Trial Run: Addicted To Love Romance Collection (21 page)

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Six months had passed since that beautiful day, the day Rob had put that exquisite ring on her finger in front of all his friends and Jason, her only family. Six whole months of sheer happiness.

Amelie stoked the fire and settled back against the mountain of soft cushions she currently needed in order to be comfortable. All around her, she could see the things she and Rob had built together, and it made her heart glow at the beauty and warmth of it all.

The cabin they were living in was large enough to house the reception and offices downstairs, which made life easy, as all she had to travel to get to work was the length of the staircase. It would also come in handy when the babies came along.

She chuckled and rubbed her enormous stomach as she reminisced about the day Rob drove her to her first appointment.


Blushing, Amelie lay back on the doctor’s cot. Looking proud and confident, Rob took her hand in his and smiled, a gesture meant to relax her. For the first time ever, it didn’t work.

Amelie looked away from his face and did her best to calm herself for the sake of the baby.

The doctor moved the probe over her jellied stomach, pressing here and there a little too hard for her liking. He turned the monitor her way and re-adjusted the probe. Leaning closer to the screen, he made another thorough pass over her stomach, and then went back once more.

“Is there something wrong?” she asked in a small voice. “I can hear the heart, I think.”

“Yes,” the doctor agreed. “I can hear them, too.” Then he squinted at something on the screen, and his hand pressed the probe into her stomach again.

“Them?” Rob asked suddenly, startling her. He’d been silent until then. She took in his wide eyes and the penny dropped in her brain, too.

“Twins? Are you saying I’m having twins?” she almost screamed.

“We…” corrected Rob.

“Nah…” said the doctor. “See? Look here.” He pointed at three spots on the screen. They looked like any gray shadow to Amelie. Undistinguishable. “Not twins,” continued the doctor. “Triplets.”


Rob had driven them back home very slowly, his arms and feet going through the motions mechanically. His gaze had certainly mirrored that of a zombie. It took several hours of laying down and hugging tight before he said, “Triplets, huh? Guess I’d better build an extension.”

Amelie chuckled at the memory, then leaned over and grabbed her wooden heart off the side table, together with its cradle. He had worked on it for several days, until it became a perfect shell for her heart. Now nestled against the smooth back, while two arm-like pieces of wood wrapped around the front of it, the heart displayed its elegant shape to perfection.

The front door slammed shut and Rob rushed over. His cheeks were red from the cold and snowflakes sparkled in his hair. With a kiss to her lips, he asked, “And how is my beautiful wife today?”

“Bored and ready,” she answered, her hand lingering on his stomach.

“Oh, I see! Again?” he asked, his eyes round with mock dismay.

“Can’t help that I’m so horny all the time, can I? It’s your fault.”

“I thought it might be,” he agreed, while placing kisses on her face and neck, one hand in her hair, the other loosening her robe.

Amelie sighed. “You put those babies in there… Ahh, yes, like that…” Rob’s fingers had just reached the right spot, and she arched her hips to meet his touch. “Harder… ahh… Ow!” She pulled back suddenly. An iron hand was squeezing her lower back and stomach. What was that? Amelie searched Rob’s eyes, anxiety prickling at the base of her skull.

Rob pulled back too, worried. “Ow? I was barely touching…”

Another band of pain snaked around Amelie. “Jesus,” she panted, feeling beads of sweat dew up on her brow.

“It’s time?” Rob asked, his voice a little unsteady.

“I think so…”

He whisked her up in his arms, grabbed an Afghan off the back of the chair and pretty much ran out of the door with Amelie in his arms. They were in the car and driving down the mountainside in less than two minutes. Rob was on the phone, instructing Jason to keep an eye on things, and better make sure everything was in order when they returned or he’d coach his nephews or nieces in the art of infuriating their uncle, and Amelie was trying not to giggle as she squeezed the seat cushion tight, waiting for the next contraction. It was shaping up to be an interesting Christmas.

