Turner's Vision (13 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Ferrell

Tags: #Historical Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Romantic Action/Adventure

BOOK: Turner's Vision
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Micah carried a packet of papers with him when he returned to the parlor with Simon Smith. “Now I believe we can begin. Simon, sit there.” Micah indicated the other wingback chair at the hearth. Seating himself next to Claudia, he handed her the paper on the top, loosely draping one arm behind her. “That is the complete list of people meeting with our group down at the dock saloon.”

The list held ten names—most highly placed individuals in the government’s financial offices, along with a senator and congressman, both on the banking committee.

“How did you ever get this so quickly? We just learned of their meeting place a few days ago.”

“Last summer when your letter arrived to Laura informing her about Blackwood leaving the Washington area, he telegraphed the Pinkerton agency to begin a discreet investigation into Blackwood’s and Senator Anderson’s pasts.”

Claudia smiled at Simon. “And that would be you?”

The other man gave her a nod of affirmation.

“Simon and his operative have had them under surveillance ever since he discovered where they were meeting two months ago,” Micah said.

“Very good, Simon.” Claudia smiled up at the rotund man.

“Nothing to it, ma’am. I am a Pinkerton man after all.” Despite his title, he puffed himself up with pride at her words of praise.

“Of course.” Claudia hid her amusement as she turned to pour coffee for the men. When she handed Micah his cup she was caught off-guard by a wink. Trying to cover the sudden warmth it caused, she picked up a sandwich and nibbled it while the men conversed. She wasn’t terribly hungry, but knew if she kept busy chewing she would listen and absorb the information better.

“It would appear we have the majority of facts before us.” Micah began listing them. “We know the main group of men are dealing in opium. That in itself is not a crime. But it has come to light that they may also be dealing in white slavery, which we know is illegal. They’ve had secret meetings with a congressman, a senator, Department of the Treasury undersecretary, as well as several key members of the national banking community. We also know from a witness that they’ve had a very prominent senator killed, and an officer of the army intelligence kidnapped, possibly killed.”

“Who was that?” This last bit of information caught Claudia’s attention.

“Your Officer Howard.”

“He worked for the army? I thought he was just a police officer.”

“Howard was one of my men, ma’am, just as Micah is an agent for the army out west.” Cain set his cup aside, leaning forward to speak candidly again. “Senator Anderson approached me on one occasion to talk about how someone could overtake our government if they so desired. At the time, I believed we were talking about a hypothetical situation. That was, until he disappeared three weeks later. Noah—that’s Howard’s first name—approached me about the incident your friend witnessed, and since he was in a place to investigate the senator’s disappearance without it being associated with the army, I felt it best to use his skills until I knew what we were dealing with. And now he’s missing, too.”

“Do you think he may be dead?”

“He’s one of my best men, ma’am. His body hasn’t shown up anywhere, so I’d like to believe he may just be missing.”

“So would I. He was the most pleasant man, Micah. He was as concerned with Laura’s safety as I.”

At the small catch in her voice Micah drew her nearer. The small act comforted her. Even though she didn’t know Officer Howard well, she didn’t want to think yet another person had been killed at the hands of this murderous group.

“If he isn’t dead, we’ll have to wonder where he’s been all this time, my dear.” Micah’s voice sounded a little angry and she felt him squeeze her tighter, as if he thought the young officer somehow a threat to her or him.

Could he be jealous? Surely not.

“He’s a good man, Micah. If he isn’t dead, there will be a good reason why I haven’t heard from him. Of that I can assure you,” Cain said.

“Until I meet the man, I’ll take your word on that. Both of yours,” he said, squeezing her shoulder again, this time letting up in a more relaxed mode, and she had to wonder at her previous reaction.

“Let’s see, what else we know. This Crystobal is apparently from the orient. Chinese, perhaps?” Micah turned their attention to another of the conspirators.

“Given his facial features I’d guess him to be of mixed blood.” Simon joined the brainstorming process. “His accent is definitely British, so perhaps British and Chinese. And according to my operative, not very interested in women.”

“Your operative wouldn’t happen to be one well-rounded blonde named Rosie, would it?” Claudia asked.

