Two for Tamara (7 page)

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Authors: Elle Boon

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Two for Tamara
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Now he wanted to work her rear a little more. She may think it was an exit only, but it was up to him and Vin to teach her otherwise.

He’d waited until she was mindless with need, riding the edge of orgasm. He and Vin connected. “
I need you to pull back. Don’t come yet.”

“Fuck you. I’m ready to blow, now.”

“I want to open her up for a little anal play.”
Rafe projected the image of him kneeling behind Tamara.

Vin shared the feel of her inner muscles squeezing his cock. Yeah, his friend didn’t play fair.

Rafe lubed up his index finger, dribbled some of the warmed-up liquid down the crack of Tamara’s ass, and started the slow process of working his finger into her. Rafe and Vin worked together, keeping Tamara on edge while Rafe slowly worked one, then two fingers, into her rear.

By the time he had two of his large fingers fully seated and was scissoring them inside her, she was pushing back and begging Vin to fuck her.

“I can’t take anymore, Rafe.”

Rafe couldn’t either. He slipped his fingers from Tamara and moved to the side to watch her face as she came again.

She shocked him as she reached out and grabbed his cock, taking the head into her mouth, sucking him deep. He wanted to push to the back of her throat, but instead he let her do to him what she wanted. She swallowed as much as she could. He almost whimpered when he bumped the back of her throat and felt her take nearly his entire length. Never had a woman done that before.

“I’m going to come if you continue doing that, Tam.” He had to warn her. God, he wanted her to continue.

She grabbed his sac and wrapped her fingers around his cock. Then she pulled his dick in and swallowed around the crown again and Rafe lost all conscious thought as he came down his Fated’s throat. Her tongue massaged behind the broad flare of the head, teased the tiny opening at the crown, and licked him before releasing him. The gentle stroke to his balls, like a loving caress, made his breath rasp in and out of his chest. Love. He was so in love.

Dude, my turn.”

Rafe couldn’t help it, he laughed. He kissed his Fated and left the bed to give the two some alone time. It was the hardest thing he’d ever done but something he knew they needed. They had forever and then some to spend together.


* * * *


Vin appreciated Rafe giving him and Tamara some privacy. He twisted their bodies so that she was now under him. He braced his body above hers, joined their hands together, and placed his elbows on each side of her head.

“Now where were we?”

She pushed her hips up into his. “Right about here.”

He grunted. His cock throbbed inside the tightest place it had ever been.

Vin pulled his hips back and looked down to where their bodies were still connected, thick white cream coating his cock. He lost himself to the overwhelming sensations of being surrounded by Tamara. The feeling of her slick wet heat. The sound of their bodies slapping. The suction sounds as their bodies moved together and apart.

Her sheath was so hot he pushed forward and back, setting up a fast, hard rhythm. He reached between their bodies, wanting, needing her to come with him.

A soft moan, a deep vibration from inside her, tore his control from him. He forgot the rhythm as her hips lifted and fell and he raced toward climax.

Tamara’s head fell back. A silent scream followed by the pulse and release of her orgasm pushed him over with her. Minutes or hours later, Vin lay half on, half off Tamara, both their breathing choppy.

“That’s it. I’m truly done.” Tamara’s hands fell limply to her side.

Vin didn’t think he could move a muscle either.

Peace settled over them, like a puzzle had finally fit together. Hunger was replaced by a deep sense of belonging.

Tamara’s hands trailed lazily down his biceps. The bed dipped as Rafe joined them. Vin rolled off Tamara to give him some time with the woman who meant the world to them. She moaned softly as Rafe tipped her head back, the dominating gesture not lost on any of them. He teased her lips with nipping kisses. One of her arms looped around Rafe’s neck, holding him close, and the other reached toward Vin. He planned to get up and allow Rafe a few minutes to connect with Tamara, but their lover had other plans.

“I’m too sore for more than a little cuddle, but I really want you both to hold me,” she said against Rafe’s lips.

Her lips were swollen from their attentions. Rafe leaned down and sucked her bottom lip inside his mouth, and then settled on one side, his back to her front. That left Vin with his front to her back. He loved to spoon.

