True Shot (23 page)

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Authors: Joyce Lamb

BOOK: True Shot
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At the main highway, Sam pulled into traffic as if the front end of the Toyota weren’t crunched.
“We need a new car,” she said casually, as if she’d said nothing more important than, “I could use a cigarette.”
Mac barked out a laugh. “Ya think?”
He wedged his way between the bucket seats to claim the passenger seat and looked around at the destruction inside the car. No glass had broken, but the air bags had made a huge mess. “Nice driving,” he said, rolling his left shoulder, already sore from where his body had jerked against the safety harness. “You learn that in spy school?”
“How’d they find us?”
“The car must be LoJacked.”
“Can’t be. It took them way too long to track us.”
After several miles of silence, Sam pulled into the parking lot of a shopping center and drove around to the back. A trailer sat at a loading dock, but there was no activity around it. She parked the Camry and shut it off. Without a moment of just sitting there to breathe, she got out and went to the trunk.
Mac followed, sparing a glance at the front, which was surprisingly intact, though noticeably crunched. “What’re you doing?” he asked as he joined Sam at the back.
“Trying to figure out how they tracked us.” She popped the trunk and checked out the contents: a navy blue gym bag, an ice scraper, a pair of black winter gloves and a small plastic bin with a lid that held maps and a first-aid kit.
“Nothing suspicious,” Mac said.
Sam reached for the gym bag, zipped it open and dumped it upside down. Out tumbled running shoes, a wrinkled T-shirt and shorts, socks, a hand towel and the smell of dried sweat.
“What are you looking for?”
She didn’t respond as she stalked to the passenger side of the Camry, opened the door and flicked open the glove box. Inside nestled more maps, a small flashlight, a couple of insurance cards, the vehicle’s registration and the car’s manual. She leaned across the seat and lifted the lid on the center console, groping inside with one hand, eyes narrowed with purpose.
Mac had to bite back annoyance at her lack of communication. “I could help you look if you’d tell me—”
Her expression changed to one of triumphant, and she withdrew her hand from the storage compartment.
Mac stared in disbelief at the silver Motorola cell phone resting in her palm. He reached for it. “Does it have GPS?”
“All cell phones have GPS. The important question is, is it on?”
He flipped it open, then winced as the display lit up in welcome. “Well, shit.”
“I lost them.”
Flinn got up and shut the door of his office. No one was within earshot, but he didn’t want to take any chances. “How could you lose them? I told you exactly where to find them.” Flinn had to fight to loosen his grip on his cell phone before he snapped it at the hinges.
“Bitch disabled my truck. Where do I send the bill for the repairs?”
Flinn’s rage boiled over. “I’m not paying to fix your fucking truck, you fucking moron! You didn’t get the job done!”
“You didn’t tell me the bitch knew how to drive like goddamn Vin Diesel.”
“I told you not to underestimate her. Did you hear me say ‘woman’ and decide you could take her without any effort?”
“Look, dude, it didn’t work out. Not my fault. Now, are we going to settle this like adults or do I need to get angry?”
Flinn snorted into the phone. “You have no idea who you’re dealing with,
. I’ll have your licenses pulled by the end of the day. Enjoy your unemployment.”
Flinn slammed his phone closed and fired it at the nearest wall.
am’s eyes grew heavy as she watched the thick, green foliage of Georgia fly by in a 55-miles-per-hour blur.
It hadn’t taken them long to swipe another car. They’d parked at a gas station and waited for a trusting soul to leave his keys in the ignition and his car running while he ducked inside for a doughnut, coffee, cigarettes or something else he would dearly regret. As soon as Mac and Sam reached the next town, they visited a busy mall parking lot, where they traded that car, an older-model white Chevy Cobalt, for a dark blue Honda Accord. Sam hot-wired the Honda while Mac searched it for any wayward cell phones, then switched license plates on both the Cobalt and the Accord.
Now, they were back on the road, Mac behind the wheel. The even, quiet roar of the tires, interrupted in regular intervals by subtle, horizontal seams in the pavement, insisted on lulling Sam to sleep. She fought it as long as she could, only to slip into a past her conscious brain didn’t remember . . .
The tiny gray room, everything about it cold and metallic, seemed to close in on her on all sides. A large mirror occupied the upper half of the unpainted concrete wall she faced. She imagined police detectives lined up on the window side, watching her, discussing her.
“That’s Samantha Trudeau. Killed the man who killed her daddy.”
The scent of blood turned her stomach, and she swallowed convulsively, refusing to glance down and acknowledge the spatter on her hands and arms, across the front of her white T-shirt. Every cell in her whole body seemed to twist with fear, weighed down by guilt.
The door to the chilly room opened, and in walked one of the officers who’d arrested her. He didn’t look much older than her nineteen years. Crew-cut blond hair, crisp navy uniform, freckles and some lingering acne. Despite their shared youth, his deep brown eyes looked old, as though they had seen too much in too little time. A year ago she couldn’t have related in any way. She could now.
“Detective Don Stewart, Miss Trudeau. We met earlier.” He pulled out the folding chair across the scarred, metal table from her. “I’m going to take your official statement. Let’s start from the beginning.”
“I want to make a phone call.” She needed her father. Her
“Not until I’ve gotten your statement.”
“Then, can I have a lawyer?”
“You haven’t been arrested. Really, Miss Trudeau, you’re making this more difficult than it has to be. Just tell me what happened. Start at the beginning.”
“I already told you. Robert Radnor killed my father.”

