Trust Me to Know You (19 page)

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Authors: Jaye Peaches

BOOK: Trust Me to Know You
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“Nothing! All I did was show him my work, my asset stuff. I’ve told you before.”

“Oh yeah,
your work
. Your
!” said Amanda sarcastically as she nodded with a big grin. “Appreciating your assets was he? That’s it, Mr Lucas fucks his interns! I wonder if he lines them up outside his office! Probably with Gemma at the front of the queue.”

They shrieked with laughter making me blush deeper.

I was sure they were only joking. I ducked my head back down and busied myself with my computer, trying desperately to ignore them. The whole time they continued to concoct scenarios with Jason and me, or other interns whom
they knew. I
did not know how to intervene without digging a bigger hole for myself. I was good at hole digging when flustered. Andy, my manager stuck his head out of his office and called for Penny. Lunch had ended thank goodness.

Later that day, I was busy by the photocopier and a couple came by, their voices were hushed, heads together.

“The interns that’s what I’ve hear. Yes, it’s all round the sixth floor.”

I went pale. How did this silly gossip get up there? I thought of quiet Libby, dangerous and probably suffering from a serious lack of judgement or maybe motor-mouth Penny was the more likely candidate. By Wednesday, I was receiving
funny looks off people, especially from those on my floor who knew my name. The situation was starting to become out of hand. Andy came out of his office at half past two and called us over for “a chat”.

“This has come down from on high,” he said hands on hips,
sweeping the room with his eyes. “Email and phone calls are not for personal use and especially not for spreading rumours. We’re here to work
, people. Get on with it, unless you want to be out of a job.”

I realise he had had his ears chewed off,
I could tell. We shuffled back to our desks and I tried not to look anybody in the eye.

All evening I was plagued with anxieties. On high – how high? Jason high or just
department heads
? What would he do if he found out I was mentioned in all this. By
I was relieved that my phone and personal email on my old home computer had remained quiet. He rarely contacted me at home. I was overreacting I told myself. I must try
to sleep my worries away.

Ten o’clock in the morning a text beeped at me. I glanced away from my paperwork and saw the message was from Jason. My heart sunk as I read it.

: You’re working late this evening. Wait for a call.

No pleasantries or sign off. My hand trembled. Did I reply? A
sk him what was wrong? Deep down I knew I should keep quiet and not bother
him as it was going to make things worse for me
. The day dragged by, I barely touched lunch. At least everyone was knuckling down to work and the
chitchat was at a minimum.

By five o’clock, I was hungry and I nibbled on my sandwiches. I knew he often worked to seven or eight in the evening. Gradually everyone drifted off, I told them I had to finish my work off and I was glad that they did not
query my late night. At seven o’clock
, a security guard stuck his head round the door and went to switch the lights off. He started when he saw me.

“Sorry, Miss.”

“That’s OK. Late night” I pouted in a friendly way.

“Sure, happens a lot round here,” he said sympathetically

“Won’t the cleaners be here soon?” I asked.

“Oh no, they do an early morning shift. I’ll leave you to it,” He waved at hand and was gone.

Fifteen minutes later my phone rang, tentatively I picked it up.

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Miss Marshall,” Carla said. She sounded flustered and in a hurry. “Can you come up to see Mr Lucas now please?” The phone was hung up before I could reply.

I smoothed my skirt down and stood. My legs were twitching in an annoying unwanted fashion. I shut my computer down and turned off my desk light. Taking my handbag, I made my way to lifts and the top floor.

The lift door opened and I stepped out, looking about. The open space was eerily silent, no Carla or the rest of the PA team. She must have been on the way out the door when she rang. H
er computer was shut down and desk cleared. Jason’s door was slightly ajar. I put my handbag on Carla’s chair, out of the way.
Taking a deep breath, I knocked timidly and walked into his office.

Jason was by the window looking down at the streets way below. His mobile phone was in hand and he looked like he was about to ring someone. Seeing me, he tossed it on to his office chair. I nudged the door shut with my back.

