Tycho and Kepler (56 page)

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Authors: Kitty Ferguson

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Baumgardt, Carola.
Johannes Kepler: Life and Letters
. New York: Philosophical Library, 1951.

Brahe, Tycho.
Astronomiae Instauratae Mechanica
. Translated into English as
Tycho Brahe’s Description of His Instruments and Scientific Work
by Hans Raeder, Elis Strömgren, and Bengt Strömgren. Copenhagen: I Kommission Hos Ejnar Munksgaard, 1946.

Caspar, Max.
. Translated and edited by C. Doris Hellman. Original book, in German, was published in Germany in 1948; reissue, with references by Owen Gingerich and bibliographical citations by Gingerich and Alain Segonds, New York: Dover Publications, 1993. Page citations are to the reissued edition.

Caspar, Max, Walther von Dyck, Franz Hammer, and Volker Bialas, eds.
Johannes Kepler Gesammelte Werke
. 22 vols. Munich: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, and the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, 1937–.

Christianson, John Robert. “The Celestial Palace of Tycho Brahe.”
Scientific American
204 (February 1961): 118–28.

Cloister and Observatory: Herrevad Abbey and Tycho Brahe’s Uraniborg
. Ph.D. diss., University of Minnesota, 1964.

On Tycho’s Island: Tycho Brahe and His Assistants,
. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Doebel, Günter.
Johannes Kepler: Er veränderte das Weltbild
. Graz: Verlag Styria, 1983.

Dreyer, John Louis Emil.
Tycho Brahe: A Picture of Scientific Life and Work in the Sixteenth Century
. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1890; 2nd edition. New York: Dover, 1963.

———, ed.
Tychonis Brahe Dani Opera Omnia
. 15 vols. Copenhagen:
Libraria Gyldendaliana, 1913–29.

Ferguson, Kitty.
Measuring the Universe: Our Historic Quest to Chart the Horizons of Space and Time
. New York: Walker & Company, 1999.

Frisch, Christian, ed.
Joannis Kepleri Astronomi Opera Omnia
. 8 vols. Frankfurt-Erlangen, 1858–1871. This is the source for the witchcraft trial documents, and for many details of Kepler’s life.

Gassendi, Pierre.
Tychonis Brahei Vita, Accessit Nicolai Copernici, Georgii Puerbachii et Joannis Regiomontani Vita
. Paris, 1654. Swedish translation,
Tycho Brahe: Mannen och Verket
. Efter Gassendi översatt med kommentar av Wilhelm Norlind. Lund: C. W. K. Gleerup, 1951. The original is extremely rare. Page citations are to the 1951 edition, by way of Thoren’s
Lord of Uraniborg

Gerlach, Walter, and Martha
Johannes Kepler, Dokumente zu Lebenszeit und Lebenswerk
. Munich: Ehrenwirth Verlag, 1971.

Gingerich, Owen.
The Great Copernicus Chase, and Other Adventures in Astronomical History
. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992.

———. “Johannes Kepler.” In
Dictionary of Scientific Biography
, ed. Charles Coulston Gillispie, 7: 289–312. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1973.

Gingerich, Owen, and James R. Voelkel. “Tycho Brahe’s Copernican Campaign.”
Journal for the History of Astronomy
29 (February 1998).

Hausenblasová, Jaroslava, and Michal Sronek.
Das Rudolfinische Prag
. Prague: Gallery, 1997.

Holton, Gerald.
Thematic Origins of Scientific Thought: Kepler to Einstein
. Rev. ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1988.

Jardine, Nicholas.
The Birth of History and Philosophy of Science: Kepler’s “A Defense of Tycho against Ursus” with Essays on its Provenance and Significance
. Includes a translation of “A Defense of Tycho against Ursus.” Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984.

Kepler, Johannes.
Astronomia Nova
. Translated into English as
Johannes Kepler: New Astronomy
by William H. Donahue. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1992.

Harmonice Mundi
. Translated into English as
Five Books of the Harmony of the World
by Eric J. Aiton, A. M. Duncan, and J. V. Field. Philadelphia: 1993.

Johannes Kepler Selbstzeugnisse
. Edited by Franz Hammer; translated into German by Esther Hammer, with commentary by F. Seck. Stuttgart–Bad Cannstatt: TK 1971. Contains Kepler’s “Selbstcharakteristik.”

Mysterium Cosmographicum
has been translated into English as
Secret of the Universe
by A. M. Duncan. New York: 1981. Page citations are to 1596 edition, via Caspar, et al, 1937–.

———. “Rudolphine Tables: Introduction.” Translated by Owen Gingerich and William Walderman.
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society
13 (1972): 60–73.

. Translated
into English as
Kepler’s Somnium
by Edward Rosen. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1967.

Koestler, Arthur.
The Sleepwalkers: A History of Man’s Changing Vision of the Universe
. New York: Penguin/Arkana, 1959. The section about Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler, “The Watershed,” has been printed separately under that title.

Kuhn, Thomas.
The Copernican Revolution: Planetary Astronomy
in the Development of Western Thought
. 1957. Reprint, New York: MJF Books, 1985.

Levenson, Thomas.
Measure for Measure: A Musical History of Science
. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994.

Methuen, Charlotte.
Kepler’s Tübingen
, Brookfield VT: Ashgate Press, 1968.

Morris, Roderick Conway. “Palladio: Reinventing the Classical Past.”
International Herald Tribune
(on-line), June 23, 2001.

Nova Kepleriana
. This is a series of Kepler documents and research about Kepler printed by the Bavarian Academy of Sciences.

Pippard, Brian.
Science: A Physicist’s View
. Unpublished paper.

