Twice Driven (49 page)

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Authors: Madison Faye

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Heist, #Organized Crime, #Crime Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Twice Driven
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We were being

My eyes had adjusted more to the darkness, and now I could see that the door to Anna’s closet across the room was slightly ajar. And there, hidden in the shadows and partly behind a row of hanging clothes with a dress at her feet and her hand buried in her panties, was

Chapter 15


My jaw dropped as I realized what I was seeing. She was hidden behind the door, peering through the gap in it at us. Tyler grunted and ground up into me, and I moaned out loud in spite of what I'd just seen. I looked up again and felt another kind of jolt ripple through me.

A dress she’d clearly been wearing and shrugged off was lying at her feet, and I could see the soft, full curve of her breast capped with light, puffy pink nipples. I couldn't
exactly, but I could tell by the way her hand was moving inside of her white panties that she was clearly playing with herself. A million thoughts flew through my head: Anna, my best friend and roommate, was
me make love. For a moment, I thought about stopping and covering us, or yelling at her to get out.

But something stopped me.

Tyler rocked up into me again, grabbing my tight little ass as he ground deep into my pussy with his big cock, and I moaned again as the pleasure throbbed through me.

From her vantage point behind the door, I realized she had a totally unobstructed view of me
frontal as I straddled him. Which meant she could see all of me, spread wide open with my tight young pussy stretched wide around our neighbor’s huge cock. We’d
each other without clothes on before, but this was more than that. And yeah, what had happened a few days before had been sort of crazy, but we’d been
, mostly. This time though, I wasn’t just naked, but I was
Mr. Weaver’s cock, fully on display for her.

Tyler, who clearly couldn't see what I was seeing with me in the way, reached forward and grabbed my wrists in his hands. I suddenly gasped as he pulled my arms behind my back and then kept them there as he held my body tight. He started fucking up into me, and the feeling of being so
and so
by him had me gasping as pleasure rocked through my body.

Something clicked inside of me, as I moaned deeply and so nakedly in front of Anna’s watching eyes. And suddenly, not only did I
not care
that she was watching all this, but I found myself
that she was. There was something thrilling about my friend being so turned on by watching Tyler fuck me and make me his with his big cock. And the idea that she'd shrugged off her clothes and started
with herself because of it had me moaning louder and rocking harder against him.

” My innocent little girl voice was back, and I could hear him groan beneath me; "Fuck my little pussy with that
cock of yours!"

I could hear Anna gasp and saw her tremble in the shadows as her hand began to move faster and faster as she watched me start to really bounce up and down on Tyler’s thick shaft. I knew she could see how wet I was, and how glistening his cock was as my tight slit worked up and down it.

I began to bounce faster and faster on him, and his grunts began to fill the room, when suddenly there was a small shriek and a crashing sound as I watched Anna suddenly trip over the dress at her feet and go crashing over inside the large closet.

Tyler instantly bolted up, one arm wrapping protectively around me while the other grabbed for a sheet. I felt a heat rush through me, and before I knew what I was doing or before I could stop myself, I put a hand on his arm and opened my mouth.

“Anna? Are you okay?”

There was a sharp gasp from the closet.

" Tyler hissed at me, and I turned and shrugged sheepishly at him.

"She was watching us"
I whispered into his ear, watching his eyes go wide as saucers.

She WHAT?"

I turned back to the closet, and there in the shadows, I could see Anna frozen in a crouch, clearly not sure how to react to the sudden turn of events. Tyler started to push me off of him, but I pushed his arm away again and squeezed him tight with my pussy, making him groan. Instead, he pulled the sheet up, giving us at least a bit of modesty.

“Anna, seriously, I know you were watching, and it's okay.”

I’d barely finished saying it when I realized how true it was, and just
much I’d meant it. It really
okay. Actually, it was
than that. And suddenly, all my conflicted thoughts about her, and about Tyler, and about the guilt I’d felt about somehow not
her in that monumental first time, came crashing together in my head, and it all clicked.

It all made sense, and suddenly, I knew exactly what I wanted.

I turned to tyler, biting my lip and almost afraid to say it out loud. "I- I want her to watch us.”

as he stared at me with mouth open; "Are you

"Nothing more than that; you're all mine,” I said firmly, which made him grin and kiss me. “But just watching - if she want's to.” I took a deep breath. “

His eyes looked at me wolfishly then, and I could feel his cock actually
deep inside of me. “You are just
of damn surprises, you know,” He smirked at me and I blushed. His cock throbbed inside of me again, and I bit my lip again, our eyes saying everything as I turned back.

“Anna, come out;

Slowly, the closet door opened, and she stepped out.

My friend’s face was bright red, and her eyes wider than I'd ever seen. She was clutching her discarded dress to herself as her eyes darted from my eyes to to Tyler’s and then back to me, looking almost teary-eyed; “Oh my
, Chris! I’m- I’m-
I’m so embarass-”


Tyler’s deep voice was both commanding and soothing at the same time, and just as my friend was about to start crying, she stopped and gasped at the sound of it.

“It’s okay, we’re not mad.” His hand trailed up and down my side, teasing my skin and making my nipples stand out rock hard on my chest under the sheet. I felt so
naughty just
siting there
on his cock while Anna stood right in front of us with only a sheet covering us.

“Aurally,” I took a deep breath and met her eyes - my best friend in the whole world - with mine. “Actually I want you to stay,” I swallowed heavily, my heart racing. “I want you to watch us,” I said quietly.

Anna’s eyes went
, her mouth opening in shock. “Chris?” She looked at me pleadingly, almost like she was looking for a reason not to break down.

