Two Spirits (8 page)

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Authors: Jory Strong

Tags: #gay romance, #mm romance, #native american romance, #fated mates, #male male romance, #fated lovers, #thunderbird chosen

BOOK: Two Spirits
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"I know. She destroyed anything important to
me. She burned all my pictures, of my mom, of me as a kid, of the
classes I've taught, along with awards and anything else that could
go up in flames in the bathtub. What couldn't be burned she ruined
some other way. One of my shirts ended up on top of the pig. That's
why she missed it, otherwise she'd have smashed it. She knew it
meant something to me. She went with me to Tanya's funeral."

Tenino hugged him. "You did the right thing
helping the Feds, even if it cost you."

"I know. I'd do it again. The Verons needed
to be stopped."

He pressed his mouth to Tenino's mouth. Said
with clinging lips, the thrust of his tongue and the rub of his
erection to Tenino's, what he didn't dare put into words.
falling hard for you

The kiss was like a carnival night, thrills
and chills, cotton candy and spicy mustard on salty pretzels. Rides
that left down feeling like up and up like down, that made hearts
and stomachs flip and spin, while barkers called to the crowds,
step right up men and win a prize for the one you love

"Target practice first, fun second," Tenino
said. "We'll stick to hand guns. And then you're going to beg for a

Trey dug his fingers into Tenino's muscular
ass, preventing him from escaping the rub of hard cock against hard
cock. "What if I start begging now?"

"Start begging now and I'll think you want
to come any way you can, even if it means having to change your
pants." He grasped Trey's bare nipples, squeezed and sent icy-hot
flashes of painful ecstasy streaking downward.

Trey's hips bucked, his cock leaked. "What
about payback being a bitch?"

"I think I proved last night I can take it.
Didn't I?"

Trey's mind flashed to lying on top of
Tenino, thrusting, coming and the sudden burn at the base of his
spine warned that coming in his sweats was a distinct

He took his hands off Tenino's ass and
stepped back. His cock screamed in protest but his heart soared
when Tenino's expression revealed that the loss of contact cost him

"Let's get going," Tenino said, voice husky,
eyes heated.

Trey pulled on the Maroon 5 tee then fished
a black, long-sleeved shirt out of the duffle, and finished getting
dressed while Tenino grabbed guns and ammo and a couple of folded

At the doorway Tenino thrust a bag
containing cans into Trey's hands. They stepped out under a low
ceiling of gray clouds and went around to the back of the

Trey laughed at the size of the satellite
dish at the far corner. "And who says bigger isn't better."

"Hey, I live alone in the middle of nowhere.
I get tired of playing with myself."

Trey blushed at imagining Tenino surfing
live porn sites and jerking off. And Tenino, reading him perfectly,
snorted and said, "Get real. I don't pay to peep and I don't hook
up online to masturbate. I'm talking Xbox live. World gaming.
You've got a dirty mind for a teacher."

"You set me up by saying you got tired of
playing with yourself."

Tenino stopped. He hooked his fingers into
the waistband of Trey's sweats and pulled him forward. "Yeah, well
now that you're here, playing with myself isn't going to be
necessary—unless I do it so you can watch."

He delivered a quick, hard kiss, then walked
on, like he hadn't left Trey's heart bouncing around like it was
caught in a game of dodge ball. Did Tenino want more than a casual
fling? Or was he just reading more into the statement than Tenino

They walked toward a tree line about half a
soccer field's length from the cabin. Birds called in the damp
mist. A breeze whispered through forest creating shadow figures
that danced and merged at the edge of the woods.

It was reminiscent of what he'd experienced
sitting in the diner across from Tenino. Except now he'd swear a
distant drumbeat was accompanied by chanting.

He shook his head and smiled at his own
flight of fantasy. Laughed silently as an internal voice intoned,
Blond-haired, blue-eyed Anglo schoolteacher relies on Native
American warrior for protection in a remote wilderness

How clichéd was that? Even if the warrior
wore a badge and dressed in flannel and jeans instead of buckskin
and beads, and the teacher was male instead of female.

