Read Unbreakable (Highway Reapers Motorcycle Club Book 2) Online
Authors: Sophia Hampton
“My god, that was awesome,” Ella said as she started giggling. He was still hard and deep inside her, so he felt that giggle like he’d done it himself. That was an interesting feeling.
“You’re right, it was.” He was still fiddling with her nipple and found he really didn’t want to get up. They were so good at this part, and he didn’t have to think when he was fucking her, so maybe they’d just stay here and fuck forever. Not a realistic plan, but one he could truly get behind.
All things had to come to an end. That’s what he told himself as he extradited himself out of her juicy love channel and discarded the very full condom. Walking around gave him some distance but when he looked back at her the smug satisfied smile she had on her face made him want to go back and do it all again.
He decided to go to the bathroom to clean up and bring her some supplies to get cleaned up as well. When he returned, she was semi-dressed but accepted his warm cloth to clean up before she put on the rest of her clothes.
“So… what’s the plan?” She didn’t sound as nervous as she had sounded earlier, but there was more insecurity there than there was usually.
“The plan for what?”
“You getting the money to pay off your debt… did you forget about that?” She looked at him like he’d lost his mind, but he wasn’t even sure all the blood was back in his system to help his brain put things together.
“No, I didn’t forget. I have a few more tricks up my sleeve that I’m hoping will work out.” He didn’t want to share his first part because he didn’t know what to do about Bruce. The visit was supposed to take place in the morning, and he’d let her know what happened after that if everything went well.
She studied him, and he wondered if his poker face was slipping or if she was just close enough to him to figure out that something was going on.
“Okay then. I trust you, and if you want me to be a part of your plan, I will be. Let me know if you want me to leave. I thank you for coming to get me earlier, but I probably should make a few plans as well.” She had the nerve to look hurt that he wasn’t including her in his plans, and he could understand, but she just had to wait a little while longer.
“Don’t go getting yourself all worked up. We will work through this together for now, and if we need to separate then we can talk about that when the time comes.”
She nodded but didn’t look any more relieved than when the conversation started. He couldn’t wait to talk to his friend Bruce so he could stop being so secretive and they could find a sense of normalcy.
“I have to go out in the morning, but I’ll be back, and then we hit the casino,” he said and was happy that she got a little twinkle in her eye. “I guess you like the casino?”
“I’ve never been there, but I’ve always wanted to go. Who knows, maybe I’m lucky, and I can get us both out of our predicament.”
“You never know,” he replied back to her. “I’ve put out some towels and clothes in the bathroom. Why don’t you take a shower? I’m beat, and I’m going to hit the sack.”
She looked sad, and he couldn’t figure out why, but with the weight of the day and the super sex right after a very filling meal, he could barely hold his eyes open let alone get it together enough to read what he was seeing in her eyes.
“Alright,” she said, and he figured he’d give her a big squeeze when she got to bed and he rolled over to find her.
Ella finished her shower and thought about all that had happened in the last few days. She went from making sure she stayed out of trouble to the biggest trouble she could get in. Her mother always said that trouble followed her, but she knew differently. It didn’t just follow her; it carried her from place to place, and she was going to have to find a way to get it off her back.
She’d had the best sex she’d ever had in life, but she was still wound up… not sexually, although she wouldn’t have turned her nose up at round two, but she felt like something was going on with Tyson. He wasn’t acting shitty towards her, but she just felt like something was wrong, especially since he didn’t want to sleep with her and practically told her to sleep on the couch. She tried to get comfortable but wasn’t able to. If she sighed one more time, she may kick her own ass.
That wasn’t going to get her down, but she really did have to start thinking of a plan. She didn’t think she would get far with the remainder of the five thousand dollars she’d gotten from Bruce, but she could get out of town and start somewhere small.
There weren’t any blankets or sheets for her to put on the bed, but she’d made do with less before and it was pretty warm in the room thank goodness. She couldn’t stand being cold for any reason, but when you’re in prison, it’s not like they ask you your preferences.
Turning off the television, she lay down on the couch and thought about the places she could go… New York, Virginia, or maybe the one of the Carolinas. She would have to get to the east coast if she wanted to feel safe. It was doubtful the Reapers’ reach could get her from there, but she couldn’t be sure. Maybe she should use some of this money to get another identity. Too bad the Reapers specialized in that, so she wouldn’t know where else to turn to get one. Now that she was laying still, it was starting to get a little chilly, but she would concentrate on something else to help her forget it.
