Trouble (22 page)

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Authors: P.L. Jenkins

BOOK: Trouble
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              “Lannie the way the air blows makes the fishtail braid you do look gorgeous. I hope that one day you get to meet my brother. He is wonderful and awesome. I sometimes forget about the age difference, because to him we aren’t that far apart and I’m not treated like a kid.” I can barely breath being so high up on this cliff.

              “Chad, I hope that I get to meet him too.” He walks over wrapping his hands around me. This little moment I forget that we aren’t a couple, because right now we feel like we are.

              “Lannie. Are you scared?” I am confused. Am I scared of this cliff? Hell yeah.

              “Of what?” He looks into my eyes and I see something that is so unfamiliar.

              “Of falling too hard, to fast, and not being able to control the shattering that will happen? Are you scared to live life on the edge and take a chance at something that maybe not be able to have tomorrow? Are you scared of just living in general?” I think hard, because I am. I never really take chances due to my grades having to be perfect.

              “I am. I am scared that the consequence of it will not be worth it in the end. I am scared of the maybes when I know I need the for sure.” He nods his head in this moment he looks so grown up and I feel as though I am a kid.

“Let’s jump.” Do what? Jump off what?

              “Come La. Never know how to conquer the fear if you don’t just do it.” I smile as I grab his hand. He counts to three and we take off jumping off the cliff into the water.


I wake up smiling remembering when I became brave and did the dares. Best decision ever taking the plunge and jumping off. That was when the fear started becoming nothing for me. I knew why I had that dream it was a sign. If I don’t try now with Brandon, than how will I ever know that we have something more together? I jump out of bed throwing on shoes, pants, and a tank top on. My jacket is in the car so I just need to get my keys.

“Ashley, I need my damn keys. How can I leave if there isn’t any way for me to leave?” I start searching everywhere.

“Lannie, chill. Its Tuesday class doesn’t start until noon. It’s only eight in the morning.” I look at the clock what the hell is happening to me? There is a knock at the door and I’m too busy searching to even go there. She rolls her eyes at me as she stumbles towards the door. She walks back in I hear her footsteps.

“Lannie, there someone here for you.” Oh not now. Keys.

“Well tell them to go away. I figured out what I want in life. I know it may sound stupid, but I had another Chad dream, but this time I woke up in good mood. I remember something that he told me. It was like he was coming back to me giving me this, pushing me. Damn him always pushing me to be bad.” I turn towards her and stop dead in my tracks.

“Like I was saying. Someone is here to see you.” I smile as Brandon’s leaning against the door jamb with a monster in his hands. He is smiling at me and I just want it to be all okay.

“I will give you guys a minute.” She walks towards her room shutting the door.

“So about this dream. What was it about?” I feel bad. It’s about his brother.

“Just something he asked me. Then took my fear right out of me. He pushed me to be something other than afraid.” I can’t help but to smile.

“He made you jump off that cliff didn’t he?” I look up and he is laughing, like a really hard laugh.

“That asshole. He stole that from me. I made him face fear head on by jumping off that cliff and he took you there. You were the one he was going on and on about that night.” It warms me knowing that he did truly want the more then I had hoped for.

“I guess so. Wow it has been three years since that has happened. How do you do it?” He walks towards me and I look up to him. He wraps his arms around me and I do the same.

“Good morning sweetheart.” I laugh. I wish I didn’t have class.

“Oh why aren’t you on your way to class?” I just now thought of the time.

“I don’t have any classes today. Tuesday and Friday’s are my off days during the week. So I’m yours all day.” I hate classes on Tuesday.

“Well I’m not going then. I want to stay here with you all day and just be us.” I think he’s going to tell me no.

“As a teacher I say no, but as the man that wants you to himself, I say do it.” I laugh as he kisses me so deeply like he hasn’t had me in forever.

“Lannie, I want this between us official. I know it won’t be easy, but hell what is? I have loved you since you fell on your ass. Please just try that is all I’m asking.” I smile, wish he knew that I have been trying.

