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Authors: Julia Derek

Trigger (24 page)

BOOK: Trigger
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I turned to watch him sleep, utterly relaxed on his back. I was glad I had stayed instead of leaving like I’d first thought would’ve been best considering how weird he’d been acting. He probably wanted me gone when he woke up after falling asleep only fifteen minutes into
Sleepless in Seattle
. But then I’d not known how I’d get home, being all the way in the Hollywood Hills and having no car. A cab was much too expensive and it would be unfair to try to get one of my friends to come get me at two in the morning. So I’d stayed. If Dylan hadn’t wanted me to come to his place, he should have let me know earlier, not drive me all the way here and give me no way out.

I dared him to wake up with my gaze, but he seemed too deep asleep for my telepathic attempts to have any affect. I soon gave up and decided to check my phone to see if Ricki had responded to my text. Crawling out of bed, I found my bag that I’d dropped by a chair and fished out my phone. It was almost ten, later than I’d thought. And there was a text waiting for me, having arrived twenty minutes earlier. Eagerly, I clicked on the button that opened it up:

Not sure. Don’t think I told him anything he didn’t know already. We spoke a bit about the bullying but he knew about that already. I think. Was pretty drunk. What happened? You okay?

I texted back:
Yeah, I’m fine. He was just acting so weird yesterday. But maybe it was nothing. Am at his house and he’s still asleep. Keep you posted about what happens.

Please DO.

Feeling like someone was looking at me
I put my smartphone in my bag and turned around. Dylan had woken and was lying sideways, resting his head on his propped-up hand. There was a groggy look on his face and his honey-blond hair was pointing in all directions, making him look a little crazy. He gave me a pleased grin.

“I love waking up and the first thing I see is your beautiful behind.”

I realized I was only wearing my G-string at the moment. I could only imagine the view he had while I was bent over texting Ricki. The notion of being on such display for him sent a shot of heat up between my legs. I was an exhibitionist after all. The way he was looking at me told me he couldn’t wait to get his hands on me, only serving to intensify the tingling warmth between my legs. I smiled back at him. Things were back to normal, just like they should be.

He extended a hand in my direction. “Come here, you sexy little thing…”

I sauntered over to him, his words making me feel sexy, in charge. When I reached him, his face only inches away from my stomach, he slipped an arm around my butt and pulled me close. He covered the skin immediately above and around my panties with feather-light kisses and squeezed my buttocks. The heat between my legs grew and I put a hand on his head, stroking his hair. His mouth moved over to my panties and his kisses got more demanding the closer to my clit he got. His hands forced me to spread my legs wider, then one of them came to the front of me. His fingers slipped under the sheer material of my panties and two of them slowly disappeared inside my now considerable wetness. As he began thrusting his fingers deep into me, his tongue worked my clit over my panties. I moaned, grabbing his hair with my hands and pressed his mouth closer to my center. He moved my panties aside with his other hand and eagerly filled his mouth with as much as he could of me.

As he came up for a bit of air, he mumbled, “Your pussy tastes so good. I could stay down here forever. Please sit on my face.”

Doing as he wanted, I straddled his face, moving back and forth over his eager mouth. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to release, but I wanted to feel him inside me before that happened. I pulled myself away from his firm hands and slid down his strong body, knowing already that his cock would be hard as a rock, just the way I wanted. Finding it, I guided it inside me and slowly sank down over it, letting it fill me up while enjoying watching him squirm with pleasure underneath me. As I rode him, his hands found my breasts that he squeezed hard. The orgasm I had avoided so narrowly surged through me then, making every part of my body feel electric. I arched my back, feeling my release intensify as Dylan pinched my already hard nipples so hard it almost hurt. As the delicious waves began to fade, I slowed my speed above him, riding slower and slower.

Suddenly, he grabbed me and flipped me around so I ended up on my back. He forced my legs apart and steered his still very much erect cock between my folds. He met my eyes, his dark with desire. “Touch yourself while I fuck you.”

I did as he wanted and, amazingly, as he kept drilling me deeply, I felt myself nearing another, even stronger release. Between my half closed eyes, I saw him watch me intently, sometimes me touching myself, but mostly my face as I was gasping beneath him.