“You’re here then.” Jason folded his arms across his chest.

His face was impassive and I was pierced by his blue eyes. I looked at the floor in front of him knowing he was seriously displeased with me. I clenched my fists so he could not see me shaking.

Fingers snapped and I darted across to stand where he was pointing.

!” He hissed at me through clenched teeth.

I was on my knees at his feet, head bowed and hands on my thighs. Whatever happened next I would need to be the perfect submissive.

“Do you appreciate how angry I’ve been with you? All around the office, this rumour that I fuck interns,” his voice was laced with dangerous undertones.

“I didn’t start it...” I blurted out.

you dare speak to me without permission,” he shouted at me.

I jumped at the acidity in his words and tried to look as small as possible. His hands rested on his hips, he started to paced up down in front of the window.

“Fucking interns. That’s what is going round and then if that wasn’t bad enough your name is mentioned.” He stopped by me again. “I told you no hanky panky and be discreet. Yet I find you are a topic of conversation by the water cooler.”

I kept looking at his shoes.

I can explain
, was what I pleaded silently.

“Have you said anything about us?” Definitely a direct question.

! Sir,
believe me I would never. It was the girls
in my office, they were joking around about interns and I , I... I think I blushed or something, and it just put silly ideas in the head.... it has been like Chinese whispers..,” I ran out of steam. “I’m
sir. I didn
’t expect it to get so out hand. I would do anything to protect your name.”

Protect my name!
” he growled at me. “I don’t give a fuck about my name. Don’t you think there are rumours, not just here in this office, in the gutter press. I’ve had them since I hit the big bucks years ago.”

He grabbed my ponytail and yanked my head up. “It is you I’m disappointed in. You let me down with indiscretion. Your stupid inability to deal with the situation.”

He dropped my hair with a swipe, almost hitting me. Tears sprung into my eyes.
Jason was mad at me. For a brief
I felt afraid of him. What kind of man was an irate Jason Lucas
- controlled or a crazy maniac? My instinct to bolt out of the door was strong and I fell back on looking contrite and demure. I hoped that my meekness would dissipate his anger.

“I’m sorry, I don’t have your gift for controlling situations, I’m not good at it, and I let them think things that weren’t true,” I said looking up into his eyes.

He snapped his fingers again and I quickly looked at the floor. The pristine carpet did not offer me much comfort under my knees.

“Are you going to fire me, sir?” I whispered at him, hoping to placate him quickly.

Jason sighed, and leaned back to perch on his desk near to where I was kneeling.

“No. The situation is under control. HR has been slapping the managers back into line. I’m not going to fire you, but I am going to punish you – I’m going to fire your arse, like I warned you I would,” he was speaking in a low
voice. My master’s voice was in residence, not the angry boss.

“Do you want me to go to Blythewood tonight, sir?” I asked politely as possible.

“No, it will take too long. We’ll do it here.”

He stood up and went over to lock the catch on his office door. “I want you to stand facing the wall, over there, nose against it while you compose yourself.”

I was trembling, heart pounding as I carried out his instructions. I was strangely excited, being punished in his office, like a bizarre fantasy except the fantasy was really happening – what was he going to do to me? Standing there, I tried hard to stop my legs from going like jelly. Eventually he spoke again.

“Drop your skirt and knickers off.”

I took a deep breath, shuffled out of my skirt and pulled my knickers down,
leaving me in stockings and high heels. I picked the clothes up and put them on one of the meeting chairs. He pulled another chair away from the desk.
Sitting on it, he waved me over with a finger, while with the other hand he undid his tie and pulled it out from his collar. Pausing a moment he undid the top button of his shirt.

“Turn around,” he instructed and with swift ease he used his tie to bind my wrists. Grabbing my arm by the elbow, he tugged me and lowered me across his lap. One leg over my thighs, trapping me tightly. His left arm pressed down on the small of my back.

“I’m going spank you, Gemma, hard. This is a punishment,” he spoke softly but very sternly. “Why am I punishing you?”