The interviews for the Mountain Guide crews were held in late January, and Rob had insisted on being present. Amelie agreed – it was his area of expertise, after all – but that did raise a little problem. Because Forrest, Karrin and Niko would not settle for a quiet nap in any other way than laid flat on their daddy’s chest.

Rob, however, didn’t see a problem with that, so he piled up some cushions against the warm side of the fireplace, leaned back on them, then accepted his three slug-like charges and surrounded them safely with his powerful arms. The three little heads lined up under his chin, a perfect fit between his broad shoulders.

If any of the applicants thought it weird to be interviewed by a man stripped to the waist and cuddling three tiny babies, they didn’t say a thing. Amelie supposed that the message Rob was sending was clear: if you don’t think you can cope with a group of grown tourists, try doing this.

By the time they had finished, Amelie knew they were going to have a strong team. She also knew she’d had enough work for the day. She locked the front door, and went back to the fireplace. Rob was just placing a soft kiss onto Niko’s forehead as she made her decision.

She threw more cushions onto the floor, then sat by Rob’s side, looking at him.

“Oh-oh!” he said quietly, so as not to disturb the babies. “That look in your eyes usually means trouble.”

“You’d better believe it, clever boy!” And with a sweep of her hand, she undid his buckle and pulled his belt off.

Rob swallowed. “Wait. I can’t… The babies…”

“Just make sure you don’t wake them,” she warned, then undid his zipper and tugged his jeans a little lower.

Exposing his manhood, Amelie smiled. “Do you remember when I told you what people do in rainy weather?” She grabbed him tightly and squeezed, then stroked him twice up and down.

“Yes,” Rob whispered, breathless, his eyes unfocused.

“Well, guess what, loverboy… it’s blowing a blizzard outside.”

