Trapped in the Mayan Tattoo (44 page)

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“Large and
In-Charge! I present Mrs. Hightower!”

At that moment,
Mrs. Hightower walked in. Big Sam moved close to her and gave Mrs. Hightower a
great big movie-style kiss.

“Well, it looks
like I arrived just in time!” she said, somewhat flustered. Then she responded
by kissing him back.

Big Sam became
wide-eyed and smiled before he continued, “Yes, and I was saying that, as we
speak, a multijurisdictional task force, that includes the cooperation of the
Mexican government, has quickly moved in on a child exploitation ring and is
currently performing a smart raid in what we believe will be a very successful sting
operation. We are securing extradition for the sex traffickers involved in the
case of the Mexican cantina and will see that the rescued American victims,
some of them children, get restorative services from a network of NGO’s.”

Abbi asked, “What
are NGO’s?”

services providers that are crucial in getting help to these victims so that
they can live happy productive lives,” Big Sam said.

Mrs. Hightower
added more information by saying, “Non-governmental organizations. In several
communities these groups have formed coalitions and can quickly come to the aid
of a victim.”

Then Big Sam spoke
again, “This is critical. Could we please observe a moment of prayer for the success
of this smart raid?”

The room became
silent for a full two minutes before Big Sam said, “Thank you all for the
critical work you provided. And now I want to thank Mrs. Hightower, who was the
mastermind behind all the cooperative efforts.”

“What a quickly
executed plan! It’s enough to give an old lady whiplash! It took everyone
involved, but we did it! The best work of my life, thanks to all of you, and a
special thank-you to Miss Kowalski here! Now, I’m ready to announce that I am retiring!”
Mrs. Hightower said. “I think I’ve earned a little rest! And it’s high time we
pulled my family back together!”

“Hear ye! Hear
ye!” Mr. Pelletier said.

“Thank you, Mother
Dear!” Abbi’s mother said.

There were
murmurings in the room.

“Oh! You didn’t
know? Yes, the feared Mrs. Hightower is my mother,” Abbi’s mother admitted.

“It’s time, yes,
to acknowledge this fact. Besides, I heard it mentioned that some people,
higher-ups, didn’t like that I broke a few rules,” Mrs. Hightower said. She
glanced at the thin man who made a habit of standing quietly in corners, this
time unnoticed by Abbi. “Well, we broke a few eggs, but we made the most
fantastic omelet, didn’t we?”

Abbi nodded and
looked at the thin man. Others agreed. The thin man shifted.

“Better yet, we retrieved
the Missing Shoe and now some people have been caught barefooted! No, we didn’t
follow official protocol, so some people on up the payscale aren’t happy with
me. I’m old enough to retire and I’m doing it!”

“Operation Missing
Shoe, accomplished!” the thin man said, and applauded slowly, just him, getting
everyone’s attention. “I’m not saying you have to, but some of the shenanigans
you pulled will be a blemish on the Bureau. You acted hastily, in a way quite
unlike some of our protocol. Still, only you could have pulled this all
together. And I congratulate you, Mrs. Hightower!”

“Oh, praiseworthy
remarks from the director, indeed! Thank you!” Mrs. Hightower said. “Through
the grace of God, we all did it. And thank you, Mr. Director, for allowing me free
reign to do what I felt needed doing.”

The group
applauded. Someone led a verse of “For She’s the Jolly Old Fella!”

“Before this
marvelous party comes to an end, I have someone I would like to introduce to this
group. Some of you may recognize her from photos you’ve seen,” Mrs. Hightower
said. She opened the door.

Standing there
looking very young was Miss Sobori dressed and made up to look like Maria.

“So nice to see
you,” Miss Sobori said with a noticeable lisp as she entered.

Again, there was

Someone said, “Is
it possible that she is one of our staff?”

“Yes. Not Maria
from the Mexican cantina, but Miss Sobori herself, back from Texas. It is truly
amazing what good teamwork can accomplish!” Mrs. Hightower said.