“God, you’re so sexy,” he murmured. “So fucking beautiful. Now come for me again. I know you can.”

It didn’t take many seconds for that second orgasm to begin to roll over me, starting from my toes, then racing up my legs all the way up to the crown of my head. I felt as though I had been lowered into a bath of stirring ecstasy, every part of me trembling as I reached the finish line. As I saw Dylan’s face contort with pleasure as he himself was nearing release, I closed my eyes, not daring to look at his face.


Watching Nina close her eyes took the edge of the pleasure that escalated within me, thwarting my approaching orgasm. My thrusting into her slowed as I fought the hurt her cutting herself off from me caused yet again. It needed to stop once and for all; ignoring it was not the right method. I leaned closer to her, so close our faces were only inches apart.

“Nina,” I whispered. She opened her eyes halfway, cautiously. Enough for me to see the fear in them.

“Yes,” she murmured.

“Don’t close your eyes. I want you to look at me when I come. I want you to see me.”

“No… I can’t.” She turned her face away. I cupped her chin and turned her gaze to mine. She had closed her eyes again.

“Nina. Look at me. It’ll be okay. I promise. You just have to stay with the discomfort. It’ll never go away if you keep avoiding it.”

To my surprise, she opened her eyes halfway again. Her responding so quickly to my request turned me on so much my cock hardened. I began to thrust deeper into her again, all the while looking deeply into her eyes. She squirmed with pleasure underneath me.

“Oh, so you like that, huh?” I murmured.

“Yes…” she gasped and I could see the passion reigniting in her. I increased my pace and she moaned.

“Want me to keep fucking you like that, Nina?”


“I will if you keep looking at me. Watch me come hard inside you. Watch how much I love coming in you. Will you do that for me?” I punctuated each sentence with a deep, hard plunge into her.

Instead of answering, she let out a loud whimper. The way she was contracting, I could tell she was nearing another orgasm.

I picked up my pace, close to coming myself.

“Look at me, Nina. Look at me or I’ll stop fucking you.”

She sucked in a breath, holding my gaze. Tears began streaming down her cheeks.

“Yes, that’s right, Nina. Let it out. You’ll feel so good once it’s gone. Let it go.”

I pulled her legs apart wider and thrust into her violently, the release gathering inside me, Nina herself coming suddenly in a series of loud moans. As I felt myself about to explode, I kept staring into her terrified eyes, watched her face her fears.

“It’ll be okay, Nina. Let it go. No one’s gonna hurt you. I love you. You’re safe with me. I love you.”

Then I came hard, all the while holding her gaze. As the last waves of ecstasy rolled off me, I collapsed on top of Nina. I could feel her shivering underneath me, her cheeks wet from hot tears against my neck. I hugged her close and let her cry for several minutes while I kept reassuring her that I loved her, that it would all be okay. She had nothing to fear. She was safe with me.

Nina was lying cradled in my arms long after she had stopped crying, neither of us saying a word, just listening to the bird twittering outside. She played with the hair on my chest.

“Did you mean that?” she said.

“What? That I love you?”


I thought about her question. Then I rolled her so she ended on top of me, facing me.

“Yes,” I said and kissed her gently. “I do love you. I really do. You’re the most amazing girl I’ve ever met.”

Her eyes lit up and a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. “Really?”

“Yes, really.”

“Well, that’s cool.”

I raised a brow. “That’s cool?”

“Yeah. I mean, you know, since I love you, too.”

I laughed. “Oh, okay. Got it. I guess it
cool then.”


“He wants you to come to dinner at his mother’s place?” Ricki almost screamed into my ear over the phone. “Oh, my God! You
know what that means, right?” “No, I don’t, please do fill me in. But don’t scream while doing it. I’m not a ninety-year-old lady with hearing issues, you know.”

“Sorry. I’m just
excited for you. You so deserve it.”

“Deserve what?”

“That this guy clearly has serious intentions with you, silly. Why else would he want you to meet his mother?”

