Twice The Growl (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance): A BBW in need of a date + Two hot Alphas looking for a mate = The hottest triad ever. (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Twice The Growl (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance): A BBW in need of a date + Two hot Alphas looking for a mate = The hottest triad ever. (Paranormal Dating Agency Book 1)
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Connor started to thrust in and out of her mouth with more speed. Theron’s body turned tight under her. He sat up, curled a hand around her clit and fingered her hard little nerve bundle.

“I want you to come with me,” Theron growled. “I want to feel your pussy sucking my dick and drinking my cum.”

Her nipples ached with how badly she wanted to come. The things he said were more images to add to the
erotic arsenal assaulting her brain. Connor’s body tensed as well.

Theron rammed her down hard. Once. Twice. He pinched her pussy and she pulled
Connor’s cock out of her mouth to scream.

A new
, much more intense orgasm rocked her. Her pussy gripped tight on Theron’s cock. He did one more deep painful thrust and roared. His cock grew, pulsed and filled her with his cum. She was knocked into a second powerful orgasm from the feel of his cock almost vibrating inside her.

She jerked Connor, he clenched his jaw and threw his head back. Her instinct took over. She leaned forward as his semen spurted out of his cock
. Loud growls sounded from Connor. His cum landed on her breasts and slowly slid down her chest and nipples.

He groaned with each continued jerk until his cock was semi
-hard but spent. She leaned back into Theron’s body. He was still deep inside her. She lifted her hands to rub her breasts and massage the cum over her tits.

Connor groaned while watching her. “You have no idea how much I like that.”

She licked her lips. “I liked you coming on me more.”

Her night of a seemingly simple bridal shower date had turned into unbelievable sex. She didn’t want to think too much or she’d start finding all kinds of flaws with the past few hours.

Connor helped her off Theron and lifted her in his arms. She allowed him to at that point. Her legs were still shaking and she didn’t want to fall on her face.

“Which way is the bedroom?” Connor asked, the sexy grin back
on his lips.

She directed him and glanced over her shoulder as Theron followed close behind.

* * *

Tally woke to the smell of food. Her stomach grumbled. She turned on her side and blinked her eyes open when memories of the previous night rushed through her brain.

Oh. God. She’d had sex with two men. Two incredible hot and very skilled men. She sat up in a rush. Her bedroom was a mess from when she’d jumped in the shower with Connor, only to have Theron state she had to have a shower with him too. Towels littered the floor and clothes were thrown all over.

“What did I do?” She gasped.

She jumped out of bed and tossed clothes out of her way to find her purple fuzzy robe. Spotting a hair tie, she twisted the long, curly and very messy mass into a bun on top of her head. Then she rushed to the bathroom and washed her face and brushed her teeth. Finally, she found her glasses on the dresser and put them on.

Nope. She was not going to look at her reflection or she would surely have a mild panic attack.

Loud laughter and the smell of coffee urged her to the kitchen. Theron sat in a pair of sweats and no shirt at her kitchen table with a plate of food. Connor sat next to him in boxers and a tank top with a cup of coffee in front of him.

To make it all even better, Gerri sat there with them. Smiling.


“Come over here, darling
.” Theron slapped his lap and motioned her forward.

Blood heated in her face. She’d never been overtly sexual with men like she had the previous night, so this was new territory.

“Sweetheart, you need a better robe,” Gerri said, her gaze taking a deep dive down to the material that dragged behind Tally.

“Thanks, but I like this one.” She strolled forward, almost tripping.

“Well, it clearly doesn’t like you.” Gerri shrugged. “Come eat. I made enough food for everyone.”

dining room table, which was seldom used, was covered with plates of food. From scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, to fruit and pastries. It was like a restaurant had moved into her apartment.

She bypassed Theron’s lap and sat on the fourth and empty seat at the table. She opened her mouth but no words came out. Really, what could she say to Gerri? That she was angry
at her for sending her two of the hottest men she’d ever met? Men that had given her more orgasms in one night than those she’d given herself throughout her thirty-two years? Instead, she went for the coffee and prepared herself a mug.

“Are you o
kay?” Connor asked. His worried frown appeased her fears somewhat.

“Yes, I’m fine
,” she lied.

Connor, Theron and Gerri
glanced back and forth at each other.

“You are most definitely not fine,” Gerri stated. “You are clearly having an emotional dilemma.”

She would not, could not, talk about that with them. No way in hell.

“Connor,” Theron said
, taking the attention off her. “Maybe if we explain our way a little, Tally would understand some.”

Gerri stood. “I’ll go back and do dishes. You all talk.”

She wanted to listen to them, but she also felt she had to address Gerri. Didn’t look like she’d get the chance now.

“Do you prefer to speak to us together or one on one?” Connor asked, reading the turmoil inside her. He was clearly perceptive and she had a difficult time as it was talking to them at the same time.

The men glanced back and forth at each other and Theron stood. “I’m going to take a shower.” He leaned over the table and kissed her. “I’ll be back shortly, beautiful.”


Connor watched indecision flash through Tally’s eyes. He smelled her confusion over the new situation between them. As Omega, his first instinct was to calm her down. As a man who wanted her for a mate, he needed to make sure she was comfortable with how things worked for their pack.

“I need to understand what it is you two want
,” she said, voice low. There was a slight tremble to it that kicked him hard in the gut.

“You know we are shifters
,” he stated, more to verify what she already knew.

She sipped the cup of coffee and glanced at him, her gaze direct.
“Yes, but I didn’t realize you all shared women.”

