Twice Upon a Time (8 page)

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Authors: Olivia Cunning

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Twice Upon a Time
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“Both.” She glanced up at Reece, her gaze fixating on the wound across his chest.

“Why are you bleeding?”

“He was protecting me,” Lara told her. “Can you go get your grandmother and bring her here?”

“And the healer, too?” she asked, seeming excited to be asked for help.

“Yes, the healer, too,” Lara said, hugging the girl again. “Thank you for looking out for me.”

“I want to help you. No one helped my mother when father was away.” Lara released the girl and she dashed from the room. Lara moved to help Reece back to the bed.

“I wonder what happened to her mother,” he murmured.

“Nothing, good. I’m sure of that. You don't look well,” Lara told him.

“I don't feel well,” he admitted. “I don't think they will al ow me to continue to be your protector if I'm wounded.”

Her heart thudded to a stop before racing in her chest. “We can't be separated. We must be together to leap. We have less than two days remaining.”

“I'll try to think of something. I'll try playing down my injuries, so try not to act too concerned for me when the healer arrives.”

“Who said I was concerned for you?”

He collapsed on the bed and she grabbed a sheet to cover him. She spread it over him carefully, wincing when her eyes fel on the wound across his chest. The bleeding had almost stopped. She wondered how much blood he had lost. She touched her fingers to his forehead, finding his skin slightly warm to the touch.

He chuckled. “You're obviously not concerned.”

Her eyes met his. “You look pale,” she murmured.

“I'll be okay,” he promised.

She kissed his brow. “You'd better be. I need you.” He grinned. “It only took a knife wound to get you to admit that.” Voices were approaching. She straightened and moved away from the bed, hoping her worry wasn't as obvious to the others as it had been to Reece. She caught herself wringing her hands and dropped them to her sides just before her mother-in-law entered the room with the young girl and an older woman carrying a satchel. The healer went to Reece, while the governor’s mother went to Farima.

“Are you injured, child?” she asked, taking her wrists and holding her arms wide to look her over.

“No, Nasir protected me well.”

“Safiye said he left you alone while he ran out of the room,” she said disapprovingly.

“You were here when the poisoned food was brought in?” Lara asked.

Safiye nodded.

“So you know who it was?”

The girl lowered her eyes. “Roxelana's servant.”

Farima’s mother-in-law, Khadija, huffed an angry breath. “I should have known. She was married to the governor just before he glimpsed beautiful Farima and he promptly forgot Roxelana even existed.” She smiled at Farima. “He has always been an intelligent man. Knows what’s best for our territory.”

“Roxelana must care for Ashar, if she is willing to kil me to have him,” Lara said.

“No, like most of Ashar’s wives, she thinks she will gain power by heading the household. They cannot offer him what you offer him, Farima. He is wise to choose you.

I will see that Roxelana is properly punished.”

A grunt of pain drew Lara's attention to the bed. Wincing, she glanced away when she saw that the ancient healer was stitching Reece's wound, obviously without the benefit of an anesthetic.

“Ow, lady, take it easy,” Reece complained.

“What say you?” the doctor asked, looking puzzled.

“Be gentle.”

The doctor made a sound of annoyance. “Are you a man or a woman?”

“Obviously neither,” he said. “I'm a eunuch.”

Khadija laughed, and then turned her attention back to Farima. “He has been Ashar’s favorite companion since childhood for a reason.”

“If he is to remain Farima’s personal guard, he will have to be clean shaven,” the healer said. She was about half way through stitching the wound on Reece's chest already, her nimble fingers neatly laying the stitches that drew his broken flesh together.

Reece rubbed his smooth face. “I shaved this morning.” The doctor chuckled. “Nice try, Nasir. You know what I mean. We'll have to remove your penis.”

“Whoa!” Reece jumped out of the bed, yanking the needle and thread out of her hand. It dangled from the wound, needle swaying in front of him. He covered his crotch with both hands. “I think you're asking a bit much of him. Of

“There must be some other way,” Lara said, biting her lip to keep from laughing.

The horrified expression on Reece's face was priceless. Not that she blamed him. She could only imagine how traumatizing the idea would be to him or any man.

Khadija spoke. “You know only clean shaven eunuchs are al owed to serve the harem women.”

