Trust Me II (2 page)

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Authors: D. T. Jones

BOOK: Trust Me II
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Creighton thrust against her hard while the road beneath them aided in their movements, bumping and grinding against the pavement causing her to feel the sensations below as well as above, taking her on a new path of ecstasy. Sandra lifted her legs higher, wrapping them around his waist, feeling his hands slip beneath her as he lifted her buttocks off the seat; making the contact between them deeper and more solid.

The feelings of desire began to grow again; she knew it wouldn’t be long before they were both experiencing the joy of orgasm. No sooner had she thought it, then it happened, the thrusting grew more urgent; quicker, harder, deeper as the fullness of him inside her began to grow thicker, taking her over the edge once more. She clung to his shoulders, pulling him down to lie on top of her as she cried out his name, feeling the overwhelming dizziness embrace her once again. Creighton joined in her release, pinning her slender frame to the seat with his weight, growling savagely next to her ear while he spilled his hot seed inside her.

They lay there for a few minutes, panting, until Creighton slowly lifted onto his elbows, smiling down into the face of the woman he adored. The love he had for her shined in his eyes and Sandra could not resist smiling back. Her heart felt full
, and she wanted him to know how much she loved him, but words alone couldn’t express the depth of her feelings.

“So much for waiting until our wedding
,” he teased her, brushing his lips across hers.

“There’s no backing out now, Mr. Ashford,” she assured him. “You just consummated our marriage, which means you’re stuck for life.”

“Linked to you forever? What a dreadful thought. I suppose it’s just something I’ll have to get used to.” Creighton smiled as he leaned up on his knees between hers and gently caressed the tattooed handcuffs that connected his initials together.

“There a
re worse things in life than spending it with the woman you love,” he said gently, his eyes caressing her body.

“Like what?” She smiled as she looked into his handsome face, capturing his gaze once again.

“Like never meeting you; I can’t imagine what my life would be like if Michelle had not insisted that I go to Kansas two years ago.”

“She insisted?” Sandra sat up in front of him, watching the memories fill his eyes.

“It was more of a way to get me out of my flat and back into the world of the living. I have people who do the work for me, so I don’t have to be bothered with all the traveling any more, but she insisted that I needed to see the place for myself. If I had refused, if I had stayed in Chelsea, we would never have met, and I would never have known what true love really was.”

“Like I said, things are just meant to happen. But I think you should give the girl a raise for dragging you all the way to America.”

“I already did,” he assured her. “Just as soon as we got back to London after that first trip, quite a nice one as a matter of fact.” She sighed contently as the car slowed down and turned a corner.

“We need to get dressed,” he insisted. “We’re almost home.” Sandra struggled back into her slip, smoothing her hair and dress down the best she could as Creighton straightened his tie and pulled his pants up across his slightly limp erection. She was amazed at how he never looked like he was completely satisfied, at least not like the farm animals she had always seen during mating season. Once they had mated, they shrunk down to nearly nothing, but this man, her husband, always appeared to be large and hard.

“What are you staring at?” he frowned, picking up her veil and handing her glass of champagne back to her. Sandra blushed scarlet and bit her lip again.

“I was thinking about your…partner,” she said causing his frown to increase.

“The Don?” he asked, and she couldn’t help but giggle.

“No….that.” She looked down at the bulge in his pants and blushed. He followed the path her eyes had taken and looked down to his lap, then looked back to her, raising an eyebrow.

“What about it?”

“I was just wondering if you were happy with me…in that department.”

“Why would you ask such a thing? Of course I’m happy with you, more than happy.” His frown increased as he studied her expression, trying to understand what she was talking about.

“You never seem to be…relieved.” Creighton laughed, once he realized what she was talking about and kissed her cheek, pulling her closer to his side.

“How am I supposed to recover properly, when I have you staring at me all the time? Besides, I’ve told you before, I can’t get enough of you. I’m addicted to your body.”

“So you married me for my body?”

“Yes…among other things.”

The car pulled to a halt and a moment later Michael Landry, the doorman of the building, opened the limousine door for the newlyweds. Creighton stepped out, adjusting his jacket before reaching in and helping Sandra out. She smiled with a deep blush when the man nodded, tipping his black cap to them, calling her Mrs. Ashford. They walked casually into the building and stopped at the desk as Creighton spoke quietly to the woman behind it. She smiled and said something in response, then looked across his shoulder to his new wife. Sandra was certain the greeting she offered was not with the same enthusiasm as the one she gave to Creighton, but she responded in kind and walked with her husband to the elevator, his hand around her waist.

Once inside the lift, he pulled her against the back of the box, away from the young man who ran the controls. He smiled slyly to her as he glanced from the corner of his eye, but chose to remain silent until the lift came to a halt. He handed the young man a folded bill and walked with Sandra across the marble foyer. The doors to the lift shut and Creighton unlocked the front door to the flat, lifting his bride into his strong arms.

“Am I ever going to be allowed to enter a room on my own?” she teased him as he carried her across the threshold and kicked the door closed.

“Doubtful,” he answered, setting her on her feet and kissing her hard, but brief. Sandra laughed at the childish expression on his face then turned, following him into the living room and watched as he removed his jacket and tossed it across the back of the sofa.

“Do we really have to go back to your paren
ts’ place?” she asked, feeling extremely tired and eager to get out of the layers of clothing.

“The day’s catching up to you, isn’t it?”

“You have no idea,” she groaned, collapsing to the sofa and kicking her shoes off.