 “With that,” Big
Sam interjected, “allow me to share a toast!”

Big Sam opened the
bottles of champagne. Mrs. Hightower assisted by pouring glasses and passing
them around to the staff.

When everyone had
a glass of something, the glasses were raised, and Big Sam said, “To the daring
and infamous Miss Shoe, and Miss Kowalski who seems to be following in her
footsteps, to the antics of Miss Sobori, and a unified taskforce that is
unrivaled! Congratulations all of you for your amazing work! And to Mrs.
Hightower, thank you and best wishes on your retirement!”

“Hear ye!” the members
of the crowd said.

After a sip,
Abbi’s mother raised her glass again and spoke, “My deepest appreciation to
each and every one of you, and especially a heartfelt thank you to Miss
Kowalski and her young assistant for the courageous stuntwork that helped bring
about my release.”

“That was pretty
cool, mostly!” Abbi said. “And Louise kept watching out for me and tried to
keep me in check.”

“Not easy to do!”
Louise added.

Several staff
members laughed, Lowell especially.

“Sorry about the
zipline,” Lowell said. “I used new rope.  I’m afraid it was sabotaged and I
think I know how.”

Then Mrs.
Hightower turned to Abbi and told her how much she appreciated her amazing
stunt work. Somehow, Mrs. Hightower had seen it on video.

“Really?” Abbi
asked. “I want to see it! Can we send it to YouTUBE?”

            That got more laughter
than Abbi expected, especially when she turned around and saw Lowell.

“Look here!” he
said. Lowell showed her part of his video from a tree. He showed her an action
shot of her on the zip line. He also pointed out the Bureau’s sniper whose
camouflage effectively hid him from view. Abbi’s mouth dropped open and she
choked on her softdrink.

            “Fantastic, Lowell!”
she said. “I didn’t even know you were there! If I had known you set up the zip
line, I’d have been calling you every bad name in the book! And the sniper
looks scary! I’m glad I didn’t know.”

Then Abbi thought,
Lowell was there videotaping. If Lowell had put up the zip line earlier, that had
to require help. Who helped? Maybe Calista? Calista who had already taken a
contract with NM2. She looked over and Lowell was watching her, just as she
thought. He winced and looked away.

“They definitely wanted
to get to Abbi,” her mother said. “I heard some talk.”

Abbi got up and
left the room. So many emotions were playing inside her. She felt sudden overwhelming
anger at what might have happened and how Lowell had been duped. Tears stung
her eyes.

Miss Shoe abruptly
changed the subject. Abbi could hear her clearly.

“And Miss Sobori,
I would not have known you. You look just like Maria did when I found her! It’s
a definite déjà vu. Has Tina seen you?”

“So far, no, but I’m
stylin’ cause o’ her,” Miss Sobori said, continuing to talk with a lisp. “I’m not
making fun of her. She’s a wonderful girl. I wanted to show you how I had to
work to pull this off.”

The jubilant group
applauded Miss Sobori’s efforts.

Abbi glanced back
and saw Lowell walk over to the door, open the door, close it and then announce
in a booming voice, “We have special guests waiting in the hall.”




Mrs. Hightower
spoke quietly. Abbi needed to dry her eyes. Too many emotions hit her at once.
She went to the back room so that no one would notice her tears but she
strained to hear Mrs. Hightower saying to the staff.

“I believe this is
Tina and her father. Tina’s not ready for prime time and may never be. We
haven’t allowed media interviews and she hasn’t been around large groups of
people, but those service providers Sam mentioned are a blessing. We’re just
now trying to get her health back and get her established in her new home. Tina
is here because she wanted to see you, Miss Shoe. And Miss Sobori, seeing you
is sure to be a surprise for her. I hope she’ll take it well. She has been very
sick and must return to the hospital tonight. So, no questions, please.”