“That’s my girl, all right.” Simon smiled a wicked grin at her. “You wouldn’t believe the information she gets out of men between the sheets, if you’ll pardon my meaning, ma’am.”

“Oh…oh… You mean…?” Claudia’s embarrassed thoughts sputtered out.

“That’s right, my dear. And if I hadn’t come along, you might have been forced to get information in the same manner.” Micah’s grip on her shoulder tightened.

Understanding what a precarious position she’d placed herself in the other night and needing a little reassurance, Claudia leaned into Micah’s solid frame. His grip on her loosened.

Speaking of the tavern incident, she still wanted to ask Micah about the uncanny resemblance the cretin who’d grabbed her had to him.

Something about the man and Micah’s reaction to him made her decide to table her curiosity for a more private conversation.

As the men continued their discussion, Micah idly stroked up and down her arm. Claudia wondered if he even knew he was comforting her. Without warning, her eyes filled with tears. In all her life she’d never had someone physically comfort her, and it evoked strange feelings within her. She swallowed hard, willing herself not to let them continue. She hoped he hadn’t noticed the tears threatening to spill. If he had, her embarrassment would be complete.

“The people on this list have something more in common than just being in the financial community of our fair city.” Micah directed Claudia’s attention once again to the paper in her hand.

“Oh, my Lord, these men are all involved with the National Gold Reserve.”

“Damn.” Cain sat up on the edge of his seat.

Simon set his cup aside. “Captain,” he addressed Micah, “I believe you may be on to something. The one thing I haven’t included in this report is a meeting that didn’t take place.” The short man had everyone’s undivided attention.

“A meeting that didn’t take place? With whom?”

“General Wallace.”

“Tell me about it.” Micah leaned back into the seat, pulling Claudia back with him. Despite his relaxed posture, she felt the wary tenseness of his muscles pressed against her body. There might be many things she didn’t know about her husband, but right now she was certain of one thing. He was worried.

“One night Rosie was with the blond—Stephen, I believe his name is.” Simon began his story.

“That’s correct.” Claudia felt a small tremor pass through Micah.

“Well, it seems their meeting broke up earlier than usual because the general didn’t show. By the time Rosie had gotten Stephen up to her room, he was very drunk and spewed forth information like a geyser. He said that if the general didn’t want to cooperate, they could find someone who would. They’d replaced bigger men than him. Rosie tried to find out who it was they’d replaced, but the drunken fool slipped into dreamland.”

Simon reached for a second roast beef sandwich Claudia had provided. “I didn’t include it on the list of names since the general didn’t actually meet with the men.”

“At least he didn’t meet with them at the Whaler’s Reef. There’s every possibility they met somewhere else.” Micah spoke up quietly.

“He’s not that kind of man, Micah.” Cain stood up, pacing the room in thought. “He’d never sell out his country.”

“The man is in charge of protecting the gold reserve, Cain. That’s a big temptation for anyone, despite his dedication. And our conspirators are so confident about not being caught, they aren’t even posting guards. They must feel nothing will stand in their way. Therefore, their contacts must go high enough to protect them.”

“No, I won’t believe it of him,” Colonel Duncan argued. “When Garfield was shot last year, he was the least flappable man in the government. Even President Arthur was more nervous over the country’s future. But not Wallace. He convinced everyone the nation was stable and everything was going to run as usual.”

“Cain, maybe he wasn’t upset as the others because he was in on it.” Micah’s voice was calm, too calm.

Cain stopped his pacing to look steadily at his friend. “Do you know something?”

“Given the facts, it wouldn’t be an implausible conclusion.”

“Sometimes the facts can be misleading, Micah. I don’t want to accuse Wallace without some sort of proof. He’s been an honorable man for many years.”

“Cain, you know me better than that. I don’t move on anything without some kind of tangible evidence. In fact, that’s what I wanted to discuss with all of you.” Micah leaned forward on the seat, leafing through the papers on the table.

