True Love's Fire: A Red Hot Valentine Story (Hell Yeah!) (14 page)

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Scott smiled. “And when are you coming? Tell me you’re in the Austin city limits.”

“No, but it won’t be too many more days. I promise.”

“Don’t keep me waiting too long, Houston.”

“Or what?” She couldn’t resist teasing.

“Or I’ll tie you to my bed and won’t let you up for a week.”

“Promises, promises.”


The door of my world is open

Make yourself at home

I invite you to stay with me

Never more to roam

It was the next day before she remembered to look up Scott on the internet, but when she googled him, she was sorry. Dr. Scott Walker was everywhere. And in almost every photo he was accompanying a different woman to some social event. What was worse, all of the women looked like the ones in the photo from his phone. They had names like Jada and Tiffany and Monique. She was just simple Lia. They were tall. She was short. They were stacked, while her bust line was still waiting on its check from the government for ‘underdeveloped areas’.

Scott was a member of Texas high society and she was the gossip of Adah, Arkansas. After the birthday celebration, she’d be the laughing stock. There were also pictures of his office, his house and his ranch. Scott was rich—really rich. “Argggggg.” She flung herself on the bed and covered up her head. “Elvis, I wish I was taller.” And prettier and had bigger bosoms. Elvis crawled up on the bed with her and she wrapped her arm around him. “I guess it’s time to go home.” So much had happened. But one thing kept returning to her mind, over and over. Lia rolled to her back and slung her arm over her head. Rosamund had given her some valuable information. She now had her father’s name. What was she going to do with it?

*  *  *

The days began to run together. His office was full every day. He really needed to think about bringing on a partner. And Scott had done something this week he’d never done before. He’d made a house call.

Angela and Gary Robbins lived in San Marcos, just about an hour and a half south of Austin. He’d been thinking about their situation, and he felt if he could just talk to her a bit more, he might have some impact on her decision. Her pregnancy was only fourteen weeks along; the fetus wasn’t even four inches. Scott understood, or at least he thought he did, how the Robbins felt about their child. But when weighed against the life of the mother? What a hellish decision. But he needed for them to understand exactly what was going on.

Their home had been comfortable and they’d been so nice to him, offering coffee and cake. She had cried, and truth be known, Scott had been close to tears. “We need to take you off steroids if you’re going to refuse treatment.”

“We understand and we do not hold you responsible,” Angela had told him.

“Ms. Robbins, let me be blunt. If you choose to carry this child to term, there is a chance you won’t live long enough to deliver it. There will come a day when an emergency delivery will have to be made, because you will be dying. There is no chance for you to survive with both the pregnancy and the tumor draining your life away.” Scott could see that his words struck her like brick bats. He wasn’t trying to be cruel, but if they were going to make this decision, they needed to make an educated one. “Never have I seen a more certain life or death situation in my experience as a doctor.” 

“This is my decision.” She curled her arms across her stomach, protectively. “I want to give this baby life, more than I want to live my own.”

Well, what can you say to that? Scott thought. “I will pray for you.” Scott stood and hugged them both. “I will follow your case and if you need to talk to me, I’m always here.”

And that was that.

On the way home that evening, his cell phone buzzed and Scott grabbed it, hoping it was Lia. But it was Jordan. “Hey, how was Tahoe?”

“Tahoe was great. The relationship is over, but it’s for the best.”

“Are you sure you’re okay? I think we need to have dinner soon and talk.” How unusual of him to offer. But he was feeling the need to reach out to his brother. He didn’t know if it was the McCoys, seeing Angela Robbins cry, or the emotional roller coaster he’d been on with Lia, but he needed Jordan.

“Why don’t we plan a trip to the Salt Lick next week for some BBQ?”

“Hey, I love their ribs. You’re on.”

“How was your trip to Arkansas?” There was laughter in his voice. “I saw the news, you were snowed-in. I bet you were miserable.”

Scott threw his head back and laughed hard. “There’s someone I’m hoping to introduce you to.”

“A new woman?” Jordan was curious.

“Yes, her name is Lia.”

“Curious. You’ve never invited me to meet one of your ladies before.”

“Houston is different.”

“Houston?” Jordan snorted. “Are you calling her by her last name?”

“Yea.” Scott didn’t know what he was getting at. “So?”

“You really like her. Dad called Mom ‘Newman’ every day of their married life. He only called her Kelly when he was pissed.”

Scott hadn’t thought of that. “She’s special.”

“I can’t wait to meet her.”


“I’ll call the carpenters tomorrow.”

“What carpenters?” Scott asked.