Porter, Neil A. “Kepler.” In
Physicists in Conflict
. Bristol, England and Philadelphia: Institute of Physics Publishing, 1998.

Rosen, Edward.
Three Imperial Mathematicians: Kepler Trapped
between Tycho Brahe and Ursus
. New York: Abaris Books, 1986.

Schmidt, Justus.
Johann Kepler, sein Leben in Bildern und eigenen Berichten
. Linz: Rudolf Trauner Verlag, 1970. Contains extensive portions of Kepler’s “Selbstcharakteristik” (1597) and other personal writings, under the title “Heimat.” Material that I have used from this source has been translated into English with the help of
Karoline Krenn of the Universität Salzburg.

Stephenson, Bruce.
Kepler’s Physical Astronomy
. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1987.

The Music of the Heavens: Kepler’s Harmonic Astronomy
. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1994.

Thoren, Victor.
The Lord of Uraniborg: A Biography of Tycho Brahe
. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

———. “New Light on Tycho’s
Journal for the History of Astronomy
4 (1973): 25–45.

Voelkel, James R.
Johannes Kepler and the New Astronomy
. New York/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Wilson, Curtis. “How Did Kepler Discover His First Two Laws?”
Scientific American
226 (March 1972): 92–106.


Astronomiae Instauratae Mechanica
, Wandesburgi, 1598: in the Color Plate Section – Mural quadrant, Uraniborg elevation drawing, Uraniborg garden plan, Stjerneborg.

Yale Ferguson: in the Color Plate Section – Chapel of the Magi, Benatky Castle. Black & white illustrations – Tycho Brahe statue, Golden Griffin, Tycho Brahe tomb.

Fredriksborgmuseet, Denmark:
in the Color Plate Section – Portrait of Frederik II, Portrait of Christian IV. Black & white illustrations – Henrik Hanson painting of Uraniborg.

Owen Gingerich: Figure 12.1 Great Conjunctions drawing from

Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien: in the Color Plate Section – Portrait of Rudolf II.

Landesbildstelle Würtemberg Stuttgart: Black & white illustrations – Weil der Stadt,
Kloster Adelberg, Portrait of Michael Mästlin.

Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg: in the Color Plate Section - Wedding medallions of Johannes and Barbara Kepler.

Nationalgalerie, Prague: in the Color Plate Section – Prague riots.

Per Remberg and Johan Runeberg:
Figure 7.1
Floorplan of Hven;
Figure 8.2

Prämonstratenserkloster in Strahov, Prague:
in the Color Plate Section – Great Globe, Portrait of Tycho Brahe.

Sternwarte Kremsmünster: in the Color Plate Section – Portrait of Johannes Kepler.

Henrik Wachtmeister: in the Color Plate Section – Knutstorps Borg (modern and 16


Listed here are the names and terms that appear in the index in the print version of this book. Please use the search function on your reading device to find them in this ebook.

In this index, TB is used for Tycho Brahe and JK for Johannes Kepler


Alchemical laboratory (TB)


Alfonsine Tables


Angular distance



Approximating ellipse

Apsidal line


Architectural theory

Area rule

Aristarchus of Samos

Aristotelian philosophy/cosmology



Astrological meteorological almanac



conjunctions in


nova in

Rudolph and



academy for

instruments for new

models of


vocabulary of

see also
Brahe, Tycho, astronomy; Copernican astronomy/system; Kepler, Johannes, astronomy; Observations (TB)

Azimuth measurement

Azimuth quadrants

Baade, Walter

Bär, Nicolaus Reimers (Ursus)

book by

book by, banned

TB campaign to destroy

imperial mathematician

JK’s letter praising

JK writing against

left Prague


proceedings against

threat of

Barvitius, Johannes

Benatky Castle

JK at

moving instruments to


Bille, Steen

Bille family


Protestant revolution in

Brahe, Axel

Brahe, Beate Bille

Brahe, Elisabeth

Brahe, Georg

Brahe, Inger Oxe

Brahe, Jørgen (brother of TB)

Brahe, Jørgen (uncle of TB)

Brahe, Knud

Brahe, Magdalene

Brahe, Otte

death of

Brahe, Sophie

Brahe, Steen

Brahe, Tycho




attitude toward Copernicus

birth, childhood


books: gift copies


campaign to destroy Ursus (Bär)

campaign to restore honor and position

care for family



change in temperament


children: deaths

children: future of

children: marriage for daughter(s)

children: moving

common-law marriage to Kirsten Jørgensdatter

death and funeral

decision to stay in Denmark

disappointment in his science


false nose

financial situation

Great Conjunction of

heirs of




and JK

JK responsibility
for unfinished work of

JK scientific heir to

left Copenhagen


move into exile

moving instruments to Benatky


personal characteristics

physical appearance

plans to emigrate


posthumous works

and problem of Mars


publishing manuscripts



Rudolfine Tables

and scholarly

scholarly future of

scholarly work

seeking royal patronage


statue of


system of, plagiarized by Bär


twin brother

university lectures


writings by

see also
Observations (TB)

Brahe, Tycho (son)

Brahe family

and TB’s marriage

JK conflict with

reputation of






Cassini, Gian Domenico


forced conversions to

tension with Lutherans

Celestial equator

Celestial events

influence on life on Earth

Celestial sphere

positions of circles on

rotation of

Chapel of the Magi

Christian, Prince (King Christian IV)

Christian (king)

TB appeal to


Christian III, King


area of


TB and

TB’s book on

Compasses, pair of


Jupiter and Saturn

Moon and Mars


TB move to

religious conflict

Copernican astronomy/system

compromise with Ptolemaic

correctness of

difference from Ptolemaic

eccentric planetary orbits

JK and

literal acceptance

planetary movement in

planetary orbits in

rejection of

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