Twice Driven (16 page)

Read Twice Driven Online

Authors: Madison Faye

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Crime, #Heist, #Organized Crime, #Crime Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Twice Driven
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My mother smiled obliviously at him again. “Well good, because - and I do hope you don’t think I’m being too bold, but I’ve got someone I want you to meet; a friend of mine.”

I could see Jake’s face harden for second, his eyes darting to me before pushing a fake smile onto his face. “Oh, uh. Sure, Sarah.”

Okay, I’m not going to lie. For a single second there, I could feel every part of my body tense up and felt the rage of emotion surge inside of me. The very
of Jake on a date with another girl - even if it was a big group thing anyways - had me seeing red for a second. But just as I felt my fits tighten around the bag of groceries, I found Jake’s eyes, staring right into mine.

And it was enough, that look. That look burned a little sense into me. I mean,
of course
, he had to say yes. It’d have been strange otherwise if newly single, stupidly handsome Jake Hardy said no to a date. One might say
strange, and that’s the last thing either of us wanted to stir up.

“Chelsea!” I shook my head and turned to see my mom frowning at me. “
with those bags! That one has the eggs in it,” she said, scowling at the way I was squeezing the bags tightly in my angry little jealous fists. I could see Jake smirk out of the corner of my eyes.

My mother laughed and shook her head at him as she turned and walked into the house. “Tomorrow, then?”

“Hey, Sarah?” Jake turned and beamed a winning smile at her. “You know what, let’s have it at my place. I’ve got that big oak dining room table that I don’t even use anymore. Might be nice to give it some air-time.”

My mom beamed. “Well! That sounds wonderful. I’ll call Karen now and let her know!”

He turned back to me, arching an eyebrow and smirking at the scowl still on my face.

, huh?” I said with a pout.

“Hey,” he said, a grin teasing his lips. “You know it’s just for show, right?”

“I guess.”

He shot a quick look back at the house before turning back to me, and I gasped as he quickly grabbed my ass in his big hand. “You better know that this is the only ass I want.”

I felt my face grow hot and red as I grinned. “
, yes, I know."

He winked. “Good. Guess I’ll see you for dinner tomorrow then.”

He turned back towards his house, but I suddenly stopped him with a hand on his arm.

The Chelsea of six months ago would have
had the guts to be so bold. But of course, the Chelsea from back then would also have never have imagined a scenario where Mr. Harding bent her over her parent's sofa, took her virginity, and filled her with his cum.

His eyes looked quickly up at the backdoor to my house before they turned to me with dark, cautionary look. “Chelsea-"

"I just wanted to say thank you, for yesterday." I said quietly, feeling the heat in my cheeks. I let my hand linger on his arm, feeling his pulse just below the surface there. The red in his face deepened, and I could see his jaw tightening as he looked at me. I could tell that he was still conflicted, but I could also see the raw lust there as I let my fingers trail across his arm.

I leaned closer, my voice a whisper. “You don't have to worry, Mr. Harding. I'm  not going to tell my parents that you fucked me."

I could practically feel his pulse jump right then, and he did actually groan quietly. Suddenly, he jumped away from me just as the backdoor opened again.

"Chelsea, a little help please?" My mom laughed and shook her head at Mr. Harding. “I don’t know
gets into them at this age!”

I could feel my own cheeks burn bright red as I turned away from my mom, only to see Jake about choke on his own tongue.

“I- uh- yeah, I’ll see you guys later then." He turned quickly on his heel and jogged back to his house and up through the backdoor, leaving me blushing and grinning like an idiot as I helped my mother bring in the rest of the groceries.

Chapter 12


I only had a few days left of my winter break, and I knew that there was
no way
I was going back to school without having Jake again. It was everything I thought of, actually, and I knew that no matter the risk, no matter how forbidden it was, I needed my hot older neighbor to fill me up again like he had before.

And so I dressed to kill the next night when we were heading over to his house for dinner. Again, nothing overtly slutty - not like I even
anything like that - but I did make sure I was looking completely irresistible. And of course, it was all for Jake. I let my hair down, wore a very pretty loose-fitting, strappy tank-top, and opted out of a bra; hey, there had to be
perks to not having big boobs. I put on one of my smaller, but again not
pleated skirts which showed off my long, tanned legs, and then grinned as I pulled a
slutty sheer black lacy thong up my legs and snug across my slit. I’m not saying dinner at Jake’s house with my whole family and
- his fake date - was the perfect opportunity to try and seduce him again, but I was also running out of time and I knew I had to make something happen.


“Come on in guys!”
, why was
already there? Karen with the gorgeous ringlet blonde hair, and the
boobs, and model-looks. Karen who was there with the specific intent of snagging Jake as her own. It was like all the hidden, self-doubting thoughts I’d pushed aside suddenly came roaring back. Really, who
I to Jake? A fling? A hot fuck? More than that? I mean honestly, in a few days, I was heading back to Boston for school, and
would still be here.

It made my heart sink a little, but I knew it was true.

“Oh, hey gang!” Jake poked his head around the doorway from the kitchen to say hi as my parents and my brother and I came in following Karen. He was looking delicious as always, in casual jeans and a white t-shirt as he finished stirring something or other on the stove-top. He shook my dad’s hand, and high-fived Dennis, before his eyes hit mine and just sort of
on me.

“Hey, Chelsea.”

“Hi, Mr. Harding.”

He swallowed heavily, lingering maybe a moment longer than he ought to have, before he tore his eyes away to greet my mom.