“We know that the latest shipment of opium is being stored at their warehouse on the wharf across the Potomac. According to Simon and Rosie, the group has several houses where they’ll ship the opium. I believe we have to obtain the location of these houses, then try to infiltrate them. We need to find out which other government officials are mixed up in this conspiracy and what their plans are.”

“Do you think they have records of these houses at that warehouse we were in the other night?” Claudia sat forward to join the conversation.

“It’s as good a place as any to begin looking for the information, my dear. I sent Henderson and the boys out to obtain a few things we will need tonight.” Micah studied her a moment, as if making a decision, then addressed the two men.

“Claudia and I are going to get into the warehouse to see if there is any information there as to the houses’ whereabouts. Then we’re going to find some way to get inside them in the next few days.

“If it’s at all possible, Cain, I’d like you to find out as much about the general, the men guarding the gold and any meetings that might have taken place with our people as you can. Simon, you and Rosie will need to see if you can find out when they plan to make their move on the gold. I’ll need some sort of time reference. I have the distinct feeling things will be happening much faster after next Friday.”

“What’s happening next Friday?” Micah had Claudia’s complete attention.

“Why, the ball in honor of our marriage, my dear.”

“What does that have to do with the gold reserve?” Claudia couldn’t help the confusion in her voice.

“There will be some rather interesting guests at that ball,” he answered her cryptically.

Before Claudia could ask any more questions, Adam and Joey erupted into the room, arguing about who had eaten the most ice cream at the parlor. Henderson followed more sedately, carrying three cloth bags.

“I hope we gave you enough time for your meeting, Micah.” The older man placed the bags on the floor. “The lads were ever helpful. Their knowledge of the marketplace is remarkable. All the items on your list were obtained in record time.”

“I doubt an ice cream bribery had much to do with their enthusiasm.” Micah chuckled as the boys began filling them in on their afternoon.

The meeting deteriorated under their exuberant conversation. Cain excused himself to return to his post, while Micah, Simon and Henderson retired to the kitchen with Henderson’s bags from his outing. Left to entertain the boys for the remainder of the day, Claudia proceeded with a project of her own.

Several hours later, Micah found both boys squatting in front of his and Claudia’s bedroom door, talking to someone on the other side.

His temper rose significantly as he stood back to observe what was going on. They appeared to be instructing the room’s occupant on how to open the lock without a key.


“Now press the pin into the side of the hole, until you feel it catch the spring.” Micah heard Adam whisper into the side of the door. “Did ya feel it catch?”

A light voice mumbled through the door.

“Good. Just push down slowly, then you’ll feel it sort of give a pop. When it does, you’ll be free as a bird.”

A moment later the door sprang open. Out walked a triumphant Claudia.

“I did it.”

“That you did, my dear.” Micah approached the trio at the bedroom door, trying to contain his reaction to their game.

“Isn’t it wonderful, Micah? Thanks to the boys, I’ll never be locked in a room again.” Claudia turned her beaming face up to smile at him.

“I can see that.” His voice sounded angry even in his own ears and he could kick himself when the joy left her eyes, but she needed to learn when he made a promise, he always kept it. He wouldn’t lock her in ever again. Before he could impress on her that fact, he needed to get rid of their audience. “Boys, I believe Henderson has some vegetables for you to clean for dinner.”

“Aww…do we have to?” Joey began to protest.

“In this house, young man, we all help. Whether it’s cleaning vegetables for our meal or standing guard outside of warehouses, all tasks are to be completed without complaint,” Micah said before the boy could argue further.

“You mean we get to be lookouts tonight?” Adam and Joey exchanged looks of pure pleasure.

“That will depend on how many vegetables are on the table tonight.”

Both boys took off for the kitchen without another word, scrambling to see who could get there first. Micah kept his attention on Claudia’s face. Once the boys were gone, she slowly raised her eyes and drew her breath in.

She realized what a predicament she was in.

“Now, Micah,” she said, taking a step backward into the bedroom, “it really is important for me to know how to get out of a locked room.”

As he moved forward, she took another step back until they were standing in the room. Reaching behind him, Micah closed the door.

“What if I were trapped by someone and they locked me in? It would be in my best interest to know how to get out, wouldn’t it?”

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