Uncontrolled Spin: The Power and Danger of Spin ("Un"missable Series Book 1)

BOOK: Uncontrolled Spin: The Power and Danger of Spin ("Un"missable Series Book 1)
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The Power and Danger of Spin

Book One

Jerry Summers

Copyright @ 2016 Jerry Summers

ISBN: 1944577025

ISBN: Softcover: 9781944577025

e-Book: 9781944577032

Library of Congress Control Number: 2016936307

GeLaSy, Inc. Caldwell, ID

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

This isi a book of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Revised Date: April 1, 2016

Special thanks to Sydney M. Radcliffe, for her patience in editing and revising, and constant alterations. Without your hard work and efforts, this book would have been much more labor intensive for ME. You Rock!


Chapter 1     Spin Doctor

Chapter 2     Lessons in Attraction

Chapter 3     Getting Lucky

Chapter 4     Lilies and Scotch

Chapter 5     Brazilian Hospitality

Chapter 6     Initial Analysis

Chapter 7     Would You?

Chapter 8     Finding Your Niche

Chapter 9     Business or Pleasure?

Chapter 10   Tactile

Chapter 11   Surprise

Chapter 12   Go Big or Go Home

Chapter 13   No Pun Intended

Chapter 14   Deadly Calm

Chapter 15   Freak Show

Chapter 16   A Great and Decent Man

Chapter 17   A Day at a Time

Chapter 18   Played

Chapter 19   A Woman Scorned

Chapter 20   Broken

A Glimpse of: Unmerited Favor: Book 2



ean Green, CEO of Sean Green Marketing (SGM), sits behind his elegant cherry wood desk, staring out the window of his One Embarcadero Center corner office overlooking the San Francisco Bay. The view is magnificent, and he feels smug in his accomplishments.
Not bad for a
kid from the avenues of San Francisco who dreamed of being an international corporate attorney,
he thinks. As a prominent marketing executive, he has become the spin doctor for some of the world’s largest corporations, generating revenues beyond his clients’ most vivid imaginations, and his bank accounts serve as silent witnesses to his business acumen. Suddenly, his self-admiration is interrupted by a soft knock on his door.

“Come in,” He hears the door close, and when he turns around, he sees a stunning, jaw-dropping, gorgeous long-legged redhead. Her athletic frame is accentuated, yet only modestly revealed, by her simple black dress and high heels. She is adorned classically with fine but understated gold jewelry; her earrings are half-carat diamond posts. Sean rises to greet her as she extends her hand to shake his.

“Jessica, Jessica Silva,” she says, “and it’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Green.”

“Oh, please, call me Sean,” he replies, “and may I call you Jessica?”

“No, it’s Ms. Silva, and I prefer to address you as Mr. Green,” Jessica says firmly.

“Very well. As you wish.” He fixes his inquisitive gaze on her face and is not only captivated but also unsettled by the piercing green eyes that lock just as intently onto his gaze. “What can I do for you, Ms. Silva?” he asks as he gestures for her to have a seat. She settles into the plush office chair and gives a little wiggle, which he finds amusing. He senses that behind the confident exterior, she is a little nervous, and he wonders what could be next.

She clears her throat. “Mr. Green, I was given your name by Mark Stevens, of Global Metal Refining, who prearranged our meeting with Evelyn, your assistant, to ensure you would see me today,” Jessica starts.

“I see,” “and what is the purpose of our meeting?”

Jessica can tell by the tone of his voice and the look on his face that Mr. Green is not pleased about the prearranged meeting.

She hesitates slightly and then says, “Well, I am the CEO of Beauty Boutique Clothing, and I am in need of a dynamic innovative marketing firm to take the company brands to the next level. Mark and his wife suggested that you were the person to talk to.”

Sean raises his eyebrows. “First of all, to clarify that I’m following you correctly, you mean Mark’s new wife, Bonnie, correct?”

Jessica nods. “Yes, that’s correct. Bonnie and I have been friends most of our lives.”

“I understand, but I don’t think SGM can be of any help to you. The apparel and fashion industries simply aren’t an arena this firm is interested in pursuing. Perhaps I could find someone more appropriate for you to discuss this matter with?” he suggests, feeling slightly regretful that her proposal isn’t as interesting as her eyes.

“Mr. Green, Mark and Bonnie both said you would probably react this way, but I must insist that your firm is the agency I’m interested in retaining.”

Sean leans back in his chair, chuckles, then asks, “Jessica, what is your company’s—ah, the Beauty something’s—gross sales revenue?”

Jessica narrows her eyes. “Mr. Green, it’s Ms. Silva. Beauty Boutique Clothing’s sales are just under two million per annum.”

Sean laughs, leans forward in his chair, and says, “Well, most of my clients’ marketing budgets well exceed those figures on an annualized basis. Thank you, but I’m not interested in being retained by an apparel company with an adolescent name that can’t afford this firm’s expertise or fees.” Rising from his desk, Sean extends his hand to shake hers once again and says, “Good day, Jessica. Thank you for considering our firm, but I don’t believe your company is an appropriate fit for our client profile.”

Jessica glances at his hand but doesn’t extend her own. She turns and walks toward the door, grasps the handle, and, turning back to look at Sean, says, “
Mr. Green
, I believe you are wrong in your assessment of the Beauty Boutique. I must say I’m disgusted by your cold, callous, and rude dismissal of me here today.”

Sean intensely locks onto her irritated glare. “
Ms. Silva
,” he says, emphasizing the formality, “you are the one who sought my advice today, and I make no apology for clearly providing the advice you sought. Please give my best to Mark and Bonnie.” He returns to his seat.

