Training the Dom

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Authors: Christine d'Abo

Tags: #Erotica

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Training the Dom

Christine d’Abo


While Training the Dom is a standalone novel, readers are introduced to Liz and Gareth in the novella
Dom for Sale.


The best thing that ever happened to me was buying Master Gareth at a charity auction four months ago. Since then our relationship has really taken off, except…he won’t have sex with me. He takes me over the edge in every way, but we haven’t gone all the way. Yet.

He’s shown me so much, helped me become a better submissive. But I know he’s still nursing a broken heart. I need to help him get over the past so he can move on with his life.

So for one night I’ll stop being Liz, willing submissive, and turn into Mistress Elizabeth. I plan to show him that letting go of the past will help with his future. A future I can only hope will involve me.


Training the Dom

Christine d’Abo


Chapter One


You know, life seems a lot less complicated when you’re naked on the floor and your hands are tied behind your back. I mean, it’s hard to worry about bills, project reports or that annoying pain-in-the-ass-bitch-faced coworker when you are getting flogged and there isn’t anything you can do about it.

Not that I’d want to.

Fuck that.

Master Gareth is somewhere behind me being extremely quiet. I’m always amazed at how he’s able to do that—be still and calm. I have so much energy inside me, it’s doing it’s damndest to explode from every cell in my body at once. I’ve tried a few times to mimic what he does and says in my day-to-day life, in the hope that some of his stillness would rub off on me. So far, no luck.

“Liz, I can hear you thinking from here.”

I shivered at the sound of his voice. It’s an automatic response after the four months we’ve been seeing each other. Master Gareth speaks, my pussy gets damp and I have to fight the impulse to drop to my knees.

Oh yeah, I figured out the whole submissive thing. I think I’m pretty much a poster child.

The flogger makes a soft hiss as it cuts through the air before hitting my naked back. Shit, that didn’t even hurt. Nothing more than a love tap to get my attention. Okay, okay, I’m focusing.

I could turn my head and catch a peek of him, but that would be going against tonight’s rules. I’m not supposed to look his way until I’ve earned the right. How I do that tends to change from session to session, and no, the bastard never tells me what it is until halfway through. He’s such a tease.

It’s one of the things that I’ve grown to love about him.

Not that I’d tell him that. Holy shit, no way.

My lips have grown dry and I want nothing more than to wet them with my tongue. I won’t though. Not yet. Right now the only thing I need to worry about is concentrating on him.

“Sorry, Sir.”

“What are you thinking about?”

Christ, of course we’re going to have to play the honesty game tonight. “I was wondering how you can always be so still and quiet when I’m ready to run a marathon.”

His chuckle does things to my body that shouldn’t be possible without physical contact. I’m pretty certain I could come simply by listening to him speak. Maybe I could convince him to read one of those erotic books Connie always has. Oh yeah, I would totally be able to sell tickets for that shit.

Actually, no, no tickets. I’ve also come to the conclusion that I’m a wee bit jealous when it comes to Gareth. I was never good at sharing my toys.


I squeezed my eyes shut and hoped I’d be able to resist the temptation to look. “I was also wondering if you’d read to me one night.” No, sexy books wouldn’t work. That would be crossing some weird sort of line he’d established for us. We do scenes, have coffee and occasionally go to movies. But we’re not
. Not really. “Maybe one of the novels you’re teaching your class. I could read to you too. Maybe I could be your naughty student who didn’t do her homework and needs to be punished.”

The light scratch of his nails down my back dragged a surprised gasp from me. Normally I’m ticklish as hell, but when Master Gareth does that to me, laughing is the last thing I want to do.

What I really want is for him to fuck me.

Not that he’s agreed to do that. Yet.

“I’m going to spank your ass now.”

He knows that’s my favorite thing for him to do. I’ve learned that I’m not quite a pain slut, but I do enjoy the burn that comes with a solid slap to the ass. A nice leather belt gets me fired up to the point where I could come with the slightest of touches to my clit. Though, I prefer his hand over anything else. There’s nothing better than knowing the sharp bite of pain also makes his hand sting from the contact. That it heats his skin as much as it does mine.

