Troubled Son: Savage Sons MC Romance (23 page)

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Authors: Jayna King

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Troubled Son: Savage Sons MC Romance
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I looked out at the deck, strewn with clothing discarded in a hurry, and I started to collect pieces as I came to them, sorting Moses' stuff into a pile on the table. The other problem was that I knew Moses had probably had meaningless sex with tons of women. It wasn't like I thought I was gonna marry the guy -- I'm not an idiot -- but I didn't just fuck people like it was no big deal. I didn't know how to handle this guy who seemed to be the biggest bundle of contradictions I'd ever met in my life.

I stepped into my underwear and put my bra back on, and I didn't turn around when I heard the door open and Moses walk out onto the deck.

"The view here is amazing," I said, after I pulled my camisole on.

"Don't I know it," Moses said, and when I turned to look at him, he was smiling as he leered at me.


It was still light outside, but it wouldn't be for long. The sun setting over the Rockies painted his naked body with a wash of gold light, and the lines -- tattoos, lean muscles -- were simply breathtaking. He was a freaking work of art. He was clearly comfortable walking around naked outside. He didn't even look for his clothes as he crossed the deck and put his hands on my ass and pulled me toward him, kissing me, softly at first and deepening slowly.

He finally pulled back, keeping his hands in place and our torsos tight together.

"You gonna let me cook dinner, or what?"

I pulled away with a smile. "Wouldn't dream of standing in your way, sugar. Carry on."

Moses picked up his jeans from the table and put them on without bothering with underwear. Apparently he wasn't going to bother with a shirt either. Bare chested, he restarted the grill and got ready to finish up dinner.

"Mind setting the table?" he asked, as he used a wire brush to clean the grill's surface. "I'd sit outside, but it's gonna get cold as soon as that sun sets all the way."

"Sure thing," I answered. I looked at my jeans and cardigan and left them on the table, deciding that if he could cook shirtless, I could set the table half dressed.

I headed inside, found all the dishes I needed in the kitchen and set two places at the end of the dining room table. I figured that Moses would open the red wine with dinner, so I set the glasses we'd used for the white and also found another two glasses. I even put our flutes out, filled with a little more Champagne. The table looked gorgeous -- not what I expected from crashing with an outlaw biker, that was for sure.

I heard the door open, and Moses called for me from the deck.

"Can you come take this inside?" he asked, still occupied with the grill.

I went to the doorway and took a plate filled with perfectly browned bread, fragrant and marked with lines from the grill. I set it on the table, added the tomato mixture that was clearly destined to be bruschetta topping, and headed back outside to watch Moses at work.

When I got to the deck, he was pulling the scallops off the grill and using a thermometer to check the temperature of the filets. The smell was amazing and my stomach actually growled.

Laughing at the noise, Moses pulled the steaks off. "I'm working as quick as I can."

We sat down at the table, and Moses carefully put two scallops and a steak on my plate and then added the asparagus spears. He spooned the tomatoes onto a piece of the grilled bread and handed it to me. I'm sure that having worked up an appetite had something to do with it, but everything tasted like the most delicious dinner I'd ever had. The wine -- dry and earthy -- was elegant and wonderful, and I took my time with every sip. The scallops were delicate and flavorful, cooked perfectly so that they practically melted in my mouth, and the filet was so tender that I really didn't even need my knife.

"Wow," I said. "I can see why you don't ever bring women here."

Moses looked a little puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"I may never leave. Ever. I could live here, eat, have sex, and die a happy woman."

He laughed. "Just wait until we can take our time, Max. I kinda rushed things a little last time because I just couldn't wait."

"I'm looking forward to it." I remembered what Moses had said about wanting to relax and forget all the troubles on the horizon for just one evening, but I wasn't sure I could just let everything go until the morning. "Tell you what, I'll do the dishes if we can talk business for a little while afterwards."

"Deal. I'll clear."

Moses made several trips into the kitchen, and I carefully loaded the dishwasher and hand washed the red and white glasses, leaving the flutes out with the last of the Champagne. When we'd finished, I poured a little for each of us and we went back over to the fireplace. Moses turned off the lights as we went, so we had just the firelight to guide us there. Moses' still bare chest was an irresistible play of light and shadow, and I trailed my hand across his broad shoulders as I moved to sit next to him.

