Trust in Advertising (36 page)

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Authors: Victoria Michaels

BOOK: Trust in Advertising
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rolled down Anna’s long driveway, Lexi was more content and happy than she had been in a long time.

Vincent slowly backed up to park, his arm wrapping around the back of Lexi’s seat until he maneuvered the car into its spot. After he turned off the engine, he crowded close to Lexi and pulled a few of her more wild hairs back over her shoulder. Even with his efforts, her hair was still sexy and windblown.

“That was amazing, Vincent. I had so much fun today. Thank you.” Without thinking, Lexi leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the cheek and a bril iant smile, then escaped from the car, running off to meet Anna, who was waving from the front porch with Maddie.

Caught completely off guard, Vincent sat in the car, still able to feel the heat from her lips on his cheek. He hadn’t felt stunned by a kiss since grade school, and yet, here he was, grinning like a fool. Seared into his memory was not only the kiss, but also the feel of her body, or more specifically, her breasts, pressed against his arm when she leaned in for the kiss. But he couldn’t allow himself to dwell on that or he would have another, much
problem all together. His body was already becoming too responsive when Lexi was near. The last thing he wanted was to look like a horny teenage boy in front of her. He took a few deep breaths, then put the top up and locked the doors to the Lotus, twice, just to kill a little more time before he had to face Anna’s questioning stare.

As he walked toward the house, Vincent knew he wasn’t the right man for Lexi and that things could and would never progress to anything more that friendship between them. He needed to stay away from her. He was too cynical, too jaded to ever have someone as special as Lexi in his life. She deserved better … but whenever she was near, Vincent couldn’t help but think about how exciting his life would be with the fiery Lexi White in it.

“Hello, brother dear.” Anna wrapped her much smaller arm in his as he passed. “A little birdie told me that you and Lexi scored the Stone account. Mom will be so proud of you two. She’s on her way, you know.”

“I can’t wait to tell her. The presentation went really well. He hired us on the spot.” Vincent tried to take a step toward the house and was stopped again by Anna, who wore a smug grin. “What now?”

“Oh nothing, I just thought you’d like to know you have a little lipstick on your cheek.” she said in a teasing voice and smudged the stain with her thumb 215

Victoria Michaels

while Vincent stood there, not saying a word. “Interesting. It looks a lot like the color Lexi’s wearing.” Vincent returned her knowing grin by messing up her hair.

“You big ogre, not the hair! Madison, your uncle’s here to play.”

Madison crashed into him, wrapping her arms around his thigh.

“Uncle Vince! Did you see Lexi’s here for the tea party too?” Maddie tugged his arm and dragged him over to the kitchen table where Lexi was sitting, talking to Erik.

He crooked his finger at Maddie and whispered in her ear. “I gave her a ride. And guess what? She likes to ride around with the top down on my car, just like someone else I know.”

Maddie cupped her tiny hand around Vincent’s ear as the pair continued exchanging secrets. “I like her, Uncle Vince. Did you see this bracelet she brought me?”

Vincent smiled as Madison showed off the tiny silver hearts that hung between the emerald colored crystals of the bracelet. “It’s beautiful, Maddie, just like you.” He placed a tiny kiss on her nose and followed her over to the kitchen table.

Lexi smiled as she watched Vincent sit down and pul Madison onto his lap. With a chuckle, Anna brought over a bag and held it out to her daughter. Madison rummaged through it before pulling out the biggest, pinkest, most disgustingly feather-laden hat. Lexi cringed.

“That one would be perfect for her,” Vincent quickly said with a wicked grin on his face.

“No, silly, this one is for you. Lexi’s allergic to feathers. She told me when she got here.”

Lexi smirked triumphantly across the table as Maddie planted the hat on top of Vincent’s head, the feathers falling in front of his eyes. The way the sunlight sparkled off the rhinestones that outlined the hat sent Lexi into hysterics.

“Vincent, you look fantastic.”

“Keep laughing, Alexandra, keep laughing.” Vincent stole the bag out of Madison’s hand and dug through until he pulled out a hat. “This one is perfect for Lexi.” In his hand was a huge, floppy ten gallon hat. As Vincent placed it on Lexi’s head, she could barely see the table in front of her.


