Twice Driven (39 page)

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Authors: Madison Faye

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Heist, #Organized Crime, #Crime Fiction, #Romance

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Tired of keeping them hidden inside or only having them come out in the bedroom, they’re all here in the form of some
hot stories. Single-minded alpha hero, sinfully taboo relationships, and wildly over-the-top scenarios. If you love it
hot, and
naughty, this is the place for you!

(Just don’t tell the other PTA members you saw her here...)

Freshman: A First Time Novel

Madison Faye

Chapter 1


I'd known Tyler Weaver for years, ever since he and his wife Rebecca had moved in a couple streets down from us. They'd seemed like nice enough people for the neighborhood, even if they didn't have any kids for the rest of us to play with. Still though, they were younger than most of
parents, and Mr. Weaver had been in a pretty well known touring rock band when he was younger; I mean how fucking cool was that? They’d had some success and a few hits, he’d met Rebecca, and they’d settled down probably around the same time our family had moved in to the neighborhood. He'd
seemed so cool to me, with his shaggy hair and causal jeans and t-shirt look, and his
totally hot

They also had a glassed-in indoor pool, which was
- especially in a place with weather like New England - and they’d made it clear that any of the neighborhood kids could use it provided they had a chaperone with them. To my and my best friend Anna? That pretty much made them the coolest people we knew back then.

It was later, after training wheels had long since turned into training bras, and awkward phases had turned into awkwardly giggles about boys on the phone with our friends, when I'd first ended up working for them. Tyler was retired from the road and they had
of money, but he ran a cool indie record label out of their guest house, complete with a small recording studio. Rebecca did something with real estate, I guess just to keep busy since they were apparently
with the royalties Tyler’s old hits brought in. But between them, I guess they finally decided they need some assistance around the house, and since I lived right around the corner and they knew my parents, I was hired. I mostly did light chores, and some online social media stuff for Mr. Weaver’s label, and all-in-all, it was a pretty sweet first paying job.

I mean it was a
job. The Weaver's did well and
well, and while most of my other friends started their first jobs in soul-sucking retail jobs, or scooping ice-cream, or waiting tables, I pretty much got paid to hang out by the pool all summer. They had to change things up during the school year of course, but I still worked for them on weekends here and there. I did the same thing the next summer, and as I finished my senior year the
summer, it seemed working for the Weavers was going to be the only job I needed before I went off to college. And the perks really were awesome. They always had a stocked fridge, an
music collection, and again, they paid
. And between Tyler hanging around the guest house studio or working on his motorcycle in the garage, and Rebecca being off on open houses all the time, I basically had the place to myself.

It was that last summer though, when things started to change;
big time

We lived in a fairly small, close-knit neighborhood, so it’s not like it was a secret that Tyler and Rebecca were “having problems”, as my mother put it. There were small things at first, like the fact that he came alone to a neighborhood barbecue, or rumors that she wasn’t even
in their house anymore. But it was that last summer when the news finally broke that they were splitting up.

on him, apparently,” Anna said, take a swig of lemonade and arching her eyebrows at me over the island counter in her kitchen. “Can you even
cheating on a guy like
Tyler Weaver?
” Anna made a fanning motion against her face as she panted dramatically, making me crack up.

Anna was the sister I never had - my co-conspirator, my confident, my other half, and my best friend for life. We’d done everything together since the day I’d moved into the neighborhood as a kid. We’d grown up together, doing everything from homework to first sleepovers, going to our first concerts to trying our first and only cigarette which we’d stolen out of her dad’s pack. We’d also resigned ourselves to the fate of going off to college as virgins.

Okay, “resigned” is a dramatic word. It's not like either of us had managed to get all the way through high school without giving it up for lack of
; we were popular enough, we’d been on the soccer team together, and we were social enough. But the reality was just that neither of us had ever felt like having our first time be a fumbled back-seat awkwardness with some sweaty-handed high-school guy.

Okay, it might have been fantasy, but we'd been raised on thousands - literally thousands - of romance movies, books and TV shows. And the hero who the girl eventually let herself be swept away by was never inexperienced, or pimply, or most likely so excited that the whole thing would last thirty seconds. No, both Anna and I just wanted a
man for that first time; a guy who'd sweep us off our feet and show us how it was done, not someone who'd apologize afterwords.

So, we decided college it was.
is where we'd find older, more experienced guys, and so until then, we'd just stay the two virgins with the unfortunate rep of being “cock-teases”.

Yeah, can you
us for wanting to wait?

Anna and I were so ridiculously close, in fact, that not only had we both applied to and gotten accepted to the same school in Boston, but we’d also decided to be roommates. I know,
, right? Yeah, everyone told us we’d hate each other, or that we needed to meet other people, but we respectfully disagreed. After all, college was a big deal, and who
want their best friend there with them as their safety net?

But as I was saying, it was that last summer when it all happened.

You see, it wasn't that I'd never
Mr. Weaver like I did that last summer before college, but I guess it had always just been that I'd been distracted by other things going on. Looking back of course, I have no idea how
could have ever distracted me from how
crazy hot
my much older employer and neighbor was. I mean sure, we'd seen him plenty of times before at his pool, or when he jogged around the block shirtless and sweaty - I'm sure causing quite a fluster with some of the housewives in the neighborhood. He kept himself in amazing shape, and I know he also probably drew the jealousy of more than a few
of those housewives.