“Jesus!” was the only whisper that made it past Rob’s lips during the next hour.


~~~ THE END ~~~


Note from the author and bonus material


I fell in love with Rob and Amelie while writing this novel, and before I knew it, I was steering the story toward a second fully fledged book. It was so easy to keep having fun with them; I feel like I know them intimately. We have no secrets – Rob and Amelie and I.

Now, I didn’t intend to write a sequel, though I might write one at a later date, just because I love them so much. But I needed to take a cold shower and stop writing and writing and writing, more and more detailed scenes about how Rob and Amelie made up for lost time.

Of the almost twenty thousand words I had to cut, I saved a few cute scenes for you, my readers, to enjoy. This is exclusive material, not published anywhere else.


1) Rob Tyson shows up for a job interview as the owner of a trekking company, K9 Trekking. This is when Amelie also finds out he is her mysterious investor.




Monday morning started with a bang. Amelie didn’t even get to open up her laptop before the problems began.

One of the contractors couldn’t proceed with the construction because the timber they had expected to be delivered over the weekend hadn’t arrived. Belinda ran off to sort it out, but in the meantime the team took an ad-hoc decision to take a day off work and spend it hiking instead.

Then Pete, the chef, discovered a fault with the gas supply. Belinda called for a technician, but until he arrived, they were advised to evacuate the building.

Great! The investor was expected at ten. Amelie could almost feel her blood pressure rise. What was she going to do? Sit and chat to him in her car?

Amelie unlocked her vehicle and plopped down on the back seat, so she could have more space. She gestured for Belinda to join her, but the woman was rushing down the track, cell phone stuck to her ear.

There was nothing for it. All she could do was wait. Amelie leaned back, rolling her shoulders to relax them, and then allowed her hands to drift to her expanding stomach and stroke it gently. The visit to the doctors, Friday morning, had been uneventful, other than the fact that she had been advised to get a scan in Montpelier, at the Gifford. They had all the right equipment, and would be able to provide her with a due date, and a picture to take home.

Amelie had felt inexplicably impatient since then. She couldn’t wait to have a photo of her baby – her and Rob’s baby – however grainy it might be, to hold in her hands. It was probably an unhealthy thought, but she felt she needed the confirmation that her time with Rob hadn’t been just a dream, a simple fantasy, the product of her unrequited infatuation.

Belinda came back into view at that point, sitting in the passenger seat of a black Ford truck. It had a logo painted on the side, but Amelie couldn’t quite make out the writing. The gas man had arrived quickly! Belinda hopped down as soon as the driver parked the truck, and sprinted over to Amelie’s car. Amelie got out, to make communication easier.

“You wouldn’t believe it,” Belinda panted, “but the guy from K9 Trekking is here now.” She pointed at the truck. Amelie stared at the driver, who was leaning into the cab, his back to them.

“Can you tell him to come back tomorrow? It won’t be long until the investor is due to arrive.”

“I know. I did tell him. He says it won’t take long. He has to be somewhere else for the rest of the week. I thought I could keep our investor talking if he arrives before you get through with this guy.”

Amelie nodded. “Okay. I’ll interview him right here, I guess. What’s his name?”

“Rob Tyson,” she heard a male voice right behind her.

She spun on her feet, one hand flying to her mouth as if to smother a scream, uselessly. There could be no scream. Amelie had completely lost her voice. She doubted she could utter a simple squeak right then.

Rob handed Belinda a folder. “You will find all the documents you require in here. Thanks again for coming down the track to direct me to the right spot. Without your help, I may have ended up in New Hampshire.” He flashed her a devastating smile which made him look like the porn star he was, Amelie thought bitterly. He had the right airs and appearance, even down to the aviator sunglasses.

“Nonsense,” Belinda fluttered and blushed, accepting his folder. “You were on the right track.” Her phone rang and she excused herself.

Amelie scowled at her retreating figure. Traitor. Then she stared straight at him. Rob lifted his sunglasses to the top of his head, making her insides squirm and her groin heavy with a long-forgotten ache. She probably should check her chin for signs of drooling.

“I don’t have time for games. Why are you here?” she asked as soon as she regained her composure.

“I’m here to apply for the job you advertised.”

“I have no need of clowns or porn stars on my site.”

He flinched. “Ouch. That was low.” Amelie kept her lips pressed together. The man had some nerve to show up unannounced and expect a friendly welcome. “I am here for the position of Mountain Guide. You advertised – or I guess your PA did – and I applied, as I feel I am ideally qualified for the position. This is the way things go… usually.”

Amelie took a deep breath and leaned her back against the car. If he really was here for the job, that meant he wasn’t working on porn films, right? Was he really as qualified as he professed to be? Then again, she wasn’t sure she could concentrate on her work, day after day, trying to avoid Rob at every turn. Even when he looked as handsome as he did at the moment. Especially if he looked as yummy as that. Maybe she could pick a hole in his qualifications.

“I’m not sure what you think you can do, but my guess is that your skills won’t help you here.”

“Why don’t you tell me what you expect your Mountain Guides to do?”

