Trust in Us (7 page)

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Authors: Altonya Washington

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“It’s okay, Mur, I already called Jay to come get his fiancée.” Alythia patted a side pocket on her rust-colored shirtdress to ensure her room key was inside. “You only have to keep the peace for a few more minutes. If you get nervous, call Dane.”

“And where are
going?” Myrna propped her hands, fingers-down, on her hips.

“I have a meeting.” Alythia sighed in relief, not seeing the need to hide her motives any longer.

Myrna straightened, her cool, lovely gaze narrowing with discovery. “That’s why you came on the trip, isn’t it?”

“And it’s a good thing, too. At least I’ll get something out of it besides catfights.”

Myrna glanced in the general direction of the balcony. “Don’t you even care enough to help me calm them down?”

“Please, Mur, Jeena will see what an idiot she was to have sex with that horse’s ass thirty minutes after she met him.”

Myrna blinked. “Is that what you think about me and Dane?”

“Sweetie, you and Dane are
a couple.” Aly’s tone was full of sympathy but she wouldn’t apologize for her honesty.

“You’re wrong. We’ve been talking and we plan to keep on seeing each other when we get back.”

“I’m sure you will. He’s not ready to close off a new sex pipeline so fast.”

“You take that back!”

“Ah, Myrna, do you hear how childish you sound?” Aly clasped her hands in a pleading gesture against the front of her dress. “Y’all have been ridiculous with these guys.”

“Well, Aly, maybe me and Jeen want to find what Orchid has! Unlike
don’t want to wind up lonely with only a bank account to show for a long life.”

“Mur.” Alythia’s expression was one of sudden suspicion. “You don’t think Dane’s gonna marry you?” She could see in Myrna’s eyes that she held on to just that hope. “Sweetie, you and Jeen are just something they wanted to play with for a while.”

Myrna was shaking her head. “Do you ever get sick of being so upstanding? So high, mighty and right all the damn time?”

“I’m sorry you think that, Mur. I don’t mean to hurt you. It’s just so clear what’s happening. I’m just sorry you guys can’t see it.”

“Go to your meeting, Aly.” Myrna smirked. “Business is the only thing you’ll probably ever get off on anyway.”

Alythia watched Myrna head back into the argument on the balcony. Her fingers ached with the need to pull the woman back, hug her and try to work it out. She resisted, for the first time feeling that a permanent line was being marked between her and her dearest friends.

Chapter 7

he Weeks’ Resort Outlet Lane had all the quaint charm of a Mediterranean village. The cobblestone streets and stone structures seemed right at home amid the tropical loveliness of Anegada. Partially hidden by the lush palm tree leaves, the area gave its visitors the revitalizing feel of stepping into a world long past.

Alythia judged from the number of resort guests she saw inside and along the streets of the shopping village that such an effect was most probably quite successful in opening wallets and purses.

“I could see it,” she announced to no one in particular, and heard soft chuckling afterward. Turning, she saw that Clive Weeks was the culprit.

“May I take your reaction to mean that we’ll be doing business?” she asked.

“Only if your business manager agrees.”

“She’s fired if she doesn’t.”

They shared a laugh.

“She’ll agree based on the location alone.” Aly sobered a little and took closer inventory of her surroundings. “That way she can delude herself into believing her workaholic client is at least a
distracted from business.”

Clive pretended to be crestfallen. “So the place would only distract you a

“Well, I wouldn’t want her to think I was
falling down on the job.” Her shrug was as playful as her smile.

“Well, you already know what
business manager thinks.” Clive folded his arms over the pale blue shirt he wore and relaxed against the framing along the glass doors at the back of the proposed retail space for the boutique.

Alythia continued to walk in slow circles, assessing the area and conjuring promotional ideas. “And what about you? Do you really believe a clothing store would fare well here?”

“Are you kidding? I’m surprised I didn’t have the idea sooner.”

“Well, maybe the right idea hadn’t come along yet.”

“Yeah...” Clive’s playfully crestfallen look returned. “Now I’ve got the right idea—and a woman after my own heart, if only my friend hadn’t met you first.”

Alythia took no offense to the teasing gibe, though a curious element crept over her expression. “Your interest in the boutique now wouldn’t all be part of a favor you’re doing for that friend, would it?”

Clive moved from the doorframe, a wave of seriousness having claimed him, as well. “The idea appealed to me so much I wasn’t sure whether to trust it, so I asked Gage for his opinion.” His guileless grin returned. “I’m happy he agreed, otherwise I’d have had to go against one of the best minds in business.”

“You won’t be sorry about this, Clive.”

“I know.” He rubbed his hands together and looked around the snug, sunny space. “I think I’ll give you time alone to get acclimated to the place.”

“Sounds good.” She took both his hands and shook them as enthusiastically as he did hers. “Thanks, Clive.”

