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Authors: Shantel Tessier

Uncontrollable (13 page)

BOOK: Uncontrollable
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 “Tate,” I say as I gesture to the chair between
Parker and Josh. I introduce Tate to Parker and then sit back in my seat trying
to get comfortable while I think of Angel out running around the city tonight
with just the girls. It has me on edge to say the least.

I pull my phone out and check it. Nothing. I sigh
and place it on the table by my rum and Coke. I look up and catch Parker
staring at me. He stares at me for a few seconds before he decides to open his

“Dude. I cannot believe you are engaged. What the
fuck is wrong with you? Do you have any idea how much pussy we could be getting
tonight? We could have one crazy fucking party back at our hotel room. And when
I say party, I mean orgy. Hell, we probably could have done those two girls in
the bathroom at the bar.” They had their own party to go to but got his number
to meet up later.

I shake my head with a smile. “We
have parties like that.”

 “Exactly! That’s what I’m saying. Imagine how
crazy they would be here in Vegas. Vegas, man.” He leans his head back closing
his eyes. “We could have one bad ass party. I’ve been dreaming about it for
weeks. Women, naked, some lying on the countertop as we drink liquor off of
their big fucking fake tits.” He gestures to his chest with his hands as if
he’s holding them as he describes them. He opens his eyes and stares at Josh.
“Come on Josh help me out. You know what it would be like.”

Josh throws his hands up in the air. “Don’t get me
involved in this conversation.”

 “Fucking pathetic.” He sighs. “What the fuck
happened to you two?” Then he looks at Tate. “Please tell me you are single.”

 Tate nods his head. “Absolutely.”

“Thank God, I have someone to chase pussy with.” He
turns his head and looks out over the club. He sits up straighter in his chair
and points the tip of his beer over to the bar area. “Like look at that fucking
hot piece of ass.” He leans over further to get a better look.

 I know who it is as soon as my eyes land on her.
It’s my Angel, but tonight she looks like no angel. She has a tight red dress
on that barely covers her ass.

 She turns around with a drink in her hand, giving
me a view of the front. The top half of the dress is red lace and goes around
her neck. The two pieces of lace fabric can barely hold her massive cleavage
in. I have to readjust my pants imagining having my hands on them.

 She looks like the devil wrapped in lace, a
temptress who would bring a saint to his knees before her. I want to taste that
kind of sin. Know that kind of dark pleasure. I want to hold her down and take
that devil on. I never understood the phrase ‘dance with the devil’.

 Until now.

 Although, I don’t want to dance. I want to fuck!

 I know what is under that dress. I know every
sound she will make as I fuck her until neither one of us can think straight. I
know how her back will bow while she screams out my name. I could never get
enough of her. I want her right here, right now, bent over on this table.
Taking what I know belongs to me.

“Fuck, she is hot.” Parker leans over the table, he
can’t contain his dick in his pants either. I smile to myself.

 I know the way Matt had acted pissed me off. But
Matt knew that she was with me. I had warned him to stay the fuck away from
her, and he didn’t listen. Parker has no idea. He just thinks she is another
woman in the bar that he can take home.

I stand up and start to walk away from the table.
“Where are you going?” asks Parker.

 I give him a cocky smile.

“You’re taken.” Then he gets a sly smile on his
face. “Or are you?”

 The idiot thinks I’m going to cheat on my woman? I
shake my head. That’s what happens when you lose touch with old friends.

I walk over to my Angel. She is standing by the
dance floor sipping on a Long Island with Holly and Courtney, talking to a few
other girls I’ve never seen before.

I place my hand on her lower back, and she turns
around to shove my arm away, but I grab a hold of her wrist. She smiles when
she realizes it’s me.

I wave to the girls and jerk my head back for her
to come with me. I have a smug smile on my face when I see Parker’s face light
up. He thinks I’m going to help him get laid.

 I laugh.
Sorry bastard

“Parker, meet Angel.” I gesture to her once we
approach the back booth where the guys sit.