"So what's on your mind?" he asked as I settled on my pillow and took a sip of Champagne.

"You said earlier that you have a plan -- or ideas about a plan. I'm wondering what you're thinking."

"Well, you know that we get pseudoephedrine from Mexico by way of the MC in Pueblo, right? Usually a couple of us ride down once a month or so to pick up new shit, but I could probably do that tomorrow. I can't take you with me, but if you get me wired up, we'll get everything recorded."

"That makes sense."

"But I've been thinking about the shit with the Vandals, and I think I may have found a way to keep a full-on war from starting."


"So the old VP of the Vandals is in Florence, in the Supermax prison, about half an hour from Pueblo. If I can get in touch with his attorney, I can get a letter to him and see if we can get him to talk to his guys."

"But what good's that going to do? They're the ones that sent up the bad batch of meth -- assuming that's what the analysis shows. They've attacked the Sons, not the other way around."

"I can't do a fucking thing long term, except push this case through and get the Sons locked up. But if the old Vandal VP can get his guys to take a ride -- leave town for a while, it could delay things. The Sons can't go to war if there's no one to fight."

I thought about what Moses had said. It didn't exactly resolve the problem between the MCs, but it could very well buy us enough time to get what we needed to get Moses out and charge the Sons with crimes that would put them in prison for a long time. As I watched the fire, I realized that my priorities in the case had shifted a little. I still wanted to put the Sons away, but now I was concerned about getting Moses out as well. I'd have to be really careful not to let my sex drive get in the way of what was most important. Tomorrow, anyway. Tonight, I planned to fuck Moses every way I could think of. If we weren't both sore in the morning, I would be disappointed.

Shaking my head as I returned my focus to business, I realized that his plan was our best shot.

"I don't think we have anything to lose. If you can get the Vandals to clear out, then that lets us focus on what we need to do."

"Exactly. I'm pretty sure Joker can find out who the attorney is, and he can help us get a message to the guy."

"So you're going to be down south for the day. I guess I'll head to the safe house in the morning and see if there's any information about the meth we dropped off, if we haven't heard before then. I don't really know anyone in your circle well enough to contact them on my own, so I guess I'll just contact Tombley and see if he has anything for me."

"Makes sense. We can head up to the clubhouse tomorrow night. Friday and Saturday are busy days for our girls selling crank, so chances are good that you'll see some good shit and maybe even get it on tape."

"Wow," I said, as something awful occurred to me. "Do you think there could be more bad meth out there that we need to worry about?"

Moses looked at me with an expression of horror. "Fuck. I can't believe we didn't think about that before." He stood up and walked into the dining room. "I have to call Joker right now."

Scooping up his phone from the table, Moses headed out to the garage. Even though I was worried about other users getting the bad crank, and I knew that we had to handle the situation right away, the sight of Moses' broad shoulders, the bold tribal tattoo that arced across both of his shoulder blades and into the designs of the sleeves, had me thinking about him on top of me, naked. I wanted him again right that minute.

Enough work, I thought. He was going to square away the problem with the bad meth -- at least as far as he could that evening. We had our plans set for the following day. I decided that the second Moses came back inside, that work was over for the rest of the night.

I reached up on the couch and grabbed a couple of extra pillows, intending to make it harder for him to think about anything other than removing the little bit of clothing I had on. I stretched out on the floor, and rolled onto my side, making sure that my cleavage was just on the verge of spilling out of my bra and camisole. Moses had seemed to enjoy looking at and playing with my breasts, so I may as well put them on display, I thought with a smile. I turned my hips a bit so that Moses would be able to see the curve of my ass revealed by my black satin underwear, and I took a sip of Champagne while I waited for the sexiest man I'd ever been with to return.

The door from the garage opened, and Moses walked back inside.

"All done," he said, still looking down at the phone. He didn't look over at me until he reached the kitchen. "Need anything while I'm up?" he asked, before he closed the phone to meet my eyes.

"Just you and a little hands-on attention," I answered, gratified by the desire I saw on his face.

