Triple Threat (6 page)

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Authors: Bella Jeanisse

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Action & Adventure, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Triple Threat
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He lay down and put an arm around me. “Baby, you have no idea how good that makes me feel. I love you.”

I wish I loved you that way
, I thought to myself. My eyes started to close. I felt Chad moving me. Then there was a blanket over me.

“I’ll never forget this night, baby,” he said just before I felt his entire naked body press against mine.


I woke up on my side, still feeling incredible. Chad was holding me and my head was leaning on his chest. I touched his bare hip as I looked up at him. “Hey there, handsome,” I said sleepily.

“Good morning, baby,” he quietly replied. “Do you feel as good as I do?”

I sighed. “Better.” Then I ran a hand up his side. His skin was so soft for a guy. I loved that about him.

“I never thought it would feel that good, baby. I didn’t know love made so much of a difference.” He ran his hand down my arm. “Can we do it again, now?”

“We shouldn’t.” I closed my eyes worried I was hurting his feelings. I did want him again. I felt an unbelievable need for him. “You’re not my boyfriend. We can’t just pretend we’re together like that.” I could not lead him to believe we were a couple. That wasn’t fair to him.

“I swear I’m not assuming we are,” he promised. “We can stay just friends and mess around. Didn’t I make you feel good last night?”

I sighed. “Yes.”

“So, we could just do that, and nothing more,” he explained. “You don’t have a boyfriend, right?”

“No.” His morning erection against my skin was really turning me on.

He must have sensed my angst because he asked, “Baby, are you sorry we went so far last night?”

I looked up at him. “No, Chad. I’m just afraid it’s gonna change things. I can’t lose you.”

“You won’t, baby girl. I promise. This is no strings attached, OK? You know, friends with benefits,” he laughed. “I always thought that was a joke.”

I touched his chest. “Are you sure you can deal with that?”

“I’ll deal with anything that makes you happy. Last night, when you came at the end, I could feel how good it was for you. If I could sense that in you again, it would be better than you loving me back.” He caressed my cheek. “I promise, I won’t read anything else into it. We’re still friends, just satisfied ones.” He held me closer. “Now, can we do it again?”

I smiled, full of desire for him. I didn’t answer, just reached up and kissed his lips, as I moved a hand down to stroke his hard cock.

“Baby, I like how you do that,” he moaned as I gripped him tightly. I swept my hand up and down his shaft.

His kisses got hungrier with each passing second. He whirled his tongue around mine between passion-filled kisses. I closed my eyes, enjoying his mouth. His hands glided all over my body, enhancing my need for him.

Then he pulled away from me. I watched him walk to his dresser and take out a condom. When he got back on the bed, I expected him to start immediately. He put the condom down.

“Close your eyes, baby,” he told me as he pulled the blanket off me.

I did as he said and relaxed as much as possible. I trusted him. Soon I felt him moving my legs apart. Then suddenly Chad’s tongue swept up my inner thigh. I let out a soft moan as he repeated the trip up the other side. I loved when he did that.

The bed moved a little. Suddenly, his mouth was on my pussy. No one had ever done that to me before, and it felt so good. At first he kissed me all over, including up and down my inner thighs. Once in a while, he ran his tongue from my opening all the way up. That made me move my hips it was so arousing.

But then his tongue moved around as if he was French-kissing me there. It darted into my pussy a few times. From there, he alternated kissing, licking, sucking and penetrating. He was amazing at it, and I let him know with the sounds I couldn’t help making.

After a while, he started to use the tip of his tongue against my clit. I liked that even more. I was moaning loudly by then. He used brief strokes all around and that enhanced the whole thing.

He opened his mouth and took my labia into it. He started gently sucking on me, which I liked as well. Then he moved his tongue slowly and avoided my clit completely. I wanted so badly to scream, “Fuck me now!” but I couldn’t speak at all.

When my volume rose, and I was constantly letting out sounds of pleasure, he started to massage my clit again with his tongue. It took only a minute for me to feel it coming.

“Oh, Chad!” I lifted my hips a bit.

While I still trembled within, Chad looked up at me. “Did you like that?”

I tried to reply, but nothing came out of my mouth. Chad smiled. Then I reached out to him. He let me pull him down onto me and the kissing began again. I put my hands in his hair. I played with it as he ran his hands up and down as much of my body as he could.

