Read Uncontrollable Online

Authors: Shantel Tessier

Uncontrollable (53 page)

BOOK: Uncontrollable
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“It was nice of you to invite me over,” I speak
looking around to make sure there’s nothing he can use to kill me with.

He jumps out of his seat and spins around. He
stares at me wide-eyed for a few seconds and then bursts out laughing. My fists
tighten down by my side.

“Slade. What an unpleasant surprise. I wasn’t
expecting company,” he says now wearing a straight face.

“What a coincidence,” I say placing my arms over my
chest. “I wasn’t expecting you to try and kill my wife,” I growl.

He smiles. The motherfucker actually smiles. “It
was nothing against her.” He licks his lips. “She really is something special.
But you don’t need me to tell you that do you?”

“Shut the fuck up,” I warn.

He takes a few steps away from the recliner and
toward the kitchen. My guess he is going to try and get near a knife or gun.

“It would have happened to any woman you fell in
love with,” he says coolly trying to take my attention off of his movements.

“Why?” I demand getting ready to snap. “You piece
of shit,” I snap.

 His face hardens, and he sucks in a breath.
“Because you’re a punk ass kid who didn’t deserve all the praise you fucking
got,” he shouts losing his temper as well. “Do you know how long I worked my
ass off to put dirty bastards like Jeremy and Jax behind bars? Twenty years.
And you show up and blow every case I fucking had. I should have been the Chief
of Police.” He points a finger at me. “But that’s kind of hard when I can’t
keep the criminals behind bars.” He sighs trying to regain his temper. “My wife
got tired of me trying to get a job that you kept me from achieving. She took
my children. I lost everything because of you. So I joined the other side. I
realized it’s much easier to work the system from the inside.” He smiles. “Lo
and behold, Jax came to me with a debt he owed. Guess how excited I was when he
mentioned Samantha was his ex-girlfriend. I offered him her in exchange for

I shake my head. “What are you talking about?” I

“That night of the meeting. The one you never
showed up at? Jeremy called you and scheduled that meeting. I was going to kill
you and then Jax was going to keep her.”

“He fucking had her drugged,” I shout.

 He shrugs carelessly. “Would she have stayed with
him any other way?”

 I take in a shaky breath. How long would he have
kept her that way if I wouldn’t have found her? How long would she have

 “And Jeremy?” I ask as my voice shakes from anger.

“Ah, Jeremy.” He sighs. “He was an idiot. First he
broke into her truck to place a tracking device on it when he could have just
placed it under the truck.” He shakes his head as if he’s taking about a son
who let him down. “He deserved to die in that accident. It was supposed to just
be a hit and run. You know? And your
was supposed to die. Funny
how things work out,” he says with a smirk on his face.

 I lunge for him as I scream out. I knock him
backwards, and we hit the wall before we both fall to the ground. He lands on
top of me and punches me in the jaw. I don’t even feel the pain. I punch him
back, making contact with his ribs, which gives me the advantage to push him
off of me.

“I’m gonna enjoy beating the shit out of you,” I
say between clenched teeth as I stand and look down at him. “Did you have
Jeremy attack her outside of Larry’s?” I demand. This is the only part of the
puzzle we haven’t been able to fit in place.

He sucks in a breath and looks up at me. “No.” He
shakes his head. “Jeremy just wanted a piece of her, and I gave him the green
light.” He smirks. “You know after he watched how she liked to be fucked…”

 I reach down to grab a hold of his ankle and yank
it back before I kick him right between the legs connecting with his balls.
“You son of a bitch,” I shout and my body vibrates.

He cries out, clasping his hand between his legs. I
lean down and grab his shirt and haul him to his feet before I shove him into
the TV and entertainment center. Shit goes crashing to the floor along with
him, and he shields his head to try to protect himself from the falling items
and the shattered pieces of glass.

 I take a step toward him, and he places his hands
up. “Wait, I can help you,” he says frantically.

I reach down and punch him in the jaw and his head
snaps to the side. “You are of no use to me. You had my wife kidnapped. You
tried to have her killed along with my child,” I say breathing heavy as I stare
down at him.

 “I know things,” he says grasping for straws.

 “Which is?” I demand. When he doesn’t answer I
reach down and grab him by the collar of his shirt. “What do you fucking know
you sorry son of a bitch?”

He leans his head to the left and spits out blood
onto the pastel rug. Then he licks his bloody lips and gives me a cold smile.
“I know she loves to beg to be treated like a fucking whore.”

I rear back and hit him once more, this time in his
chest. I step back as he falls to the floor once more and coughs.

 “Like I said.” He grabs his neck. “I know things.
You fucking her wasn’t the only thing I saw or heard.”

I pause from kicking him in his face and lean down
to get eye level with the son of a bitch. “Care to clue me in?” I snap.

 He shakes his head as he lets out a strangled
laugh. “You should find out soon enough.”

I wrap my hand around his throat and stand pulling
him with me as he claws at my face and shirt trying to get loose. I tighten my
jaw at the sting of his nails on my skin as I squeeze harder. This motherfucker
is just gonna continue to mess with me. I’m done messing around.

I heart the front door bang open and then hear
Parker’s voice. “Slade, let him go,” he says calmly.

I shake my head. “I can’t do that,” I grind out as
I watch White’s face start to redden and his attempt to free himself get more
frantic. “The bastard deserves to die.”

“Believe me when I say jail will be much more
brutal then you just choking him to death,” he responds. “Now, let him go.”

I tilt my head and my nostrils flare. I need to
kill him. My wife and child deserve justice for what he has put them through.

But then I remember the look on Angel’s face when I
told her I had freed a guilty man of murder. Is this man worth going to jail over
for the rest of my life? Missing out on her having our child? I left my career
to do better. And this is not better.

