Twice Driven (5 page)

Read Twice Driven Online

Authors: Madison Faye

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Heist, #Organized Crime, #Crime Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Twice Driven
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I could see the fear in her eyes - the naked betrayal writ large across her face. “We meant everything we said, honey,” I said evenly, my eyes locked on hers. “Every fuckin word of it. There’s a life for you here.”

Joe hooted. “Oh my God, this is fucking
You two fuckwads got a thing for my girl?”

“She stopped being yours the second you laid your fucking hands on her,” I roared out, my eyes flashing to his as I saw red mist creep into my vision.

Joe spat in the dirt and leveled the gun at me. “You and you little friend have five seconds to start walking the other way before I fucking end you right here on the side of the road.”

I forced myself to breath as I turned back to Abby. “There’s a life her with
if you want it.”

And she nodded.

She fucking
, her eyes wide and the flush blooming across her face. I looked right into her eyes, and right then, I knew - I knew she’d felt it too. Whatever fucking insane cosmic connection Connor and I had both felt with this girl the second we’d met her,
she’d felt it too

I looked over at Connor. “You ready for this?”

His eyes narrowed. “Absolutely.”

We both turned towards Abby, and as her eyes darted between the two of us, she nodded again. “
,” she whispered out.

The whole thing happened in slow motion. I dropped to the ground, rolling for the gun as I saw Joe bring the gun towards me. Connor roared as he went into a dead run at the man, who’s eyes suddenly went wide a s he brought the gun to bear right at my best friend. But it was right then that Abby shoved into her attacker, knocking him as he pulled the trigger and sending the shot wild over Con’s shoulder. I came up from the roll in slow motion, raise the gun in my hand, and squeezed. Joe screamed as the bullet tore through his shoulder, just as Connor plowed into him and tackled him to the ground.

When the dust settled, we were whole.

“You alright?” I eyed Connor, and he nodded.

“Caught the wind on that one, but yeah, we’re good,” He said with a grin. He drove the point of his boot into Joe’s rib, making him squeal before we both instantly went to Abby.

“I’m fine, I’m really fine,” she said, her voice shaky as both of us slid our arms around her. It occurred to me that this was the first time either of us had ever really
her, and even with the circumstances, I could feel my blood pump even faster at the contact. Fuck she felt good, her skin almost hot beneath my touch and the smell of her hair in my face. The primal beast in me roared, wanting to take her right there on the side of the road, but I forced myself to breath.

Connor’s face said the same thing as mine did, his eyes wild and his jaw tense like wanted to devour this girl right here. “We should get you looked at,” he said quietly, his hand gingerly touching her red cheek where that shit-head had smacked her.

She shook her head slowly, her eyes dancing between the two of us. “I really am fine, honestly.” She looked down. “I’ve been way worse before.”

The rage almost exploded out of me then as I turned on the moaning, whimpering Joe lying in the dirty. I whirled on him, practically snarling. “I’m going to kill this motherfucker
right here
and right fucking now.”

Connor nodded. “You and me both, bud.”

Suddenly, there was a hand on my arm, and I turned back, my flared temper instantly cooling as I looked into Abby’s eyes. She had another hand on Connor’s arm, and she was shaking her head quickly.

“No, please.”

I frowned. “You want us to
this piece of shit?”

Connor swore. “You can’t expect us to do that after what he’s done to you - after he’s
hurt you
like that,” he snarled, nodding at the red mark on the side of her cheek.

But Abby shook her head again. “I- I can’t have that on me.”

“It’s, not, honey, it’s on us,” I muttered.

Her eyes darted to mine, and I fuckin’ melted right there. “It
on me.” She took a trembling sigh. “Look, for
, please no killing.”

“How about paralyzation?” I smirked as I glanced at Connor, seeing his grin.

Abby shot him a look before she grinned. “Connor-”

“Fine,” he muttered.

Suddenly, I laughed. “Fuck, I’ve got an idea.” I turned to them. “We let him walk away from this, it’s never going to end.” I turned and kicked dirt at Joe. “Who else knows about you hiring us.”