“But it will cause him pain,” Lara said.

“Yes,” Reece agreed, his voice cracking with anxiety. “It
cause me pain.” The doctor pulled a sharp knife out of her bag. “Not the way I do it.” She approached Reece, brandishing her knife.

For an injured man, Reece moved spryly. He retreated to the far side of the room, looking for an escape option. “I think we need some time to consider this.”

“Talk some sense into him, Farima,” Khadija said. “I would feel better if he was there to protect you. My son trusts him, so I know you can trust him as well.”

“Yes, Khadija,” Lara agreed. “I will try to make him see reason.” Though it was an entirely unreasonable request.

Reece was shaking his head back and forth in denial, eyes fixated on the doctor's knife.

“Come, Safiye, let's leave these two to talk and allow the healer to finish,” Khadija said. She held a hand out to Safiye, and the child rushed forward with a bright smile.

She smiled up at the woman with unmistakable adulation. The matriarch was a bit abrasive, but her granddaughter obviously thought the world of her.

“Put the knife down,” Reece said to the healer. “You're supposed to be fixing the holes already in me, not making new ones.”

The woman put her knife back into her satchel. “Let me know if you change your mind,” she said to Nasir.

“I know my fifth appendage does not have much of a purpose, but I am rather attached to it.”

Khadija chuckled again and took Safiye's hand. “I'll send my personal servant with some breakfast for you, Farima. Make sure he tastes everything before you eat.”

“Yes, I will.”

Once Khadija had left with her young granddaughter, Lara busied herself with combing her hair, trying to ignore Reece's occasional grunt of pain as the doctor finished her work. Soon, a breakfast was set on the table in the room. Lara watched while the eunuch, who was one who’d led her through the palace the day before, tasted a sample of each dish before serving a plate to her. She sat down to eat, while Reece endured his treatment. Lara dined on flat bread and feta cheese. Olives and slices of cucumber. Some fish she didn’t recognize but enjoyed.

“I suggest you have something to eat and drink plenty of fluids before you rest.

Dimitri will watch over Farima while you nap. Do not shirk in your duties too much,” the healer said, “or you'll find yourself cleaning up after horses.”

“Thank you, madam,” Reece said. He rose from the bed and collected a plate from the table before moving to a divan across the room to dine.

Lara wished they were alone so they could eat together, but she understood why he was being precautious. Dimitri waited until they had finished eating before clearing the table.

“I will be back shortly and Nasir can leave to take a break in his own quarters.”

“I want him to stay here,” Lara said. “He's the only one I really trust.” Dimitri nodded and left the room.

“You don't really think I should entertain having this guy giving up his wiener for this princess?” Reece said as soon as they were alone. “I mean helping control the pet population is completely understandable, but this is ridiculous. Don't you think he kind of needs it to go to the bathroom at the very least?”

“It should be his decision, no ours. What do you think he wants to do?” She stood up from the table and went to sit next to him on the divan.

“He'd do anything to stay with her,” Reece said. “
Frankly, I think the guy is nuts.”

Lara laughed. “Is it possible for a eunuch to be nuts?”

“That's enough out of you, Miss Kensington. Give the guy a break.”

“How about I give you a kiss, instead?”

“If you insist.”

She kissed the corner of his mouth. “How's your chest?”

“And that's another thing,” he said. “The guy risks his life for their princess and they don't even numb the area before they start sewing him back up.”

“Did it hurt?” she asked, tracing the large white bandage across his chest with one finger.

“What do you think?”

“Poor baby,” she murmured and kissed him again. “Even if they aren't grateful, I am.”

“Sweetheart, don't get me excited. That eunuch guy is coming back and if he sees me in this condition, they'll cut it off just for the hell of it.” Lara glanced at the tent in his pants wondering how he could be so easily excited.

“Maybe they’ll just tie a string around it until it falls off.” Reece covered his ears with both hands. “La la la la la. I can't hear you.”

“I'm just teasing you,” she said. She placed a hand on his crotch and looked up into his eyes earnestly. “I've seen what you can do with this. I'd never want anything to happen it. Go take a nap so scary eunuch Dimitri can leave us alone and we can make out.”

“I'm not sure if that's safe.”

“What? Napping or making out?”