He smirks. “Hello, Angel.” His eyes look her up and
down but linger on her breasts. “You don’t look like an angel to me but I would
love to spend all night getting a piece of heaven.” He smirks before letting
his eyes wander again.

I clear my throat getting his attention. He might
not know that she belongs to me, but I can only take so much of him eye-fucking
her. “This is
Angel.” I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her
into my side.

He looks back and forth between her and me a few
times with a shocked look on his face.

 “Angel, this is my friend, Parker.”

 She reaches her right hand out. “Hello Parker.
It’s nice to meet you,” she says sweetly but loud enough to be heard over the

 “Wait.” He looks back and forth a few more times.
“This is your fiancée?”

She laughs. “My name is Samantha. You can call me

“You lucky son of a bitch. Why didn’t you say that
when I pointed her out?” He finally reaches out his hand to shake hers.

I shrug.

“Because this is funnier,” Josh responds, making
him and Tate laugh. “You should have seen the look on your face,” he continues.

 “What do you mean pointed me out?” She looks at me
with a brow lifted.

Parker responds. “I was giving him shit about being
engaged,” he offers with no remorse. “I said we could get a lot of pussy
tonight back at our hotel. Then I pointed you out as one of the potentials,” he
says sounding proud of himself.

“Well, I’m glad to know I would have made the cut,”
she says dryly.

 I turn to her and pull her up against my body. I
lean down and whisper in her ear, “Oh, you and I are going to have one hell of
a party tonight back in our room. I plan to rip this dress off of you…with my

 She groans, pushing her hips into me. “Slade.”

 I put my hands up in her hair, wrapping her soft
curls around my fingers and pulling her head back to give me access to her
neck. God, she smells so fucking good.

I kiss my way up her neck to her ear. I can feel
her heart pound against my chest as I take her earlobe into my mouth, lightly
sucking on it.

She places her hands on my side, grabbing a handful
of my shirt. “Slade,” she sighs in that way that brings me to my knees. I’m
still holding her head back; her eyes are closed and her red glossy lips are

 I pull away from her. “Yes, beautiful?” I smile.

 “Quit playing with me.” She licks her plump red

 I smile. “I love the red lipstick, it’s so fucking
hot,” I growl.

She places her hands on my chest. “Is that what you
would say if you were trying to pick me up?” she asks seriously.

“Uh…” I mumble, thinking of how to answer that

She laughs at my unease. “Because if I was just
someone you were trying to take home, that line would not do it.”

She has me intrigued. “What would do it for you,
baby?” I ask knowing it wouldn’t matter what I said, she would never let me
take her home if she didn’t know me. Hell, I used some of my best lines on her
when I first met her and none of them worked.

 She gets a naughty smile on her face. “How about,
that lipstick looks hot on you, but it will look better wrapped around my

 I lift an eyebrow as I take a step closer to her.
“Are you trying to give me an image of you on your knees?” My hard dick
twitches behind my zipper.

“Oh I have it alright. And what an image it is,” I
hear Parker say while he stares at her ass. I place my hand on it.

 She shrugs a shoulder running a finger up and down
my chest. “Maybe.” She leans up to my ear. “Can you think of a better one?”

I give her a slow smile as I run my other hand
through her soft curls. If I was honest with her, I could think of several
better images of her. They involve us alone back in our hotel room. But I’ll go
along with what she’s thinking.

 “No.” My voice comes out rough and barely audible
over the loud music.

 I don’t think she heard me, but she slides her
hand between our bodies and rubs it against my jeans. She smiles and her eyes
drop down to her hand as it rubs my aching cock. “I can fix that for you, you
know?” She licks her plump red lips.

I have no doubt that she would lead me to the
bathroom to do just that. And my cock twitches at that thought. Hell, I was
just contemplating throwing her over this table and taking her as well.

She reaches up and leans into me ear and whispers,
“But we will save that for later.” She then licks up my ear making me shiver.
She pulls back, looking into my eyes, and gives me a big smile before she turns
and faces the table where everyone is watching us with looks of want on their
face. Well, everyone except Tate. He’s too busy talking to that brunette he saw
when he walked in.

When did she come to our table?