As soon as my voice returned, I whispered. “Please Chad, give it to me.”

He shifted his position. I felt the tip of his erection almost penetrate me. “Is this what you want?” He moved it up then over my clit, and I moaned.

It was almost like torture. I was longing for him. “Put it in, please!” I shouted, getting desperate.

“I love it when you beg.”

He gave me a few shallow thrusts but then pulled away from me. He put on the condom on slowly and smirked at me. I felt like I was about to fall apart.

“I wanna turn you over, but it might hurt again,” he whispered.

I plead, “I don’t care how you do it! Just fuck me!” I had never said that to anyone, but I couldn’t help myself.

“Roll over, baby,” he softly told me.

I got on my belly. Soon he pulled my legs off the bed. His bed was pretty high up, so I couldn’t touch the floor. I got a bit nervous, but trusted Chad with my life.

“Let me know if I have to stop.”

He caressed my bottom for a minute, and then I felt his cock pierce my pussy. He went in slow. Every second was so amazing. He filled me up completely, but then he hit into my cervix and I tensed. Wow, he was long.

“Baby, did I hurt you?”

I closed my eyes. I was a little scared. “Don’t go in any more.”

“I won’t,” he replied. “I can feel it. That’s why I’m going slow. Just relax. You’ll like this.”

I relaxed a bit. Then he withdrew and thrust into me again. I tensed, just before I thought he would hurt me.

“I promise I’m not gonna just ram it all the way in.” He ran his hand up and down my back. “Relax, baby, please.”

I took a deep breath then let my whole body loosen up. He started thrusting, gradually picking up his pace and brushing my cervix lightly each time. It was worth the fear from earlier. He was stroking different places inside and out and creating incredible sensations within me. I gasped with each stroke and heard soft moans from him as well.

“Oh, damn, baby!” Chad cried out.

He grabbed my hips and went faster. I clutched the sheet on the bed into bunches. I could feel him gliding in and out so distinctly. The noise coming from him made me feel good as well. I was so glad he wanted something different. I just knew he and I were going to have a lot of experiences like this.

I tried to move my hips with his, but I had no leverage at my feet. Then it dawned on me that I could use my arms. I grabbed the sheet tighter and started pushing back on Chad as best as I could. It felt amazing.

“Yeah, baby,” he said.

I started going faster. So did he. Then harder, and he matched my strokes. We were gasping and moaning together. I got closer and closer, the pleasure building.

“Scream, baby!”

Then my insides exploded with rapture. I screamed as loud as I could, while spasms rippled throughout my body. I pulled at the sheet so hard; it came off one corner of the mattress.

Then Chad started driving into me even faster. He moved so quickly, there was no way I could keep up. He clutched my body harder and kept at it until I screamed again, writhing beneath him.

Just as I did, he stopped and carefully pushed in more. I was trembling around him and crying out his name. Then I felt his whole shaft pulsing as his release rushed out. I couldn’t believe how incredible feeling him cum was, but, it was even better doing it together.

I was filled with emotions I never had before. It was different than the night before. I could feel his love inside me so strongly. I needed to be close to him. I wanted him to hold me, but that couldn’t happen because of the position we were in.

All of a sudden, Chad pulled out and helped me back onto the bed. He hugged me and kissed my lips when I turned onto my back. “That never happened to me before. I love you. God, I can still feel it.”

I put my arms around him too and pressed my cheek to his chest. “Chad…” I hesitated. “I never did any of those things before. I really liked it.”

“Wow.” He hugged me tighter. “I love when you tell me I was the first, no matter what it is.”


It was a balmy Friday evening in mid-August. We were in Chad’s garage. He had written a new song called, “You’re Mine” and was playing it for us. I read the words and was not surprised to see it was about us. It made me wonder if Chad was going to be able to handle it if our affair ever ended.

Chad insisted he couldn’t sing, so Rosario listened to him play it a few times then gradually added the words where he thought they should go. Giovanni and I stood aside for a while, watching them. It was how we usually did things.

I had the urge to pick up Giovanni’s hand, but I wouldn’t dare. He still hadn’t shown any interest in me romantically, so I buried my feelings for him. Thankfully, I no longer had the problem of freezing up or forgetting how to talk around him. We had become good friends and I was thankful for it.

