Authors: Taylor Lee
Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Mystery, #Suspense, #Idesire Publications, #Thriller
“Erin? Where are you, baby? Erin, dammit, where
Nate moved from one room to another calling her name. When it was obvious she wasn’t in the house, he circled around the back of the cabin, thinking she might have gone down to the lake. He often found her there, sitting by the water. She said the lake calmed her spirit. Nate understood. He’d spent many a quiet evening or night listening to the waves lapping against the shore. The reflection of the moonlight cutting across the dark waters soothed him as nothing else could. Except for Erin.
Shoving down his growing concern, he jogged from the lake to the garage. Chiding himself, he increased his pace. He should have looked there first. His heart sunk when he saw that her car was gone. He started to get in his car but hesitated. He couldn’t just chase around town looking for her. Hell, she might even be at work. Heading for the kitchen, he grabbed a long neck from the refrigerator and ripped off the cap. As he tipped the icy cold bottle to his lips, he saw a note on the counter. Addressed to him. He choked down the mouthful of beer and opened the note. The beer hovered dangerously in his throat as he read her message.
I can’t handle this. I thought I could. But I can’t. It’s too much. When the case is over, let’s talk. Erin.
It took Nate a full moment staring at her swirly handwriting to grasp that not only was she gone, but that she didn’t want to talk to him. Until the case was over? Weeks? Maybe months? He slammed the beer bottle on the counter. Crumbling the note and shoving it into his pocket, he strode to the door, his heart hammering in his chest. Was she crazy? Out of her fucking mind? Did she honestly think that he could be away from her for one night, much less the time it would take to solve this fucking case?
He jumped in his car and in a loud squealing circle backed up then shot forward gaining traction as he roared down the driveway. At the intersection to the highway, he forced himself to stop. Christ, where was he going? She could be anywhere. He called the Fire House dispatch who confirmed that Erin hadn’t been on the roster today. He thought about calling Mama D but they’d barely spoken since he’d ruined her dinner party. Besides, he knew that Erin would never want Mama D and Marcus to know about Laura. They despised Laura as much as Nate did. Anxiety and fury collided in his gut, making him glad he hadn’t had the beer. He raked his mind, forcing himself to think. God, she could be anywhere. Knowing how she hit the running trail whenever she was upset, he headed for the reservoir. Hell, there were only seven entrances to the damn trail, but he’d drive the whole twenty-mile trek if he had to. As he roared along the city streets peeling away from one barely green light to another, he had a flash of insight. Slowing enough to jerk out his phone, he punched in a number on his speed dial. After three rings, the call connected.
“Where is she, Connor?”
The heavy silence confirmed his instincts were on target.
He barely recognized his own voice. It would put the fear of God in any man—except his righteous cousin.
“Connor, so help me God, if you know where she is and you don’t tell me…”
After a long silence, Connor answered. His response was as measured, as threatening as Nate’s.
“Nate, let me tell
, so help
God, if you hurt this woman or have anything to do with that bitch Laura—”
“Connor, listen to me. You don’t know what you are saying.”
Connor interrupted. “All I know is that something happened, something with Laura and it upset Erin so much that she ran. Look, Nate, I don’t know what the hell is going on with you. I can’t figure you out. But in this case, Cuz, blood ain’t necessarily thicker than water. And if Laura is involved in any way, I’d side with Erin so fast—”
“Goddammit, Connor. Shut the fuck up! Do you think just once, you could give me some credit?”
In the silence that followed, Nate pulled over to the side of the road and took a deep breath. Shaking with emotion he spoke as calmly as he could.
“Yeah, Connor, something happened. But it was just more of Laura doing her dirty work.
She set me up. She came to my office uninvited. She knew Erin was coming and threw herself at me right as Erin walked in. Christ, Connor. Work with me on this.”
“Damn, Nate. I don’t get it. What is she up to?”
“I don’t know, Cuz. All I do know is that I need your help.
Connor had met her at his front door. He reached for her hand and pulled her inside then led her into his study.
“Okay, half pint. Lay it on me. What did my big bad cousin do now? It must be pretty bad if you’re heading for a motel.”
