UGLY (9 page)

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Authors: Betty McBride

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Hearing Rich return, a small smile lifted the corners of her mouth. She grabbed the robe and headed for the kitchen but stopped when she remembered his demand that she stay in bed. Pausing at the door, she heard Nadia’s lilting voice as she helped him inside before the nurse gasped.

Opening the door slightly to eavesdrop, Candice grinned when Nadia hissed, “A pregnancy test?”

Rich made a shushing noise before saying, “She might be. I’m hopeful. Look what else I got her.”

This time, Nadia’s harsh gasp made Candice jerk the door open. A rustling of something before Rich called, “Get back in bed, Candice. I’ll be in there in a minute.”

She glared at Nadia who was staring at her with a mixture of astonishment and distaste. Spinning around, she left the door open as she went back to the bed. Within moments, Rich came into the room and pitched a pregnancy test on the bed while grinning from ear to ear, “You said you’re irregular. How late are you?”

“Yeah but it’s only a week. I’m always irregular.” Her breathy tone and wide eyes made him assure her, “You know how I feel about you, Candice. I’d love to have a child with you. The box says the test can detect up to a week after missed period.”

She climbed off the bed but frowned, “I’m going to need some juice or water. I don’t have to go yet.” She grinned, “And I’m hungry again.”

A grin split his face while hope sparkled in his eyes, “More soup or another peanut butter/banana sandwich?”

“Both sound good.”

Rich dragged her to him, “Excellent. Get back in bed. I’ll be right back.”

Returning with the tray, he sat down while she ate. Pausing at his amused expression, she asked, “What’s so funny?”

“If you’re not pregnant, you have the most bizarre diet I’ve ever seen. Chicken soup with peanut butter and bananas?” He shuddered before adding, “Then again, you used to eat chips for breakfast.”

Halfway through the sandwich, she groaned, “I’m stuffed but I’m still hungry.”

“Candice, you must be pregnant. I don’t care what that test says. When Cassie was pregnant, she was the same way.”

She crawled off the bed, now anticipating finding out, “Okay. Let me go take this test.”

He followed her into the bathroom but she put her hands on her hips, “I am not peeing with you in here.”

“I’ll be right outside the door. Bring that out with you and no peeking. I want both of us to find out at the same time. Give me that box.”



Chapter Nine



He read the instructions, needlessly directing her before she opened the door and came back out. Both of them paced until the time had passed. At the plus sign, she breathed, “Wait. What does that mean?”

He whooped and swept her into his arms, spinning around with her while saying, “It’s a positive, Candice.”

Stunned speechless, Candice stared at him as Nadia ran into the room. Neither noticed her until she breathed, “She’s…?”

Nodding, his gaze flew to Candice when she said, “Nadia, please don’t tell my uncle yet.”

She smirked, “I think he needs to know.”

“That’s okay, Nadia. We’ve got this.” He winked at the nurse before ushering Candice into the bathroom. She scowled at him, “Would you quit flirting with her? She’s after your ass. Can’t you see that?”

Shaking his head, he grinned, “This ass belongs to you but you won’t admit it. Are you feeling okay?”

His exuberance was catchy but she still couldn’t get used to the idea of pregnancy. To her horror, tears welled up as she muttered, “Rich, I’m scared.”

Raking his fingers into her hair, he kissed her nose, “We’ll get the best doctors, Candice. You have no idea how much I’ve thought about this. Especially after my nephew was born.”

“What if Uncle Mike has another heart attack at the news?”

“I think he’ll be overjoyed at the news.”

“Oh my God, Rich. I’m pregnant.”

He bathed her face in kisses before breathing over her lips, “We’re having a baby, Candice. A love child. You have no idea how much I love you.”

She tensed at the words, trying to force the same out of her mouth but they stuck in her throat. Scared over being pregnant and trying to figure out if she wanted a child in her life, she nuzzled into his chest.

“I want you to focus on blogging about the aspect of having Lupus while being pregnant. That will help other women with similar illnesses.”

Realizing he had a point, she asked, “What if the baby’s born with Lupus or worse because of the illness?”

“We’ll monitor every step and have the best doctors. I promise.”

“When are you going to tell your parents?”

“I’ll ask them over for dinner tonight. Since we know you don’t have food poisoning or a 24-hour bug that’s catchy…” His gaze flew over her blouse, “Did you wear that for me?” She nodded and he grinned, “Put a robe on so we can go tell your uncle.”

