Troubled Son: Savage Sons MC Romance (16 page)

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Authors: Jayna King

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Troubled Son: Savage Sons MC Romance
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I walked over to them and bumped Zeno with my shoulder as I put an arm abound Max. "Hittin' on my old lady already?"

"Shit," Zeno answered. "She should be so lucky. She's trying to talk me into putting some money on the game."

I looked at Max and then I looked down at Bethany and Melissa at the far end of the bar. "Honey, you got money to lose?"

Max leaned over to whisper in my ear, and I could hardly listen to what she was saying because her tits -- all round and firm and right under my nose -- completely distracted me.

"What?" I asked, when I realized that I hadn't heard a word she'd said.

Her smile told me that she knew exactly what had distracted me, and she leaned over a second time. "We're not gonna lose money. I can take these girls."

I guess I must've looked skeptical, because she kissed me on the cheek. "Trust me."

Zeno shrugged at me and pulled out a quarter, inviting Bethany to call the coin toss to see who would break. I grabbed a barstool and carried it over to the pool table to watch. I was interested to see how Max would handle herself with the girls, and I had to admit that I was looking forward to watching Max shoot pool. Watching her chalk the end of the cue while she observed Beth and Melissa told me a couple of things about her. First, she was smart enough to use the chance to evaluate both the girls' pool abilities and the dynamics between them. Second, holding a pool cue made Max even sexier. She blew the extra chalk off the end, and I adjusted myself in my jeans.

Zeno slung an arm around Max's shoulder, careful not to pull her too close. "Me and Max against the two of you?"

Melissa pouted. "But, Zeno, honey, you know that I'm not that good. Can I be on your team? Bethany can carry the new girl."

Max just stood and smiled, as if she knew something that no one else did.

Bethany looked at Max. "You any good?"

"Better than some," Max answered.

Bethany nodded. She was by far the best pool player among the women, and she even held her own among the guys unless she was deliberately throwing a game to save some fool's ego. I hoped that Max knew what she was getting herself into.

Zeno tossed the coin and Bethany won it with a tails call.

"I'll break," she said, as if it never entered her mind to let Max go first.

Now even if they weren't on top of the pool table making out with one another, the girls in the Sons clubhouse were skilled at using the pool table to seduce men -- whether the sex they had was for money or just for fun. I'd been sucked in more times than I could count by a girl who looked good bent over the table. I was looking forward to watching the game unfold.

Bethany made sure to catch my eye as she ran her hands up and down the cue before she bent down to make the opening shot. I tried not to stare at Beth's tits that strained the laces on the bustier she wore. I'd seen it all before, and I didn't want the girls to give Max a harder time 'cause they thought they still had a shot at me. I realized that I was fucked, though. I had all this tension built up from having Max behind me on the bike, and all of the flirtation for her cover. Normally, when I needed to get off, I'd find one of the girls to bang -- quick and easy. The problem was that I was all turned on by Max, and I had no place to go.

Zeno let Melissa go next, the table wide open. She made sure to wiggle her ass in front of Zeno as she took his advice about which ball to shoot for. I wasn't surprised when she missed the solid ball she'd tried to sink in a corner pocket.

Max was up. She walked all the way around the table, slowly examining the possible shots and angles. Whether or not she was any good, she certainly looked good getting ready to take her shot. Of course, she stopped and decided to shoot right in front of me. She leaned over the table, shirt riding up in the back and revealing the curve of her lower back. I didn't see vary many of those without tramp stamps, and I was lost for a second in a fantasy about how she would look stretched out on my bed, her delicious curves highlighted by the setting sun over the Rocky Mountains. I shook my head as I realize that there was no way in hell that I'd be able to sleep with her that night without relieving some of my tension first. I laughed to myself as I thought about taking matters into my own hands rather than relying on one of the girls. Not ideal, but it would have to do.

"Twelve off the one in the side," Max said.

The shot wasn't the easiest on the table, and I grinned as I watched her execute it perfectly. Not only was the shot dead on, but the english on the ball brought it back out into the center of the table and presented her with a perfect shot at the nine. It was possible that she'd gotten lucky, but as I watched her line up the next shot without missing a beat, I had a feeling that she was about to school Zeno and the girls.

She ran the table. By the end of it, both Melissa and Bethany were laughing at Zeno's shock, and a number of folks had walked over from the bar to watch. When she sank the eight ball, the girls clapped their hands, and Beth put out her hand for the money that Zeno had put on the game.

"I didn't earn it, but I'm happy to take my half," Beth told Max as she handed over half of the money. "Where'd you learn to play like that?"

"My mother's brother owns an Irish pub. I'm terrible at darts, but I'm pretty good at pool," she answered modestly. "Signs of a misspent youth, my mother used to tell me."

Joker handed Max a shot glass filed with amber liquor. "Signs of a misspent youth? I'll drink to that!"

Max winked at me as she downed her shot. It was awful hard for me to remember that the tall, gorgeous woman in fuck-me jeans and a pool cue in her hands was an FBI agent. I realized that I was wishing that our cover story were true and that we could hardly wait to go to bed and get it on. I was definitely going to need to relieve some tension.

Even though a couple of the guys challenged her to another game, Max didn't want to play anymore. She came over and stood next to me, arm around my waist, while we watched Joker and Zeno take on Booty and J.C. Max kept turning away offers for more drinks.

She finally leaned over to whisper in my ear. "Doesn't anyone drink water here? If I have another beer, I'm gonna feel like shit in the morning."

"Kris will get you some water. Most of the people here aren't really worried about staying hydrated, sugar."

"I can tell," she said with a wink as she headed to the bar.