“Because I was indiscreet, sir,” I murmured back barely audible. He must have be able to feel my pounding heart with his hand.

I closed my eyes and waited. The blow when it came was hard, right across both cheeks. His palm rigid, making it hard and flat, swiping up as he hit me. Pain radiated out from the blow, causing me to exhale loudly and gritted my teeth tightly. More swipes followed. I bowed my head, trying to concentrate on processing the pain.

He worked his way around my buttock cheeks and the smacks were not evenly placed in time. A few fast ones followed
by a lingering pause. I was becoming increasingly audible with my cries though not especially loud. I was pressing against his restraining hand and leg. The swats were painful thuds on my flesh,
they echoed around his office and he was not letting up. I must have had received twenty.

Tears welled up in my eyes and the teardrops fell on to the polished floor below. I was crying quietly. I had been spanked before, hard like this, but I was full of other emotions. He was disappointed in me and the
knowledge preoccupied me. The feeling of failure prevented me from absorbing the pain. The techniques for managing pain I had been taught were failing me and the lack of
rhythm in his spanking had not helped the situation. I had yet to find a route for dealing with his punishments.

Sometimes I would float off during a spanking. My endorphin drenched body would seek refuge in an almost out of body experience. To drift off, floating in a strange place where my senses were dulled and fuzzy. The state came about gradually, never an instantaneous experience and the mood had to be right,
typically erotically charged and certainly not encumbered by sense of disappointment. The mood was definitely not there
as I lay over his lap. Far from the floaty effects, I could not stop the negative thoughts and the pain won through.

Jason stopped.

Was the punishment over? He had parted my legs to grope my sex. The palm of his hand rubbed over my buttocks and it started to happen; my belly was aching and my clitoris pulsated. His hand spanked me a few more times, not hard, almost playfully. Fingertips dropping down to my slit. Slaps followed again and I groaned with the strange sensation of painful lust.

I jerked hard on his lap. He had hit me with an implement. From the corner of my eye,
I saw a plastic ruler. I squeezed my eyes shut
and slumped back down on to his lap,
resigned to further onslaught. He systematically worked his way around my flaming buttocks. The pain was a continuous spread across both
cheeks, radiating burning heat. My arse had been well and truly fired by Jason Lucas.

I whimpered and my pain threshold was close to being breached. However, I was sensing my sexual being responding as if I was building to an orgasm. Unlike the last time he struck with a ruler, at his house, I was finding the atmosphere was shifting and redirecting. A strange intoxication began to sweep over me. More than a physical response, I was almost finding an erotic need to enjoy what he was doing to me. Was it the room, the ambience of his office or maybe the build-up he had given me as I waited all day to find out why he wanted me in his office. The right kind of anticipation could be alluring and enticing.

Surely not!
I had never had
such a response before during a punishment. I was deeply turned on by the pain and my surrender. A combination I had rarely experienced before now.

The idea of safe-wording up to that point had not entered my mind. It would have added to both our disappointments for me to end the punishment
when it should be his decision. However, we were still finding out about our limits and how to recognise them. I was close to opening my mouth to speak and out of it came a wail induced by unbearable pain. I just
could not end this.

“Shhh!” he whispered.

He put a finger inside and rotated it round.

Christ, it was amazing
! He was finding my hot spot perfectly and
my knees drew up underneath his restraining leg. The ruler struck my thighs hard. I jolted on his lap, twisting, straining, perhaps he had not finished yet. Sure
he started spanking me with the ruler harder than ever and I cried out loudly and began to struggle against him. Jason was definitely a master of manipulating me between pain and pleasure.

“Sir. S
ir, please
,” I sobbed loudly. My backside was a blaze of pain, the heat and throbbing continuous. Underneath me I had sensed his cock, growing rapidly now. Yes, yes, if that was what he wanted. I wriggled directly on top of his growing hardness, trying to stimulate him further. I had overstepped the mark though.

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