“Yeah, I guess that’s true.” I felt a smile spread over my lips. “He does seem like he wants to be pretty serious with me, I have to admit.” I had spent the last several days in a pink-colored state of bliss. Dylan and I had been seeing each other on a daily basis since Nixon’s birthday party. I had decided I was an idiot for having thought relationships were only a nuisance, a waste of time for smart people since they were bound to fall apart sooner or later anyway. Now, what I had with Dylan couldn’t be better. The two of us went for romantic dinners, watched movies curled up on the couch, baked cookies together—a secret hobby of Dylan’s—even went running along the beach. If we couldn’t get together one evening, we made sure we’d at least sleep together, so either I spent the night at Dylan’s house, or he at mine. In between all activities we had sex, lots of sex, which only kept getting better. I had never been multi-orgasmic, but with Dylan I experienced them most times we made love. Long story short, I felt like I had died and entered heaven. Last night had been especially amazing, and as I relived it in my head, I smiled wider.

“….hellooo.” Ricki said in my ear. “Are you listening to me? I feel like I’m giving a monologue.”

“Sorry. Zoned out a little. What were you saying?”

“Wow, you’re really in deep with this guy, aren’t you? I was talking about how great it was that you’re meeting his mother and then I asked how come you’re only meeting her. Are his parents divorced?”

“No, his dad passed away from prostate cancer several years ago. And so far, his mom remains single.”

“Oh, that’s so
. Give him my condolences.”

“It’s a little late for that, don’t you think?” I said and squeezed the phone between my head and shoulder so I could paint my toenails. “It didn’t exactly happen yesterday. Besides, I think he’s okay with it by now. Well, as okay as you can ever be with one of your parents dying…”

“Yeah, that’s true.” She sighed. “It’s too bad. Losing your dad like that must be rough.”

“I agree.”

“Where does his mother live?”

“In Beverly Hills. In the same house that he grew up in.”

“Figured it would be in an area like that. He comes from money, right? Not that it’s anything
with that.” I could hear the content smile in Ricki’s voice.

“Right. It isn’t.” I smiled again myself. Only a few months ago, I would have felt differently. That coming from money must mean you’re a jerk by default, like most of the students at Harvard Westlake.

“Are you nervous?” Ricki said. “What are you gonna wear?”

“I’ll wear something proper. Like a nice top and a skirt.”

“Don’t dress too nicey-nice. You want them to see the real you, not some fake chick.”

I giggled. “Do you really think I’d be able to hide my true persona with clothes?”

“Yeah, maybe not. Now that I think about it, that
be kinda hard… Do you want me to come over and do your hair before you go?”

“You mean you want me to make you some more
. I wish I could make them for you, but I’m going to visit my mom during the day. It’s been a while since I went home, so I’m due. Alex’s being difficult again. Besides, I really don’t think Dylan’s mom cares if I have corkscrews in my hair or not.”

“I’m that obvious, huh?” Ricki let out an affected sigh. “What can I say? You’ve got me addicted to those damn things!”

“No worries. I’m happy to make them for you some other time.”

We made plans to meet up at a coffee shop in Santa Monica later to do some shopping before disconnecting.


I was spending Sunday with my mother, helping her prepare for the dinner we would have with Nina later. My sister would be there, joining us as soon as she was done at the baby shower she was attending, as well as Victor, sans his family. My uncle was excited to finally get to meet Nina and didn’t feel like having a bunch of kids around to distract him while he got to know her.

Because Rosa, the maid, had the day off, my mom and I were unloading the groceries we’d bought so she could cook her special fish entrée later. When I had removed the last item from my brown paper bag, I began folding it while finishing up our conversation regarding what Nina was all about. I wanted to make sure I had touched on any subject my mom might want to avoid or thread carefully around to ensure the dinner went without a hitch. Not that she was particularly nosy, but I wasn’t going to take any chances. God only knew Nina and I had experienced enough hitches so far.

“She comes from a
messed up situation,” I said. “Her dad left her mother when Nina was only five. Then her mother got another husband, who dumped her a couple years later only to marry a
loser. It was with that third guy that her mother had the half brother, Alex. Unfortunately, that third guy took off too, leaving her to raise both kids on her own and with hardly any money.”

BOOK: Trigger
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