“Being alone with you.”

She chuckled. “I'll stop threatening Nasir's manhood if it makes you feel better.”

“If he feels the need to have it removed, he can wait until I'm long gone. I'm all for new experiences but I have to draw the line somewhere.”

“Where's your sense of adventure?”

“I left it in my other pants.”

She laughed and hugged his arm. “Come on, my brave hero, let's get you to bed. I'll behave myself doing whatever bored harem girls are supposed to do in their free time.

A nice leisurely bath, perhaps.”

Reece stretched out on the divan and closed his eyes. “I'm sleeping. I'm sleeping,” he said. “Please wait until I wake up to take your bath.”

“Very well,” she murmured. She stood and leaned over to kiss his forehead. “But only because you said please.”

Chapter Eight

When Reece opened his eyes again, the sun had set. Candles and torches kept the room well-lit. He lifted his head and lowered it again when he noticed Farima sitting in pile of cushions beside the bed. Maisha stood behind her waving a fan to keep her princess cool.

Reece reached for a cup of water sitting on the floor beside the divan and downed it in three thirsty gulps. He set the cup on the floor and lay back down. He was stil a bit woozy, but feeling much better than he had before his nap.

“Did you sleep well?” Farima asked.

No signs of Lara. She was solidly Farima. Reece wondered why. Had something happened while he’d been asleep?

Reece yawned and stretched his arms over his head. “Yes. I’m not a very good guard. Sleeping on the job.”

“I watched our princess,” Maisha said. “Had she been in any danger I would have awoken you immediately.”

“I am glad she has a trustworthy friend in you,” Reece said.

Maisha lowered her eyes. “Friend? I am but her slave.” Farima reached up and took Maisha’s hand. “But you are my friend, Maisha. I love you. Since the moment you came to my father’s palace.” Maisha released a shuddering breath. “Oh princess, I love you more than life. As a friend. As a lover.”

Perhaps this was why Lara was incognito and Farima was running the show.

Watching the two women make love would be hotter than hel . Reece’s cock stirred to attention at the mere thought. Nasir was definitely in agreement. The man was surprisingly randy for a guy with no balls.

“Show her how much you love her, Maisha,” Reece prodded. “I’m not sure she understands.”

“I give her body pleasure many times a day. How can she not understand?”

“Perhaps she thinks you do it out of duty and obligation, rather than out of love.” Maisha moved to kneel before Farima. “Is that true, princess? Do you not understand I am making love to you when I give you pleasure?”

“I do understand, Maisha. I want to speak to my husband about offering you your freedom. My father would never al ow it no matter how I pleaded, but I think Ashar might be more agreeable.” Farima smiled and cupped Maisha’s lovely face in one hand.

“Would that please you? To be free?”

Maisha reached for the waistband of Lara’s pants. “It matters less to me than pleasing you, princess. I am so full of love at the moment. I want to share it with you.”

“I’m full of love, too,” Nasir said. “Bring her to bed. Let’s give her pleasure together.” Reece allowed Nasir free will, knowing that he’d feel like he was cheating if he made love to Farima while Lara was not visible to him. Even though she was sharing a body with Farima, it wasn’t her in spirit, so it wasn’t her. Now if Lara made an appearance, he’d be al over that, but until then he was content to observe.

“Allow us to please you, Princess. We will give you much pleasure,” Maisha said.

Farima rose to her feet and took Maisha by the hand to draw her upward as well.

She touched Maisha’s lovely face and stared into her dark eyes. “Kiss me,” Farima said.

“Kiss…” Maisha’s breath caught. “For so long I have wanted to kiss you, Princess.” When exotic Maisha claimed Farima’s mouth, Nasir groaned. He climbed from the divan, slightly unsteady on his feet and moved to stand behind the only woman he’d ever loved. He cupped her breasts and rubbed his already hard cock against her ass as he watched the two women kiss. “I’m glad I’m not the jealous type,” he murmured into her ear.

Farima lifted a trembling hand to stroke the pointed tip of Maisha’s high breast. The woman shuddered and tore her mouth away from Farima’s to gaze at her. “You would give me pleasure?” she asked.

“I want to give you much pleasure, Maisha.”

“Are you going to taste her?” Nasir whispered in Farima’s ear.

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