Twin Dragons: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 7 (23 page)

Read Twin Dragons: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 7 Online

Authors: S. E. Smith

Tags: #fantasy romance, #science fiction romance, #alien romance, #shapeshifter romance, #abduction romance, #dragon romance, #alpha romance

BOOK: Twin Dragons: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 7
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Let’s see if she fucks like her,
responded as a burning wave of heat rose in him.
Do you want
your mate, my friend?

both dragons roared.

Calo knew that the Dragon’s Fire Melina had
poured into Cree was about to drive his brother over the edge. He
could feel the desperation as Cree’s dragon pushed against the slim
control he had over him. He could also feel his brother’s pain as
if it was his own. That understanding drove him forward as the need
to help and protect his twin rushed through him.

Calo raced toward Melina while Cree took to
the air. When she snapped at him and made to lift off the ground
again, he sprang forward. His teeth sank into her slender neck even
as his front claws locked with hers and he forced her back down to
the ground. Once she was down, he released her front legs, but kept
his hold on her neck. He breathed his Dragon’s Fire into her at the
same time as Cree pinned her down from above.

Cree’s large wings folded down over hers,
pressing them out and away from her body while his tail wrapped
around hers and pulled it to the side. With an Earth shattering
roar, he impaled her from behind. Sliding his long shaft through
the slit in triumph, he let the fire that she had breathed into him
take control.

Melina whimpered as she felt
the combined force of both male dragons’ working together to take

Ours! Our mate,
the dragon hissed as
he rocked back and forth as his brother held her head down.
mate at last.

Cree watched as his brother released
Melina’s neck and ran his long tongue over the wound. Calo
continued running his tongue along her neck and up over her jaw.
Relief and happiness soared through him when she raised her head
and did the same. The sight of her caressing Calo’s dragon
tightened his body as the miracle of what he was seeing filled him
with awe.

My mate at last,
his dragon moaned as
he pushed deeper and deeper into the female under him.

Our mate at last,
Cree corrected as
the body of the large male exploded with a loud groan.
Our true


Calo’s long tongue brushed over the silky
scales of his mate. A shiver ran through his body as she did the
same to him. There was just something so sensual about touching her
this way.

he whispered as he nuzzled
her with his head.
So, beautiful.

My mates,
she purred.
Both, not
one. Both.

he agreed as she suddenly
groaned and sank her teeth into his neck as Cree pressed deeply
inside her.

his dragon hissed as she
breathed her fire into him.

He shuddered as the fire ripped through his
bloodstream. Her teeth gripped him tightly as her body tensed
around Cree as she came. He closed his eyes and his head drooped
even as a low groan escaped him. The rocking motion pushed and
pulled against where she was holding him, causing both pleasure and

The moment Cree released her and pulled
away, Calo snarled at her to release him. She did reluctantly,
barely having time to swipe her tongue along the wound before he
rose over her. Her dragon gave a startled yelp when he pushed on
her as she folded her wings against her body and started to rise as
well. The movement rolled her over, exposing her vulnerable
underside to him.

The male glared down in triumph as he
climbed over her. His front fore claws held hers while he rested
his weight on his extended wings. His tail wrapped around hers and
pulled her lower extremities upward toward him.

Melina whispered as she felt
the movement of his cock as he rubbed it along her slick

You are ours, Melina,
Calo breathed
as he slowly pressed into her.
Ours, my little mate.

Melina was glad that her grandparent’s farm
was far enough away from their nearest neighbor so that the loud
grunts, groans, and moans were muffled enough that no one would
bother to come investigate. A shiver ran through her as she
wondered how she would handle things once daylight brought reality
to what she had become. She pushed the fear and worry away into the
little box she kept in her mind. Right now, all she wanted to do
was feel Calo as he pressed into her.

Chapter 26

Melina blinked and sat up as the sound of
knocking on the door woke her. Scrambling off the bed, she pushed
her hair out of her eyes as she stared in disorientation around
her. She couldn’t remember coming back to the house. Of course, she
couldn’t remember much of anything except two horny ass

Make that three,
she thought with a
roll of her eyes when she felt the lazy, but completely happy being
now living inside her stretch before rolling over again.

are a little slut, Melina
informed her dragon as another impatient knock sounded on the

her dragon replied happily.