They reached a tree stump, tall and wide
enough to serve as a table. Tenino put the ammo bag and guns on it
then headed to where two wooden frames waited for targets to be
clamped onto them.

Trey followed with the sack of cans. As
Tenino put up paper targets with a human-shaped torso in the
center, Trey placed the cans, some tin, some aluminum, on small

They returned to the stump and Tenino was
all business. He was as tough as any instructor at a police academy
firing range and Trey fell a little bit more in love seeing that
side of him.

Trey thrilled each time he fired and a can
jumped into the air or skipped across the ground. And Tenino's
praise each time they stopped to check the paper target and found
he'd hit it…

Better than a report card full of As, a
swimmer's gold medal, or a Teacher of the Year award.

They shot their last round of ammo and
removed the ear protection. Trey asked, "So where's the closest

"Are you hinting you'd rather be reading a
book than shooting guns?"

Trey slapped a hand over his heart and tried
for an affronted expression. "What! You think I don't enjoy manly
pursuits like decimating cans and pretending to kill people? Next
you'll be expecting me to wear pink and put on mascara."

Tenino snickered and snaked an arm around
Trey, pulling him against the front of his body. "I bet you look
good in pink."

He pressed his lips to Trey's, slid his
tongue in for a very thorough, very arousing kiss. Trey groaned,
rubbed his cloth-covered erection against Tenino's.

The phantom singing he'd imagined as they
crossed the clearing returned, only louder this time, the drum
beating in time to his heart, in time to the need pulsing through
his cock.

In his mind's eye, the two of them were
standing bare-chested in this spot under a summer sky, shedding
their clothing, driven by a sudden urgency to fuck after target
shooting. He shivered and ran his hands over Tenino's back. "Should
I start begging now?"



* * * * *




Oh yeah
, Tenino thought, teaching
Trey how to handle a gun had definitely flipped some switches he
hadn't known were there. "Let's get back to the cabin first."
Because if he didn't get some relief soon, he was going to be the
one begging.

They packed up the guns and spent
ammunition, collected the shredded cans and took down the
bullet-riddled targets.

"I like it here," Trey said as they retraced
their earlier steps.

"Wait'll you see the rest of it." Not just
Hohoq or the places his relatives called home, but the land.

They stepped into the cabin, bringing in the
scent of gun powder. And damn if he could ignore years of training
or fail to show Trey the right way to do things. "Taking your
virgin ass is going to have to wait. Put the guns on the kitchen
table. I'll grab the cleaning kit."

Minutes later the distinctive smell of
solvent and gun oil filled the air. He loved the scent, usually
found it relaxing, but Trey's working the cleaning rod, thrusting
it in and out of the gun barrel along with the bore brush, was

Erotic images crowded in along with
memories. True, he wasn't usually on the receiving end when it came
to his partners, but the intimacy of having Trey above him, his
face showing every emotion, including how much he liked to fuck,
had lit him up. A repeat was possible, no, make that probable.

The instant the last gun was clean, he
pushed away from the table and stood. Unbuckled his belt, struggled
to breathe as color streaked across Trey's cheekbones and blue eyes

"There's something about guys and guns,"
Trey joked, sliding from the chair and onto his knees, unbuttoning
the top button of Tenino's jeans and pulling the zipper down,
freeing his cock so it stood full and proud, more than ready to see
some action.

"Now," Tenino said, thrusting his fingers
through Trey's blond hair.

"Is that an order?" Trey teased, his heated
breath followed by the quick flick of his tongue over Tenino's cock

"Fuck yeah. Suck me. If I have to cuff you,
you won't be able to wear pants or sit for a week."

Trey snickered and Tenino grinned despite
the way his cock throbbed with savage eagerness and his balls were
tight and already aching with the need to empty.

"Sounds like you do have a fetish for
bondage. Maybe I'll let you indulge in it."

Tenino's comeback was lost with Trey's hand
circling his straining length and Trey's mouth claiming everything
his fingers didn't. Tenino moaned, thrust.