Trust in Advertising

“Well, that’s usually Daddy’s cowboy hat for tea parties. But, sure, Lexi, you can wear it and be a cowgirl!” Madison clapped happily while Lexi pushed up the brim of the hat to glare at Vincent in all his feathered glory.

“I hate you,” Lexi hissed so only Vincent could hear her.

Vincent leaned in even closer, pretending to adjust her hat. “No you don’t.”

He gave her a sinful wink that made her cheeks turn pink.

Lexi was saved from any more embarrassment by, of all people, Sean.

“Real pretty, Vincent,” Sean boomed from the doorway. “You got a nice dress to go with that hat?” He gave Anna a hug and shook Erik’s hand. “Did Vincent drink all the tea again?”

“Uncle Sean!” Madison launched herself into his outstretched arms. Sean swung her around in circles as her feet dangled above the ground. “We haven’t started yet. I was waiting for you. Look, I put extra cookies out because you’re always so hungry.”

“You’re the best girlfriend ever, Maddie.” Sean kissed her cheek while Erik choked on his ladyfinger.

“Girlfriend?” Erik choked. “She’s never dating. And if she ever tries, I’m doing target practice in the front yard, dressed in full camos, when the little bastard pulls into the driveway.”

Erik’s rumblings about phone calls from boyfriends made Lexi think of Jade and the awful phone conversation they’d had a few hours earlier. She had forgotten all about it with the excitement of the presentation, but now she was swamped with guilt for not confessing sooner. She lightly touched Vince’s arm.

“I have to talk to you about something.” Vincent’s smile immediately fell when he heard Lexi’s serious tone.

“I get the feeling it’s not going to make me happy.”

“No, there’s nothing happy about it; that’s for sure. But I need to explain—”

Vincent held up his hand and cut her off. “Is it a matter of life and death?”

Lexi thought about it then shook her head side to side. “Then can we just talk about it tomorrow. I don’t want to ruin Maddie’s tea party by being in a bad mood.”

Lexi watched the sweet girl run around and pass out napkins to al her guests.

She was thrilled to have them all there, one big, happy family. There was no way Lexi would ruin that for her, so she agreed to table her confession until later. But first thing tomorrow, she would tell Vincent everything and accept the fallout.


Victoria Michaels

Madison clapped her hands as she skipped across the room. “I better get more cookies on the big plate thing. And I need to find a hat for Uncle Sean.

It’s almost time to start. I’ll be back.”

Sean sauntered up to the table and took the empty seat between Vincent and Lexi. “So, the entire office is a buzzing about the two of you.”

“You should know better than to listen to the crap they spew about me in the lounge,” Vincent said as he leaned back in his chair, pretending to be unaffected by Sean’s jabs.

“I don’t know. This was kinda juicy gossip. I actually hope it’s true.”

Lexi didn’t even want to imagine what they were saying about her and Vincent spending the night together at the office. Between that and the blow up with Tony, the rumor mill had plenty of fresh fodder to work with. She was certain it must be some horrible lie that Tony had concocted, like Lexi was pregnant with Vincent’s love child and after his money. Then an even more horrible thought popped into her head—Jade. The unresolved conversation between the two of them could be the source of the gossip. And if it was Jade spreading the rumor, Lexi knew it would be more horrible than anything she could ever envision.

“I think you need to stay out of it, Sean,” Vincent growled.

“How can I stay out of it if I’m directly involved?” Sean asked, looking back and forth between Lexi and Vincent incredulously.

“Listen, we spent the night together working, Sean. Nothing happened.

Yes, we slept on the couch toget—”

Sean’s raucous laughter interrupted Vincent’s speech. “I was talking about landing the Stone account, dude! What were
talking about? You slept together? Do you two have something to confess? I’m all ears!” He happily tapped his fingers on the table, anxiously awaiting more of the details on their night together.

Lexi wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole at that moment. She knew the mere suggestion that she and Vincent had slept together was insane.
The only place he’d ever want to sleep with me is in my overactive
He has a gorgeous girlfriend; he’s an established member of the community and a brilliant advertising executive.
Lexi understood that he was way out of her league. A tiny angel swooped in at that moment and saved her from her thoughts.


Trust in Advertising

“Time for the tea party to start!” Maddie declared as she returned to the room with Anna, who was now wearing a sparkling silver halo and carrying a fresh pot of tea. Madison placed a large, flamboyant hat shaped like an overflowing fruit basket on Sean’s bald head.