Clearly, you don’t understand what I’m asking you. I want to know what happened
you arrived at Mr. Radnor’s office with a loaded gun.

She pressed her lips together, fighting for a composure long gone. “The sequence of events began when he killed my father.”
“Miss Trudeau—”
A harsh knock cut him off, and a tall, thin man in a dark suit entered the interrogation room.
“I’m in the middle of taking a statement,” Detective Stewart snapped.
“Not anymore,” the other man said, smiling gently at her. “I’ll take it from here.”
Stewart got to his feet. “Who the hell are you?”
Still smiling, the man in the suit retrieved a badge from his belt and flashed it at the officer. “FBI Special Agent Flinn Ford. I’d like a word with Miss Trudeau.”
“I don’t think—”
“Your lieutenant will explain, Detective.”
As Stewart stormed out, Sam warily watched as the FBI agent walked around the side of the table toward her. He had light brown hair thinning at the crown and eyes so dark they looked black. She guessed his age at late thirties to early forties. The way he assessed her, as though inspecting a car for sale, sent a chill through her. If he tried to kick her tires, she’d kick back.
Instead, he extended a hand. “It’s an honor to meet you, Miss Trudeau.”
She didn’t take his hand. Who knew what kind of horrors lurked in the mind of an FBI agent?
His smile broadened into amusement. “No touching, eh?”
Part of her wanted Detective Stewart back. Reading him was easy. This man was slick, smug, the kind who’d call himself a straight shooter but would shoot crooked at every opportunity.
“Has a medical professional examined your injuries?”
She lifted a hand to run light fingers over the swelled flesh around her eye. The memory of Radnor’s fist smashing into bone burst in her head like a dying light bulb. “It’s fine.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
“I’ve been to the ER.”
He pulled out a chair but didn’t sit. “You’re in some trouble, Samantha. I can call you Samantha, can’t I?”
“I want to call my dad in Lake Avalon, Florida. His name is Reed Trudeau.”
“Perhaps you’d like to hear what I have to say first.”
“I’d rather talk to my dad.”
“I have a way out of this trouble you’re in, Samantha. Would you like to hear it?”
She would, very much. But she also knew better than to trust this man. She didn’t trust anyone, not anymore. Except her sisters. And the man she’d called “Dad” her whole life. She was
a fool. She’d wanted answers from the side of the family she’d never met. Her self-centered, closemouthed mother hadn’t provided answers, so she’d sought them on her own. She’d been desperate to find the man who’d helped give her life, the man who’d helped give her the ability to experience other people’s crappy, soul-sucking memories. She’d just wanted
She refocused on the FBI agent, realizing he waited for her response. What had he said? He had a way out for her. She didn’t believe him.
He angled his head. “You understand what I mean, don’t you? I have a way for you to avoid spending the rest of your life in prison.”
Her heart jittered. “I haven’t been convicted of anything. I haven’t even been arrested.”
His smile didn’t waver, all white teeth. “Let’s go over the facts, shall we? You confronted Mr. Radnor, a well-respected lawyer in this Wisconsin town of sixty thousand people, in his office with a loaded gun.”
“He killed my biological father, Ben Dillon.”
“And the good folks of Janesville have never heard of him.”
She waited, unsure of his point.