I suppose I always had a little crush on him, in an awkwardly flirtatious schoolgirl way. But I'd grown up since I'd first starting working for the Weavers, and I'd started to look at men -
men who looked like Tyler Weaver - in a
new, wholly
way. And when I accidentally saw him like
, on THAT fateful day, I knew then how things were going to play out. Seeing him
day set something in motion and put a fire inside of me like nothing else ever had. And it was
day when I knew, despite every rational thought that said otherwise, or how crazy it was, that the much older and entirely inappropriate Tyler Weaver would be my first.

Of course, that came later, so let me explain.

Chapter 2


When the moving truck full of roughly half the furniture in my house pulled away, I breathed a sigh of relief.


Yeah, that sounds shitty to say, but that’s exactly the feeling that was going through my head knowing the final chapter of this particular book was almost finished. And now here I was, forty years old, and a divorcé.

About damn time

Because really, whatever I’d
I’d found with Rebecca back when we were younger never really was there. I’d given up life on the road happily, and on my own accord, to be with her. Yeah, the touring life was fun, and playing music like that was one of the best things I’d ever experienced in my life. And sure, settling down with Rebecca meant stopping that, but I was okay with that decision.

The music was fun, the women were a
of fun, but the constant nomad shit had gotten old for me. I just wanted a fucking
home base
; some place to come home to at night and just put my feet up instead of trying to catch sleep on a fucking tour bus. And if that meant getting married and settling into suburbia? Bring it on.

Except it was pretty clear from the get-go that whatever Rebecca and I thought we had wasn’t actually there. We just weren’t the people we’d thought each other were. For instance, I always thought she’d wanted kids, but turns out she had no intention of that happening. Example number two might be that I thought she’d stay faithful.

Yeah, whoops.

Really though, when that shit came out, I wasn’t even mad anymore. I was just ready to move on and get back to being
. So, when she wanted to
leave me
for that guy?
No problem
; it was the move we both needed. So I waved the prenup in her face, signed the papers, and here I was cracking a beer and settling down into my half-empty living room, watching the moving truck drive away.

Yeah, like I said, relief.

The sudden sound of shrieks and giggling and splashing shook the thoughts from my head, and I frowned as I got up to go peek out the back window.

My frown disappeared the
I looked out, and my jaw dropped a little

Holy shit, well that’s a nice fucking way to welcome bachelorhood.

It was like the male fantasy come to life, splashing around in my pool, and I

I’d always told Christina Ames from up the street that she could come over whenever she wanted to use the pool. I mean I was friends with her parents, and I considered her responsible enough, seeing as she worked for me doing stuff around the house.

I’d never remotely strayed from Rebecca, but I did have
. And yeah, there was a little guilt about the way my cock twitched whenever Christina came over to do a little work around the house. Guilt because I was a married man, guilt because I was friends with her damn parents, and guilt because of how inappropriately young she was. I mean she was eighteen, and legal, when I first started noticing the young woman she’d become. But once you noticed something like that - yeah, good luck

Just like good luck
thinking all sorts of wholly inappropriate things when a girl who looks like Christina Ames shows up smiling at your door
She was all legs, with this tight little ass, smooth, toned torso, full ripe young tits, and the face of a damn angel. Bright blue eyes, fully pouty pink lips, and long blonde hair that tumbled over her shoulders and fell halfway down her back.

Yeah, like a red-blooded man
going to notice something like that parading around his house. Or half-naked in his pool, I might add.

She was fucking
. And yeah, I knew it was so fucking wrong to think about her like that, but damn didn’t I didn’t lose myself in those lips, wondering how they’d feel wrapped around my cock. I wanted to spread those long, slender legs and bury my tongue between them. I wanted to know if she tasted as good when she came as I thought she probably did.

And then there was Anna Riley, who I’d swear was her sister but for the red hair and the paler complexion. I didn’t know her as well as Christina - wasn’t really familiar with her parents, and of course she didn’t work for me like Christina did. But I’d definitely caught myself watching her too whenever the two of them were hanging around.

Hanging around, or say, parading and cavorting around in the pool wearing these tiny little bikinis that made the blood roar in my ears and my cock rock hard in my pants. Christina and Anna, looking like original fucking sin; like temptation on a stick. Barely legal, totally untouchable, totally off-limits temptation. Because as crazy hot the two girls jumping around in the shallow end of the pool were like some sort of wicked dirty fantasy, there was no fucking way I should’ve been having the thoughts I was immediately having about the two of them.
Because these girls were
off limits, in a major fucking way.

I need another drink

It was early afternoon, but I didn’t give a shit as I grabbed a beer from the fridge and cracked it. I turned and glanced out the window again, and groaned as I gritted my teeth. I mean they were
for Christ’s sake - arms and legs around each other and giggling as they tumbled around the shallow end without a thought in the world about how hard they were making my dick. I sipped my beer, and before I knew it, I realized my hand was sliding over the front of my pants and grabbing my hard cock through my jeans.

I quickly shook my head and took a huge pull from the beer. Jesus Christ, day one of bachelorhood and I was that creepy fucking old guy day-drinking and stroking his cock to tight little inappropriate eighteen year olds.

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