Suddenly the room lit up. “Why are you sleeping out here?” Tyson’s gruff voice made her think of dark chocolate and sex, and the voice warmed her up quickly.
“I didn’t think you wanted me to sleep in bed with you.” She sat up to look at him as he stood there looking confused.
“Why would you think that?”
“You said you’d left some towels for me, and then you told me you were going to ‘hit the sack.’ There was never an offer to come to bed when I was done with the shower.” She watched his face and wondered if she’d just been being silly because he looked like he wasn’t understanding her logic, and it was making her think she’d been making a big deal out of nothing.
“I didn’t know I had to offer a formal invitation for you to come to bed. You slept with me when we were at the other apartment.”
“We’d had sex and then we’d fallen asleep; there was nothing to get confused. There has been a lot going on with us today, and I wasn’t sure if you wanted to sleep — in the real sense of the word — with me or if you wanted some space.” She was getting ready to drop this whole damn thing because she was feeling sillier and sillier as this whole conversation continued.
“I haven’t been in a lot of situations with women where it lasts more than one night, so you’ll have to excuse me if I’m not very good at this.” He walked over and held out his hand. “Come to bed, Ella.”
She grabbed his hand and stood up to follow him to his room. He settled her into bed before going to the other side to get under the covers. They were cloaked in darkness, but she couldn’t turn off all the thoughts that consumed her.
“Where else do you think I could get another identity beside the Reapers?” Ella broke into that because she wanted him to at least start thinking of someone because trying to stay on the straight and narrow didn’t allow her to have been in acquaintance with anyone who would know that information.
“There are a few people around town, but that is pretty expensive.”
“I’m sure, but if I have to make a move out of town, it would be better for me if I could move somewhere else.”
“Don’t you have probation?” he asked.
have probation.” She couldn’t believe that she’d almost forgotten that part.
. What was she going to do now? She couldn’t leave, and she couldn’t stay. Her situation seemed to be getting worse and worse. The woman who thought day and night about getting out of prison and staying on the narrow path of the do-gooder had fallen off as soon as she’d eaten that breakfast with Bruce earlier in the week. Maybe she could call her probation officer and see what they could do, but she didn’t want to tip them off if they told her no and she had to leave anyway.
“Don’t worry about it now, sweetheart, just get some rest, and hope things look better in the morning.”
Sleep? There was no way in the world she was going to be able to sleep. Her mind whirled with overwhelming thoughts and fears. It was hard to lay still and even harder to breathe.
“Shhhh…” Tyson pulled her into him so he was aligned and nestled against her back. That shouldn’t have been able to shake her out of whatever had been going on with her, but it did. She was able to take a deep breath, thankful that whatever collision her body seemed to be steaming towards had been blocked by the comfort of the man who confused her at every turn. She snuggled into him and turned her thoughts off. He smelled good, and he felt even better. Concentrating on that was a pleasure.
He didn’t know how he pulled it off, but he got out of the house without Ella asking him many questions about where he was going, and he didn’t know if he should feel guilty about that or not. He was going to go with no; he had too much on his plate to have to worry about guilt as well. Tyson sat in the grubby looking restaurant Bruce had picked and saw the man come in the door before he even got his menu out.
“Tyson. Long time no see.” Bruce had a big smile on his face, and someone on the outside of this situation looking in wouldn’t be able to tell that they weren’t just the best buddies around. This smiling man had been trying to find Tyson for over eight months with no luck, and from the sound of it yesterday, that was causing him some problems.
“Bruce,” Tyson said back and watched the man carefully. He wasn’t fully convinced that this wasn’t a set up, but he didn’t think he would do anything too outrageous in a diner.
The large man slid into the booth and got comfortable while Tyson continued to watch the door.
“No one else is coming, man. I told you it was just going to be me and you.” Bruce knew what he was thinking probably because that is the same thing he would have been thinking too.
“That’s hard to believe since you went to the trouble to hire someone to find me and deliver me to you.” Tyson watched Bruce closely, trying to see if he could pick up any falsehoods in his speech or demeanor.
“Yeah, and see how well that worked out? That little woman took me for my money and left me holding the bag. I can’t have that.”