“The ones I’m hiring to design a display case for Jim Bowie’s knife. It looks like I’ll win the bet. I have a special place to put it.” 

“Ass. I’ll tell you a special place to put it.” He drawled the words out, listening to Jordan laugh. “This is one bet I’ll be glad to lose.”

*  *  *

Scott had just turned in to his drive when he cell buzzed again. Thinking Jordan had forgotten something, he was flippant, not even looking at the name on the display. “I’ve heard about enough out of you.”


“Lia!” He recognized that one soft syllable. “Where are you?”


“Lost where?”

“Somewhere in your neighborhood, at the corner of walk and don’t walk.” He could hear traffic. “I see a lake.”

“Just tell me the name of the next street you pass.” He was so happy he wanted to yell.

“Belle Vista.”

“Turn right, go five blocks and watch for me standing in the road.” He was grinning ear to ear when he saw her truck coming toward him. When she got closer, he saw Elvis looking over the dashboard. She was so small behind the wheel, he wondered if she sat on a box. As soon as he could meet her eye, he made her smile, a tremulous vulnerable smile. Smiles were contagious. He directed her to pull in the garage next to his car. As soon as she parked, he was at the door, had it open and his arms wrapped around her before she could say Jiminy Cricket. “You’re here!”

“I can’t breathe,” she spoke with a muffled tone as he held her against his heart.

“Let me give you mouth to mouth.” He let her up, only long enough for him to find her mouth with his. Cupping her tender cheek, he touched his lips to hers. But it was more than a kiss this time, it was more than desperation. It felt like coming home. His lips made love to hers, his tongue teasing the seam until she granted him entrance. His lips and tongue tasted her, sinking into her until Lia was lost in the wonder of being in his arms.

Woof! Elvis was having none of this. He didn’t like to be ignored.

“Okay.” Scott laughed. “Let’s get you two out of the truck.” He grabbed her suitcase.

Lia hated to ask, but she didn’t know what else to do. “Where can Elvis sleep?” She looked around the garage.

Not comprehending, he stared at her and the dog she held by the collar.

“Don’t you remember? You said dogs and women have their place.” A tiny smirk played along her lips.

Scott gave Elvis a stern look. “As long as your mother stays in her place, you can sleep on the couch.” Whoop! She launched herself at him and he caught her.

“Thank you.”

“Do you remember where your place is?”

“In your bed.” Just belonging somewhere, for even a little while, was wonderful.

“So right.” Holding one arm around her waist, he walked her into his house, through the door that led from the garage to the kitchen. Lia held her breath when Scott flipped on the light. This wasn’t a kitchen, this was a resort where food was prepared. Everything was white and stainless steel. Granite countertops, marble floors, ceiling to floor glass—every luxury imaginable.

When she compared it in her mind to her rugged, rustic homey closet of a kitchen, she wanted to draw in on herself and not take up too much room. Lia didn’t belong here. “Elvis, tiptoe! Don’t get any dirt on the floor.”

Scott looked at her face, comprehension dawning. “This is my home. We can live here, eat here, mess up here, just like we did at Windswept or your cabin.” Stopping, he began to unbutton her coat. “Let’s get you comfortable. Are you hungry?”

“We ate as we came through Dallas.” 

“So, you went home after you were in San Antonio?”

“Yea, I saw a picture of you in a display case in the museum.”

“Hmmmm, must have been about my father’s collection.” Scott hung up her coat in the hall closet. “Did you finish your song?”

“I did. Both of them.”

Taking her by the hand, he began to lead her through the house. “Let me show you around. And remember. I want you to feel comfortable.”

“We will,” she assured him as they went from room to room. All Lia could think of was one of those Home and Garden houses, the fancy ones that they premiered on New Year’s Day and gave away to some lucky viewer. There was a media room, a breakfast room, a butler’s pantry, a library, even an indoor swimming pool. “I better stick close to you, or I’ll wander off and you won’t find me for days.”

“I best not let you out of my sight, then.” Which was fine by him. “Let’s go to my suite. We can have a drink, put your things up and talk.”

He was wearing dress pants and a white shirt with his tie askew, his suit coat slung over his shoulder. Tousled dark hair, the beginnings of a beard—the man was simply male perfection. But he looked tired. “Are you okay?” She squeezed his hand as she followed him down the hall. Elvis was bringing up the rear, sniffing everything in sight. She hoped to goodness he didn’t decide to mark his territory. “I probably should have let Elvis take a run.”

“No problem, we have a patio off the bedroom. There’s an enclosed back yard. We can let him run free to do his business.” He opened the door and allowed her to step into his domain. “And to answer your question, I am tired, there’s been a lot going on at the hospital.”

