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Authors: Tiffany King

Tags: #Contemporary

Turtle Bay (26 page)

BOOK: Turtle Bay
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He smiled, looking straight ahead like he was carefully pondering his answer. "You tell me. You already know how passionate I get about the things I love. I mean, we met because I yelled at you over baby sea turtles, as you like to keep pointing out."

I smiled at how happy he sounded, and he had a point. He had passion, and I loved that about him. Every day with Josh was an adventure. He had a gift for sharing his passions in a way that made you appreciate them for yourself. Because of his enthusiasm, I was able to discover a joy for my surroundings that I had never considered.

"What are your parents up to tonight?" he asked.

I laughed. "They're reading more of my stories. They haven't put them down since I offered them over. I only wish I would have found the courage to show them before now." I leaned across the bench to squeeze his hand. It was Josh's encouragement that led me to show Butch and Buttercup my stories. He assured me they would find them as enjoyable as he had.

He smiled smugly. "Told you."

"It is a bit embarrassing, though. Butch already talked to Farrah's dad. He has it in his head that the stories I wrote about this summer would make a great series. It's insanity."

"Why insanity?" he asked, pulling his truck off the side of the road.

"This is the anniversary surprise?" I asked, seeing nothing but a few houses spread out sporadically along the beach. I recognized it though. This was the beach where we had watched the turtles hatch.

"You'll see," he said, tugging on a lock of my hair lightly. "Why is it insane?" he added, repeating his earlier question.

"Because I'm still in school, for one. And two, because my dad is trying to shove my writing on my friend's author parents."

"Age doesn't define you. If writing is your passion, you should pursue it. You may think I'm biased too, but I'm telling you, your writing is ageless," he said, grabbing a picnic basket out of the bed of his truck.

I smiled widely. A nighttime picnic on the beach seemed like a fitting way to commemorate our anniversary. This was one of a million reasons why he was the perfect boyfriend. He knew how to make a girl swoon. Josh handed me the flashlight so I could shine it on the ground as we walked. We held hands as we made our way to the sandy beach that was only lit by the moon and stars. Josh laid out the blanket while I held the light before sitting down with the basket.

"Now for the most important part," he said, pulling me into his arms.

"You're awfully cocky about the power of your lips," I joked lamely since my nerves had taken over.

He cupped my face in his hands. "Are you nervous?"

"What makes you think I'm nervous?" Truthfully, I wanted to tell him something, but I was waiting for the right moment.

He chuckled lightly. "You're an open book, Rain. I can always tell how you are feeling." He moved closer and without conscious thought, I held my breath.

I watched him with hooded eyes as he lowered his face toward mine. My eyelids fluttered closed the instant his lips touched mine. I was never prepared for how his kisses made me feel. To say there were fireworks would be cliché, but something spectacular happened every time.

After a moment he pulled back slightly and rested his forehead against mine.

"You think I would be used to this," he said raggedly.

I felt a bit breathless myself. "Is that your way of saying we're good at this?"

think we need to try again to make sure," he said, dipping his head down, but I stopped him before his lips could claim mine again.

"Wait. I need to tell you something," I said, pulling away.

He looked confused. "Okay?"

I took a deep breath, trying to get a handle on my nerves. "This summer has been really great. I mean, despite the storm," I said wryly.

"Are you breaking up with me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Because that would totally ruin my plans for the night."

I shook my head. "Hush," I said, swiping at him. I took a deep breath to prepare myself again. "I love you."

The words were out there. I had been the first to say it and there was no taking them back. I thought I would be embarrassed, not knowing if he would react badly or not return the sentiment. The opposite happened. Telling him made me feel lighter. They were true feelings and I wanted him to know it.

His hands cupped my face again. "I love you too," he said huskily.

"You don't have to say that just because I did," I told him, not wanting him to feel pressured.

"Well, you did kind of spoil my plans. I planned on telling you after I wooed you a little."

A wide smile tugged at my lips. "Really?" Knowing Josh felt as strongly as I did made the moment even more perfect.

He answered by crushing his lips to mine. My arms wrapped around his neck, dragging him even closer. Every breath I took belonged to him as the world spun and we lost ourselves in the moment.

"You're killing me," he joked, leaning back on his elbows.

I smirked, lying back with him. It pleased me that I wasn't the only one affected when we made out. He tugged me closer so I was snuggled between his legs.

"I got you something," he said, nuzzling my neck.

I sighed with pleasure. "You did? I didn't get you anything."

"Yeah, you did. Letting me drag you down that trail earlier was the only gift I wanted." He reached into his pocket and handed me a small jewelry box.

I paused, holding the box in my hand without opening it. "You didn't need to get me anything. I just like being together," I said.

"That makes me happy to hear, but as soon as I saw this, I knew it was perfect for you. Go ahead open it."

Curiously, I opened the box and gasped when I saw the sea turtle necklace nestled on a fabric pillow. "Josh, I love it," I said, pulling the necklace from the box. "You're right, it's perfect," I added, moving my hair so he could attach the clasp around my neck. My hand closed around the turtle charm as I tilted my head back to give him a kiss.

"I'm glad you like it. It reminded me of the day we met," he said, kissing me again. "So, what do you think of the fireworks?"

I laughed. "What, can you read my thoughts now?" I asked.

"Not those kinds of fireworks," he said, tilting my chin so my eyes were on the endless sky above us. At first I was confused at what I was seeing until I saw something streak across the sky.

"It's a meteor shower," he murmured in my ear.

"It's beautiful," I breathed, not taking my eyes from the sky. "How did you know?"

"Hey, they don't call me Nature Boy for no reason," he said, placing a barely there kiss on my neck as he wrapped his arms firmly around my waist.

"Very true. I guess it suits you," I said, resting my head on his shoulder.

We watched the spectacular show in the sky while I pondered how different my life had become since moving to Turtle Bay. Butch and Buttercup were still who they were, but they were my parents and I loved them. Farrah had been right. My parents fit right in with the rest of the eccentric beach community we now called home. No longer would I be the trouble seeker, trying to divert attention from the town freaks. Now I could just be Rain, and that would be good enough. After all was said and done, my summer had offered the new beginnings I had hoped for. I couldn't say for sure what fall would offer, but I was more excited than ever to find out.

More YA Titles by Tiffany King

The Saving Angels Series

Meant to Be (Book 1)

Forgotten Souls (Book 2)

The Ascended (Book 3)


Wishing for Someday Soon

Forever Changed

Unlikely Allies

Miss Me Not


The Daemon Hunter Series

Jordyn (Book 1)

Jordyn and the Caverns of Gloom (Book 2)

Jordyn: The Final Battle (Book 3)


About Tiffany King

USA Today Bestselling author Tiffany King is a lifelong reading fanatic who is now living her dream as a writer, weaving Young Adult and New Adult romance tales for others to enjoy. She has a loving husband and two wonderful kids. (Five, if you count her three spoiled cats). Her addictions include: Her iPhone and iPad, chocolate, Diet Coke, chocolate, Harry Potter, chocolate, zombies and her favorite TV shows. Want to know what they are? Just ask.

Connect with Tiffany King




Tiffany King


Tiffany King

[email protected]

"Dreams do come true...Dream big."


Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
More YA Titles by Tiffany King
About Tiffany King
Connect with Tiffany King
BOOK: Turtle Bay
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