She grabbed the robe, taking a deep breath as nerves flooded her system. Before they could get to the door, her uncle’s surprised bark of her name made them both freeze. Glaring toward the hallway, she hissed, “She didn’t!”

Pulling her along with him, Rich hurried to her uncle’s room. His wide grin drew both their focus from Nadia’s sly expression. He excitedly said, “I’m going to be a great uncle?”

She nodded, shooting Nadia a disgruntled look, “Rich went and got a test when I started eating peanut butter and bananas with chicken soup.”

Laughing, his gaze shot to Rich who couldn’t keep the grin off his face as he said, “I’m asking my parents to dinner tonight. Do you think you’ll be up to joining us?”

He eagerly nodded, “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Focusing on Nadia, he asked, “Can you get me a glass of water?”

She left the room and he hurriedly said, “Do we really need her? I feel much better and can’t help but notice that she’s asking a lot of questions about your family, Rich.”

He frowned but didn’t get a chance to answer before she came back into the room with a pitcher of water. Candice glanced at Rich, imploring him to just tell her to go but he didn’t. Instead, he said, “With the current situation, I think one more day of bed rest for you both is called for. Don’t you agree?”

Candice knew he was worried about the possibility of salmonella still being an issue along with her uncle’s health. She sighed and nodded, “Okay but I want to help with dinner. I really don’t feel sick anymore. It was probably just a reaction to stress and the normal pregnancy symptoms.”

Nadia spoke up, “With your Lupus, you must be extra careful. Miscarriages are a high risk so bed rest is best.”

Wanting to slap her when Rich froze, Candice could only close her eyes and nod since she’d read the same thing on the internet. She squeaked in surprise when Rich lifted her in his arms, “Back to bed for you.”

With anxiety prevalent on his face, he carried her to his bedroom and commanded her to stay put. She argued, “I still get to help you. It will be more stressful stuck in here than helping you in the kitchen.”

He reluctantly gave in but paused when Nadia came to the door, “I can help with dinner, Rich. Besides, I already know what your family likes.”

The way she said it made Candice tense, ready to fight for him with every fiber of her being. Rich shook his head, “I think it would be good for Candice to get out of bed for a bit. Actually, you can probably go ahead and go home, Nadia.”

She stared at him, hurt crossing her face at not being invited but Candice could tell he was making a point of not inviting her. Her hands went to her hips, “I was under the impression that you needed my services overnight. What happens if her uncle becomes ill or needs to use the restroom?”

“Nadia, it was a mild heart attack. I will be here and can help him.”

She glared at him for a minute before spinning around without another word. They heard the door slam. He stared after her for a second before shrugging at Candice, “I don’t get it. She’s never acted this way before.”

When Candice crawled across the bed toward him, he met her halfway, “Seriously, you need to be careful.”

Snaking her arms around his neck, she said, “Go see if my uncle is asleep and I promise I’ll be careful.”

He shook his head, “What if we hurt…?”

She stopped the question with a kiss before telling him, “We’ll be careful. I’m sure making love is healthy for babies as well as couples.”

His gaze pinned her to the spot, “You do realize what you just said, right?”

“Yes. What better place for those words to be aimed at you than within the act, Rich?”

“Well…when you put it that way…”

He slipped off the bed and down the hall before turning back with a thumbs-up sign. She grinned as she pulled the shirt over her head. His phone interrupted them. Turning back, he grabbed it while holding a finger up to her.

“I was getting ready to call you, Mom.”

His eyes narrowed, “She wasn’t supposed to tell you that. What the hell is up with her?”

Candice’s mouth gaped when he shot her an apologetic look. Rich went on to invite them to dinner that evening before saying goodbye. Sighing as he shook his head, he told her, “Nadia called and blabbed the news to my mother. They’re still coming over tonight but I cannot believe she did that.”

“Does she really have to come back tomorrow? I don’t want her here.”

He slowly nodded, “Okay. I’ll tell her not to return. I can always hire another nurse…one we don’t know.”

Eyeing her lacy bra and panties, he said, “Get rid of those if you want this to happen because my mother insisted on helping cook. Nadia got her all worried, too.”

Her lacy set hit the floor as she beckoned for him to come to her. He’d just removed his clothing when someone knocked at the door. Groaning, he shook his head, “I think we’re going to have to wait on this.”

