Turn & Burn (25 page)

Read Turn & Burn Online

Authors: Eden Connor

Tags: #stepbrother romance, #m/f/m, #m/m, #outdoor sex, #f/f, #menage, #taboo, #gang bang

BOOK: Turn & Burn
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“Are you serious?”

Would he refuse? I could almost see Colt debating whether or not I’d tell Dale what he’d done. Even if it had all been a lie, I doubted that detail would matter to Dale, because Colt made me believe it was true.

“But first, we talk.”

A moment passed, then another. “You’re not kidding, are you?”

I shrugged. “Nothin’s free, right? That’s the real family tradition. Gas or ass. And I got half a tank, so you gotta pay some other way. Tell me why. Why would you make me think you sold me to your friends? Why let me think I was a whore?” I cleared my throat. “Is it because you didn’t want me to find out you’re gay?”

“I’m not gay,” he muttered. “But goddamn, it’s hard to get good head. Half the time, I wish I just had the same six inches everyone else has, you know? That’s about twice what it takes to rock your world. ‘Lotta women just look at me and shake their heads. So one day, I was bitching to Brandon about it. Next thing I know, he says, ‘Let’s race.’ And he winks, right?”

He sighed and dragged his hand up his abdominal muscles. The shirt rode up, revealing his abs. “The whole time, I’m thinkin’ he’s just bullshittin’ me, but there was no way I was losing that damn race. When I won, he went to his knees and sucked me off. The next thing I know, we’re comin’ out here about twice a week. It just felt good. No damn worryin’ about emotions or listenin’ to some chick bitch that I didn’t text her enough. Brandon was never on the rag or needy. It was just good oral and plenty of it.”

Pity and anger knotted in the back of my throat. “I bet your sister would be touched.”

“Look, didn’t Brandon let her fuck whoever? When they hooked up, I made him swear that he’d never treat her the way Jesse Hancock treated Robyn when he found out she used to come out here. As far as me and Caine are concerned, if y’all wanna race and fuck, no one had better look at y’all sideways for it.”

Brandon had blown that vow out of the water when he’d demanded a DNA test, then bailed, leaving Caroline to raise little Shelby alone. And Colt wanted my pity?

Stop being weak. He’s telling me what he thinks I want to hear.
Being bisexual—if that was the case—didn’t let him off the hook. Besides, I knew better than to believe a fucking word he said.

Colt threw out his hands. “I wasn’t thinkin’ it could possibly end like it did. Next thing I know, he’s sayin’ he thinks he’s queer. And when I went off on him about leavin’ Caroline stuck with that baby, he goes off on me, threatening to tell you that I suck cock.”

“Why would he tell me?”

“Jesus, Shelby, none of us had any idea you were as tough as you are. Good God, you’re a sphinx. No one has any damn idea what you’re thinkin’, but we didn’t know that then. Brandon thought you were the weak link, the kind to spill her guts. So did I. I thought my whole world was about to come crashing down. You got any idea what Dad would say about lettin’ a guy suck me off? If he even thought I’d returned the favor? He’d kick my ass right out of his life, Shelby. A real man don’t suck a dick.”

I bit the inside of my cheek, but the pain in Colt’s voice shot through me with the impact of a bullet. It hurt that my hero had feet of clay, but I couldn’t disagree with Colt about Dale. The man was a lot of things, but his values were traditional. Biblical, even.

“That day you called, tellin’ me the crazy bullshit that Gerald said, I took my shot at gettin’ you out of here before Brandon made good on his threat. From the moment we laid eyes on you, all you could talk about was how you couldn’t wait to leave. I wanted you gone, but I thought I was screwed when I took that letter away from Caine and saw that the date had passed for you to send in your scholarship applications. But some damn how, you got in. So, what really changed for you, Shelby? You quit whinin’, got off your ass, and outsmarted Macy. Aren’t you right where you always wanted to be?”

So many emotions hammered me, it was hard to know where to begin.

“Please, I’m beggin’ you, don’t get even with me by breakin’ Dad’s heart, if tellin’ him all this is on your mind. I guarantee, he won’t ignore this, the way your mama did. God, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize till this mornin’ that you’d told her. She never said a goddamn word. If I’d have known—”

“What, Colt? What would you have done?” My shriek startled birds—or bats. A rush of dark wings beat the air, sending my heart skittering against my ribs. “I mean, from where I stand, you won by a mile. I couldn’t even come home!”