That maybe, just maybe someday it will drive him mad enough to want to fuck me.

Spend the night with me.

Be with

Master Gareth pulled my ass cheeks apart, kneading the flesh as he exposed my hole. His hot breath cooled the sweat that had collected on my back from the flogging. He’d gone easy on me tonight, even though we’d done over a dozen scenes together and I’m not so new to this any longer. I could always tell that he wanted more, wanted to take and for some reason held back. Fuck, I think I’d been more than clear about my intentions.

I wanted to have sex with him.

His cock in my cunt. Hell, I was at the point where I wanted to get a T-shirt made with that written on it.

Maybe it was worth one more chance.

I wiggled my ass and somehow managed to widen my knees without putting too much pressure on my clamped nipples.

“Please, Sir.”

“Please what?”

“Please, will you fuck me?”

He stilled and his grip tightened on my ass. “Liz—”

“I’ll do whatever you want. Be in any position. Please, Sir, I want you to take me. Fuck me. Push me into the mattress until I can barely breathe.”

He leaned in and pressed his forehead to one of my ass cheeks. I hoped he’d say something, give me some kind of response so I could at the very least argue with him. But no, in typical Gareth fashion he said nothing.

Stubborn, insufferable—

The press of his tongue across my asshole had me moaning in a flash. I’d started getting Brazilians shortly after we’d begun playing and I realized how much he loved licking my pussy and rimming my ass. His tongue was wicked and Master Gareth was a man with few inhibitions. He would lick me anywhere he thought would get a reaction.

Yeah, it’s really hard to stay mad at a man whose goal in life seems to be giving me the best orgasms I’ve ever had.

He reached between my legs and dragged his fingers along the side of my clit, across the smooth skin of my pussy lips. Repeatedly, he stroked and probed without touching where I wanted him to. He loved depriving me of my pleasure as long as he could. The longer he kept me on edge, the better the release was in the end.

“What do you think about getting your clit pierced?”

Oh. Fuck. I’m fairly certain my cunt just gushed at the thought. “Yes.”

“Yeah, I knew you’d enjoy that idea. It would hurt for a few weeks, but the things I could do to you afterward.” He dived back in and licked my ass.

He shifted from rubbing around my clit, to pinching it as he slipped his thumb into my cunt. It had taken me a while to get used to being licked this way, exposed and helpless. With my hands tied I couldn’t do much too either help him, or, God forbid, try to stop him. I was completely at his mercy.

Exactly the way I wanted it.

With each swipe of his tongue, I inched closer to my orgasm. My thighs ached from the angle, my nipples throbbed from the clamps, my ass still burned from the strap and I loved it all. I wanted more.

“Sir. Gareth. Please.”

He bit down on my ass cheek, slapping the other side three times hard. “Get up.”

Shit, I broke rule one.


I’m such an idiot.

“Sorry, Sir.”

Now, I don’t care how easy they make it look in porn movies, getting up with your hands cuffed behind your back when you’re half splayed out on the floor, is
an easy thing to do. Add in the nipple clamps and you have to be damn careful not to roll the wrong way and tug something that shouldn’t be tugged.

I wish I could say that I have it down to a science and that I’m graceful, but in reality I’m sure I’m giving a fairly accurate impression of a beached dolphin trying to squirm her way back into the water. I’ve learned enough to wiggle my knees closer together and use my chin as leverage. Sometimes I have the strength to simply pull my upper body up and end up on my knees. It depends on how long a session we’ve had.

Tonight, I’m rolling onto my side, then my back before I’m able to sit up. Kneeling from there is a bit easier and it gives me the advantage of being able to look at Master Gareth guilt free.

He’d sat down on a stool, his gaze locked on me as I scooted into the expected position. Gareth had come straight from the university to my place, so he hadn’t taken the opportunity to change out of his black dress pants and his navy-blue dress shirt. His black hair was messy, which meant he’d been running his hands through it a dozen times. He only did that when he was stressed or worried about something, a tell I’d picked up on quickly in our time together.