Melina rolled her eyes as she jerked on her
bathrobe and tied it at the waist. She was still mumbling when she
opened the door. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw Stuart
standing at it with his hand raised to knock again.

“Stuart!” Melina said in surprise. “I… What
are you doing here?”

“Thank God you’re okay,” Stuart said,
wrapping his arms around her as he stepped into the house. “I
thought you had been hurt in the explosion.”

“Me? Hurt? Explosion?” Melina mumbled,
trying to figure out what in the hell was going on.

He touching you,
her dragon growled,
suddenly coming alive.
He not touch. Mates only one to

“This coming from a horny bitch,” Melina

“What?” Stuart said, looking down at her,
but not letting her go. “Damn, I never knew you’d be this
beautiful. I mean, you were pretty before, but… Ah hell.”

Melina stood in shock as Stuart lowered his
head and kissed her. Her brain was still trying to work out how in
the heck she ended up in the house and in her parent’s old bed this
morning. She was not ready to even get to the part where she was
having an argument with a dragon that had taken up residence inside
her. Now, her old boyfriend was kissing her?

“Ouch,” Stuart muttered with a chuckle as he
pulled back and touched his lip. “You bit me.”

“I did?” She whispered in a daze.

“Yeah,” he murmured in a husky voice. “I
think you should kiss it and make it better.”

“Kiss it?” Melina repeated stupidly as his
head began to lower again.

Melina’s loud gasp and Stuart’s choked cry
echoed as they were suddenly torn apart. Melina’s head swam with
dizziness as she found herself pinned to the wall by the front
door. Her hands gripped the broad shoulders of Cree as he held her
off the floor.

“What the fuck?” Stuart’s voice pulled her
eyes away from the furious gold ones glittering back at her to
Stuart’s shocked brown ones. “Let me go!”

“Calo!” Melina cried out as she saw the
glint of a sharp blade rising to Stuart’s throat. “Don’t!”

“He touched you. He… kissed you,” Calo said
in a voice filled with rage. “He took you away yesterday to that
place where they held you.”

“Mel,” Stuart choked out, gripping the thick
wrist holding him against the wall. “Mel, who… are these…

“Calo, let him go,” Melina said, ignoring
Stuart’s question for the moment. “You can’t harm him. He’s… He was
a friend of mine.”

Calo didn’t answer her. Instead, he twisted
and threw Stuart across to the couch. Stuart hit it with such force
that the thing rocked backwards on its back legs before it settled
to the floor again with a thump. He rubbed his throat as Calo
crouched, watching him with blazing eyes filled with malice.

“Mel, what… What is going on?” Stuart asked
in a choked voice as he struggled to sit up.

“Cree, put me down,” Melina said in a weary

“You will stay away from him,” Cree warned
her in a low voice. “Our dragons are not the only ones who will not
tolerate another male near you.”

Melina sighed as she realized that her life
had just gotten more complicated. For a brief second, she almost
wished she was back on the asteroid with nothing but her Gramps and
Hobbler. That had been a piece of cake compared to what her life
was like right now.

“Fine,” she muttered, opening her eyes to
glare at him. “Just, give me some space.”

Told you he not to kiss you,
dragon muttered in satisfaction.

You stay out of this and give me some
space too!
Melina retorted in frustration.

Her dragon grunted in

Melina straightened her robe
self-consciously as she slid around Cree. A low rumble of warning
followed her as she walked around the edge of the couch. Pursing
her lips, she shot both men a nasty look, but moved to the armchair
sitting kitty-cornered from where Stuart sat.

“Mel, who, or should I say, what are they?”
Stuart whispered, never taking his eyes off of Calo who continued
to crouch and stare at him.

Melina sighed as she watched Calo roll the
knife he held between his fingers. The way he was moving the blade
was mesmerizing. It was also very intimidating. She drew in a deep
breath when Cree walked around and stood behind her.

