Trapped Between Two Alphas

BOOK: Trapped Between Two Alphas
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Evernight Publishing




Copyright© 2013 Sam Crescent





Artist: Sour Cherry Designs









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This is a
work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any
resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or
dead, is entirely coincidental.






This is for Evernight for
their constant support. Thank you so much for believing in me. 





Sam Crescent


© 2013






Cynthia Lewis listened to the prognosis with a
sinking heart. She was twenty-three years old with no family and from what the
doctor just said no future. There were still treatments they could work through,
but it required her to stay in the hospital for a prolonged length of time.
She’d been in the hospital since she was eighteen. The only time she’d left for
any length of time was to visit her parents’ grave stones.

“We need to start a course of treatment,
Cynthia. The sooner we get started the better our chances will be,” Dr Martin
said. He started talking about tests and experimenting with certain kinds of

“No,” she said, shaking her head.


Tears filled her eyes as she looked out of the
window. The sun shone down on the hospital grounds. The grass appeared greener
and the flowers a more intense colour than they actually
“I don’t want any more treatment.” She licked her lips feeling her heart throb
inside her chest.

“What do you mean? If we don’t do something you
could die.” In the years she’d been in the hospital she’d gotten close to
Doctor Martin. He was the leading specialist in leukaemia treatment. The
success rate had increased over the years, and he was a good doctor. She was
pleased with his honesty.

“I’m dying anyway. Do you know I can’t remember
a time when I stayed out in the sun? I’ve never even kissed a boy.” She ran her
fingers through her hair feeling the weight of the world on her shoulders. “I
don’t want to spend another second in this hospital fighting for a life I’ve
not even lived.”

Dr Martin removed his glasses and let out a
sigh. “Please, Cynthia, let me do this for you.”

“You have a daughter my age. Would you tell her
to go through with treatments that would make her worse with no guarantee that
they will cure her ,or would you advise her to take whatever time she had left
and live?” she asked.

The man in front of her shook his head in

“I know the answer I’d give, Sir. I appreciate
everything you’ve done for me, but I’m done being in hospitals. Whatever is
left of my life I’m going to go out and live it.” The money she’d received from
the sale of her parents’ house was waiting for her in the bank. She’d organised
to rent a property on the border of two states.

“I can’t convince you to stay?” he asked again.


He let out a sigh. “I’m going to need you to
sign forms, and I want to go through some medication with you.”

She shook her head. “I’ll sign the release
forms. No medication. No more anything. I want to go with whatever time I’ve
got left and live.”

Cynthia knew he disapproved of what she was
doing. She didn’t care. This was her life, and she’d live it however the hell
she pleased.


Kris Hall stared at his opponent and wondered if
he would kill him and leave his body for the scavengers and insects to eat away
at him.

“What are you going to do, Hall? This is my
fucking land, and you’ve got no part of it,” Matt Stewart said, yelling the
words at him.

For the past ten years Kris had done nothing but
defend his land. The house off to the side was partially on his land and
partially on Matt’s land. The difficulty with both men was the fact they were
both alphas to werewolf packs. Never in all of werewolf history had two
individual packs lived so close to one another. Kris was surprised they hadn’t
torn each other apart by now.

“Stay off my land,” Kris said. The growl he’d
been trying to contain worked its way free. The noise set off his pack. They
were all in human form, but at the growl of their alpha some of the men turned
into wolves.

“The woman will be here in a day. We behave
amicably,” Matt said.

In the last ten years Matt and Kris had finally
agreed on one thing. They’d both rented out the house that bordered both of
their properties. The house was far enough away from the local forest life. The
woman renting the space out would never find out about the wolves living on
either side of her.

“I remember the rules. No human finds out the
truth. I can live with it. Can you?” Kris watched his foe tense. They’d been
like this since they were children. Their fathers had found peace with one
another whereas they found more and more excuses to fight. Neither stood a
chance of winning against the other no matter how much they tried. It was like
they were destined to constantly be in competition with each other.

“Just give me a reason to cross the line, Hall.
I swear I’ll put you down.”

The animosity between the two men had occurred
during high-school. Both had a reputation with the ladies, and neither could
resist a challenge. The challenge to bed as many girls by the end of the year
had been thwarted by one woman or at the time one girl. Kris had fallen in love
with her, and in his heart the challenge ended. His life would remain with her.
But Matt had fallen for the same girl. Their battles had started then.

Kris’s father had warned him about mating. When
he met the right woman he wouldn’t be able to look back. When Matt declared the
woman his, Kris simply walked away without looking back. The woman would have
no claim to his heart. Looking back at what happened Kris chuckled.

The moment Matt was done with the woman she’d
moved onto the next man to bed. They’d both been fooled by her. Either way,
there was no trust between them.

“Do whatever you need. We will cross lands and
greet each other for the little human. In the forest we remain sworn enemies,”
Kris said.

On many of their nightly runs Kris and Matt
ended up in some battle or another. There was always a reason to hurt the

He approached the threshold of the line
bordering their lands and shook Matt’s hand. Seconds later Kris pulled away and
turned his back on him in order to make his way back to his own house.

Ignoring the questioning looks from his men, he
went straight to his home. He needed to do something with his hands before he
went over to Matt’s property and did something he’d regret. Pushing all of the
killing thoughts from his mind, he made his way up to his bedroom. The rest of
his pack went about their daily lives. There was a ranch to run. The profit
they earned from the ranch kept them going day to day.

Kris wasn’t there to make a profit. He was there
to keep their secret and the werewolf pack going for as long as possible.

Humans were not supposed to know about their
existence. His father had warned him their secret should be worth dying for.
Humans would never understand, and because of this they killed every human who
discovered the truth.

The problem they faced were the humans who knew
the truth and spent their lives hunting them. Kris had never known what it was
like to be the prey before. They’d scented men hunting in their adjourning
forest. All of the packs were on guard.


Matt watched his enemy leave. His father had
warned about his hate. He couldn’t stop the way he was feeling. The other alpha
had made a mockery of him, and he wouldn’t let it happen again. He may have
taken the woman all those years ago, but he wasn’t going to live constantly
watching his back for the death strike.

“Do you think renting out the property is wise?”
Arnold, his second-in-command, asked.

He shrugged. “The house is always vacant. The
woman on the phone sounded desperate and made the deposit to stay for a month
up front. I keep my word, and I wouldn’t cancel. Besides, it was about time
that house got clean, and I don’t see any of you offering to do it.”

Brushing past his pack Matt made his way to his
own home. His father had built the house with his bare hands. Thinking about
his father always brought a wave of sadness to him. His parents had passed on
because of hunters. He recalled finding their bodies entwined together. Up
until the bitter end his father had tried to protect the woman he loved.

The same incident happened to Kris’s family, but
they’d been away from their property and visiting a family up north when hunters
had shot at them. Matt and Kris were both alone in the world.

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