“Come on, Maddie. Don’t you have a police man hat in there or a baseball cap, something less girlie? Lexi, want to trade?” Lexi happily shook her head no.

Suddenly, the giant cowboy hat didn’t seem so ridiculous anymore.

Anna walked over to her husband and tossed Erik what appeared to be a dunce hat with large plastic ears attached to it. “Daddy, I found your Dopey hat!”

“Oh, goodie,” Erik said unenthusiastically. “I thought it was lost forever.

Wherever did you find it?” He shot Anna a dirty look.

“Mommy found it in the garage. It must have got lost in there when you were playing with it,” Madison said as she filled the tiny cups on the table and began passing them out to her guests.

“Fantastic,” Erik grumbled while his wife giggled.

Lexi laughed every time Vincent moved, because more feathers would cascade down from his hat and land in his tea. When he caught Lexi laughing, he picked up the pink nightmares and blew them in her direction. Sean lost a few grapes every time he bent down to sip his tea, and the occasional banana sprang free and tumbled onto the table, making Maddie laugh.

The tea party was in full swing. Madison was a wonderful hostess, leading the group in songs and telling stories. She even convinced Sean and Vincent to arm wrestle for the last chocolate chip cookie.

As Sean victoriously wiped the crumbs from his chin, a sultry voice halted him. “Whoa, when you guys have a tea party, you really go all out, don’t ya?”

Standing in the doorway was the fiery Hope Greyson, leaning against the door jamb, her long black hair spilling over her shoulders looking like she just stepped out of the pages of a magazine. Sean spun around so fast, he nearly fell out of his chair. Grapes spilled off the top of his hat and scattered everywhere.

“The door was open so I let myself in. I hope that was okay.”

“Of course!” Anna chirped, watching with great interest as Sean tried to collect himself.

“Hope?” he squeaked.

“Yes, the name’s Hope. Please remember that.” She held out her hand to Madison and took a seat at the table. “Hi, Madison. I’m Lexi’s friend, Hope.”


Victoria Michaels

“You look like Princess Jasmine,” Madison said in wonder as she stared at Hope’s black hair and perfectly manicured fingers.

“I know I’m late, but do I still get a hat?” Hope smiled.

“Oh, yes. Here pick out whatever one you want.”

“Hey,” all the other adults at the table pouted.

“Cool!” Hope yanked a pirate hat out of the bag and put it on her head.

“I don’t suppose you’ve got an eye patch to go with this?” She grinned happily when Madison found one. “Awesome.”

“You had a pirate hat in there all this time?” Sean whined. “I’d make a good pirate. Why do I have to be the fruit?”

“Because she said so, and it’s her tea party. Now quit whining and pass the tea,” Hope snipped back at Sean, silencing him. Madison excused herself from the table to go search for a magic wand she insisted she needed. When Sean opened up his mouth to complain again, Hope nudged his shoulder. “Quit being a baby. It’s just fruit.”

Vincent and Erik stood up and took the break in the festivities as an opportunity to sneak a beer from the refrigerator. They leaned against the counter and chuckled as Sean continued to stare at Hope.

“I like this woman.” Anna reached her hand across the table. “Hi, Hope. I’m Anna Caldwell. Nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard lots about you from Sean.”

Hope shook her hand and snorted. “I’m not his girlfriend, and we haven’t slept together nor do I plan on it, no matter
he might have told you.” She looked over her shoulder to make sure Madison wasn’t back yet and continued in a hushed voice. “However, my breasts are spectacular. That much I’m sure he mentioned … and got right,” Hope said with a sassy grin as she wrapped her free arm around Lexi.

“Oh my God, I love you.” Anna giggled.

“Hope? Really, what the hell are you doing here? Did you miss me, babe?”

Sean reached for her, but Hope swatted his hand away like a fly.

“What did I tell you about the touching? Hands off, caveman.”

“Careful, or I might have to throw you over my shoulder and show you just how much of a caveman I really am,” he purred back at her, his large body getting as close as possible to Hope without actually touching her.

“Oh my,” Anna snickered as she watched Hope sit nose to nose with Sean, and not even flinch. Anna covered her mouth to hide her laughter while Vincent and Erik shook their heads at Sean.

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