“Fuck you!” He spat.

Connor marched over and stuck his heel into Joe’s gunshot wound, making the wormy man scream out. “Wrong fuckin’ answer.”

“No one!” Joe cried out. “No one, okay? I wasn’t gonna tell anyone that this bitch ran out on me, are you kidding?”

I grinned. “Perfect.”

Abby frowned as she saw me pull my burner cellphone out. “Wait, what are you doing?”

“Fixing this,” I said, my eyes meeting hers before darting to Connor and nodding.


If there’s one thing I’ve picked up in the outlaw life, it’s this: understand what leverage is. Leverage is having a video of a guy cheating on his wife with a dude in
bar bathroom, or photocopies of bank transactions between public and private funds.

Or, leverage is serving up a Goddamn mob lieutenant on a silver platter to the local sheriff. A sheriff who’s up for re-election soon, and maybe one who’s after you and your best bud on some trumped up bullshit gun charges. Understand leverage, and you’ll always understand the game.

Sherif Watts was all too happy to play ball.

I felt Abby’s hands slide around my waist, my cock throbbing in my pants just feeling her press against me on the bike.

I smirked at the bound and gagged Joe, tied to his car bumper, and then glanced at Connor and nodded. “You ready?”

“Let’s roll.”

“Ready babe?” I turned my head around to look at Abby as I gunned the engine.

Take me away from here,” she whispered as the bikes roared out onto the open road.

Chapter 8


The throbbing, rumbling vibration of the motor between my legs always got me a little hard. But it was watching Abby up ahead of me, her jean shorts pulled tight and
her tanned bare legs straggled Jackson’s bike that had me hard as steel. If it was any other guy up ahead of me that she had her arms around and her face pressed against, I’d be out of my mind with rage. But this was Jacks - my brother from another mother, my other half. Shit, watching the girl I couldn’t stop thinking about all wrapped around him was actually kind of hot.

We’d shared plenty of girls before, but I knew this one was way different. Abby was in deep in both of us, and sure, I knew Jackson well enough to know he wanted to fuck the hell out of her as bad as I did. But it was more than that.

She looked fucking
up there on the bike - the wind whipping through her long hair and teasing up her bare thighs. She grinned against Jackson’s shoulder, her arms gripping him tighter as she let herself be carried along by the vibrations I knew were probably rumbling through her core and we thundered down the desert road.

Spoiler, riding bikes gets girls wetter than a fuckin’ flood.

We turned off the main road onto a packed dirt one, downshifting as the bikes rumbled across the dirt and gravel. I grinned as I pulled next to them and saw Abby’s eyes squeeze shut and the flush creep over her cheeks, knowing full damn well what the bumpy road was doing to that poor girl between her legs.

About a mile later, the road swung up through the sparse trees, and Jackson and I’s spot came into view. We’d bought the place years before, and ever since, it’d just been our home. Two-doored garage on the first floor, complete with the old Thunderbird lying partially dismantled on blocks in one of the bays that we’d probably never get to, and a few other bikes in various state of rebuild stacked against the other wall. We lived upstairs, in the big loft-style living space, but it was the big wooden deck off the upstairs that had views of the craziest damn desert scenery you’d ever seen that made the place home.

Jackson cut the engine of his bike with a shudder and kicked down his stand. I grinned as I caught Abby groaning quietly to herself, and I’d have put good money on the ride out here having got her
shy of a release. She slid off the bike and squeezed her legs together, and I groaned myself, feeling my cock throb just thinking about how wet that sweet pussy probably was.

Jackson helped her off and walked with her to the stairs as I walked ahead.

“I think we’ve earned some beers beers on the porch,” he said, helping her up the wooden steps.

“Want a drink?” I shot over my shoulder. I raised a brow as I saw the sudden apprehension on her face as she looked around. Yeah, I got it. Despite what had just happened, here she was out in the middle of nowhere with guys like
who were now offering to get her buzzed.