“From what I’ve heard, you offered a person fresh out of prison a stack full of money knowing that they were down on their luck and couldn’t get a job. Then you turned around and doubled the amount she would owe you if she couldn’t get the job done.” Tyson couldn’t believe that this guy was trying to turn this around on Ella, but that shouldn’t have been a surprise. Bruce didn’t even look like he was ashamed of what he’d done… that was par for the course as well, he assumed.
“Maybe all that’s true, but we wanted to make sure she turned you over to us, and she didn’t.”
“You’re so upset about it that you’re willing to give me leniency to get to her?” Tyson just wanted to get everything straight so he could make some decisions and find out how he could swing this for everyone’s best interest.
“Yes, I explained all of that on the phone. Are you wearing a wire?” Bruce was starting to get agitated, and that’s not what Tyson wanted. He was just trying to clarify some things in his mind and figure out what he was going to do. Just thinking of Ella and her offering up her sweet ass to him last night was swaying his decision, and he wanted to think with the head on top of his shoulders not the one between his legs.
“Of course not, Bruce. Just thinking about what I should do.”
The waitress came over with two cups and a coffee pot looking like she was going to offer him more than the cup of coffee she was going to set up, but Bruce took over and ordered for both of them.
“I can only give you until tomorrow night to think about it. The noose is getting tight around my neck with this whole situation. First you and now the girl… I have to have something to show for what I’ve been doing and the money that’s not accounted for.” Bruce stirred sugar and creamer into his cup, sloshing the brown liquid out of the cup as he did.
Sitting with Bruce seemed disrespectful to Ella, and he was ready to go. He also wasn’t sure about eating and drinking items provided by Bruce. The man may seem like he’s ready to work with him and be on the same level, but Tyson wasn’t naïve enough to give him carte blanche on everything.
“I hear you, Bruce, and I’ll definitely give you a call to set up where we should meet tomorrow.”
“I went to your place, and I’m pretty much staying there until I can get some resolution on you and Ella. Then I can go back and report what’s going on as well as my progress.”
“So you’re on the outs with The Reapers, too?” Tyson didn’t think that sounded good at all. In a minute, they’d all be shot down like dogs.
“Pretty much, but I’m thinking that if I could bring either of you in or the money, I could be back inside. I got that from a valid source, so I know it to be true.”
“I’ll meet you at the house at 7 pm with something.” Tyson didn’t even know what he was offering, but he knew that they had to make something work or they were going to have to make good on Ella’s desire to find a new identity and skip town.
Bruce just grunted as he watched Tyson get up from his chair. “I guess this means you don’t want to eat?”
“Yeah, I just wanted to see what you were talking about, and now I’m off to see what I can do about getting you back in good graces. Thanks man for trying to get me some extra time.”
“I’m not doing any of this for you. I need it done for me. You’re just getting help because I need you.” Bruce was always like this, and this was what Tyson liked about him. He liked to give it to you straight with no bullshit chaser.
“Understood.” Tyson left quickly so that the man wouldn’t be able to follow him. He didn’t doubt for a minute he’d try to find out where he was so he could get to both of them. He’d made sure that he kept his jacket on and didn’t pick up anything because he remembered how Bruce had put a tracer in Ella’s sweater.
Tyson hopped on his bike and was trying to find comfort in the hum of his bike between his thighs but since meeting Ella, he wouldn’t say that he didn’t enjoy his ride, but he was looking forward to another type of hum to get him going and to give him comfort.
When he got to the apartment, after going the long way around just to make sure he wasn’t being followed, he had to stop himself from running up the stairs. He missed being with Ella and the sense of betrayal seemed to choke him whenever he thought of turning her in to The Highway Reapers.
Opening up the door, he exhaled when he saw her sitting on the couch wrapped up in a blanket. She had an uneasy smile that said she wasn’t sure if he was going to come back or not. He was giving her signals that were all over the map. He knew that… just like he knew she may have some concerns about him leaving this morning, but he’d been so happy that she’d not questioned him, he didn’t address it.
“Get ready, sexy, we’re going to the casino.”
Her smile brightened, and she hopped off the couch and sprung over to hug him. “I’m just glad to see you.”
“Back at ya.” Tyson was trying to keep this as light as possible because she felt so different from all the other women he’d been with. He wanted to be with her, laugh with her, and fuck her whenever she crossed his mind. Was that going to last? He wasn’t sure, but what he did know is something needed to happen, and they couldn’t do it sitting around wishing to times to get better. They had to go out and actively make some changes.
