Unconditional Love (8 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Unconditional Love
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After I started a bath for Azurdee, I tried to calm my beating heart. What in the hell just happened to me? Making love to Azurdee had changed everything. I was feeling things I hadn’t felt in years. Things I’d never felt before, even with Nikki.

I stood there staring down at the water in the tub. She was like a drug. I needed to feel her body up against mine. I needed to taste her lips against mine. I needed to make her understand how I felt about her. That scared the shit out of me. When I walked away from her just now I felt empty.

I slowly turned around and saw her standing there with a shirt on.
Holy fuck. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.
I wanted to take her again but I knew after what I just did she had to be sore.

“Um…it might be a little hot, but soak in it for awhile. It will help with the soreness.”

The look on her face was pure disappointment. She walked over to the tub and slipped the shirt off her shoulders and climbed in.

“Oh wow. That is hot!” she said with a nervous chuckle. I tried to smile, but it felt like the room was closing in on me. She slowly sank down and leaned her head back against the tub. “That feels amazing.”

She opened her eyes and looked up at me. “You sure you want to take a shower?” She winked and my heart dropped.

I just stood there. Frozen. I needed to get away.

“Yes. I’m going to head to my bathroom while you soak.” I quickly turned away and made my way out of the bathroom and to my room. I was staying in the bedroom that had a private bath.

“Lark?” Azurdee called out. I knew I was making a dick out of myself by walking away from her, but I needed space. I wasn’t sure what was happening to me and I needed to get away.

As soon as I got to my room I shut the door and ran my hands down my face. “What in the fuck is happening? Keep it together, Williams. You don’t lose control. Ever.”

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I walked in and let the scalding hot water run down my face and body.
What was this girl doing to me?
I needed to stay focused. I’ve always been focused.
I closed my eyes and thought back to the day I first met Skip.

I sat in the small office looking around at all the pictures. I wasn’t sure why I was called in; I did my job and I did it damn well. The door opened and I looked up. I stood up and was immediately told to sit down.

“Sit down, Lieutenant Williams. Don’t bother with all the formalities.”

I slowly sat back down and said, “Yes sir.”

He looked down at me and said, “Call me Skip.”

I nodded my head.

He pulled out a file and read over it for a few minutes before looking up at Colonel Walker. “Colonel, may I speak to the lieutenant in private please?”

Colonel Walker nodded and looked at me and gave me a nod. He and I had become rather close. He’d told me on more than one occasion I was the best shot in the Marine Corps and I liked that he didn’t question anything I did.

The door shut and Skip tossed my file on the desk.

“I want to pull you out of MSOR and have you come work for me.”

I moved slightly in my chair and looked at him. “What exactly would I be doing, sir?”

The smile that spread across his face caused me to smile.

“I hear you like to live on the dangerous side. Tell me why?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know what you mean, sir, by living on the dangerous side.”

He let out a sigh. “I’m going to cut to the chase, Williams. I’ve read your file. I probably know more about you than you do. Your girlfriend in college died and since then you live life like you could care less if you die or not. You fuck everything with a pussy if given the chance and have no desire to settle down. You’re good at what you do. Very good. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone with as accurate a shot as you in my life. You fly helicopters and planes, you know your way around when they drop your ass off in the middle of nowhere and you have a sixth sense about things. You speak Spanish, Italian, and German. You’re an overachiever who doesn’t give a fuck about anything but serving his country. I want to use that to my advantage. I want you to come work under me. CIA.”

I looked at him, confused. “How in the hell did you know about Nikki?”

He smiled and said, “I’ve talked to almost every person I could find who has had some sort of contact with you.”


“Because I want you to come work for me. Some things would change in your life though. I need your life to appear somewhat normal.”

I laughed and shook my head. “I’m sorry sir, but my life has been far from normal for some years now.”

“You’d have to tell your family you were discharged from the Marine Corps. Medically, as far as they need to know.”

“I don’t want to leave the Marine Corps, sir. It’s my life,” I said as I began to feel the anger build up inside of me. Being in the Marines had helped me forget about Nikki. I loved the Marines.

“Listen to me for a minute, Lieutenant, before you keep interrupting me. You would still be in the Marines. You would just be telling your family and friends you’re not. You’d be living in Austin, Texas because I’m based out of there. I like the night life there,” he said with a wink. “When we have a mission I call you, you get all the shit ready, and we head out. Some missions only take a couple days, some a few weeks, some a few months. You finish your mission and come back to Austin and resume your normal life appearance.”

I leaned back and took it all in. “What type of missions?”

The smile that spread across his face almost gave me chills. “The secret kind, son.”

I sat there for a good two minutes not saying a word. “So let me see if I have this right, sir. You want me to tell my family and friends I’ve gotten hurt and will be medically discharged from the Marines, but actually I’ll still be in the Marines but assigned under you at the CIA? I’ll move to Austin, appear to live a normal life, but when you call, which I’m guessing could be at any given moment, I would be heading out on a secret mission? Is it dangerous?”