It’s still weird seeing him dressed in anything other than leather when we are doing a scene. I’m sure no matter how many months pass, my first memory of him coming up on the stage of The Tail Whip, offering himself up as part of a charity auction, will be how I expect him to appear.

The top three buttons of his shirt had been undone, revealing the dark chest hair I loved to touch and the strong column of his neck. He’d been sweating too from the exertion of the flogging and spanking, making his skin look richer in texture. His cock was hard and bulged out the front of his pants, a hidden delight.

It was the only reassurance I’d had that he really did want me.

Finally, when I got into the position I knew he wanted me to be in, I lowered my chin to my chest and waited. We’d been working on my training, even if he refused to call it that, and I knew what he expected. Strangely, that knowledge helped quiet my mind. All I needed to do was kneel and wait. He’d tell me what he wanted, or he’d take what he needed. My only task was to listen, react, let him take control and call the shots.

“I can’t do what you want, Liz. Not yet.”

There was something in his voice that drew my attention. He wasn’t looking at me, his gaze locked on the floor. It was the hardest thing in the whole damn world not to say my safeword so he’d be forced to let me go. I wanted nothing more than to pull him into a hug to try to make things better.

Shit, I wasn’t completely certain what was wrong, but I couldn’t stand to see him this way. He was a good man and he deserved to be happy.

I wish he’d let himself be happy…

“That’s okay.” I was surprised how shaky my voice sounded. “I didn’t mean to push you.”

“It’s just—fuck it.” Master Gareth growled. “You’ve been a good girl tonight. What do you want? Tell me one thing.”

This wasn’t the time to have a heart to heart—neither one of us were up for it. Which left me with only one answer.

“I want to suck your cock until you come.”

Okay, so I’d learned not to beat around the bush with him. You can’t blame a girl for being direct.

Master Gareth nodded and stood. Words can’t describe how happy I was to see that his cock hadn’t softened. He was still turned-on and it was my job to make sure he got every bit of pleasure his body could handle.

I opened my mouth before he had taken himself out, which pulled a smile from him. “Greedy.”

I hoped he could tell I was smiling inside my head.

The skin of his crown was soft as he dragged his cock along my bottom lip. “You’ve such a beautiful mouth.”

I let my tongue slip out so I could taste him. The tip was already covered in pre-cum, bitter and wonderful against my taste buds. It was hard not to lean in and suck him, but I didn’t want to ruin things for either of us. Master Gareth had taught me that sex is the same as good food or wine—something to be savored, never rushed. Every moment spent with a lover is precious and shouldn’t be squandered because you never know when you’ll have another chance to be with them.

They could be taken from you in the blink of an eye.

I kept my gaze focused on his face and not on the treat before me. His brown eyes sparkled and his lips had turned up in a soft smile.

“Good girl. You’re waiting and being patient. You should definitely get your treat.”

He began to stroke his shaft, his hand going to the base of his fly, pushing the blood to the tip of his cock. His pants were still mostly in place and I couldn’t see his balls or most of his pubic hair. Having sex with our clothes mostly on was a kink I never knew I’d had before I’d met him. Master Gareth exploited it now that he knew.

I stuck my tongue out and tried to beckon him closer. This time my silent begging worked. He shuffled closer and positioned his shaft in front of my waiting lips.

“Suck me.”

Hell yes!

I closed my eyes, leaned in and swirled my tongue around his head. There was another burst of pre-cum, my warning that he was as turned-on tonight as I was. This was one blowjob that would be short in duration. Not that I knew all of his tells, hell, we haven’t done this that much, but learned to pick up on the warning signs for when a man is about to fill my mouth.

Especially him.

One thing I knew he enjoyed was when I ran my tongue along the under part of his head. That little bundle of nerves was a wonderful target to tease. If I moved my tongue just so…oh yeah. Fuck, I love it when he moans deep and low.

I didn’t want him to come too quickly, so I slowed my pace. I’m not sure when extending his pleasure became so important to me, but it was. I think the more I learned about him, about the type of man Gareth was when he wasn’t busy being a Dom, the more I realized he deserved every bit of happiness he could get.

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