“You won somethin’, too. You won Dad’s heart. That man loves you to pieces.”

My tongue felt pinned down by all the thoughts racing through my mind at breakneck speed.

“Fuck, Shelby, I ain’t gay!”

The harsh lights threw too many shadows. I wanted to see if the look on his face matched the desperation in his tone, but out here in the dark, I’d always had but one choice—to go with my gut. I’d gamble on the truth. I was nowhere near as good a liar as Colt.

“And I’m not a whore!”

Screaming those words hurt my throat, but they dislodged a knot inside my chest. I’d carried this burden for so long, I’d almost forgotten how much it weighed. Unbearable lightness rushed into the cavity. The adrenaline racing through me set fire to my tongue and incinerated my common sense.

I had to take a leap of faith. Otherwise, there was no hope for any of us unwanted bastards.

“Truth is, I loved everything that happened to me out here. I loved learning to drive a stick shift. I loved pulling up to the start line. I loved all the colorful phrases that y’all use in motorsports.” I dashed away the tears on my cheeks. “I loved the rule that only the winner got head. I loved thinking I’d beaten somebody. I loved when you and Caine spread my legs and some guy I couldn’t see fucked me senseless. I loved when you two finished me off and then we went home together. I guess there’s a label for that, too.”

My throat ached from screaming, but I wasn’t through. “It was crazy as fuck, but you know what? I felt powerful for the first time in my life. Even when I gave you all the power, handing you the control was still my choice. It pisses me off that no one I’ve met since would even consider letting me make such a choice.”

I drilled my finger into his chest. “And if you ran me off because you thought I’d find out you liked your dick sucked by another guy, I... I could hate you for that. For thinking so little of me. So tonight, you will give me back the power you took with your lie. That’s my price. Your turn to trust, Colt. To take whatever I give.”

He raked his palm across the top of his head again. “I ain’t gettin’ fucked by Gerald. He can suck me off, but—”

“Oh, no. Not Gerald.” Even while I dashed away tears, I couldn’t help but grin. “Look under your seat.”

“Shit.” He stalked to the Mustang’s door and jerked it open. The interior light on the Mustang lit his hair like neon. When he pulled my little gift from underneath his seat, his eyes rounded. He peered through the windshield. “You gotta be fucking kiddin’ me.”

“Nope. Turn your pucker up, buttercup. Your ass is mine tonight.”

When he returned, he had the strap-on cock in one hand and the bottle of lube in the other. “You went to Venus Rising? That place on the interstate right before you cross the county line?”

“Yep. Passed it on the way to Ridenhour the other night.” I plucked the straps from his hand. Unhooking the belt, I wrapped it around my waist.

“You happen to see the owner when you were there?”

I glanced up, but shoved the connector together at my bellybutton, then felt for the strap that dangled down the back so I could draw it between my legs. The thing was so much like a racing harness, I felt right at home.

“Uh, I have no idea. Some guy helped me.” I reached for the heavy silicone penis.

“Remember the bitch you jumped on for telling Caroline she should kill herself?”

I nearly fumbled the dildo. “You’ve got to be kidding. Marie Nixon owns that place?”


The sanctimonious cunt who’d been the valedictorian of my senior class grew up to sell dildos and vibrators? I couldn’t make shit this up, but dear God, I couldn’t wait to get to my Facebook page.

I threaded the end of the stiff shaft into the circular ring and screwed it down tight. Gripping the base, I gave the phallus an experimental shake. “Remind me to call my bank and dispute the charge when we get home. I’m not putting a dime in that bitch’s pocket.”

Before I could sidestep him, Colt swept me into a bear hug. “I don’t know how you got to be so damn tough, Shelby, but I like this version better than the timid one.”

“Flattery won’t work. Drop those pants, grab some bumper, and bend over.”

His big frame shook with laughter. “Let me see you stroke that thing first, little sister. Gotta be sure you can handle all that.”

I laughed too. “You just wanna be sure I lube it.” I raised my voice. “Come on out, Gerald, before I have all the fun.” Boots scuffed the asphalt behind me.

“You’re evil,” he whispered, settling his hands at the waistband of his sweats. “I’m never gonna get this outta my head.”

“Welcome to my world. Revenge is a red-headed bitch, Colt.” I didn’t feel one drop of sympathy. “Will it make you feel better if I tell you I love you?”

“You better,” he whispered, tracing the side of my jaw with stained fingers. “’Cause I’m only standin’ here because I love you.”

