Read Uncovering You 7: Resurrection Online
Authors: Scarlett Edwards
Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense, #erotic romance
“And that’s all,” Robin says. He looks at me, gravely serious. “Lilly, you don’t know the type of man that you’re with. I did some more investigating. And Lilly, the things his company has done, in secret…” he blows out his cheeks and runs a hand through his hair, “well, if word of any of it leaked, Jeremy Stonehart would be sitting in a jail cell for the rest of his life.”
“So why hasn’t it?” I demand. “If your information is so good, why don’t other people know? Why haven’t
gone to your precious
and had them run the story?”
“Because Lilly, none of it can be proven. They’re just hints and tidbits I’ve picked up, here and there. But I have a sense for these things. When enough of them point one way…well, very often they tell the truth.”
“The truth?” I laugh. “How much do you know about the truth, Robin?” I think of all the things Jeremy has done to me while he was still Stonehart. Things that no other human alive will ever know. “You know nothing.”
“I know you’re in danger,” he says. “Fey does, too. This is
car, isn’t it? How do you know it’s not tapped? How do you know he’s not listening in on our every word?”
Trust me, that possibility has entered my head many times,
I want to say. Instead: “We can go outside if you prefer.”
“Yes,” he says. “I do.”
We exit the car and walk into the lobby. I adjust the sunglasses to make sure they cover my eyes. “Come upstairs,” Robin says. “Fey will be so relieved to see you.”
I nod, casting furtive glances around us for anybody who may be following.
In the elevator, I speak again.
“Call me,” I say.
Robin looks my way. “Huh?”
“Call me. Prove what you’re saying is true.”
He nods, and takes out his cell phone. He looks at the status bar. “As soon as we get off.”
I bite my lip, growing more and more anxious as the elevator takes us higher. I start to tap my foot—fast.
The doors open. We get off.
Robin starts to walk down the hall.
“What are you doing?” I ask. “You’re supposed to call me.”
“Our room’s only a few doors down,” he begins, pointing behind him.
“No,” I say. “I’m not taking one more step until you prove it. Call me. Now.”
He sighs. “Okay, Lilly,” he says. “What’s your number?”
I give it to him. He punches it in and hits call. I take out my cell phone and wait.
Nothing happens.
“See?” he sighs.
“I don’t believe it,” I shake my head. “Give me your cell phone. You probably dialed it wrong.”
He gives me an exasperating, disbelieving look, but hands his cell phone over.
I check the signal. Five bars. Reception is perfect. I check the signal on my phone. Same thing.
I type my number in. Carefully. Slowly. Then I hit send.
I wait. Robin’s phone plays the dial tone.
But mine doesn’t ring.
Holy shit
“Satisfied?” Robin asks.
“No,” I say. “No. Not at all.”
I feel an anger building inside me. An anger directed entirely at Jeremy, for continuing to trick me, for continuing to deceive me. He had me believe I had full access to the world, and yet he was still screening my cell phone? And he was blocking calls from Fey, from Robin.
He’s the only one who can give me answers. I think I have a right to know.
I pull up Jeremy’s number on my screen and angrily jab the call button. I rip it to my ear.
Robin looks at me. I lift one finger and mouth, ‘Wait’.
Jeremy’s phone rings. And rings. And rings.
He does not pick up.
! I’m ready to scream from frustration.
I pull up the messaging app.
You fucking asshole!
I type.
You’ve been blocking my phone!
I hit send, and jab the phone back into my purse. “Okay,” I tell Robin. “Okay, let’s go see Fey.”
Halfway down the hall, my phone buzzes with a text. Robin stops in front of a door and takes his access card out. I pull out my phone.
There’s a message with one word, sent from Jeremy Stonehart:
The wind feels like it’s been knocked out of me.
Robin swipes his card. The door slides open. I see Fey inside.
My phone starts to ring. I look at it.
It’s Jeremy.
The End.
Enjoyed this book? Can’t wait for the next one? Sign up for my mailing list and get an exclusive sneak peek at
Uncovering You 8: Redemption,
coming January 20, 2014.
Thanks for reading!
This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or have been use fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2014 Edwards Publishing, Ltd.
All rights reserved.
Edited by Gail Lennon.
Cover design by Scarlett Edwards.
Interior design by Scarlett Edwards.
Published by Edwards Publishing, Ltd.
Edwards Publishing
477 Peace Portal Drive
Suite 107-154
Blaine, WA 98230
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