“People here liked Mr. Radnor,” he said. “He did good work for many of them.”
“He was an asshole.”
One corner of Flinn Ford’s mouth ticked up. “A well-liked asshole whom the good people of Janesville respected. And who are you to those same people?”
“I’m the biological daughter of the man Mr. Radnor killed.”
“You’re the young woman who helped her father try to blackmail Mr. Radnor. You’re a liar, Samantha. A con artist. And a killer.”
She had no response to that, so she just stared at him as blankly as she could while black spots splattered her vision. A killer. Oh, God, she was a
He finally sat down with a creak of metal. He was so big that the chair looked like something out of Barbie’s Jailhouse. “The FBI was watching Mr. Dillon. Why do you think the federal government would be interested in a common grifter?”
“He crossed state lines.”
His smile blossomed into a full-blown grin. “You’re smart. Excellent. Ben Dillon first came to the FBI’s attention when he took his con-artist ways from Illinois into Wisconsin. And then we noticed something about him. Something special.”
She couldn’t stop her shoulders from stiffening.
“His cons had an extra element to them,” he went on. “The common grifter cons people who are gullible, stupid, softhearted or any combination of those traits. Mr. Dillon, however, targeted intelligent, wealthy men in positions of power. That takes something extra.” He paused for dramatic effect. “It takes psychic ability.”
Her stomach knotted tight. “That’s ridiculous.”
“Mr. Dillon would have told you that that response would have been more convincing if you hadn’t said it so quickly.” He folded his pale, manicured hands on the table. “It won’t do any good to deny it, Samantha. I already know all about Mr. Dillon’s psychic gift. I also know that you share it.”
“No, I don’t.” She struggled to control the shakes.
“You used that empathic gift on Mr. Radnor yesterday afternoon at the sidewalk café.”
“It wasn’t to—”
“You’re on FBI surveillance tape, Samantha. You and Mr. Dillon. You bumped into Mr. Radnor and used that contact to learn of his fondness for underage girls, which you and Mr. Dillon used to trick him into propositioning you so your father could take incriminating photographs that he could then use for blackmail.”
Oh, God, that was a completely different scenario than the one Ben had laid out for her. And yet it made perfect sense.
“Mr. Dillon was wanted for many crimes,” the agent said. “Did you know that?”
Her face grew warm. “No.”
She wasn’t surprised. Not now. Yesterday’s events put in stark relief the differences between her biological father and her father in Lake Avalon. The man who’d raised her in Florida loved her without condition, in spite of the many rebellious reasons she’d given him to scowl and rant. Ben Dillon of Chicago gave her what she couldn’t get in Florida: answers. He assured her that her psychic ability was a gift, not a curse. And then he turned around and tricked her into using her gift for financial gain.
Her stomach flipped all over again at the wrongness of it all. He’d told her Robert Radnor was the worst kind of man, that they were going to stop him from victimizing girls and young women. The glimpse she’d gotten inside Radnor’s mind had shown her that Ben was right. She’d gone along with his plot to expose the predator, excited to use her gift to do good things. Ben never once mentioned the word

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