I felt my cheeks burn bright red and my pulse skip a beat as I locked eyes with my best friend. “I- I really do,” I breathed it out, feeling my whole body clench up in excitement as I did; “If you- I mean, if you want to.”

I watched her eyes get even wider as a blush crept into her face. “Are you sure? Christina, you’re my best friend, I’d never want to-”

“I’m sure.” And I’d never been more sure of anything in my life.

She swallowed heavily and looked at Tyler. “Mr Wea-” she blushed and shook her head. “I mean, Tyler? You’re okay with, um,
being here?”

He chuckled, and I made a small noise as I felt the reverberations rumble through me through his cock still balls deep in my pussy. “Like I said, the cat’s already out of the bag, isn’t it?”

Slowly, I watched a sly grin creep across her face and a twinkle shine in her eye. Now
was the mischievous, daring Anna I knew and loved.

“She wants you to be a part of this, Anna,” he said, his voice dark and so damn sexy.

Anna took a deep breath and nodded, as if transfixed by his voice - something I could definitely sympathize with. She bit her lip and slowly took a few steps towards the edge of her bed and sat down on it, facing us.

We had our audience.

“Okay,” she said quietly, her face red. “I’m ready.”

Tyler chuckled behind me and I drew a long, shaky breath as I turned to look at him. “Is this
?” I asked, raising my brow at him.

He grinned and kissed me. “No crazier than anything else you and I have managed to get ourselves into.”

I nodded, and before I could do any more debating, he smirked at me and let the sheet covering us fall to the side.

I turned back at Anna’s gasp, seeing her eyes wide as saucers as she stared at us, now totally and completely bare for her. Her eyes dropped immediately down and her jaw dropped as she stared right towards were Tyler and I met; to my tight little pussy stretched around his big, thick cock.

We all sat there frozen for a minute, everyone’s heart beating a million miles an hour and unsure of what to say, until Tyler decided to take matters into his own hands. He held me tight, his firm hands cupping my ass, and slowly, he began to slide me wetly up his cock.

It was my moan that broke the silence; my soft, mewling moan as I felt him slide me up his thick girth.

Anna gasped again and brought a hand to her mouth in shock as more and more of my older lover’s
dick slid out of my tight slit, glistening in the dim light and making her jaw drop.

“Oh my God,”
She whispered almost to her self, biting her lip and staring bug-eyed at Tyler’s thick cock.

Slowly, he pulled me back down, and I groaned softly as I felt him push into me, filling me up to the brim as she watched us. We began to move again then, as the nervousness dripped away and the incredible feeling of being one with each other took over. I started to rock up and down on him, losing myself in the utter decadence of fucking him while my best friend watched.

Anna’s hand slipped under the dress draped across her, and she blushed as my eyes caught her’s. My brow furrowed and a sensual moan escaped my lips, making her breath catch as we locked eyes. She smirked at me, and then gently, lifted her dress and dropped it to the side.

Okay, at this point, I’d seen my friend naked before, and even with what had happened the other day when we’d come together, it’s not like I was suddenly switching teams here. But as she let her cover drop and bared her body to us, I gasped at how
she was. Her soft white skin glowed, and her breasts were full and round, her nipples so softly pink and puffy that I couldn’t tear my eyes away from them. My eyes followed the curve of her ribcage down to her hips, and I moaned as I watched her hand slide back into her white cotton panties.

For a moment, I nervously looked back at Tyler, suddenly wondering if this had been a bad idea as every secret, buried insecurity I’d ever harbored came bubbling to the surface.

His eyes locked onto mine though, and he kissed my fiercely before pulling back. “I’m only looking at you, gorgeous; don’t forget that,” he whispered as he leaned forward and kissed me again.

did I get this guy again?

Tyler dropped back then onto his back, and I cooed and leaned forward towards his legs to ride him again. His hand’s guided my pert little ass as I rocked up and down on him, bouncing my hips as my tight little pussy milked every inch of his huge shaft.

Anna made a soft sound as her hand moved in slow circles beneath her panties, before she stopped as her cheeks burned bright red. With a deep breath, she grabbed them and skimmed them down her legs, kicking them off and openly spreading her legs in front of me.

Oh my God

My friend was
Like, jaw-droppingly, adorably, beautiful. Her skin was like porcelain, her chest flushed pink like her nipples. I bit my lip and moaned as my eyes fell to her hand between her legs. I didn’t know she’d shaved the soft red hair she had there that matched her head into a small little strip above her pussy, and I groaned at how fucking
it was. I could see how wet she was as she moved her fingers around her clit, her legs spreading wide as she leaned back on her bed, her eyes locked on where Tyler and I joined.

The eroticism of the whole moment washed over me then, and I began to moan louder as Tyler rocked up into me, stuffing me full with every thrust. I watched, breathless, as Anna slid her fingers down into her folds, her moans joining mine as they sank into her pussy.

The three of us, though separated by a few feet of carpet, began to move almost as one then. Tyler’s strong hands on my ass lifted me up and down every inch of him, my clit dragging up and down his shaft with every thrust as he buried himself deep inside of my tight young pussy. And Anna was right there with us, her fingertip circling the hard little bud at the top of her glistening wet pink slit as her mouth hung open, watching us.

I was getting close already, probably pushed there even faster by the voyeuristic thrill of being watched, and I started to push back onto Tyler’s cock faster and faster as my cries and moans got louder and breathier. I could tell he was getting there too as his deep groans began to match mine and his cock began to swell inside of me.

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