Need tangled with desperation and hope, and
maintaining control was already ancient history. He panted,
shuddered. Said Trey's name as he fucked through a fisted hand and
yeah, anyone listening might just say it sounded like he was

His hips bucked. His thighs bunched. He
tried to draw it out but Trey made it impossible.

Trey's lips and tongue seared him. Drove him
into a frenzy that could only end one way.

Tenino shouted as he came. Hot waves of
ecstasy shot through him as jets of semen erupted, leaving him
lightheaded, swaying, his heart thundering and his fingers clenched
mercilessly in Trey's hair.

"Damn." He wished he could do better but he
couldn't. He was lucky to manage the one word.

Trey's hot mouth left him and only pride
kept Tenino from whimpering, or worse, passing out from the
pleasure still resonating through him.

"Damn, you're good," he said, managing a
grin as Trey stood, face flushed, blue eyes holding a knowledge and
a confidence they hadn't when he'd stepped into the sheriff's
office yesterday and Trey'd been doing his best to disappear into
the heavy black jacket.

Shy? Hell no, guy had just been a virgin,
that's all. And still was, at least when it came to his ass.

Time to change that
. He pulled Trey
forward, captured the lips that had just blown him away and tasted

Instant hard-on. The guy was more potent
than a cocktail of Viagra.

He guided Trey to the bed and said, "Get rid
of the shirts."

And fuck if Trey didn't take his time
unbuttoning, shrugging out of the long-sleeved shirt then slowly
peeling the tee over ripped abs and a broad chest. Talk about

Tenino slid the handcuffs from his back
pocket. Watched Trey's lips part and his pupils dilate.

His own cock bobbed, pulling away from his
abs and trying to get back to Trey's mouth.
Not happening
told it.
Putting you to a different use.

He locked the cuffs around Trey's wrists.
Said, "Lie down. Hands above your head." He would have gone off
again, or gone down on Trey if Trey had lost the sweats.

He improvised, used an athletic sock to
secure Trey's bound hands to the headboard, and had to put a
strangle hold on his own dick. Why had he thought cuffing and
tethering Trey was a good idea? Because damn, the sight of Trey
helpless was probably a lot like that very first use of meth for
someone who'd then spend a lifetime never being able to shake the

Tenino jerked Trey's sweats down and off,
would have come at the tremor of want that went through Trey and
I need this more than I've ever needed anything in my
look in his eyes if he didn't have a death grip on his own

Fuck, Trey just did it for him and there was
no getting around that fact, not that he had any desire to. He
stripped out of his shirt, kicked off his shoes and pushed the
jeans down and off, and yeah, having Trey's eyes on him made him
want to flex his muscles.

He opened the nightstand drawer, pulled out
a condom and the lubricant. Grinned at the way Trey's breath caught
and his ass tightened defensively.

They'd get to that, but first… He dropped
the rubber and the lube on the stand and rubbed his fingertips over
Trey's nipple.

Trey moaned, the flush across his cheekbones
darkening, his hips jerking off the mattress and the tip of his
cock glistening with arousal.

"Can we just say I've already done the

Could they?

He put a knee on the mattress. Swept his
hand downward, over Trey's taut abs. He claimed Trey's cock, loved
the way it throbbed against his palm and leaked.

Part of him wanted to lean down, suck it
into his mouth and reduce Trey to begging. But the part of him
that'd cuffed Trey to the bed was after something else—complete and
total submission, complete and total acceptance along with an
admission that this wasn't casual or pure experimentation.

Yeah, he'd enjoyed letting Trey fuck him and
they'd revisit the scenario again—maybe often because he was
finding he could be more flexible than he'd thought possible—but
fundamentally he wasn't wired that way. At his core he was

He wanted to be the man on top, the man
shoving his cock into his partner's ass, making him scream and

Tenino brushed his thumb over Trey's cock
head. He smeared liquid arousal over the smooth head, silently
calling himself a pervert for liking Trey's circumcised penis, for
thinking it made Trey seem more vulnerable—as if Trey's virgin
status wasn't more than enough to bring out some primal urges.

Damn. The thought of being Trey's first was

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