She quickly dressed in something more presentable, frowning when he told her to stay in bed. Ignoring his demand, she followed him to the front door and bit back a snarl when she saw his twin. Ben stepped inside, appearing remorseful over his behavior. Rich apologized for hitting him after he told Candice that he was sorry for treating her like crap.

The minute Rich apologized, all issues seemed forgotten. Ben launched into the commercial he’d just shot to explain they’d closed the stores in light of the outbreak before blatantly hitting on Candice, “Nadia told me yesterday that you guys were just friends. How about spending the weekend with me?”

“I guess you haven’t heard the latest from her?”

At her borderline hostility, Ben turned to Rich, “Quite the…um…spitfire, isn’t she?”

Rich studied his twin for a split-second before saying, “She can be and she’s also pregnant with my child.”

Ben’s jaw dropped, “You knocked her up? What if the kid’s born sick?”

Anger crossed Rich’s face as he said, “With proper rest and treatment, the chances are slim.” Ben’s cell phone rang so he turned as he said, “It’s Nadia.”

Candice bit back a growl, leaning against Rich, but tensed when Ben said, “No problem. Join me tonight at my brother’s house. We’re celebrating. Hey…why didn’t you tell me about…?” He paused, glancing at them before barking into the phone, “Okay, okay.”

Hanging up, he rolled his eyes, “What’d you do to her?”

“I can’t believe you asked her over here. She wasn’t supposed to tell anyone, knowing we wanted it to be a surprise, but ran around blabbing the news.”

Shrugging, Ben said, “I didn’t know that. We were supposed to go out. I’m trying to avoid Isabella. That woman is getting too clingy.”

Before anyone could say another word, their parents pulled into the drive. Seeing Candice out of bed, their mother immediately began to fuss over her. She assured her that she was fine, insisting she couldn’t set in bed for long. Sensing Candice’s stress over his parent’s attention, Rich asked them to join him in the kitchen.

While he spoke with them, she retrieved her laptop from the bedroom. Not wanting to appear rude, she checked on her uncle but discovered him peacefully sleeping. When she returned to the living room, Rich motioned for her to join him on the sofa, “My parents are going to cook. Do you need anything?”

Shaking her head, she told him, “I just need to check my e-mail.”

Watching over her shoulder, his eyes flew to the screen when she said, “I got it. I applied for a job at a health magazine.”

He grinned, “That’s great. How many articles will you be writing for them?”

“Three a week with the possibility of more in the future.”

Ben barked a goodbye on the way out the door, intent on having Nadia as his date. His mother appeared, grinning as she sank down beside her only to rise again when a knock sounded on the door. Candice’s eyes widened when a woman holding a baby headed straight toward Rich, “Oh my God, I heard you’re going to have a baby.”

He quickly introduced Cassie and his brother, Greg, before pointing at the sleeping bundle in the car seat, “Little Daniel.”

Suddenly nervous around a new mother, Candice leaned against Rich but went alert when Cassie breathed, “You have Lupus? I have a low thyroid and diabetes.”

“It didn’t affect your pregnancy?”

Cassie waved a hand through the air, “The doctors freaked every time I had gas.” She pointed at her husband, “He almost drove me nuts.”

Candice looked back at Rich, causing Cassie to laugh, “It’s already started, hasn’t it? Mother Rose will…”

“Did someone call my name?”

Cassie’s pointed gaze flew to Candice, “She’s supposed to be hearing impaired.”

Candice laughed, already liking Cassie, as she elbowed Rich, “I’m going to step outside for a minute.”

“Oh…no you’re not. You are officially a non-smoker.”

“Uh-oh! Rich, you are going to stress her out so bad.”

Candice frantically nodded as she tried to pull away from him while Cassie asked, “Have you been to the doctor yet?”

“No. It was one of those over-the-counter tests that showed positive.”

Cassie frowned at Rich, “You know she’ll sneak them and resent the hell out of you if you force her to stop.”

Realizing she’d found a friend, Candice nodded, “She is so right, Rich. Listen to your sister-in-law.”

Scowling, he released her but said, “Only a half of one at a time.”

“I already do that.” Cassie sat the baby beside him, “Give the mommies a break.”

Returning her gaze to Candice, she said, “Even though I don’t smoke, I’ll join you.”

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