“My mum is making brunch for everyone tomorrow, so we have to go back around eleven, but we can have tonight all to ourselves,” he told her, sitting down next to her. “Why don’t you go start a tub and I’ll join you in a few minutes? I need to call and let mum and dad know we aren’t coming back.” Sandra sighed, nodding as she stood. She knew she would need a little relaxing in order to have the energy for their wedding night and whatever wicked, delightful ideas her husband had planned. Creighton kissed her briefly and swatted her bottom with one hard smack, then turned and walked to the kitchen, leaving her rubbing her backside as she climbed the stairs once again.

The tub was slightly larger than the ones they had used in the many hotels over the past two weeks, allowing a little extra room for two to enjoy the space. Sandra turned the faucets on and wrapped the long strands of her hair on top of her head, removing her beautiful necklace and setting it aside. She hated him spending money on her, but this was such a lovely gift, she could forgive him this one time.

She washed off her makeup and lit the six large candles that surrounded the tub’s edge, turned off the light and found her iPod in her purse. She sorted through the playlists and chose the romantic sounds of Yanni, then climbed into the porcelain bowl, sighing as she sank beneath the water’s surface.

Creighton opened the door a few minutes later, leaning against the threshold as he watched the woman; his arms folded across his chest.

“You look delightful,” he said in a low, husky tone. “I think I could watch you all night and never grow tired.”

“You could do that, but I’d rather you join me,” she said with an inviting smile as he stepped into the room and closed the door before stripping off his shirt and kicking his shoes across the floor. She felt the excitement build as he pulled off his pants and climbed into the tub behind her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her back against his chest.

“How tired are you?” he asked in a deep tone as his lips brushed her neck.

“What did you have in mind?”

“Since we aren’t going back to my parents’ tonight, I’d like to see if I could give you a reason to sleep late tomorrow.” Sandra laughed, his words promising and thrilling her beyond the realm of normal thought.

“I will never be too tired for you,” she whispered as his lips brushed against her ear, his hands molding against her breasts, his thumbs and forefingers taunting her erect nipples.

Sandra sighed as he caressed her; kissing her neck and shoulder. Her hands cupped his in a subconscious move, pressing them against her breasts hard causing him to moan. She could feel the center of her stomach tighten as his fingers slowly caressed their way down to her navel, leaving her hands to take the place of his on her upper body. He gently tugged on the jeweled chain hanging from her belly button, smiling as she gasped, trailing his fingers further down, circling her tender flesh in small circles as he slipped his long middle finger between her labia, teasing her clitoris. She couldn’t help but smile, biting her bottom lip as his fingers began an urgent exploration.

“Supper will be ready soon,” he warned.

“Maybe we should postpone this until later?” she suggested, hoping he would refuse her rejection.

“I want to make you come first.”

“Beg me,” she teased him, feeling the hard shaft of his penis press against her bottom. Creighton leaned into her neck, nipping the skin tenderly.

“Please,” he pleaded softly. “I want you now.”

“Help me,” she ordered, reaching her hand down between her legs and taking his, she guided his long fingers into her moist vagina. Creighton moaned deep, his mouth clamping on her lower neck as his tongue caressed the skin, sucking on the flesh. She joined her finger with his and together they caressed her wet opening, slowly thrusting in and out of her tight body until she began to pant, the familiar dizziness quickly building around her, embracing her in a silent promise of release.

“Come for me, darling, please,” he begged again, smiling as she quickly obeyed him, her savage growl made his erection harden beneath her hips while she writhed against their combined fingers for several long moments, panting and grinding against him.

“Do me now,” she ordered suddenly, her tone deep and husky. “I need you, hard and fast.” Creighton smiled, positioning her across his hard penis and pulled her down against him, sliding easily into her hot, wet entrance. He held her around the hips as he slammed against her hard, almost barbarically; water splashing over the sides of the tub and onto the floor. Several long breathless moments passed before she surrendered and came again, hearing his low growl as he joined her, his hot seed filling her tight canal. Her body clenched around his hard shaft, taking and accepting all that he offered.

Breathless, Sandra collapsed back against his chest her head resting on his shoulder, listening to their conjoined pants. It was a brief encounter, but erotic nevertheless and more passionate than she would have expected in such a short time.

“You are getting braver,” he whispered against the side of her head. “I’ve never heard you order me like that before.”

“I feel braver,” she told him with a smile. “Maybe it’s the new title, or maybe it’s the ring, but I feel invincible.”

“Did you enjoy it?” he asked her as she raised her head off him and looked into his dark eyes.

“Very much. I wouldn’t mind doing it again…soon.”

“Not a problem
but I think we should probably get out before we flood the bathroom.” Sandra couldn’t resist the yawn that escaped as he stood up and climbed over the edge of the tub. He looked down at her while he reached for the towel on the shelf next to the shower.

“You really are tired,” he said. “Why don’t you go lay down until supper is ready.”

“You wouldn’t mind?” Creighton shook his head.

“It’s been a long day and you need your rest for tonight. Supper shouldn’t take long; Bess already made it, all I have to do is cook it.”

“Who’s Bess?” Sandra stepped out of the tub and accepted the towel he handed her, a sudden pang of jealousy seeped into her stomach, making her feel slightly ill.

“She’s my housekeeper
, and before your green eyes flare up, she’s married with a family. She comes by in the mornings after I’ve gone to work and cleans the place and cooks for me. All I have to do is heat it up when I get home.”

“You are very spoiled sir,” she teased him. “I hope you’re not planning on having me follow suit.” Creighton laughed, pulling her into his arms.

“I plan on being the one to spoil you, besides I know you don’t like cooking, but I do. So long as I can have your attention during other times of the day…and night, I’ll suffice.”

“Deviant,” she accused, smiling as he laughed at her expense.

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