With her leg thrown over one of Rafe’s, Vin fit his newly reawakened dick in the crease of her thighs. Her gasp made him chuckle. “Easy, he’s just getting comfy.”

She giggled. “I don’t think that hard thing is too

Vin growled and snuggled closer.


* * * *


Vin inhaled slowly, the sweet scent of Tamara filling his nose. He loved how she was tucked so perfectly against him. He imagined staying that way forever. Tamara stirred, rolling to her back with a yawn and a stretch that made everything in him tighten to the point of pain.

Her beautiful brown eyes blinked open. She covered her mouth with her hand. “Oh my gawd. I bet I have morning breath.” She tried to wiggle out from under his arm.

He chuckled. “No you don’t.”

“How do you know?” The words sounded muffled with her hand still covering her mouth.

“Because we can control things like that, just like we were able to make sure you slept comfortably, as if you’d freshly showered.” Vin waited for her to quit squirming.

Tamara sat up and smiled. “That is so freaking cool, I was too worn out to even worry about a shower last night.”

Rafe walked into the room with two mugs of coffee. “Thirsty?”


“Hey where’s mine?” Vin asked, climbing out of bed.

“In the kitchen, you just pop a little pod in.” Rafe waited for Tamara to take a sip of her drink, then kissed her.

Vin shook his head and grabbed up his boxer briefs, before heading to the kitchen for his own cup of coffee. Neither of them wanted to overload her with too many of their abilities. However, as their Fated, she’d need to get used to the fact they weren’t human.

Returning to the bedroom, he was disappointed to see Tamara up and dressed in a bikini. Although the blue two-piece with the dangling fringe looked amazing on her, he preferred her in nothing but skin.

“We are going swimming today.” Rafe sounded disgusted by her announcement.

Vin pretended to be shocked. “Oh? Skinny-dipping? I forgot my swim trunks.”

Tamara rolled her eyes. “Too late. I know you guys can just poof them here. So get to it.” She clapped her hands.

“You two go play, I have some recon I need to do,” Rafe rumbled.

Before Vin could question him the other Raven disappeared. Vin could see the confusion written on Tamara’s face. He smiled reassuringly, holding her hand between both of his. “He’s running scared, but he’ll be back.”

Her hands jerked out of his. “There’s nothing to come back for. This is just a bit of fun.”

Vin knew that wasn’t the truth, but he didn’t want to ruin the tenuous link they’d started the night before with an argument. “After you, mademoiselle,” he said in a fake French accent.

She took a sharp breath. “Can you grab a…couple towels?” She slowly walked toward the dresser where he saw her iPod and speaker box. Vin had the distinct feeling that she was trying to build walls between them, walls he planned to knock down faster than she could erect them.

He wiggled his eyebrows when she turned to look at him over her shoulder. He stood in the doorway with the two towels over his arm in a skimpy speedo, with the face of an elephant on the front. “Will this do?”

Tamara looked him up and down and laughed, slapping him on his chest. “Only if you promise you don’t snort peanuts through the snout.” Her gaze fell to the part in question, which jerked in response. “Change into board shorts.”

Vin took only a second to don a pair of comfy shorts, but the happiness from Tamara was the exact reaction he had wanted. She had a tote bag filled with sunscreen and a couple bottles of water. Again, all things he could have provided without lugging it all down the sandy beach, but keeping up pretenses of humanity was something they’d all done for thousands of years.

He spread the large beach towels out over the sand, wondering what her next move was.

“Can you swim?”

She stood with her back to him, one arm cocked up as if looking for something far off in the distance.

The sight stirred his protective instincts. “Like a fish.” He closed the distance between them, his arms coming around her waist. Her skin was already warmed from the sun.

She shivered in his hold and tipped her head to the side, placing her hands over his where they rested on her stomach.

Vin braced his feet on either side of hers in the sand, prepared to hold her for as long as she needed. Hell, he’d become a lobster if that’s what she wanted.

Her ass did a little shimmy, and then she turned in his embrace. Her eyes opened slowly, as if she was just waking. “I forgot to turn some music on.”

He blinked. “Music?”