Chapter 21




ris set my glass of water on the bar, and I drained it and asked for a refill. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how all of these people managed to drink nothing but alcohol without getting sick as a dog. I took my full water glass with me as I headed to go convince Moses that it was time for me to go to bed. A couple of the guys had left already, so it wasn't like we'd be the first to leave the party. A I walked over, I saw Bethany leading Zeno into the hallway with the bedrooms, and I wondered if I'd even be able to sleep at all that night. Maybe I was old fashioned, but the thought of hookers plying their trade next door bothered me.

I sidled up to Moses and put my hand on his thigh, savoring the feel of the tight, hard muscle beneath his jeans. "Moses, I'm beat. Can we bail soon?"

He looked up at me as if he was concerned, and he leaned over as if he was going to kiss me behind the ear. When I felt his warm breath stir my hair, I could feel my nipples harden.

"You ok?" he asked.

"Fine. Just tired. It's been a long day."

"Okay. I'll get you outta here. You ready?"

I could tell by the tone of his voice that Moses expected that we'd be teased as we left the room. I was so tired that I didn't even care that I was about to walk down the same hallway that a prostitute had just followed. I held onto Moses' hand as he stood up.

"She's dragging me to bed, and I can't tell her no," Moses announced as he pulled me away from the group.

A chorus of good-natured and quite explicit teasing followed us as Moses led me down the hall and to the door of his bedroom. He opened the door and we walked inside.

"Oh," I said, focusing first on the fact that there was only one bed -- and it wasn't king-sized.

Moses let go of my hand the moment the door closed, and he looked at me, trying to assess how I was handling the evening. "Yeah, there's only one bed. If we didn't have other people sleeping here tonight, I'd just give you the bed and find another room, but I really can't. No one would believe that I'm letting a girl as sexy as you sleep alone."

My first instinct was to say something ridiculous like "Oh, do you really think I'm sexy?" I was not about to let this tattooed bad boy turn me into a simpering idiot.

"Not a problem." I lowered my voice. "I can be professional."

"What a shame."

Moses' voice made me feel weak-kneed.

"I'm gonna brush my teeth, and then the bathroom's all yours for whatever girly stuff you need to do."

Moses vanished into the little bathroom off the bedroom, and I turned to my backpack to get my things together. I pulled out my toothbrush, soap, and moisturizer, and stood there trying to decide between the trashy lingerie and the much more tasteful satin sleep shirt. I went with tasteful.

I heard the toilet flush and the sound of water running. I sat down on the corner of the bed and waited for Moses to emerge. I felt like I really needed to talk to him privately. The folks I'd met that evening -- especially Joker and Zeno -- had been so friendly and had seemed so normal that I was having trouble picturing them doing some of the terrible things I knew they'd done. The more that I thought about it, maybe it wasn't Moses I needed to talk to. Especially when he was close to me, I couldn't imagine that he'd been one of the bad guys for so many years. I didn't want to call Tombley from the clubhouse, but I made up my mind to see if we could meet or talk the following day. I just felt like I needed to get my head straight.

The bathroom door opened, and any thoughts I had about the case just evaporated. Moses stood in the doorway, his lean, muscular torso bare to the top of his low-slung jeans. The ink that covered his arms and his chest was graceful and unbelievably sexy. I couldn't say a word.

"Your turn," he said, as he walked over to the other side of the bed. "That side okay with you?" he asked as he started to unbutton his jeans.

I opened my mouth to answer and hoped like hell that an intelligible answer would emerge. "That's fine." I headed for the bathroom and closed the door, leaning against it and wishing that I could have helped Moses remove those jeans. Jesus, was the man gorgeous. I'd never seen chest and ab muscles like his in person. He was physically perfect, at least as far as I could tell.

I washed my face, pleased to find a clean washcloth. I looked at myself in the mirror as I smoothed on my moisturizer, thinking that I looked more like myself without the heavy eyeliner. I ran my brush through my hair, taking the time to carefully work through the knots that I'd deliberately introduced when I'd teased it in the morning. Face clean, hair toned down, and teeth brushed, I stripped off my clothes and slipped into the mint green sleeveless night shirt. I couldn't stay in the bathroom forever, and I really was tired. The thought of getting into bed with Moses, though, was anything but restful. I stowed my toiletries back in my bag and headed back out.

I was surprised to see Moses sitting up in bed reading a book. It didn't exactly square with my ideas about his nocturnal activities -- and I knew that I shouldn't have been thinking about his nocturnal activities in the first place.

"Whatcha reading?" I asked as I stowed my bag in my backpack.

Moses looked up and I could feel the weight of his gaze as he looked at me. "Wow. You look better without all of that makeup on. I know you need it for your cover, but you're prettier without it."

I'm sure I blushed as I walked over to the bed. "Thanks."

Moses showed me the book,
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

I laughed. "Didn't figure you for a Buddhist."

"Yeah, well, I'm not. I like to read, though, and there's not much I can leave here that won't make the guys call me a big pussy."

Jesus, could this guy get any sexier?

I pulled down the covers on my side. "It's cold."

Moses looked up, and I could see him take in my hard nipples through the satin. "Won't be for long."

"You gonna steal the covers?"

"Hardly. This bed's pretty small, and we're just gonna have to get comfortable with one another."

"After spending half the day behind you on the bike, I think I'll be okay," I answered, climbing into bed.

It was smaller than I'd guessed, and the fact that neither of us was petite meant that we met in the middle, hip to hip.

"You did good today," Moses said softly. "It's not easy to handle this group, and you just charmed the pants off everyone."

I thought about the sight of Moses unbuttoning his jeans, and I realized that I had no idea what he'd been wearing beneath them. It wasn't like I could just peek under the covers, so I figured that I'd have to wait until morning to find out.

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