Jessica closes the office door behind her and thanks Evelyn for scheduling the appointment. Evelyn notices Jessica’s irritation and says, “I suspect things didn’t go as you had hoped?”

Jessica admits as much and can’t help asking, “Is he always abrupt and rude to clients he isn’t interested in representing?”

Evelyn’s kind facial expression assures Jessica she understands. She smiles. “Please don’t take his bluntness as uncaring or cruel. It’s just that he makes his living delivering messages succinctly and unemotionally to clients who often need to hear the content of the message, rather than the emotion associated with it. Mr. Green is very good at what he does. Emotion is placed into his marketing messaging, but not his negotiations.”

Jessica nods and starts to walk away, but suddenly stops, turns, and asks Evelyn, “What does Mr. Green drink, and what are his favorite snacks?”

A surprised look flits across Evelyn’s face as she says, “Well, he loves pistachios and dark chocolate. He enjoys merlot, and only drinks very expensive scotch. Why?”

Jessica replies, “I was just wondering what I could do to thank him for his time. I think he may have felt a bit ambushed by this meeting, since he had no say in arranging it.” And she exits the office.

Jessica turns the key in her fire-engine red Miata. As she begins driving, she becomes angry for allowing herself to be dismissed like a college freshman from the professor’s office. Noticing a Cost Plus World Market, she makes an abrupt lane change, squealing her tires as she whips into the parking lot.

She grabs a nice wicker basket, two pounds of pistachios, a Ghirardelli dark chocolate assortment, and two bottles of reasonably priced merlot. Next, Jess chooses a blank card and writes, “Mr. Green, Even though you’re clueless, I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me. Enjoy the snacks.” She then signs the card, “Ms. Silva, CEO of the ‘adolescently named apparel company’.” Her next stop is at a package delivery company to insist the package be delivered that day. She then heads to her office, desperately wanting to talk to Nate, her personal assistant, to get his read on today’s events and Mr. Green’s reaction to her visit.

When she enters the office, Nate immediately says, “Oh, honey, I can see it didn’t go well. I’ll be in your office with a double espresso and a twist of lemon in a jiffy. We can talk then.” He scurries off to take care of her as only he can.

Jess plops into her desk chair, pushes all her working designs to one side, and silently wonders why all the considerate, compassionate, sensitive, and good-looking men are gay. Nate appears in the doorway holding a pewter tray with two double espressos, a twist of lemon, and biscotti. As he enters the room, Jessica is struck by his sense of style. She muses at his Armani, charcoal-colored tailored slacks and light purple Ralph Lauren shirt, heavily starched to reveal creases drill instructors would be envious of. His Cole Hann shoes are immaculately shined, just like his gold Rolex watch.

Nate serves her first, massages her neck and shoulders, releasing the tension, and then sits and locks onto her gaze. He doesn’t say a word at first, but quickly loses his patience and quips, “Really, Jess? You’re going to make me drag it out of you after I’ve made such exquisite espressos?”

Jessica smiles. “Of course not, and thank you. Why can’t all men be like you?”

“Well, dear, if they were, you and many other women would be sexually frustrated and I wouldn’t be as special as I am.” He taps his foot. “I’m waiting.”

“Oh, very well. It was horrible. Mr. Green was a pretentious, inconsiderate ass who said my company has an ‘adolescent name’ and can’t afford SGM. Then he dismissed me, and like a college freshman, I let him. He mocked our annual revenues, and then finished the insult by telling me to give his best to Mark and Bonnie. Can you believe his audacity?” Jessica huffs.

Nate considers for a moment. “Well, he sounds to me to be the type of guy you’re usually attracted to. Self-assured and controlling. Was he attractive?”

Jessica’s look is deadpan. “His physical appearance was fine, but he’s an asshole, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he became an even bigger prick. What does his appearance have to do with his actions?”

“It has nothing to do with his actions, but everything to do with yours,” Nate says, averting his eyes and adjusting the espresso on the tray.

She narrows her eyes. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Nate clears his throat. “Well, let me see if I’ve got my assumed scenario correct. Your girl, Bonnie, told you Mr. Green was brilliant, attractive, wealthy, and maybe even your type. I bet he’s even single, isn’t he?”

“That’s what Bonnie said, but I don’t care about all of that, and it doesn’t matter. He’s a jerk,” she asserts.

“Maybe so, but is he someone you think you need?”

“I don’t just think it. He is,” Jess protests.

“And what do you know about his business, clients, marketing industry preferences, and personal dislikes?” Nate asks.

“Nothing. Why are you being so difficult about this today?” Jess counters.

“I’m not. I’m simply pointing out to you why you were dismissed like a schoolgirl.”

“Why’s that, Nate? Do tell!” she snaps.

“Don’t get testy with me when I’m trying to help you fix your mistake. Geez, it’s my job. Besides, I love you.”

She sighs and rubs her temples. “You’re right. I’m sorry. Go on?”

Nate nods. “From my perspective, you completely underestimated Mr. Green. You walked into his office completely unprepared, and he ate you up and spit you out like an amateur business owner and not the professional CEO of a vibrant emerging fashion design company you have become. You were fascinated by Bonnie’s characterization of Mr. Green, so much so you failed to prepare for your meeting. He clearly saw your weakness and exploited it without mercy. If you truly consider what he said to you, unemotionally, is there some validity from his perspective? Sean Green is known for being shrewd, even cutthroat. He takes no prisoners, and his agency is in very high demand with the nation’s prominent business movers and shakers. Why on earth would you walk into a major business meeting and potentially serious negotiations unprepared? Jess, you got what you deserved.”

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