True Love's Deception (book 3) (The Fielding Brothers Saga) (27 page)

BOOK: True Love's Deception (book 3) (The Fielding Brothers Saga)
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“Because I did
want to become his wife.”
She shook her head. “Gregg, let us not talk about it again. I would sooner forget that part of my life.”

“As you wish, my dear.”

“Now,” she sighed. “Can we find my sister and Andrew?”

“Not yet.” He took her by the hand. “I want to dance with you one more time.”

He did not give her time to object, but swept her on the dance floor. Curse him, but she liked it.

* * * *

“Mary Kate is lying! I did not put a frog in her shoe.”

“Yes you did, Andrew.
You have to believe me. You know I do not like frogs.”

“Andrew Dean! You and your father are going to have a good long talk when he gets home.”

“Yes, Mother.”

Andrew groaned and rolled over in his bed. In his dream he did what normal eight-year-old boys did. He liked frogs, worms and snails, and any other creepy-crawly thing he could find to scare his sister with. But no matter how much he remembered, he still could not see a clear image of his father or mother.

He sat up in bed and growled. At least he knew he had a sister. Yet why did his grandfather not tell him this? Even his uncle acted as if all of Andrew’s family perished in the house fire. And why had they always called him Andrew Dean instead of his real last name? Come to think about it...he didn’t even recall his own grandfather or uncle’s Christian names. Grandfather was always gramps, and his uncle was always Uncle Thomas.
But Andrew did have a sister, and her name was Mary Kate. The flashes of memories couldn’t be lying to him.

He sighed and pushed his fingers through his hair. After the ball was over last night, he, Juliana and
returned home. He made excuses about retiring to his room, instructing Wilbur not to let anyone disturb him. Too many things weighed heavily on his mind, and he would go insane if he couldn’t remember.

Poor Juliana was probably worried sick. He had kissed her cheek before heading up the stairs to his room, and worry etched itself on her wrinkled brow. He would explain things to her as soon as he understood them. She would understand and comfort. He knew she would.

He pushed out of bed and wrapped a robe around his body. A stiff drink would help relax his mind and perhaps help him to think better. But he’d have to go downstairs to get his drink.
Softly, as not to wake anyone in the house, he crept down the stairs to the parlor where the liquor tray was kept. He poured him a healthy amount of whiskey,
gulped. When it burned down his throat, he grimaced. Soon the liquor would start to work. Of course, he might have to take the bottle up to his room and become a roaring drunk in the meantime.

As he tiptoed back to his room and passed Juliana’s door, he paused to listen. From inside, her deep sighs echoed in the room. He smiled. Whatever the reason was for her heart changing toward him, he was happy for it. And yes, he could admit now that love was the emotion bursting with him whenever he thought about her. Perhaps when he finally told her they were truly married, she wouldn’t hate him.

On impulse, he opened the door and crept inside next to her bed. The room remained dark, only the moon shining through the split in the curtains brought any light. She sighed again and rolled toward him. Even in sleep she looked alluring.

He set the bottle of whiskey on her bed stand,
sat on the edge of the bed. With his finger, he lightly traced her cheek then her lips. They parted, and his heartbeat took on a quicker rhythm. Her love was just what he needed right now.

“Juliana,” he whispered.

Her eyes fluttered open and she glanced around the room, then to him. “Andrew?”

“Yes, my dove. It is I.”

She blinked and lifted to her elbows. “Is something amiss?”

“No. I just couldn’t sleep.”

She smiled. “I’m happy you are here.” She took his hand in hers. “I missed talking to you after the ball. I could tell something bothered you, but since you didn’t want to discuss it, I felt I shouldn’t pry.”

“I want to discuss it now, if you don’t mind.”

She scooted on the bed and sat with her back against the bed frame. “What is wrong? Did something happen at the ball?”

“Actually, yes.”
He slipped his hand over hers and caressed her soft skin. “I met someone that knows me.”

She gasped and clutched his hand.
“Oh, Andrew.
I’m so sorry. I had no idea this would happen!”

He shook his head. “It’s not in the way that you think. You seems I have a past that even I didn’t know about.”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you remember telling me the story of the boy who was kidnapped seventeen years ago that belonged to the Lawrence family?”


“Well, it seems, somebody thinks I may be that lost boy.”

“What?” Her eyes widened.

“Lady Madison—eh—Mary Kate thought I resembled her brother, and the Duke of Ashton thinks I’m an exact replica of Mary Kate’s father.”

“What is the boy’s name?”

“You won’t believe this.” He shook his head. “The boy’s name is Andrew Dean Lawrence.”

“Oh, Andrew.”
She put her fist to her mouth. “I had no idea.”