After we’d mingled around the kitchen just talking about plans for the new year, and how Dennis’s first visits to potential colleges were doing, and all those other things friends and neighbors catch up on, we’d all moved into the dining room to sit down for dinner. And I swear, without even having to try or squeeze myself in or anything obvious like that, I found myself alone on one side of the square table with Jake. He froze slightly as we both sat, with his date around the corner of the table on the other side of him, my parents across from us, and Dennis to my other side. I could tell just by the rigid way he was sitting that I was probably making him seriously nervous, especially with the way I was dressed.

Oh, and the way I let my hand rest on his thigh under the table.

I mean, I
got it
; I got why a man in his position - sitting between his date and his secret nineteen-year-old lover, while
parents sat across form him - might be
freaked out. But it’s not like I was going to say or
anything there at the dinner table!

Suddenly, my eyes went wide as a
naughty, seriously dirty thought popped into my head, making my cheeks flush pink.


As we ate and talked more about new years plans, and whatever it was that Karen did for a job, the idea just
in my head, growing hotter and hotter like a little ball of white heat. I couldn’t
it; just sitting this close to Jake just had that effect on my body, and I found myself getting more and more turned on just being this close to him.

Finally, I couldn’t even help myself anymore, and ever so quietly, ever so subtly, I took my hand off of my own bare leg and moved to place it gently on his again. I could feel him tense and freeze under my hand, the hard muscles in his thigh going stiff as he clenched in surprise. Though he was still laughing at something my dad had said, he quickly grabbed my hand with his own under the table and started to move it off of his leg. But I was determined, and as soon as he had, I moved it right back; this time gripping his thigh tightly. Also, this time, I moved my hand higher, until I was just below his crotch, my fingers deftly squeezing his thigh there.

He tensed again, stumbling slightly in his words as he joked with Dennis about something. But he didn’t bring his hand down again, and I felt a throb of desire pound through me as I let my hand rest there on his leg while I smiled at the rest of the table.

As we all continued to chat and eat, I slowly found myself inching my hand upwards, slowly but surely moving my fingers until I could feel the pulsing heat of Mr. Harding’s
erection through his jeans. He coughed as I cupped his big bulge there, smiling as he took a big gulp of wine and continued to talk to my parents about some new candidate for city council or something.

Me, I just sat there grinning away, feeling like I was buzzing with electricity as my fingers slowly massaged Jake’s cock through his jeans. I felt so scandalous, so naughty stroking his dick, sitting so close to his wife while I speared salad and pasta with my fork and made light conversation with the table. This was
not the Chelsea of six months ago, and I
loved it

After a few minutes of this though, Mr. Harding suddenly scooted his chair a bit closer to the table, until his lap and my hand were now
covered by the table and the draping table-cloth, where they’d only partially been before. Suddenly, I gasped as the man who’d just taken my virginity dropped his own hand next to mine, gently eased his zipper down, and without a second thought, reached in and pulled his enormous cock right out through his fly! I about gasped as the hot, thick tool slipped into my tiny hand, and I shivered as I closed my fingers around as much of the silky girth as I could.

My mom said something funny I guess and the whole table erupted in peels of laughter then. Jake took the moment to lean close, feigning laughter as he whispered darkly into my ear. “
can play games, Chelsea. Your move.”

He leaned back away from me, smiling away at the rest of the table as I sat there absolutely dripping through my tiny thong as his words reverberated through me. I don’t know if he’d meant to shock me or call my bluff, but if anything, I only wanted him
now. I gripped his big dick a little tighter in my small fingers and started to jerk him then, slowly slipping my hand up and down his trembling cock. He caught my eye out of the corner of his, the look in his face dark and definitely surprised. I could feel him pulse hotly in my hand, and I bit my lip as I thought about how this huge shaft had so recently filled me up so thickly.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my knee. Quickly, with a light but determined touch, the hand slid higher, teasing the inside of my bare thigh as it did. He never slowed, not even once before his fingers slipped right against the soaking wet thong barely covering my young pussy. I whipped my head to stare at him, his own brashness actually almost knocking me off my thrill-seeking entirely. I mean
, what if we got
like this?! And then I thought another, dirtier thought: it’d be bad enough if it were
just that
, but what if we got caught and then it also turned out that I was carrying his child?!

But then, there again, instead of throwing me off, that naughty, forbidden thought only got me hotter. And instead of calling things quit there, I suddenly wanted
so much

His fingers slid up the seam of my panties, and gently eased them to side. This time it was my turn to feign a cough at the table as one of Mr. Harding’s big fingers slowly slipped between my slippery, silken lips, before pushing easily right into my tight channel. I squeezed his cock tighter, jerking him faster as he buried a finger to the knuckle inside of me, curling it up and stroking my front wall, making me practically moan there at the table.

Thankfully, I was saved from probable questioning looks by
, of all people!

“Oh! Sarah, you wanted to see pictures of the shore-house I stayed at?”

My mom clapped eagerly. “Oh yeah! I’ve been
to see those!”

Jake’s finger was driving me wild as he slowly curled it in and out of me, his thumb
lightly brushing over my clit; just enough to drag my desire slowly across the coals without sending me over the edge.

“I’ve got them right here actually,” Karen reached behind her for her tablet on the side table before turning back and opening up an album full of pictures.

I started to wonder about what would happen if I made Jake come like this. I mean, we couldn’t very well just have cum flying everywhere underneath the table, and without really being able to
, it’s not like I’d be able to catch it all in my
or anything! Of course, what I
wanted to do was feel him shoot hit thick load up inside of -

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