              “Of course silly.” He grabs me carrying me to my room where he showed me just how much he has truly wanted me. This right here was worth all the TROUBLE it caused my heart. He was it and I knew it.







              I’m not sure how I am able to stand here and be calm. This can’t be good. She was supposed to be here over an hour ago. Now no one can find her or has heard from her. Gage went searching as well as Ashley. The guest are starting to get talkative making me think stupid thoughts. This isn’t like the first time. The first time I didn’t feel nothing, not the cold feet, not scared, until she walked down. I see Gage running up the aisle smiling and I know that she has been located. He shakes my hand and steps to the side. Then I hear the music start. It’s Jason Mraz Best Friend. Damn this man and her liking his music. There is Ashley in flowing knee length white dress. I shake my head at the color choices she picked out. I wait before glancing at who stands next to her because I know that once I do that will be it for me. I inhale deeply secretly thanking my brother above for giving me this gift. I glance up and our eyes lock just like they did five years ago. She is stunning. She’s  wearing a baby blue wedding dress that flows to her knees and then stops except for the back that continues to fall all the way to her ankles and there she is  wearing the sliver glitter pumps just like that day. They stop and the pastor speaks.

              “Who gives this bride away?” She doesn’t know it yet, but her wedding surprise is about to happen.

              “I do.” A man says from behind her. I look up and nod, she slowly turns her head before bursting with tears. Mark enlisted in the army two years ago and she has not seen him since then. But I was able to pull a few strings and get him here for three days.

              “Mark.” Was all she was able to say? He grabs his sister which was weird she was the older one. He was taller than me even. They turn back to me as she steps up and takes my hand and Mark stands behind me waiting for the end.

              An hour later the pastor turn us to the audience and says “I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Jones.” The crowd cheers as we make our way towards the lobby doors.

              “I love you Mr. Jones.” Lannie voice was so seductive that I was instantly hard. I loved this woman since she fell into my damn life. Not a day went by that I didn’t want to make her mine. If you were to ask me the TROUBLE that we caused and made along the way was worth this moment in the end. She graduated and with the help of her best guy friend Jake. She has opened her own recording label. She made me wait two years before we could marry. She wanted to make sure that we did it right and it didn’t end up like the last one. To be honest I knew it wasn’t going to because she was the one who was walking towards me starting her life. As for Ashley and Gage the ones that tried so hard to push us. They are actually married a year after I moved into their apartment. They moved out and he is now VP of Houston Company. They are welcoming there first baby girl in four months and I couldn’t be happier. I never wanted kids because I was afraid of having to go through what I went through with Chad. So Lannie and I were just right. Mark was different. He was the key to her and I feel in love with him like it was Chad all over again

              “Oh Lannie, I can’t believe that you are married.” Ashley’s crying and hugging Lannie.

              “I know Ashley. At least it’s with the right guy.” She winks at me and laughs.

              “So La, what do you want to do?” She looks behind her staring at me and glancing at Gage.

              “How about we do what we do best. Cause some TROUBLE.” We all walk off laughing.



Books by P.L. Jenkins

Meant To Be

Making Things Right Book 1


Coming Soon

Making Decisions Book 2

Fate Ryan’s POV

A Music Novel

Luke’s Story Book 3



About P.L. Jenkins

P.L. Jenkins lives in the southern state of Texas with her husband and two wonderful boys. When she isn’t working her “BIG GIRL” job she is either writing, reading, or playing video games with her family. She has always had a passion for writing more of a creative writing and venting on paper. Wasn’t until last year she decided to take her creativeness and turn it into stories for her readers. Her love of music helps her along the way. It is just like a best friend for her and she has to listen to it on daily bases weather it is doing house duties or just sitting in bed bored. She is an outgoing person. She often laughing it up with her bestie’s on Facebook. If you wish to follow her or contact her she can be reached either via email, Facebook, or her website.




Please note any other Facebook fan pages made about P.L. Jenkins or her fictional characters and/or books, are not administrated by P.L. Jenkins herself.

[email protected]
























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