Standing on her tip toes, she brought her face up to his for a kiss, and he wasn’t sure if they’d ever leave the house if they started something. The quick peck he gave her must have been enough because she released him and went back to the room. He was going to assume she was going to put on her clothes because if he asked and she said she wanted something different, he didn’t know if he could deny her.
Down and Dirty Casino sounded like a great place to get lucky. Tyson had always done well at this particular venue and thought the bell might toll for him again in this place.
“Do you want to split up or do you want to stay together?” Ella looked at him like he knew all the answers and damned if that didn’t make him feel like the lead cock in the hen house. He practically basked in the trust she put in him.
“Let’s split and then we can meet back here in an hour.” Tyson offered her one thousand dollars, but she put her hands up to refuse.
“I have dug a hole for myself, and I want to use my money to get myself out. I would feel even worse if I took your money and lost it causing you to be deeper in debt.”
“Honey, this little bit of money isn’t going to make or break me, but if you don’t feel comfortable with it, you don’t have to take it.” Tyson felt worse and worse for his earlier thoughts to turn her in.
“Alright. See you in an hour,” she said as she turned and walked away.
That ass was so his when they got home just watching her hips sway beneath those tight jeans had him with a semi chub that wouldn’t quit. It was time to see if Lady Luck was going to fuck him without lube or give him a nice wet blow job. He was going to have to change his thought processes because walking around with a full hard on would probably get him kicked out of here.
An hour later and twenty minutes later, he stood in the same spot where he’d left Ella and wondered if he’d been left. Lady Luck had given him the old fuck you, and he was running out of options at this point. It was like nothing he did got him any further along in this game.
He saw Ella walking over toward him, but she was surrounded by two very large men dressed in suits. They were mean enough to look like they could be a few of his old club members, and Tyson wondered what his little ball of trouble had gotten into this time.
When she finally reached him, she turned to her new friends, “Thanks guys, here’s my boyfriend right here so he can take care of me.”
The men looked at each other and then nodded as they walked away.
Tyson watched them go, and when he returned his gaze to Ella, he saw the biggest smile he’d ever seen from her. She jumped up and down a little and hung on to his arm.
“What?” He asked and was surprised at how her smile made him want to do the same.
“Let’s go.” Ella walked past him, and he again got stuck watching her ass, but then he was drawn to the brief case she was holding. He’d let her keep her secrets since she was so happy about it, but he didn’t want to tell her that he’d blown most of what he had to make a comeback at the crap tables.
She walked to the lobby and bought a room in the hotel. He simply followed her because she clearly had won something and was excited to share. Glancing back at him with a sexy smirk, it was easy to get lost in her joy.
Grabbing his hand, she led him to the elevator. Ella couldn’t stop beaming, but he could tell she was trying to hold back while they climbed up to the floors to their room. She handed him the room key and bounced up and down on the balls of her feet. The elevator door opened, and she practically ran to the room. He was keeping up with her but only barely, and when he opened the door she rushed in, threw the briefcase on the bed, and then turned to jump into his arms.
“I’m getting the feeling that you won a lot of money.”
“I didn’t just win a lot of money. I won all the money we needed plus more.” She was literally beaming, and he couldn’t believe that she’d really said what he thought she said.
“What?” He’d heard what she said again, but it was still hard to believe.
“I won $272,983.28. I was on a ten dollar slot machine, but I accidently pressed the button to play the maximum bet for one hundred dollars, and the machine hit the jackpot.”
He brought both of them over to the bed because he was a little dizzy with how that would help them both if that’s what she wanted to do with her money.
She took his face in her hands. “Now we can pay off both of our debts and don’t have to fear running from anyone. You’ll be clear to do whatever you want, and I’ll be on the path to staying out of trouble.”
“That’s fantastic, Ella, but that’s a lot of money to share with me. You’ve had trouble getting a job for yourself, and this money may come in handy as you get yourself together.” Tyson wanted to believe that this was all going to work out for both of them, but if she paid what he owed and what she owed there wouldn’t be much left, and he just wanted to make sure she knew that.
“I know that,” she said and got off his lap, “I thought you’d be happy we were both in the clear.”
“I am, honestly, but I just want to make sure you are looking out for yourself, too. It’s hard for me to believe that you are that generous. You could have a nice running start for yourself with that money.”