Mrs. Hightower led
Tina, with her newly-tinted red hair, into the room while Tina’s father waited
in the hall. Tina timidly motioned to Miss Shoe to come out to the hallway with

 “You rescued me
and gave me a new life. Thank you,” she said. She reached to shake Miss Shoe’s
hand, but instead Miss Shoe reached out and gave her a huge hug.

 “I’m so happy to
see you! They tell me you’re getting along well.”

“Yeah. People have
been really good to me, mostly. Tell your staff that it’s not only runaways who
get caught up in that awful trap.”

“Yes, that has
become very clear!”

“It’s also nice,
smart girls who have a happy home. You can be fooled into thinking people are your
friends, especially if you’re lonely. After Mom died, I guess I was pretty
lonely. I didn’t know how terrible people could really be to other people. But
just tell Mrs. Hightower and the others that I thank them. I probably wouldn’t
be alive now if you hadn’t come along.”

“I’ll tell them. This
is your father? Officer Benson, happy to meet you. I hope you’re enjoying your
new home.”

“It’s quite
adequate. And I went to the office where I have a new job. This is a good
opportunity! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You put your life on the
line for my daughter and I know there is no way to repay you.”

“Seeing her here
today makes this a great payday! Tina, Miss Sobori is back from Texas and Mrs.
Hightower is also here. Do you feel like coming in to say hello?”

Tina thought for a
moment and looked up at her father who nodded. Tina followed Miss Shoe into the
room. Her father stayed a few steps behind them.

A hush fell over
the room.

The first person
Tina saw was Miss Sobori.

“Oh, precious
mother of Jesus!!!” she said. “You look like me!”

“Isn’t it great?!”
Miss Sobori said as she moved toward Tina. “AND it worked. Gopher won’t hurt
you or any other girl anymore. He is signed, sealed, and delivered into the
hands of the Houston FBI, thanks to your work as my image consultant!”

The instant relief
Tina felt caused her to hug Miss Sobori, and they talked privately for a

“You’ll be glad to
know that there’s also a raid on the cantina. The girls are getting rescued
right now,” Miss Sobori said. “And a bunch of people will help them.”

“Thank God! Thank
you, thank you, thank you!” Tina said through tears of joy.

“Can you stay for
a few minutes?”

“I have to get
back to the hospital soon,” Tina said nervously.

“There’s someone
else you have to meet if you can stay a few minutes longer.”

“Mrs. Hightower?
We’ve met. She’s like my fairy godmother!”

Mrs. Hightower
walked over to greet Tina.

“What a pleasant
surprise that the doctor let you out! I understand it’s only for a few minutes,
but I must say, darling, that you’re looking much healthier already! And your
hair is so cute!”

“Yeah! Thanks. Dad
helped cut it.”

“I believe we have
someone else you might like to meet.”

By this time, Tina
could not imagine who it might be. She had met Miss Shoe, Mrs. Hightower, and
then Miss Sobori. She didn’t know the others. They just looked at her curiously
and it made her feel uneasy, like leaving.

Then Abbi
approached from the back room and their eyes met. It was like she had already
met this girl, but in a dream—a girl with a different name, a different look, a
different story.

For Tina, seeing
Abbi was the same as seeing a younger version of Miss Shoe. Recognition was

“You have an
amazing mother!” Tina said, forgetting her shyness. “How’d you get her back?”

“It was tricky. The
taskforce is highly skilled. And Mom had on Smart Shoes! As long as she had
those shoes on her feet, the team could find her. Getting her out without
anyone getting killed was the tricky part!” Abbi said.

The girls moved
toward each other. Abbi, slowly with her cast. Tina, slowly out of shyness.

“My name is Abbi.”

They stood and
reached out their hands. Tina looked at Mrs. Hightower, then at Miss Shoe, and then
back again at Miss Sobori. Then she smiled at Abbi.

“I’m Tina.”

The time had come
to leave Maria in the past.





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