Amelie floundered. She had only briefly touched on a job description with Belinda. The interviews weren’t scheduled until tomorrow, so she hadn’t expected to be grilled over this so soon. Recovering rapidly, she spoke, keeping her expression calm and stern.

“I intend to make the most of this site, so every type of activity one can partake in as a vacationer on a mountain such as this one, you would be expected to handle.”

“I have a certificate in Lifeline Skills – real, not imaginary!” he stressed, his eyes not releasing hers. “I spent a long time working with rescue teams in Washington State, both as a full team member and on a voluntary basis. Also horse-mounted searches. Recently, I qualified in swift-water rescue. It’s all in the folder I’ve given your PA.”

“Belinda. Her name is Belinda.”

“Belinda,” Rob repeated. “I have a strict training schedule, and am taking part in volunteer rescue and trekking expeditions in my time off. I can provide references, and I am able to start right away. I have no family, and I am quite comfortable living rough.” He gestured at the half-finished cabins around them.

Amelie’s eyebrows shot up. She could believe that one. And if anything, Rob had indeed proven that he was able to look after other people in unusual and hostile environments. He just wasn’t great at looking after himself.

“I’ll need a full medical before I can consider you application further,” she said, her gaze dropping to his booted feet and back up again.

“No problem. I can go down to White River right now, if necessary.”

“I thought you said you had somewhere to be.”

“I needed you to see me.”

“Still a liar, then. Not much has changed.”

“I deserve that, but I can explain if you’ll only give me a minute.”

“You’ve already had far more of my attention than you deserve.”


Rob stretched a hand toward her, but Amelie moved out of range, looking for an easy escape. Luckily, right then, Belinda rushed over to her, holding her cell phone a short distance away from her face – she obviously still had someone on the line.

“I’ve got the doctors on the phone,” she said. “They’ve had a cancellation this afternoon. They say if you go now, they can fit you in at their Twin River practice, so you won’t have to drive all the way into Montpelier.”

“Is this for a scan?” Rob asked from beside Amelie. Belinda nodded. “Then tell them she’ll be there.”

“Hey! Wait a minute!” Amelie began, but Belinda had already turned her back to them and was speaking rapidly into the phone.

“I’ll take you. I’m going there anyway. Apparently, I need a certificate for my employer.”

Amelie turned on him. “Potential employer. I haven’t said yes yet.”

“Your car or mine?”

“And I can’t go now. I’m about to have a very important meeting, if you must know.”

“Your health is more important than any meeting,” Rob countered, marching her gently yet deliberately toward his truck. He held the passenger door open for her.

Amelie got in before her brain caught up with her actions. Then she tried to open the door and get out, but Rob was leaning against it. Not wanting to create further entertainment for the workers still on site, she leaned back in her chair. Satisfied that she had decided to stay in, Rob walked around and got in.

“I really am expecting –”

“I promise you, if we meet this guy you are so keen to meet, I will turn the truck around and bring you right back.”

Amelie sighed, but reached for the seat belt and strapped herself in.

Rob drove carefully over the uneven ground, until the tires hit the main link road.

“How did you know it was a guy?”


“You said ‘the guy’ I am so keen to meet. How did you know it was a guy?”

Rob’s glance shifted sideways and then he stared straight ahead again. “Belinda told me.”

“You’re lying.”

He sighed, then checked his rear view mirror. “I know him.”

“Better,” Amelie conceded, “but that’s not all. What are you not telling me?” She checked the clock display. It was almost ten thirty.

“He’s late, isn’t he?” Rob asked.

“How do you know?”

“Aw, hell. You’re gonna find out sooner or later, so I may as well…” He looked at her for a long moment, then said, “I’m really surprised you haven’t worked it out yet. Though, of course, I’d hoped you wouldn’t.”

Amelie exhaled loudly, her staggered mind finally making connections she had unconsciously stopped herself from making. K9… Persistentmutt… Doggie… Oh, God, that couldn’t be. Rob was the investor? She’d taken Rob’s money to build her dream? And not even a loan! He had funded the entire project.

“I’ll pay you back every cent. With interest.”

“I don’t want the money back. It’s yours. I believe in this business. It has massive potential for success.”

“I don’t want your money.”

“You would have used yours if you could.”

“Yes, but you know full well I wasn’t going to keep begging Jason to release my inheritance. As soon as I turn twenty-five, it will revert to me anyway, and then I can give your investment back to you.”

“I said I didn’t want it back. I’m all right. I might get a job soon.” He smiled and winked at her.

Amelie was still too uncomfortable in his proximity to smile. She attacked instead. “So that’s what you want in return. A job. It feels like blackmail to me.”

“No. I have no intention to blackmail you into anything. I am qualified for the job, and if you stopped trying to push me away for a minute, you’d be able to see it objectively, too. Besides,” he eyed her baby bump, “I reckon I’d like to be around for a while.”

She looked down, too. It was his right as a father, to be part of his child’s life. But where did that leave her?

“Why didn’t you want to give me a chance?”

It was a while before she could answer. “I’d had enough of lies.”

“Amelie, I was in love with you. I am in –”

“Stop it! A man who is in love with a woman doesn’t plan to stab her in the back. Doesn’t play games with her life.”

“That was before I got to know you.”

“I don’t care. You had your chance, Rob Tyson. And you blew it.”

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