 “You guys have fun. I’m going back to dance with
the girls.” Then she walks off as if she didn’t just give me an amazing image
that keeps replaying in my head.

I turn around and sit down uncomfortably, with how
hard my dick is.

 “Slade, man,” I hear Parker say.

 I watch Tate whisper something into the brunette’s
ear before she stands and walks off. I then look up at Parker. I laugh at the
look of awe on his face. “I’m officially jealous. You lucky son of a bitch.”

I give him a satisfied smile as I lift my drink.

“She kind of looks like Ashley Maxwell from high
school,” he says, watching her walk over to the girls. I can’t help but notice
his eyes staring at her perfect round ass once again.

 “How do you remember all of their names?” Josh
asks with a laugh.

 “She looks nothing like her,” I disagree, frowning.
Angel is gorgeous and perfect in every way. Ashley was a five, at best.

Parker points his beer to Josh. “I will never
forget that bitch. She stayed on her knees for forty-five minutes sucking my
cock in the school gymnasium after a football game one night.” He smiles
proudly that he lasted that long.

 If you ask me, he’s exaggerating. It was
probably more like three minutes.

 “I was so drunk off of Jack, it took me forever to
come. She was a champ, I’ll give her props for that.” He looks over at me.
“Yes, she does,” he responds to my statement. “Ashley had brown hair and green
eyes.” He points a finger to his chest. “I remember her staring up at me for
all that time.”

I shake my head. “She had bright pink hair.” She
did when I fucked her at least. She was going through a rebellious stage and
had colored her hair.

 He shrugs it off before looking back at me.
“Remember when you fucked her in the ass?” He laughs.

“How could I forget?” I say looking over to the
dance floor to make sure Angel isn’t coming back over to hear this
conversation. That’s one thing about Parker, he likes to reminisce about old
times. “It was both of our first time to do anal. It was a mess,” I say once I
see she’s still over by the bar. “And you should never do it when you’ve drank
that much alcohol.”

 Parker nods his head as if he remembers, which he
obviously does. It was at a party our junior year and by the end of the night
everyone at that house knew what her and I did in her parents’ bedroom and in
their shower.

“Yeah, but you were on an ass only kick for like
six weeks,” he says with a smile.

 True. But I learned quickly it was a lot easier to
find a girl who would spread her legs for you to fuck her pussy, than her ass.
Plus, it took up too much time. When done right, a girl will love it. But most
girls in high school aren’t prepared for that, and you can’t just fuck it with
your cock. It takes time to work up to that. I never wanted to stick around
long enough for that.

 “I’m not into it anymore.” I shrug.

His eyes widen and then he looks over at Angel,
then back to me. “Are you telling me you haven’t fucked her ass?” He smirks,
and Tate chokes on his beer.

Everyone looks over at Tate as he wipes the beer
off of his chin. “Wrong pipe,” he says trying not to cringe at Parker’s words.

 I shake my head with a smirk at both of their
reactions. “Hmm,” Parker says in thought. “That makes her even hotter.” He
wiggles his eyebrows. “Why haven’t you hit it?”

I hide my smile when Tate starts coughing again.
“That shit’s just not important anymore.” She gives me something more
satisfying than fucking her ass ever could.

 Parker throws his head back laughing. “You said
He continues to laugh.

I roll my eyes.

“Well, I prefer it,” Parker says like we give a
rat’s ass where he likes to stick his dick. “What about you, Micah?”

He shakes his head. “Would I like it every now and
then? Yes. Will Holly let me? Hell no! She won’t even let me go near it. I
tried once, and she shot off the bed and locked herself in the bathroom for
fifteen minutes. The only way I could convince her to come out was to promise
never to do it again.” He chuckles.

“Tate?” Parker looks to him.

 He nods. “Absolutely.” He smiles as if he
remembers someone particular. “My first time was in a girl’s ass. I didn’t have
a clue of what I was doing but thankfully she was experienced and didn’t mind telling
me. It was an experience that I still like to relive.”

 “That’s what I’m talking about.” Parker knocks his
glass into Tate’s in salute.

BOOK: Uncontrollable
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