“You don’t have to, you know.”

Abby blushed and grinned as she shook her head. “A beer sounds great, actually.” She paused, “Actually, can I get a cleaned up in your bathroom first?”


Abby came out of the bathroom looking way more relaxed, with her face and the bruise around her cheek washed and scrubbed clean. She had her hair wild and free, framing her face, and for probably the ninth time that day, I felt my cock twitch just looking at her.

“Feeling better honey?” I sipped at a beer as I sprawled back on an the old dusty porch couch. I raised a can her way.

She shook her head and looked at her feet, still looking like she wasn’t so sure about the drink, even if she’d soothed her nerves a bit. I shrugged and took another sip of my own - I wasn’t about to push it with this girl.

Jackson cleared his throat, throwing me a quick look before turning to Abby, his face serious. “Just so you know” he said in his deep baritone “the rules of the road apply here.”

I rolled my eyes.

Abby looked at him quizzically. “The rules?”

Jackson grinned from his spot sprawled in a deck chair, his vest over the back and the afternoon sun shining across is bare chest. “Yeah, the rules of the ride babe; no one rides for free.”

Abby’s eyes went a little wide, and the color started to drain from her face. “Oh,
, yeah, I’m so sorry,” she stammered. “Listen, I can totally pay you when I get a job at the diner.”

Jackson turned back to me, and I frowned as I shook my head at his shitty excuse for humor.

“Grass, cash, or ass, honey” He muttered, turning back to Abby.

and looked at him. She suddenly went quiet, the color draining completely from her face.

“You fuckin’ prick,” I chucked an empty beer can at Jackson as he started laughing, spraying beer out of his mouth. And in spite of myself, I started to join him, feeling the laughter rumble through me.

“Relax babe!” Jackson choked out, sputtering and laughing. “We’re just messing with you, relax!”

“Forgive Jackson, he doesn’t get
” I growled, trying to keep the grin from my face as I saw Abby’s shoulders suddenly drop as she let her breath out.

She rolled her eyes and made a face at Jackson as she marched over and playfully slapped at his leg. “You scared the
out of me, Jesus!”

Jackson cracked up “Holy shit babe, your face!” He cracked up again, and I snorted another laugh.

Abby rolled her eyes. “You know what, I will have that drink,” she said, grinning as I tossed her a cold can.


Chapter 9


Two hours later, I was feeling like an entirely new woman. The cold beer, and a few helpful sips of the tequila that Jackson had passed around had me almost forgetting entirely about what had led me to this moment.

I shrugged as I took a long pull of the beer in my hand, before excusing myself from the two men to go use the bathroom as they laughed heavily about some blue joke Connor had just laid out. Laughing, really for the first time in months, I ducked back inside the house with a smile.

I stood at the bathroom sink, splashing cool water on my face, and meeting my own eyes in the mirror. Reaching for a towel, I patted the water off my face as I took in my reflection.

The bruise on my cheek stung, and I frowned at it, thinking of Joe and then thinking of the wasted time I’d sunk into him. I shook my head, knocking the thought of him and the thought about my current situation from my mind.

Well, I thought looking at my reflection in the mirror smirking. I was here, and I was honestly thinking about actually doing this - staying here in Parker. I grinned as I thought about how I was feeling better than I had in longer than I could remember, and I’d felt like that ever since I got into town.

Well, ever since I’d met Jackson and Connor.

I thought about the two men out on the deck, the danger in their eyes, the ink on their arms, and I chewed my lip coyly, thinking about the rocking, teasing vibrations that the ride in on the back of Jackson’s bike had sent through my body. I smiled to myself, feeling suddenly naughty and flirty, and let my fingers wander down to undo two more buttons at the front of my shirt as I grinned to myself wickedly.

Feeling bold, feeling brash, and feeling sexier than I had in forever, I sauntered out of the bathroom and back out to the deck and to the two hard men waiting for me, knowing
what I wanted to do next.

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