I release him, and he falls to his knees before me
sucking in breath after breath.

“You deserve to spend the rest of your life being someone’s
bitch,” I spit out.

 Parker walks over to us with his gun drawn and
pointed down at White. “Face down and hands behind you back,” he demands.

 He shakes his head quickly with his hands on his
knees still trying to breathe. “I won’t go to jail.” His voice sound raw. “Cops
don’t survive in jail.”

“Maybe you should have thought about that
beforehand,” Parker shouts as he continues to point the gun at him.

“You did hear about Jax, right?” White asks looking
up at me taking in a deep breath. “I hear he had an accident while in his cell.
It’s terrible really.” He laughs and it turns into a cough. “But I did hear
that he got to see Samantha one more time.”

I fist my hands down to my side. I had heard that
Jax had been jumped in his cell after Angel had visited him. I never told her.
I didn’t really think it mattered in the grand scheme of things. She had the
accident and then took weeks to fully recover. After that she was so happy with
life, I didn’t think it mattered what the fuck happened to him. He was history,
in more ways than one.

Then he looks at Parker. “You should listen to Tate
more often.” His words send up a chill up my back. “There are dirty cops on the
force, and I promise you, you’ll never find out which ones are the good ones.”

 “You’re lying.” Parker shakes his head. “He’s just
trying to fuck with us,” he says to me. “Now quit stalling and lie down and
place your hands behind you back,” he says once again.

“Fine.” He sighs raising his hands as Parker starts
to walk over to him. Just as Parker pulls his cuffs out White lunges right for
him. Parker’s gun and cuffs go flying as they hit the ground.

 I run over to them. As soon as I reach down and
pick up the gun, someone slams into my back and sends us both through the open
front door causing me to also drop the gun. We continue falling back and
tripping over the front steps. I feel my shoulder dislocate, and I clench my
teeth so tightly my jaw aches. Once I hit the grass I come to an abrupt stop
and look up just in time to see White’s fist come toward my face.

 I take the hit, and my vision temporarily
vanishes. When it comes back I feel his hand wrapped around my throat now. “Too
bad you’ll never get to fuck that cunt again,” he growls. “Don’t worry,” He
licks his bloody lips. “I’ll take care of her,” he smirks.

Over my dead body.
I raise the only arm I
can use and reach across my face before slamming my elbow back into his face
knocking him off of me. I roll over onto my knees and cough as my throat burns
from his hand.

I sit up quickly when I hear a loud bang followed
by a thump as White’s body slumps next to me in the grass. Now dead. Just what
Parker didn’t want to happen.

 Well, fuck!

 I look up to the front door as Parker stands there
holding out his gun still trained on White. “Are you okay?” he asks me.

“Yeah,” I manage to say through gritted teeth as I
hold my shoulder.
Fuck me!
“Thought you wanted him alive?” I say trying
to stand.

“Yeah well,” he comes over to me and helps me up
slowly, “I didn’t have any other options.” He points to the pocket knife that
lies next to White on the ground. “I wasn’t going to let him kill my best

“I had it handled,” I sigh holding my shoulder once

He gives me an ‘are you crazy’ look. “Your wife
would kill me if she knew I was the one who got you killed.” He frowns. “So I
was saving both of our asses.”

“Thanks for the consideration,” I say inhaling
sharply due to the pain.

 “Don’t mention it.” He laughs.

I hear the sirens in the distance and look at him
with a raised eyebrow. “I called Brad,” he says before putting his gun away.
“And your wife, along with Tate, are with him.”

“What? Why?” I sit down on the stairs and take a
few deep breaths.

“She woke and you were gone. She called Tate. Tate
called me.” He shrugs like he doesn’t understand either.

 We sit on the steps as we hear the sirens get
closer. I watch as my pregnant wife gets out of the cop car and hobbles toward
me with a hard look on her beautiful face once she spots me, and I can’t help
but smile. It’s finally fucking over!



Angel’s Dream
been opened for three months now, and it is doing better than she could have
hoped, or so she says. I knew it would be fucking amazing.

Parker loved the fact that Angel had wanted to do
something for her mother. He felt he had power to help her out with that. And
against his better judgment, he called his father for a favor. He and his
father aren’t all that close. Richard’s life goal was always to be mayor of
this town and having a son who ran around fucking random girls and getting caught
at parties for underage drinking, while his pants were down around his ankles,
didn’t make Richard look good. Braxton was always the Golden child. He saw how
much hell Parker put him through, so he walked a tight rope. He’s still favored
even if he did become a defense attorney.

Richard has been my father’s good friend since high
school. They don’t hang out much publicly considering their careers but still
keep in touch and try to meet up privately often.

 As soon as Richard had heard Parker out, he fell
in love with Angel as much as we all did, and he wanted to help.

 Having the newspaper show up was great for
business. She has since then been on the local news, and it has done nothing
but go up from there. It keeps her busy, but she’s happy, and that’s all that
matters to me.

I spend all of my time up at the bakery as well, I
thought it would drive her nuts for me to be up there all day, but she’s too
busy to even notice me eating all the wonderful muffins she makes. I wish she
would notice though and tell me to stop, I’ve gained like ten pounds. Josh said
that’s normal though when your wife is expecting a baby. Of course he said that
as he was shoving some kind of cookie into his mouth.

Parker, Tate, and I have even placed a table in the
back of the kitchen over by her office where we all hang out while the girls
cook. True to her word, Holly quit Larry’s; Micah hated her working there as
well but he would have never told her that. It made me feel like a total jack
ass. Guess I’m the only guy who would make their significant other quit their
job. But I’m sure if Holly had been attacked, he would have gone crazy and
demanded she quit just as well.

BOOK: Uncontrollable
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