“Yes son, it is. I’m asking you to be dropped off in remote locations with a partner, or sometimes alone.”

“What would I be doing, sir?” I asked, and he let out a laugh.

“What you do best, son. Shoot.”

I already knew what was next, so why I asked I had no idea.

“Shoot what, sir?”

He stood up and looked down at me. “The enemy.”

The element of danger rushed through my veins. This is what I lived for. Putting myself out there on the edge. “I’ll give you twenty-four hours to think about it.”

I stood up and said, “I don’t need twenty-four hours. I’ll do it, sir.”

He threw his head back and laughed. As he looked back at me he shook his head. “I knew you were the perfect guy for this. No commitments, no fucking woman to hold you down or mess with your head. The perfect shot. You’re a dream come true for me.”

As he put his arm around me and led me out of the room, he said, “Lark Williams, your whole life is about to change.”

I opened my eyes when I felt her hands run down my back. I slowly turned around and looked into her eyes. I had to suck in a breath as she looked at me with nothing but passion in her eyes.

“I missed your touch,” she whispered.

Recuerde guardar mi corazón.
I have to remember to guard my heart. I can’t let her in.

I pulled her to me and lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around me. I turned and pushed her against the cold tile shower and brought her down onto my rock-hard dick. This girl was going to drive me insane.

She moved her hips in perfect rhythm with me and before long we were both whispering each other’s names as I poured myself into her for the third time tonight. The feeling of being without a condom made it all the more incredible.

I slowly set her down and reached for the washcloth and soap, and then began cleaning her body. When I cleaned between her legs I slowly massaged her clit, causing her to call out in another orgasm. I glanced up to see her smiling down at me. I closed my eyes and pushed the feelings I had deep down inside.

When I stood up, she was about to do the same for me, but I turned the shower off. I saw the hurt move across her face and I hated myself but there was no way I could let her touch me like that. I would never let her do what all the other women have done to me. Thinking of Azurdee getting me off or giving me a blow job about turned my stomach.

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist as I took another towel and wrapped it around her. I was about to start drying her off when she smiled and quickly began drying herself off. I had to admit it hurt like hell, but I knew she was only doing what I had just done to her by not allowing her to take care of me.

She yawned and I couldn’t help but smile. She was so damn beautiful and looked adorable trying to hide her yawn. I walked up to her and picked her up.

“Come on
mi amor
, let’s get some sleep.”

She settled her head into my chest and let out a small contented sigh. I knew she had to be exhausted, not to mention sore as shit.

I walked up to my bed and gently set her down. I pulled the sheets back and watched as she dropped her towel and climbed into the bed. I followed her and as I lay down I pulled her close to me. I needed to feel her against me for some reason. I had a feeling our night was going to come to an end sooner than I wanted.

I listened to her breathing settle out and knew the moment she had fallen into a deep sleep when her entire body relaxed into mine. I wasn’t sure how long I lay there taking in the fact that I had the most amazing and beautiful girl in my arms. And it had been the first time I’d slept in a bed with another girl since Nikki.

As I drifted off to sleep, I began dreaming of Azurdee and me walking along a beach holding hands. We both turned and looked at each other and I was overcome with how much I was in love with her.

I quickly sat up and tried to control my breathing. I looked over at Azurdee, who was fast asleep. I quickly pushed my dream aside. There was no way I was in love with her.

I was about to lie back down when my phone went off. I reached for it and looked at Skip’s message.

Skip: Heading to Venezuela. Get back to Austin ASAP, Lieutenant.

I quickly typed back.

Me: Leaving in twenty.

I set my cell down and turned to look at my sleeping beauty.
Mi amor.
I couldn’t bear the thought of calling her sweetheart. That’s what I called the girls I hooked up with so I wouldn’t have to remember their names.

I slowly got up and cursed myself for bringing her to my bed. I grabbed my bag and pushed everything into it as I slipped on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. I grabbed my phone and put it in my pocket. I looked down at Azurdee and smiled. I dropped my bag and headed out of the room, but not before I went into her room and grabbed her sheets and carried them down to the laundry room. I quickly put them in the wash and started it as I made my way out back and over to the garden. I walked up to a rose bush and broke off a rose. I brought it up to my nose and took in a long deep smell. I wasn’t sure why red roses reminded me of Azurdee, but they did.

I made my way back into the house and up to my room. I leaned down and gently kissed her on the lips. She barely smiled and whispered, “Lark.”

I pulled away quickly and set the rose down on my pillow. I picked up the pen and pad of paper on the end table and wrote her out a note.

I slipped it under the rose and looked at her one more time. A feeling I’d never experienced before washed over my body. My hands began shaking and I quickly turned and walked away as I pushed the feeling away and started thinking about what I had to do to get ready for the mission.

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