam room.


“We’re going on vacation in a couple weeks, so I’ll make sure to buy some extra before we leave.”


“Oh? Always nice to get away. Are you heading down to the Keys again?”


I shook my head, “Not this year, we’re going on a cruise to the Caribbean instead. It’s kind of a delayed honeymoon, actually.”


“Oh, how exciting. Are you leaving out of Port Canaveral?” she asked.


“Yes, thank God. It’s only a twenty minute drive. I really didn’t want to start our honeymoon with a three or four hour road trip.”


“Yeah, and parking is always a nightmare, too. What ship are you going on?”


“The Wellspring,” Finn interjected as we walked out from the exam room. He’d been waiting in the lobby. 


Dr. Saddler raised an eyebrow. “Is that the one they just built? The big one with the Ferris wheel?”   


“Yup. Largest ship in the world,” Finn said proudly, “for now anyway. They keep building them bigger and bigger. They’re like cities on the water nowadays.”


“Tell me about it,” she agreed. “My sister went on The Bermuda last April, and after a week of cruising she still couldn’t find her way around. Just remember to take some Dramamine with you.”


Finn and I responded in unison. “Absolutely.”



I love it when doctor’s visits don’t include needles.


Needles suck.




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