She let her eyes rove around the room—wooden ceilings, wainscoting, cream colored walls, hardwood floors—everything was rich and elegant. A sleigh bed big enough for an orgy dominated the room with a media center sitting directly across from it. There was a walk-in closet as big as her bedroom at home and she glanced in a bathroom that would rival a spa. “Maybe I could give you a massage.”

“Hell, yeah.” He grinned at the thought. “I’ll take you up on that.” Heading into his closet, he placed her suitcase on a low table, then carried her makeup bag to the bathroom. “Hang up anything you’d like and if you want to use a drawer or two, I’ll make room for you.” Snapping his finger, he led Elvis to the French doors that led out to the patio and the hound scampered out. “Bark when you want back in.”

“Thanks.” She laughed, feeling a bit awkward. “I feel like I’ve come at a bad time, right at bedtime. And you have to work tomorrow.”

“No, I don’t.” He held up his finger. “I have no surgeries scheduled. So, barring an emergency, there’s no reason Susie can’t reschedule my appointments.” He called his secretary and gave her the information. “That’s right, I’m taking a day off, maybe two.” He winked at Lia. “What’s the occasion? My woman is here.” He laughed. “Yes, Lia. Good. Thanks.”

His woman? “Don’t you think things are moving a little fast?” 

Scott seemed to consider her comment. “At this moment, things are going way too slow. I’m doing my best to control my urge to ravish you, at least until we exchange some pleasantries.”

He was standing by the patio door next to the bed and she was standing across the room by the door which led to the bathroom. “How many pleasantries do we have to exchange? I really came for the ravishing part.”

A wicked gleam leapt in his eye and a smile lit up his face. And he began walking slowly toward her, more of a predatory stalk, his tongue dancing over his upper lip. “Sex now, talk later?”

“Please.” She began undressing, undoing her pants. Toeing off her shoes, she stripped down to her underwear. Looking up, she saw he had stopped, just staring at her. “What?”

“My God, you’re gorgeous.”

Lia shook her head. “I’m so grateful you think so, but that’s not the general opinion people have of me.”

Scott began to undress. “Whoever dared think otherwise is a fool.” He threw his shirt and tie on the floor and undone his belt. Lia swallowed, watching him pull down his zipper and shed his pants, shoes and socks.

By now, he was within touching distance. “Let’s do it in the shower,” he whispered. “I’ve been having daydreams about getting you all wet and slippery.”

“I’ve never done it in the shower,” Lia confessed, shyly.

“We’ll have to remedy that, right now.” Her smile warmed him from the inside out.

“I’ve been having really dirty thoughts about you. I think you’ve addicted me to sex.”

A laugh erupted from him, accompanied by a surge of joy. “God, I missed you.” He kissed her hard, peeling off the bra and panties still remaining on her perfect little body. His cock was throbbing. So hard, it was pounding. The engorged staff felt bruised. He was desperate.

“I’ll wash your back for you.” She volunteered.

“As long as I get to wash your front.” Scott picked her up, cradled her in his arms and carried her to the back of the big master bath. The shower was huge, with over a dozen showerheads. “Let’s get the temperature right.” Turning it on, he adjusted all of the knobs and gauges while she laid her toiletries on the vanity—her gels, lotions, a compact and a new red lipstick she’d bought for the next time they were together.

She stood close to him, looking at him all she wanted. “You’re very handsome, but I guess you know that.”

“I like to hear it.” Scott couldn’t stop touching her. “Okay, let’s get in.” He held the big glass door and helped her walk through. “The tiles aren’t slippery, but watch your step.”

Lia stood beneath the spray, staring over at him. He was so gorgeous. Her fingers and lips touched him everywhere—his face, his damp hair, his broad chest, powerful thighs. Moans of delight slipped from his lips as she ministered to him. His heavy, thick manhood bobbed out from his groin. To her it was delectable—two handfuls.

She let him return the favor, even washing her hair, slow and easy, weaving his fingers through the strands as he rinsed and conditioned it. They exchanged kisses, stopping to hold one another. He washed her body, delicately, reverently. Tears filled her eyes as he placed a hand over her stomach and confessed, “I would have been happy if you were pregnant. I wasn’t upset at the thought at all.”

“I wouldn’t have minded either.” Which was true, but she needed to tell him the whole story, why she hesitated, why she had a hard time believing and trusting.

“I dreamed about you,” Scott whispered into her ear, framing her face with his palms as the spray ran down their bodies. “Every night when I went to bed, I relived every moment we’ve spent together.”

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