Erin gazed at her best friend not wanting to answer this question or any others. She hadn’t wanted to come here. She’d called him when she left the cabin so that someone would know where she was. She knew that Nate would be frantic and she didn’t want to talk to him. She couldn’t talk to him. Not tonight or any time soon. What she’d said in her note was the truth. She couldn’t handle it. Not until she got the sight of Laura in Nate’s arms out of her mind. Right. Like that would happen in this lifetime. Connor had insisted she come to their house. She’d reserved a room at the Motel Six on the edge of town, until she could get an apartment. But she gave in when Connor said he would come over and kidnap her if she wasn’t on their doorstep within fifteen minutes.
She shook her head. “Please, Connor. I don’t want to talk about it. The only reason I came here was because you insisted. But I can’t stay. You need to understand that. I will be going to the motel tonight and—”
“Erin, if Nate hurt you in any way, I need to know that….”
Erin was startled. Seeing Connor’s serious expression she realized that he must think that Nate physically hurt her. Oh God, how could he think that? Because she reminded herself her actions implied that. Dear God, she should never have come here. Nate was upset enough. Why hadn’t she kept their issues between the two of them?
“No, Connor. As I said before, Nate would never hurt me.” Remembering Laura’s arms around his neck and her face buried against his chest she added with a broken sigh, “At least physically.”
Connor tensed. After a moment he broke his silence.
“Talk to me half-pint. You know I love my cousin, but I love you too. And I’m not going to let anything or anyone hurt you.”
Erin practically sneered. “Humph. That’s what Nate said too. Then he and… he and Laura….” She struggled to finish her sentence but the effort was too much, not if she was going to keep from bursting into tears.
“Laura? What does that bitch have to do….” A sound at the doorway interrupted Connor’s incredulous question.
Kaitlin stood in the doorway bouncing Gabriel in her arms.
“Connor, I have a suggestion. How about for once you don’t try to solve everything and let Erin have a little space?”
Connor flushed. Erin knew Kaitlin agreed with Nate’s description of Connor as a wannabe therapist—ConnorfuckingFreud, and even though she loved him dearly, Erin was glad that Kaitlin stepped in. She didn’t want to think about what had happened, much less talk about it.
Kaitlin reached up and kissed Connor’s cheek. “Sometimes we women like a little ‘girl time,’ sweetheart. Besides, Erin hasn’t seen how adorable Gabriel is in his bathtub. How about it, Erin? Want to help me get this little tiger ready for bed?”
Erin gratefully followed Kaitlin as she carried the squirming little baby up the stairs. Passing by a solemn Connor, Erin gave him a quick peck on the cheek and whispered, “I’m okay. Don’t worry about me.”
After Kaitlin bathed and dressed Gabriel in his red and white striped Jr. firefighter pajamas, she settled in a rocking chair to feed him. Erin sat across from Kaitlin watching her nurse Gabriel. It was a sweet sight. The baby’s gurgling slurping sounds made them both laugh.
Kaitlin smiled and stroked the baby’s soft cheek, eliciting a contented sigh. “I swear he is just like his father. He can’t get enough of my boobs.”
Erin laughed but couldn’t squash the wave of sadness that swept over her. She looked down not wanting Kaitlin to think she didn’t appreciate her joke or the baby.
“Do you want to talk about it, Erin? You know you don’t have to if you don’t want to. It’s just that you look… well, girlfriend, you look so sad it makes me want to cry.”
Erin shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut determined not to let the tears burning her eyelids escape. Taking a deep breath she surprised Kaitlin and herself when she blurted, “It’s just that… just that I’d always wanted to have a baby. Maybe several of them.” She saw Kaitlin’s dismay and tried to soften her words. “But, now that I know that isn’t going to happen, I’m grateful that I have this time with you, and Connor, and Gabriel.”
Kaitlin frowned. “What are you talking about, Erin? Nate loves kids and they adore him. God, Connor’s sisters follow him around like he’s the Pied Piper. Goodness, what other police detective do you know that plays ‘Barbies’ with a nine-year-old?”
Erin smiled but demurred. “No, Kait, you don’t understand. Nate doesn’t ever want to get married again.”
Kaitlin gave a dismissive wave of her hand as if flicking off a bothersome mosquito.
“Right. Of course he said that. But that was before he met you, Erin. All men say that until they meet the right woman.”