So much for giving me space,
thought disgruntledly.

Melina rubbed her temple. She wondered what
she ever did to deserve a life like this. When it came down to it,
until she and her Gramps were kidnapped life had been pretty

“Boring isn’t so bad,” she whispered.

“You are in pain?” Cree asked, touching her

Melina looked up over her shoulder in
exasperation, but bit back the sarcastic remark she had been about
to make when she saw the genuine concern in his eyes. With a shake
of her head, she dropped her hand back to her lap. Turning her
attention to Stuart, she drew in a deep breath.

“I’m sorry I bit you again,” she said before
she thought about it.

“Again?” Calo snapped, standing to glare at
Stuart. “This was not the first time he put his lips on you?”

“Uh, Mel, I don’t think that was such a good
thing to say. I don’t think he liked that,” Stuart said, wishing he
had been on duty today and had his handgun. His eyes moved to the
long blade clenched in the man’s hand and swallowed. “I think that
was a really bad thing to say.”

“Calo, I was fifteen when he kissed me the
first time!” Melina said. “Will you please just stop? I…”

Melina leaned her head back against the
cushion and closed her eyes. Raising her hand to touch the pendant
at her neck, she wondered if she wished hard enough if the past
five years of her life would just vanish and she could wake up so
she could try again. Her eyes opened slowly when she felt a warm
hand against her cheek.

“Do you truly wish that we had not met?”
Calo asked in a low, husky voice.

Melina swallowed over the lump in her throat
at the sadness and remorse that she saw reflected in his golden
eyes. Raising her hand, she tenderly outlined the small birthmark
that circled his right eye before ending at just before the corner.
She gave him a weak smile before she shook her head.

“No, but you have to admit it would have
been a heck of a lot easier,” she murmured with a rueful little

“Since we never expected to find a mate, I
will have to agree. Our mother said that we were always a handful,”
Calo responded with an endearing grin. “Father said a few other

Melina shook her head again and chuckled. “I
can just imagine.”

A sigh escaped her as she looked over his
shoulder at where Stuart was watching their interaction with a
combination of fear, fascination, and confusion. Taking a deep,
steadying breath, she started to open her mouth when she caught a
slight movement out of the corner of her eye. She bowed her head,
letting her hair hide her face before she raised it again.

“You might as well join us, Harry,” Melina
said loudly.

She rolled her eyes at the grin on Harry’s
face as he stepped into the living room. He had a steaming cup of
coffee in one hand and a large blueberry muffin in the other. She
looked longingly at both as he walked over and handed them to

“Hey, Stuart,” Harry said cheerfully.

“Hey, Harry,” Stuart replied, scooting over
as the old man settled himself on the couch next to him. “Did you
know about this?”

Harry’s laughter eased the tension in the
room as he relaxed back on the couch. Melina didn’t care if her
adoptive Uncle was enjoying himself at her and Stuart’s expense.
The coffee and muffin made the situation more bearable, which was
all she cared about at the moment.

“So, what do you think of Melina’s new
beaus?” Harry asked.

“Beaus? As in both of them?” Stuart said,
paling before turning his eyes to Melina and raising an

Melina blushed a brilliant red and decided
that maybe coffee and a blueberry muffin were a little on the cheap
side. She should have asked for a full course buffet if he was
going to really embarrass her. Opening her mouth, she took a
defiant bite out of the muffin.

“Harry, you are not helping the situation,”
Melina mumbled around a mouthful of muffin.

Stuart’s eyes widened as a new thought came
into his head and he paled. He glanced back and forth between Cree
and Calo, who were standing protectively beside and behind Melina’s
chair. He ran a shaking hand through his hair.

“It wasn’t a gas leak, was it?” He asked

“Nope,” Harry said with a grin. “But, if
anyone asks me, I’ll say it was.”

“Yeah, that is what Manchester said,” Stuart
muttered. “There wasn’t anything on the video surveillance cameras
to dispute that it was something different. It was just strange.
There had been an old gas heater in the building, but it had been
disconnected years ago.”

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