He left her with a wink and a nod. Alythia waited for him to disappear down an overgrown side road and, after making sure there were no other prying eyes, broke into a carefree dance around the space. She stopped short then, recalling her talk with Myrna earlier that morning. Business wasn’t all she could
on, but it would have to do for a while longer.

Though smaller than her other two locations, the Anegada space boasted large picture windows to the front and rear of the main floor. There would be perfect natural lighting during the day and a lovely view of twinkling lights from the resort at night. Alythia made a note to return one evening to see the effect for herself.

Beyond the double glass doors, the rear exit opened out into a small courtyard and offered a striking view of the beach. Dropping down to one of the lounges, Alythia envisioned daily fashion shows in the space to entice patrons inside for a closer look.

Aly pressed her head back into the navy-and-gray lounge cushions and commanded her brain to take a break. Her business was pretty much concluded, then, and it was time for a retreat from all things dramatic and confusing.

Gage Vincent came to mind then. Confusing? No, he was pretty much laying it all on the line about what he wanted. Wasn’t he? She thought about his behavior when he’d come to check on her after Jeena’s battle with Zeke. Maybe he’d decided to call it quits before anything really got started between the two of them. She certainly couldn’t blame him in light of the drama he had been witness to courtesy of her friends.

But that wasn’t quite fair, was it? What about
friends and their behavior? Couldn’t she just as easily back away from him in light of what
been witness to?

“Mmm... Aly, it’s too early in the day for all this heavy thinking.” Besides, she’d done enough of that with Clive. Satisfied, she rested with her eyes closed while she inhaled the floral air and treated her ears to the sounds of rushing water, wind and birdsong.

“Looks like Clive made a sale....”

Smiling, Alythia added the sound of Gage’s voice to her list of soothing elements. “You bet he did. I’m gonna hire people to run the shop and just spend my days out here.”

Gage took a seat on one of the accompanying lounges. “Sounds like the workaholic’s getting tired of working so hard?”

“Can you blame me?” Aly took a long, indulgent stretch. “Honestly? Who could think of working with a view like this?”

* * *

Gage knew the view he had in mind had nothing to do with the sand and waves. He could have watched her all day but the watching would definitely lead to a desire to touch and that was what was causing all the...issues that were presently revealing themselves. Wouldn’t she expect him to fall in line with his friends and make a play for her? Hadn’t he done that already? They’d kissed more than once and she’d seemed to enjoy it as much as he had. Was there any more to it? he wondered.

The only thing he was sure of was that he didn’t want to stop seeing her after the trip. Problem was, she might not be so interested if
friends and
friends kept butting heads. If he took her to his bed only to have things go awry... A voice chimed that at least he’d have had the pleasure of her in his bed. He lost himself in a study of the length and shapeliness of her legs bared beneath the knee-length hem of her dress. He finally tuned in that she was calling out to him and he saw her watching him inquisitively.

“Will you come dancing with me tonight?” He roamed the length of her legs again. “I planned for us to do that last night but, well...”

“We didn’t even get through the eating part of our date,” Aly laughed. “Do you really want to test fate again?”

“I’m willing.” Gage leaned forward, resting his elbows on the khaki shorts covering his thighs. “I promise you’ll have a good time if you let me show you one.”

“I could use one.” Alythia pushed a hand through her hair, held it there. “I could use a lot of things—another nap, breakfast...”

“You didn’t have anything?”

Her smile was sad. “Breakfast with the girls got a little out of hand.”

“Yeah...” Gage slumped back against his lounge, tossing a leg on either side and planting feet adorned in Crocs in the sand. “Jay came down on Orchid pretty hard last night.”

“He did?” She pushed herself up to prop on an elbow and watch him expectantly. “Maybe that’s why she came down so hard on Jeen this morning. Myrna must’ve missed Jay getting on her case about it last night when she and Dane stopped by. She said Ork didn’t have much sympathy for our friend.”

“That part’s true.” Gage tented his fingers above his abdomen, intermittently bumping them. “How much do you know about their relationship—Jay and Orchid’s?”

“Not much.” Aly rested back on the lounge. “Just what I told you before. It was all very sudden. What, um...what do you know?” she asked hesitantly.

“The wedding’s for show, Alythia.” He closed his eyes for a moment or two. “To secure some deal between Jay’s family and hers.”

“That’s insane! Orchid wouldn’t even go for something like that. Do families still even do that?”

“You’d be surprised how well a company’s stock can do by a good run in the press. Everyone loves a wedding.” He gave Aly a resigned smile. “It’s all for show. According to Jay, Orchid’s father threatened to cut her off if she balks.”

“My God...” Aly was sitting up straight in the middle of the lounge, hand over her mouth.

“It’s probably a good idea to keep this to yourself. Jay only told me after Orchid went to bed and Zeke left with Dane and Myrna.”

“That explains all the overwhelming affection....” Aly shook her head, still incredulous. “And why she’s so hell-bent on everybody getting along.”