“Not all packs do. Things vary from one to the next. For Wildwoods, sharing a mate is custom and part of the norm. It’s a way of life.” He grasped her hand on the table. “Other packs share a single mate among multiple pack members. We’ve come across the single couple packs. Nothing is taboo in the shifter world.”

Questions lit in the depth of her gaze. “What do you mean nothing is taboo?”

He shrugged. “When the heat strikes, couples could have sex anywhere. People shift and don’t have clothes, it’s natural to walk around naked.”

Her eyes widened and her mouth turned into a perfect pouty O. “Walk around naked?”

He grinned. She probably didn’t realize it, but when he’d said people have sex anywhere, her cheeks
had turned a dark crimson and she’d licked her lips.

“Yes. Sex is natural. So is nudity. We’re very sexual creatures.” If she was going to be part of the pack, she needed to know what she would be getting into.

“So you...” She cleared her throat. “You and Theron, you want me?”

“Yes.” God, how they wanted her.

For the first time ever, the men and the animals were in sync. She’d been the answer they needed. They wanted her for a mate. And there would be no turning back.

For how long?” She scrunched her nose. “You want me as a lover, shared between the two of you for a while?” She pushed her cup to the side and pursed her lips. “So if one of you gets tired of me, does the other one get me? Or do you both pretty much just go with mutual votes?”









“Don’t do that.” He shook his head. “That’s not how we are.”

She leaned forward on the table,
the scent of her distress mingled with anger. A new light of hostility sparked in her eyes. “I’m sorry but I just don’t see how a relationship of being lovers could work long-term.”

That was the main problem with non-shifter mates. They didn’t get the different way of life. “We are born and raised this way.”

He knew he wasn’t getting through to her, so he stood and marched around the table. He offered her his hand and watched her stare at it for a second. She took it. He moved to her long sofa and pulled her on his lap. She struggled for a moment, but once she saw he wasn’t letting her go, she stopped and sighed in defeat. He shifted her so her back was leaning on the armrest and he could look at her face.

“What is the one thing you’ve always wanted in a mate?”

“A partner? I guess someone who is honest and can love me for me and not for who he feels I should be.”

“Think of us as the first men that will give you that.” He pushed a stray curl behind her ear. She blinked with curiosity behind her glasses.

“What do you mean give me that?” She glanced down at his mouth.

He wanted so bad to stop the conversation and kiss her. She had the most beautiful pouty lips and he’d never tire of watching her slide her tiny pink tongue over them.

“When we search for a mate, it has to be someone who is perfect for us on multiple levels. Mainly we have to be attracted to her in our human bodies. Your scent has to attract the animal inside.”

She raised her brows
in obvious shock. “Wait, you and Theron had to want me and so did, wolves?”

He nodded. “We hadn’t had luck until you.
We love a woman with curves. That is just our preference. You’re gorgeous. I wouldn’t dare compare you to anyone else because nobody else has made me want her as much as you. No other female has made Theron and I agree she is the one meant to fit as our third and make us whole.”

“I...I don’t know what to say,” she mumbled. “There’s so many women out there
that have a lot more experience with two men.”

“Oh, darling
.” He brushed his lips over hers, not able to contain himself any longer. “You are the one. No matter what any other woman has, you have given our connection the emotional boost it needs for Theron to lead and for me to engage the pack. You’re who we need. Something about you is perfect for us.”

“Connor, this all sounds so nice, but what happens when you tire of me?” She sounded sad.

“That won’t happen.”

“What do you mean? It happened with my ex-husband and a host of ex-boyfriends. I have bad luck with men.”

“A mate is for life. There are no others once one is found. Only one mate for our pair.”

“You mean to tell me that without knowing me at all, but based purely on instinct and scent, you two feel I’m right to spen
d the rest of your lives with?” The disbelief was obvious in her tone.

“Yes.” He didn’t bother denying it.

“Connor, come on. I’m a pretty modern person, but taking on a relationship with two men, something I’ve never done, is scary enough. Added to that you want this to be something committed? I don’t know if you know this, but we just met. This is crazy.”

“Give us a chance, Tally.” He glanced deep into the fear he saw in her eyes and tried to soothe the tumultuous emotions in her heart. She was a strong woman, but fear could make her choose the path they didn’t want for her.

“I have to think.”

“I have an idea,” Theron said
, entering the room as she finished her sentence. He was freshly dressed and appeared unperturbed by her words. He gave Connor an open mental link to allow him to see his thoughts.

Connor’s fears for Tally dissipated somewhat. Theron’s idea was sound. If they could pull it off, then she wouldn’t have the worries in her mind.

“What’s your idea?” Tally turned to Theron.

“We date.” He grinned. “It’s what humans do, right? Date to get to know if someone is mate material?”

She nodded. “They do, but wait, so this means the whole mate thing is off the table?”

he and Theron said at once.

“It means you need to be reassured and we are happy to do whatever is necessary for you. You’re our priority now. We want you to be happy and comfortable or we won’t be,” Theron replied.

“Well.” She frowned. “I still have this wedding to go to. I guess that’s as good a place to start as any. But that’s not until next weekend.”

“How about we start with something simple,” Theron suggested. “Come with me for a walk.”

Connor nodded when she glanced at him. “Go for it. I think spending time one on one first and then as a group could really help you see how much this can work.”

“Are you sure? Won’t that mess with the idea of being a...”
She gulped. “A triad?”

Theron grinned. “Not even a little. Connor and I know each other well enough to know neither would ever try to push the other one out of the way. What we want is unity.”

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