“No, Kait. Nate’s told me again and again how glad he is that we both had such bad marriages that neither one of us would ever do it again.”
Kaitlin was fierce. “Honey, I know what a terrible marriage Nate had, and Erin, I wouldn’t be surprised if you never wanted to get married after the hideous marriage you had. But girlfriend, you two are so much in love it’s appalling. Good God, the rest of us have to duck just to avoid getting burned by the fireworks between you.”
Erin gave her a watery smile. “You… you don’t understand, Kait. I know it seems that way now, but you know Nate’s track record. You know his reputation. And sure he thinks he’s in love with me now. But how long can that last? Especially when he isn’t willing to commit for the long term. You know as well as I do that there isn’t an unmarried woman in this town that wouldn’t jump at a chance to be with Nate—and probably most of the married women. And, now… now that Laura is free—”
Kaitlin reared up so forcefully that Gabriel cried out. “Erin McFadden! Are you insane? Nate hates that woman. We all do. Good God, Erin, she’s a viper! She caused Nate so much pain. She’s shameless. Did you know that she even propositioned Connor, Nate’s own cousin—and best friend! And the minute Nate went overseas, when she decided she liked money more than fuck buddies, she went after Marcus. Can you imagine that, Erin? Nate’s uncle who helped raise him. All because she found out Marcus was wealthy. Can you imagine anyone being that brazen?”
Erin bit her lip so hard that she tasted blood. A thousand emotions raged through her tortured mind, at the thought of the beautiful, evil woman, but she settled for a despairing shrug.
“Yes, Kaitlin. In answer to your question, I can imagine how brazen she was—and
Kaitlin started to respond but stopped at that sound of heavy footsteps bounding up the staircase. They both turned to see Nate looming in the doorway, glaring at her, a dangerous predatory animal scenting his prey.
Erin gasped. His tall, broad body filled the doorway. Nate pressed his hands against the sides of the doorframe as if to keep from barreling in the room. The muscles in his strong arms and chest rippled with the effort. His harsh midnight blue gaze ate through her pitiful resistance. Even from this distance she could smell his fierceness. His jaw was rigid. A tight smile curled the corners of his sensuous mouth but his eyes blazed with anger not mirth.
He nodded to Kaitlin and glanced at the baby. A genuine smile flickered over his face. “Cute pajamas, Kait.”
His smile died when he turned to Erin. Her heart pounded in her chest. She was sure he could hear it. Contradictory emotions stole her breath. He was so powerful, so compelling. Currents of electricity coursed over her. Her first impulse was to go to him, throw herself in his arms, and bury her crushing pain in his strength.
But her longing turned to anger when he glared at her and shot her a peremptory nod.
“Get your things.”
Erin was stunned, for a moment unable to respond. At his arrogant demand, a powerful ball of fury rose in her gut, dashing any whiff of desire she might have felt. She leapt out of her chair and backed against the wall, her anger exploding.
“Go to hell!”
A genuine grin spread across his handsome face as he advanced on her.
“Hmm, that may be exactly where we do go, darlin’.”
Nodding to Kaitlin who was watching the scene with wide-eyed interest, he drawled, “What do you think, Kaitlin? What should I do with this little spitfire? Should I beat her ass? Isn’t that what you do with runaway little girls or should I tie her to our bed and fuck her for hours until she can’t stand up? Create our own special version of hell?”
Erin’s heart was in her throat. She looked frantically for a place to run but he was on her before she could escape.
Reaching out he swung her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, her head hanging down his back, her butt in the air.
“C’mon, baby. We’re going home.”
Erin shrieked in fury, kicking her feet and pounding him on his back.
“Put me down, Nate. Dammit, put me
. Now!”
Nate laughed and smacked her lightly on her ass, tightening his hold on her thighs, his other hand firmly on her bottom. “Settle down, darlin’. You’ll scare the baby. Say goodnight to Kaitlin and tell her you’ll call in the morning to describe your night in hell.”
Chuckling at her furious shrieks, he bounded down the stairs passing by Connor who was standing in the hallway, leaning against the wall, his lips quirked in a wary smile.
Nate patted her derrière. “Say good night to your boss, Erin. Tell him you may be coming in late tomorrow.”
Erin raised her head and shot Connor a fierce glare and snapped at him, “Traitor!”