My heart thudded, but my head got off the start line for a damn change.
Don’t believe a word he says

“I mean, how can we settle down together if you’re runnin’ off to get your dick sucked without lettin’ me watch?” I twisted my palm around the thick cock head. “I always wanted one of these. You and Caine always seemed to have so much fun with yours. Drop those pants and tell Gerald how bad you want your little sister’s cock.”

Gerald stepped into the harsh beam of light. “Hello, Colt.”

I held my breath, unsure what I’d do if Colt struck this guy.

“You got here just in time to hear how bad I want my little sister’s cock.”

It did something to me that Colt was being a good sport—something I needed to fight. I gave Gerald Sherrill a glance, but didn’t really give a damn what he thought. I did note the bulge in the front of his jeans. I guess he’d had a few minutes to stick his hand down his pants while Colt posed against the front end of his car.

“C’mon, now,” I purred, “I thought we’d all just whip our dicks out, but y’all are making me self-conscious.” I waggled the strap-on.

Gerald moved a hand to his fly. “Uh, are you gonna—”

“Fuck Colt’s ass while you suck him off? Oh, yeah.”

Gerald made a strangled sound and yanked his zipper down. It didn’t bother me when the man tugged his cock free and started jerking himself, but it seemed to bother Colt, because he kept his eyes on my face while he shoved his sweatpants down. On the other hand, when he straightened, I noted his cock was beginning to fill.

I grinned. So it wasn’t just me that was turned on by doing something so wrong.

“Turn around,” I cooed. “Hands on the bumper. You know I’m short, so pull one leg out of those raggedy-ass pants and spread those long legs wide.”

When he saw I wasn’t backing off, he huffed, but bent to jerk one boot out of his sweats. He blew out a harsh breath when Gerald knelt between him and the car. Bending over the other man, Colt pressed his palms to the top edge of the Mustang’s grille and worked his feet apart.

The hunger blazing in the guy’s eyes made me say, “Not yet, Gerald.” I slid my hand over Colt’s buttocks, noting how his muscles tightened. Lifting my palm, I bought my hand down hard, centering the blow over the cute little cleft down the center of Colt’s ass.


“I don’t mind if you scream,” I assured Colt, centering the silicone shaft over the spot I’d smacked, just to hear his hissing intake of breath. “But Gerald, if either of you come without my permission, it’s gonna be a long, long night.”

Gerald peered up at Colt. “If my wife talked to me like that, I’d still be married.”

Colt chuckled. “Tell the truth, Gerald. You like a woman who’ll take charge of that ass now and then?”

“Oh, hell, yeah. This your first time?”

“Uh huh.” The tremor of fear in Colt’s voice... felt just as good as whacking him in the nuts.

“You’ll never be the same man after this,” Gerald assured him.

“That’s what I’m worried about, fucker. Why couldn’t you have made up something else? Or sent me a goddamn text?”

“You blocked my number.” Gerald’s hurt tone implied Colt might have a problem getting rid of this guy. Served his ass right.

Laughing, I let the heavy cock fall. I was high on adrenaline. The race, the near disaster, the thrill of having Colt’s submission, all combined to put me into a headspace I’d never been to before. I turned my focus to the spanking, landing blow after blow in rapid succession. Connecting with firm flesh made my palm sting, but his grunts made the pain worthwhile. It wasn’t long before I didn’t notice the crisp air. Sweat trickled between my breasts. Every slap I landed sent a jolt straight to my clit.

“Mm, nice and warm.” I rubbed my hands over his buttocks, because I loved when Colt rubbed in the burn whenever he’d spanked me. I reached around him to grab the lube.

“Thank God.” Colt let out a harsh breath. “I thought you planned to just go for it with that damn batterin’ ram.”

“I should, you know.” I slipped my fingers down his cleft, having to feel my way because it was so damn dark. But I found his pucker. “Just relax and push back, like you don’t wanna let me in.”

“No problem,” he retorted.

“Okay, Gerald, do your thing. Nice and slow.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Colt grunted. When I felt him jerk, I peered around his side in time to see Gerald lean forward. He gripped Colt’s thick length, but hadn’t taken him into his mouth yet.

Colt tried his best to hold me out, but his tight asshole was no match for my tiny finger and four years of anger. If he was hoping for mercy, he had his ass tipped up to the wrong woman.

Just as Gerald opened his mouth and took the head of Colt’s cock, I slipped past the tight ring of muscle. Colt’s guttural groan ripped through the quiet countryside.

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