He chuckled. “Neither did
. I don’t remember my family, although lately I’ve been having memory flashes of me and an older girl who may be my sister.”

“Mary Kate?”


“So maybe you are her brother.”

He ran his fingers through his hair. “I wish I could remember more, but no matter how hard I try, I cannot.”

She frowned and held his hands in hers again, squeezing slightly. “I wish there was something I could do to help.”

He moved his gaze over her, noticing for the first time how thin her nightdress was, and how very lovely she looked with her hair flowing over her shoulders. Yearning to make this woman his wife awakened inside him and reminded him of his goal to win her heart. They were alone. The mood was set. Now was the time.

“Actually, my dove, there is something you can do.” He scooted next to her and wrapped his arms around her. She fell into him quickly, placing her hands on his chest. She smiled and stared up into his eyes.

“Juliana, you can comfort me as only a woman knows how to comfort a man. Take my confusing thoughts away and replace them with thoughts of making love to you.”

“Oh yes, Andrew. Yes.” She leaned forward and met his seeking mouth. Immediately, the kiss turned hungry.
Very passionate.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed the heat spiraling through him—enjoyed the way she fulfilled his wish…to take away all confusing thoughts. He loved her, and he couldn’t wait until she knew.

She felt wonderful in his arms. More than he was prepared for. He would never have anyone as wonderful as Juliana. But really, he didn’t want to look.

She satisfied him.

Indeed, this night would be what they both needed.

* * * *

Madeline shoved her breakfast plate away and stood. Having breakfast by herself bored her to tears. But really, the liquid in her eyes wasn’t because of boredom. It was because she knew what had happened last night between Andrew and Juliana.

After everyone had gone to bed, she sneaked out of her room to go visit Andrew in his. He wasn’t there. Because of the heavy sighs she’d heard from Juliana’s room,
knew exactly what was happening.

With a heavy heart, she hurried out of the dining room and outside the house before the tears started falling again. The cool wind touched her face and dried her eyes. Unfortunately, it couldn’t warm her heart.

Only Andrew could do that.

A noise from her right brought her attention to a man riding on a horse as he galloped into the drive. She scowled. Why was Gregg about this early in the morning?

He stopped the horse as a servant came to collect the reins, then Gregg jumped down. His gaze combed over
yellow day dress before a grin appeared on his handsome face.

“Good morning, Madeline. You are looking radiant today. Can I hope you dressed like this for me?” He walked toward her.

Gregg Fielding was too cocky for his own good. If anything, the man could make her smile. She flipped her hand in the air, but he caught it and pressed a kiss on her knuckles.
“Oh, Gregg.
You flatter yourself. Why would I dress this way for you?”

He stepped back and clasped his hands to his chest.
“Oh, dear lady.
You wound me deeply with your sharp tongue.”

She rolled her eyes. “Over dramatizing again, I see.”

He laughed and took her hand in his. “So then why do you look so beautiful this morning?” He swept his fingers over her cheek. “Although, I must say, your cheeks look flushed next.”

She sighed heavily. “I have a lot to be upset about today, and I am not in very good spirits.”

He stepped back. “Thanks for the warning.”

She arched her brow. “I can do without your humor today.”

Slipping his arm around her shoulders, he brought her closer to his body. “Why? Are you afraid you’ll fall prey to my charms?”

I just don’t want you to think I am like all your other women and will fall helplessly at your feet.”

He chuckled. “Now who is the one who is flattering themselves?” He sobered. “Besides, I know who you really want.”

“Just as I know who
really want.”

He dropped his arm and stepped back. “Madeline, I have told you once before I am not in love with my sister-in-law any longer. I love her like a sister now.”

shook her head. “I’m not talking about the duchess. I’m referring to my sister, Juliana.”

His eyes widened. “You think I want your sister?”

She faced him fully and crossed her arms over her chest. “Well, don’t you? Last night you couldn’t stop following her around with your gaze, and you couldn’t stop telling her how pretty she was.”

He chuckled. “My dear, if I didn’t know you were in love with Andrew, I would think you were jealous of the attention I give Juliana.”

“Jealous? Ha! I’m not jealous of my sister.”

He stroked her cheek with his finger, sending warmth through her skin. Little shivers of delight danced through her, and she cursed herself for having this reaction to him.

“Ah, but you are, little one. Juliana is the one who holds Andrew’s heart, and you cannot tolerate it.”

Pouting, she pushed his hand away. “Gregg Fielding, I hate you.”

A smile broke across his face. “No, I don’t believe you do. We are too much alike, and I think you like me more than you care to admit.”

Lifting her chin, she turned and began to walk away. “Why do you not just leave? If you have come to see Juliana, she is not taking visitors. She and Andrew have been holed up in her bedroom all night and morning.”

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