She nodded up at him. One of her arms reached up to hook around his neck, pulling him down to her. “Music,” she agreed. “You know that stuff that makes you want to move your body?”

Vin pretty much forgot what everything was as he looked in her eyes. “The only thing that makes me want to move my body is you under me, over me, in front of me. Actually, anything that has you nekkid and me entering you makes me want to move my body.” He put his fingers of one hand inside the waistband of her bikini bottoms, feeling the smoothness of her skin.

She moaned, her head tipped back, mouth slightly parted. Vin took that as an invitation. He kissed her with all the pent-up passion he felt, licking the roof of her mouth. She tasted like caramel coffee and cream.

She pulled away too soon for his liking. “You make me crazy with want.”

He took that as the compliment it was.

Dipping down low, he pressed his arm into her abdomen and lifted her over his shoulder. She squealed and kicked out as he carried her into the waves. Her laughter and inventive curse words made his eyebrows rise.

He smacked her ass. “Do not threaten to make me a eunuch, woman. I’ve known a few, and believe me, they were not nice.” He rubbed the rounded flesh poised so close to his face. Once he was chest high, he brought her down in front of him.

If she truly wanted to swim he needed to quit manhandling her, needed to put a little space between them. But first he needed to kiss her just one more time. He teased the seam of her mouth with this tongue, stroked inside where she met him with her own. Lights flared behind his closed eyelids. Damn! She made him lose all sense of where they were.

With one last kiss he dunked them both beneath the water. She came up sputtering before turning and diving under the water. They spent the next hour or so swimming and playing. Vin couldn’t remember the last time, if ever, he’d just…played.


* * * *


Rafe watched from a safe distance. The elephant trunk was a nice touch, if Rafe did say so himself. He wanted to go and join them.

A flash of silver, like that of a rifle reflecting off the sun, caught his attention, and he zeroed in on the area it came from. He acted before he could think better of it, eliminating the space separating them. He reached out, gripped the man by the back of the neck, and squeezed.

He wanted to snap the douche’s neck, and then the smell of sulfur hit him. The unmistakable scent of Hades hit his nostrils. He knew this was the man who his Tamara had a run-in with. It was a miracle she made it out alive. “Why are you following Tamara?”

“What’s it to you?” His neck rotated around on his body.

Yeah, definitely not human. “She’s mine,” Rafe forced out between clenched teeth. He hated the way the minions of the devil himself had no sense of humanity.

Carl’s hands clenched into fists. When his little hat trick didn’t scare Rafe the way it probably did most men, his beady eyes bled to red. Rafe tossed him back against the rock, and only then did he remember Carl’s head was turned around wrong. “Fuck, man, that’s just wrong on so many fucking levels.”

“What the hell are you?” Carl’s voice had gone rough.

The demons that made their way up from the depths of Hell were made up of different factions. This one was obviously one of the lazier ones. Rafe still wasn’t sure what he wanted, only knew he couldn’t allow him to live.

At one time this man had been just that, a man. Even then he wasn’t a good person. Rafe saw the things he’d done that landed him in Hell in the first place. For those deeds alone, he deserved to die a slow, painful death. Staring into vacant eyes, Rafe followed the not-so-delicate trail back to what led him to the path that ended with him finding Tamara.

Rafe didn’t believe in coincidences.

She had a marker on her. Seemed every demon who wanted to get back into the good graces of Hades himself had a chance. All they had to do was hand over one Tamara Mejia, dead or alive. Carl decided he wanted to enjoy her before giving her over to the devil.

“Get the fuck outta my head.” Carl spat.

He pulled back. The depraved images of all the lost souls the bastard had consumed up and down the coast made bile rise in Rafe’s throat. “No problem.” Rafe stood straight and jerked Carl’s head from his pudgy body, which had grown fat from all the lives he’d consumed. Tossing the head to one side, he blew fire on each body part until nothing was left but ashes. He called down a brisk wind to disperse the particles and cleanse the area.

His soul may have been dark, but the Forsaken still answered his call to cleanse the world. In a blink, he had all the evidence of what used to be Carl washed from his clothes and body—however, the dark stain would forever be on his heart.

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