When Chad and Rosario were satisfied with how the song sounded, I bent down to pick up my bass. Suddenly, Giovanni lifted the back of my shirt. “When did you get this?”

He was talking about the new tattoo I had gotten on my lower back. The Celtic knot pattern was in Chad’s favorite color. I had kept it covered until it was healed.

“Two weeks ago. Chad thought it would look good.”

Giovanni pulled my skirt down a bit to see it better. “It’s real sexy, you know.”

“Let me see,” Rosario chimed in. He lifted my shirt and pulled my skirt down also, but way too far.

“Hey!” I shouted.

Rosario snickered. “Cute ass, Crystal, and nice tattoo. I’d like to bend you over and…”

“Get the fuck off of her!” Giovanni shouted and shoved his older brother. “She ain’t one of your groupies, so hands off!”

I looked at Rosario who was smiling. “Man, you really got the hots for…”

“Just shut up!” Giovanni yelled. Then he came to me. “You OK?”

I smiled up at him. He had defended me. I couldn’t believe it. “Yeah. You really like it?”

“Of course I do. Whoever you’re dating must love it.”

I couldn’t tell him how much Chad enjoyed screwing me from behind as he watched it. So, I laughed. “I haven’t dated anyone in a while. I have no time lately to meet nice guys. This band is more important to me.”

It was true. I hadn’t met one guy that was as good as Chad or Giovanni in a long time. That may be silly to say, but for some reason I compared guys to them all the time. I looked at him, and he was smiling.

“Me neither,” he admitted. “I spend my time here, at work or with you, going to clubs. We should try a few more tonight. What do you think?”

He and I did all the promotion for the band, because Chad and Rosario’s jobs took up a lot of their time. And the band needed some serious help getting gigs. We only had maybe one a week. We kept being told we should do other types of rock also, but Rosario just couldn’t accomplish it. So, Giovanni and I went from place to place almost begging for a chance.

“Yeah, the more we hit the better,” I replied. “Maybe I should dress like I do for a show so they can see what they’re getting.”

“Chad, you have any aspirin?” Mark shouted from the open door to the house.

I looked at him. “I’ll get it.” I turned to Giovanni and whispered, “Don’t miss me too much.”

“I’ll try.” He winked at me.

When I walked into the house, Mark was in the refrigerator. “You got a headache, Mark?” I asked.

Chad had everyone make themselves at home when we hung out or practiced at his house. No one had any qualms about getting things for themselves or even crashing there if they needed to. It made us very close-knit, like a family.

“Phil has a hangover, but what else is new?” Mark informed me without turning around.

I went right to Chad’s bedroom. I didn’t see Phil anywhere. When I opened the bathroom door, Phil was standing over the toilet, urinating. “I’m so sorry,” I said as I quickly turned my head.

“I don’t mind, but I kinda wish you caught me at my best.” After a minute, he added, “Is this better?”

I looked at him, confused at first. He had his cock in his hand and it was hard as could be. It was impressive, almost as big as Chad’s. I said, “Damn.”

“That’s what I was hoping for. You like it?”

“Are you still drunk?”

“Kinda. Why, you horny? I never see you with a guy. You gotta be dying for a good fuck.” He came close and leaned against me. “We all dream of fucking you.”

“No, Phil.” I could smell whiskey on his breath. He drank too much on weekends. I gently pushed him back a bit and got the aspirin out of the cabinet under the sink.

“Put your fucking dick away,” I heard Mark say as he laughed. “You should know better. She says no to every guy.”

All of them except for Giovanni had asked at least once for me to sleep with them. Of course, Chad was the only one I had been with.

When we were done for the night, Giovanni squeezed my shoulder and said, “Gimme a minute.” He ran across the street to his apartment.

“Baby, when I suggested you guys go out to clubs, I didn’t mean forever.”

I turned to Chad. “So, you’re saying we have enough gigs now?”

“No. Can I go with you guys?”

I knew he was hurt that I enjoyed my time with Giovanni so much. “Chad, I spend a lot more time with you. Why does this bother you so much?”

“Because we…”

I cut him off. “Are still just friends, right?”

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