Gage watched Alythia cradle her head in her hands, the wind whipping her hair into disarray. The last thing he’d wanted was to upset her.

“Let’s get you some breakfast,” he suggested.

“My appetite is suddenly gone.”

“Then let’s find it.” He stood, offering a hand, and pulled her from the lounge when she accepted.

“I could just get room service.” She slapped her hands to her sides. “Turn in after I eat.”

“I don’t trust you to do that.” He reciprocated her gesture. “I do trust that I’ll get you to eat and then put you to bed myself.”

She rested a hand against the white tee he wore beneath an unbuttoned denim shirt. “Are you trying to save me, Gage Vincent?”

“No.” He pulled her arm through his. “But I do like taking care of you.”

Together they left the courtyard.

* * *

The Glow was located along the wing that housed the resort’s bars and dance halls. Gage and Alythia had planned to meet there instead of him picking her up at the suite.

Aly didn’t see her date right away and took a trip to the bar for a drink—
drink. While more would be enjoyable, it wasn’t advisable. Besides, the early nap following lunch in the breakfast café located in the shopping villa had really hit the spot.

Aly had barely taken a sip of her piña colada when a man who had taken the seat next to her at the bar offered her another round.

“You should move on, sir. The lady isn’t alone,” the barkeep advised. He waited for the suitor to relinquish his seat and then acknowledged Alythia’s curious stare.

“Mr. V’s on his way, miss.” He nodded.

Rather dazed, Aly turned on the barstool to see that Gage was in fact making his way through a moderately heavy crowd. His expression was unreadable even though he pulled many hungry looks from single and attached patrons.

His handsome face brightened when he saw her waiting. “Thanks for not standing me up,” he teased.

“No problem.” She shrugged. “My other options weren’t very appealing.”

“That’s good to hear.” He grinned, fingering one of the silver tassels dangling from the capped sleeves of her flare-legged powder-blue jumpsuit.

“Mr. V.” The barkeep provided Gage with a drink.

“Wow, that’s some gift. You didn’t even tell him what you wanted.” Aly propped her chin on her palm and watched Gage take a swig of a Samuel Adams brew. “Or is it that you’ve been here so often that everyone knows your favorite drinks?”

“Li’l bit of both,” he said, throwing her a wink.

“Bartenders looking out for your drinks, your date... Nice. He practically kicked out this poor guy who tried to buy me a drink....” She trailed off, having captured a glimpse of a muscle flexing wickedly along Gage’s jaw.

“Boyd was just looking out for
actually.” He cast a disapproving look around the bar. “Some places in Clive’s resort can be...a challenge for a woman on her own.”

“In what way?” Aly smiled when another barkeep provided her with a fresh drink.

“Usual.” He shrugged. “Same as with any other club—drinks spiked with more than extra alcohol, for instance.”

Aly gave her glass a cautious nudge. “Does that happen a lot?”

“Enough so that it’s a concern for Clive.” Gage turned to lean back against the bar and observe the establishment more fully. “The staff’s on high alert when they see a gorgeous woman on her own at the bar.”

“I see.” Aly sipped her drink and then smiled. “And what if the gorgeous woman is the one doing the spiking?”

Her question roused Gage’s laughter and Alythia soon joined in.

be interesting,” he said. “I honestly have no comeback for that.”

“I’ll bet.” Aly laughed into her glass.

Gage extended his hand. “Maybe I’ll think of something while we dance.”

Playful skepticism brightened her expression. “Do you really think I can be trusted?”

His warm stare made a quick heated dip to the subtle V-cut bodice of her suit when he invaded her space a little more. “I’ll trust you if you trust me. How’s that?”

“I don’t know.... I still think you’re dangerous.” Her playfulness curbed when she noted the change in his eyes.

“I believe I’ve been a very good boy.” Again he toyed with the tassels at her sleeves. “Compared to some,” he added.

“That’s what makes you so dangerous.” She tilted her head, lashes fluttering slightly against his whisper-soft touch. “You’ve got uncanny control over your restraint.”

Gage nodded as though her point hadn’t surprised him. “You know, that’s what I used to think.”

They were close then. Alythia was without word or the ability to even produce one. She felt him squeezing her upper arm, patting her hip as he did so.

“How ’bout that dance?”

“That’s what we’re here for.” She eased down off the barstool.

* * *

Gage acknowledged the truth in his words moments into the dance. Yes, the restraint he’d once prided himself on having was in fact gone, but the realization of that forced another question. How much restraint had he ever

His methods were—at least, he
they were—more refined than his friends’. Nonetheless, when it came to women, those methods were all meant to achieve the same goal: a new woman in his bed. Alythia Duffy was a beauty, no doubt, but beauty was what he tended to surround himself with. While her looks were what had first and shallowly beckoned him, they weren’t his primary thoughts when she came to mind.

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