Moses set the phone down and walked slowly toward me, stopping for just a second to pick up a couple of blankets from the chest at the end of the couch.

"Mind if we stay by the fire for a minute?" he asked, as he unfolded the blankets.

I got up on my hands and knees and crawled out of the way, taking care to give him a full view of my ass. "We can spend all night on the floor, for all I care," I answered as I watched the muscles in his back as he spread the blankets out -- doubled up to give us a more comfortable spot. When the blankets were in place, I stretched back out and Moses reached down to unbutton my cardigan.

"It's warm in here. You don't need this." Once he had it unbuttoned, he slid both hands in, one on either side of my waist. He knelt on the floor next to me. "You look perfect right here," he said quietly before he bent to kiss me.

I ran my hands over his chest and arms, thinking that I could never get tired of feeling his muscles -- tensed now from his position bent over me. I thought about unbuttoning his jeans, but I decided to wait at least a minute or two before undressing him again. Moses lay down beside me on the blankets, up on one elbow as he continued to kiss me, his lips leaving mine occasionally to kiss me along my jaw and neck. I could feel my temperature beginning to rise, my heart rate increasing, as I thought about having him inside me again.

He trailed kisses down my throat to my cleavage and he stopped, raising his head. "The tank top has to go. It's in my way." He slipped the shirt up and off in a single quick motion, and he looked at me like he wanted to devour me. He unhooked my bra and pulled it off. "This too. Has to go." Without another word, he bent his head to my breasts.

I gasped as he flicked the tip of my nipple with his tongue. He ran a hand down my side and the feeling of his strong grip on my waist was intoxicating. Slowly, so slowly, he opened his mouth and sucked my nipple inside it, teasing and releasing it every few seconds. I could hardly keep still, I wanted to pull him toward me and prevent him from doing anything but pleasuring me. He reached up and ran his fingertips across the other nipple, and I closed my eyes and enjoyed the two different sensations at the same time. Warm, wet mouth and playful fingers banished every other thought from my head. Right at that moment, we could have been the only two people in the world, for all I cared.

Moses shifted his hips, and I could feel his erection pressing into my hip. Knowing that I could turn on this amazing man was undeniably satisfying. The fact that he wanted me, wanted to be inside me, made a delicious little shiver run through my body.

Moses felt the shiver and let my nipple slide from his lips. "What was that?" he asked.

"Just thinking about you and wondering what you're going to do to me?"

"Scared?" he asked, the teasing in his voice apparent.

I wiggled my hips a little, pressing into his hard-on. "Should I be?" I asked, pretending to be seriously worried.

"Depends," he said, as he sat up and used both of his hands to cup my breasts and bring them together, squeezing my nipples between his thumbs and index fingers.

I arched my back involuntarily, squirming with desire that was almost impossible to contain. I couldn't speak, eyes closed, and mouth open while he played with me.

"Depends on how much you value being in control," Moses said as he shifted to his knees and started to pull my underwear off, before lowering his mouth to my stomach. Black panties discarded, he parted my knees and ran one finger over my neatly shaved lips. I lifted my hips, pressing against his hand, wanting to feel his fingers exploring, pressing inside me.

"Fuck control," I whispered as I watched him lower his mouth to my nipples again, while I felt one finger tease my clit before sliding inside me. Good Lord, I was already dripping wet again.

I closed my eyes and felt Moses' mouth tugging at my breast, sucking, flicking, increasing in pressure, as his fingers spread the wetness to my clit and gently rubbed until I felt like I was going to explode. My breath quickened, and I pushed up again with my hips.

"Right there," I whispered, knowing that if his fingers continued to fondle my clit I would explode in seconds.

My eyes flew open as I felt Moses pull his hand away. I looked up to see him smiling down at me, a naughty little grin on his face.

"You're not getting off that easy," he said. "I'm in control, and I plan to take my time. By the time I'm finished with you, you're going to be dripping wet and begging me to fuck you to put you out of your misery." He kissed me. "I want you to beg for my cock. I want you to take it any way I want to give it to you. This is how I do things, Max. I'm in control, and you're mine, at least for tonight."

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